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ENZYMOLOGY Guide to Protein Purification, 2nd Edition


JOHN N. ABELSON AND MELVIN I. SIMON Division of Biology California Institute of Technology Pasadena, California, USA Founding Editors





ENZYMOLOGY Guide to Protein Purification, 2nd Edition EDITED BY

RICHARD R. BURGESS McArdle Laboratory for Cancer Research University of Wisconsin-Madison Madison, Wisconsin, USA

MURRAY P. DEUTSCHER Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology University of Miami School of Medicine Miami, FL, USA


Academic Press is an imprint of Elsevier 525 B Street, Suite 1900, San Diego, CA 92101-4495, USA 30 Corporate Drive, Suite 400, Burlington, MA 01803, USA 32 Jamestown Road, London NW1 7BY, UK First edition 1990 Second edition 2009 Copyright # 2009, Elsevier Inc. All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior written permission of the publisher Permissions may be sought directly from Elsevier’s Science & Technology Rights Department in Oxford, UK: phone (+44) (0) 1865 843830; fax (+44) (0) 1865 853333; email: permissions@ Alternatively you can submit your request online by visiting the Elsevier web site at, and selecting Obtaining permission to use Elsevier material Notice No responsibility is assumed by the publisher for any injury and/or damage to persons or property as a matter of products liability, negligence or otherwise, or from any use or operation of any methods, products, instructions or ideas contained in the material herein. Because of rapid advances in the medical sciences, in particular, independent verification of diagnoses and drug dosages should be made For information on all Academic Press publications visit our website at ISBN: 978-0-12-374536-1 (hardback) ISBN: 978-0-12-374978-9 (paperback) ISSN: 0076-6879 Printed and bound in United States of America 09 10 11 12 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2


Contributors Preface Volumes in Series

1. Why Purify Enzymes?

xix xxv xxvii


Arthur Kornberg (with preface by Murray Deutscher)

Section I. Developing Purification Procedures 2. Strategies and Considerations for Protein Purifications

7 9

Stuart Linn 1. General Considerations 2. Source of the Protein 3. Preparing Extracts 4. Bulk or Batch