Eligibility & Requirements to Join (2024)

Find out what it takes to serve.

Be part of something greater than yourself while becoming stronger by joining the U.S. Army.

Eligibility & Requirements to Join (1)

Requirements to join the Army.

The requirements to join are different based on how you choose to serve—as an enlisted Soldier or Army Officer. We’re here to help you navigate the requirements, no matter which path you choose.

Enlisted Soldiers

Army Officers

  1. Enlisted

  2. Officer

Perform important day-to-day operations and ensure the success of your unit’s mission. Requirements to join as an enlisted Soldier include:

  • Be between 17 and 35 years old

  • Be medically and physically fit

  • Be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident with a valid Green Card

  • Have a high school diploma or equivalent

  • Earn a minimum score on the Army’s entrance test

Lead missions, make decisions, and ensure the safety of Soldiers under your command. Requirements to join as an Army Officer include:

  • Be at least 17 but under 31 in the year of commissioning as an Officer, or under 27 if you commission from the U.S. Military Academy at West Point

  • Be medically and physically fit

  • Be a U.S. citizen by the time you commission as an Officer

  • Be a college graduate by the time you’re commissioned as an Officer

  • Complete a background check, questionnaire, and interview, and provide the required documentation for a security clearance







What to know about joining the Army.

Make sure you’re prepared to take the next step by considering some of the common questions other Soldiers had before they joined. You can always talk to a recruiterif you have any additional questions.

What to know about joining the Army.

Make sure you’re prepared to take the next step by considering some of the common questions other Soldiers had before they joined. You can always talk to a recruiterif you have any additional questions.







What to know about joining the Army.

Make sure you’re prepared to take the next step by considering some of the common questions other Soldiers had before they joined. You can always talk to a recruiterif you have any additional questions.







What to know about joining the Army.

Make sure you’re prepared to take the next step by considering some of the common questions other Soldiers had before they joined. You can always talk to a recruiterif you have any additional questions.


Can I join the Army if I’m older than the maximum age requirement?

The maximum age to join the Army as an enlisted Soldier is 35, while Officers must accept their commission before age 31. However, the Army can lift some restrictions based on the need for certain roles to be filled. It’s possible to receive an age waiver, especially if you have prior military service. Talk to your recruiter to learn more.

Medical & Physical

Can I join if I have a medical disqualification?

You can still join with a medical disqualification as long as you get a medical waiver, which is issued on a case-by-case basis.

Are there any restrictions around tattoos?

You can have tattoos almost anywhere on your body, with a few exceptions. There are some limits to the size and number of tattoos on highly visible areas like the hands, neck, and behind the ears. Tattoos in the mouth, ears, or on the eyelids are not allowed. It’s possible to get a waiver in some instances. However, tattoos anywhere on your body that are extremist, racist, sexist, or otherwise indecent aren’t allowed, no exceptions. See all tattoo requirements in the hair and appearance guidelines.

Can I still join if I have asthma, poor vision, or poor hearing?

Asthma will only prevent you from joining if you were diagnosed with it after your 13th birthday. Hearing, vision, and asthma qualifications are usually determined by medical exams. You can still request an asthma, vision, or hearing loss waiver if a doctor denies your application.

Can I join if I have ADHD?

Yes. It will only prevent you from joining the Army if you’ve been treated with ADD/ADHD medication within the last year, or if you display obvious signs of the condition.

Will my height or weight prevent me from joining?

Height and weight restrictions vary by age and gender. Check the height and weight chart to see if you’re within the requirements to join.

Men (Ages 17 – 20)

Height: 58 – 80 in.
Weight: 234 lb max

Women (Ages 17 – 20)

Height: 58 – 80 in.
Weight: 119 – 227 lb.

If you enlist to become a Soldier and don’t meet the physical requirements at MEPS, you may be eligible for the fitness track of a program called the Future Soldier Preparatory Course. Over 90 days, Army health and fitness experts will help you meet the required body fat composition before you start Basic Training. Talk to a recruiter about program details and if it’s an option for you.

Are there any physical requirements to join?

For both the enlisted Soldier and commissioned Officer paths, you’ll need to meet the height and weight requirements for your age and gender before joining. A recruiter will work with you after you join to meet the physical requirements of your chosen Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) or Army job.

  • The Army Combat Fitness Test (ACFT) evaluates your physical and mental abilities, starting at Basic Training for enlisted Soldiers and during initial training for those commissioning as Officers
  • Everyone will need to pass the ACFT during training and again several times a year for every year of service. Scores are recorded twice a year for active duty Soldiers in the Army, or once a year for members of the Army Reserve and Army National Guard. The Army will be there to support your growth with resources during every step of the evaluation process to ensure your success

Fitness Requirements


Can I no longer join if I score too low on the ASVAB placement exam?

Yes, the Army understands that some circ*mstances can impact your ability to score well. A waiver can be requested in those situations.

If you want to improve your test score and have a minimum score of 21, the academic track of the Future Soldier Preparatory Course may be an option for you. This 90-day program provides training on all the subjects covered on the ASVAB, as well as opportunities to retake the test. Find out more about the ASVAB entrance test and work with a recruiter to see if this program is right for you.

Entrance Test

Values & Character

If I have a previous felony or a conviction, can I still join?

Generally, felons and those with several convictions can’t join the Army, but waivers are available in some cases. The offenses and moral behavior-related issues that cannot be waived include:

  • If you are under civil restraint, including parole, confinement, or probation
  • If you are subject to civil court conviction or adverse disposition for more than one serious offense, or serious offenses with three or more other offenses (apart from traffic)
  • If you are found trafficking, selling, or distributing narcotics, including marijuana
  • If you have three or more convictions related to driving while intoxicated, drugged, or impaired in the past five years before joining
  • If you are convicted for five or more misdemeanors
  • If you are unable to pass a drug or alcohol test, or if you have current charges pending against you


What is the U.S. citizenship requirement to join the Army?

Although the Army wants people from all different backgrounds and experiences, all candidates must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident with a valid Green Card (officially known as a I-551 Permanent Resident Card).

If you already have a Green Card, serving in the Army can reduce the residency requirement for becoming a U.S. citizen to as little as one day instead of five years. The naturalization process for citizenship can begin as soon as your first day of Basic Training.

Working With a Recruiter


What can I do if I don’t meet the eligibility requirements to join?

The Army has a waiver process that you can take advantage of to prove you overcame a disqualifying issue that would otherwise prevent you from joining the Army. After submitting a waiver, a review takes place to make sure you can join. If your waiver is denied, you can also look into pursuing a civilian career within the Army.

Army Civilians

Height & Weight Requirement Chart


Height in Inches Minimum Weight in Pounds Maximum Weight in Pounds: Ages 17 – 20 Maximum Weight in Pounds: Ages 21 – 27 Maximum Weight in Pounds: Ages 28 – 39 Maximum Weight in Pounds: Ages 40+

Height in Inches Minimum Weight in Pounds Maximum Weight in Pounds: Ages 17 – 20 Maximum Weight in Pounds: Ages 21 – 27 Maximum Weight in Pounds: Ages 28 – 39 Maximum Weight in Pounds: Ages 40+


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Eligibility & Requirements to Join (2)


Steps to Join

Fitness Requirements


Find out more about becoming a Soldier and if a career in the Army is right for you.

Two Army Paratroopers looking out of a flying helicopter over a desert

Eligibility & Requirements to Join (2024)


What makes you qualified to join our team answer? ›

Identify key aspects of their culture and goals, and then reflect on how your skills, experiences, and personal values match. Articulate specific examples that demonstrate how your qualifications will help you contribute to their mission and support their values in action.

How do you answer job requirements? ›

Some key tips for responding to job requirements
  • Respond to the criteria with actual, specific examples of what you have done and how well you did it.
  • For each example, mention what happened as a result of your actions.
  • Keep your answers focused and clearly written.
Jul 1, 2016

Why do you see yourself eligible and qualified to join? ›

Here are some possible answers: Highlight your relevant experience: "I believe my previous experience in relevant position (or industry) has prepared me well for this position. I have worked on similar projects before and understand the challenges and requirements of this field."

What makes you eligible for this position? ›

When answering this interview question, focus on the skills and qualities you possess that most closely align with the needs and requirements of the role. For example: Hard or soft skills, like software expertise or excellent customer service skills. Qualities like dedication, determination and perseverance.

What is your qualification answer example? ›

Sample answer: “I did an internship at XYZ Company while getting my bachelor's degree in business administration. After graduation, I was offered a job there and gradually worked up to my current position as Key Account Manager.

Why do you want to join the best answer? ›

"I'm drawn to this job because of the opportunity for growth and advancement. I'm eager to learn new skills and take on new challenges, and I see this role as a perfect fit for my career goals." "I'm excited about the company's mission and values, and I believe in the work that you do.

What is a good answer to salary requirements? ›

Phrase your answer by citing, briefly, the points you think are salient to compensation expectations. Even better if you can frame it in a positive manner. For example: "Given the responsibilities of the position and the number of people I'd be managing, I think $XX is a fair figure.

How do you answer job qualifications? ›

Follow these tips when describing what skills you can bring to the company you're interviewing with to join:
  1. Research the company before your interview. ...
  2. Show them what makes you unique. ...
  3. Focus on key requirements for the job. ...
  4. Keep your answer concise. ...
  5. Know what traits employers look for.
Mar 10, 2023

How do you answer what best qualifies you for this position? ›

Before going to a job application , prepare for questions about why you're the best match for the job by following these steps:
  1. Learn about their ideal candidate. ...
  2. Discuss your unique traits. ...
  3. Explain how you apply your qualifications. ...
  4. Describe outcomes in past roles. ...
  5. Make a positive comparison.
Jul 12, 2023

Why do you meet the requirements for this job example? ›

💡 Example answer

My skill set matches all the requirements laid out in the job description. In particular, my ability to work to tight deadlines and manage my time effectively make me a good fit for the role.

How do you say you meet the job requirements? ›

Choose examples from your life
  • Give specific examples and evidence – don't generalise.
  • Think of evidence that you can quantify: how much, how many, how often.
  • Vary your use of examples, and draw from different areas of your life.
  • Don't forget to include weekend, part-time or holiday jobs.

Why am I a good fit for this job? ›

Highlight how well you would fit into their company by talking about how much you love working in your field or industry. Your determination for growth. Mention how the job aligns with your career goals and how you see yourself contributing to the company and growing in the field.

How do you answer are you eligible to work in the US? ›

Are you authorized to work in the U.S.? Answer: YES, if you have employment authorization. If you are eligible and will be applying for authorization such as CPT or OPT, you may answer yes but should provide supplemental information.

Why should we hire you sample answer? ›

“I should be hired for this role because of my relevant skills, experience, and passion for the industry. I've researched the company and can add value to its growth. My positive attitude, work ethics, and long-term goals align with the job requirements, making me a committed and valuable asset to the company.”

What is summary of qualifications examples? ›

Example 6: Summary of Qualifications

Outstanding customer service, communication, and interpersonal skills. Highly adept at assisting coworkers and customers utilizing best practices. Detail oriented, strong organizational skills with ability to carry out tasks with minimal ● supervision.

How do you answer what makes you qualified? ›

Tips for answering "What makes you a good candidate?"
  1. Give concrete examples. When possible, give concrete examples of your skills to demonstrate how you'll bring value to the company.
  2. Tie your response to company goals. ...
  3. Focus on yourself. ...
  4. Speak confidently. ...
  5. Be honest. ...
  6. Don't forget to ask questions.
Apr 8, 2024

What makes you want to join the team? ›

Express your eagerness to learn and grow within the company. Talk about the company's mission, culture, and values that resonate with your interests. Mention how your transferable skills and personal qualities can contribute to the team, and how the role aligns with your long-term career ambitions.

What makes you a good fit for our team answer? ›

“I believe I'm the best fit for this job because of the skills and expertise I've gained in [FIELD/INDUSTRY] over the past [NUMBER] years. I think my solid foundation of skills coupled with my passion for learning and innovating, can help me thrive in this role and benefit [COMPANY NAME] at the same time.

What makes you a good team member sample answer? ›

"I have served as both a team leader and a team contributor, so I'm extremely comfortable working in a team environment. Regardless of the role I'm put in, I utilize my reliability, communication skills, positive attitude and outgoing personality so that I can become a key contributor."

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Author: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

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Author information

Name: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

Birthday: 2001-08-13

Address: 96487 Kris Cliff, Teresiafurt, WI 95201

Phone: +9418513585781

Job: Senior Designer

Hobby: Calligraphy, Rowing, Vacation, Geocaching, Web surfing, Electronics, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Benton Quitzon, I am a comfortable, charming, thankful, happy, adventurous, handsome, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.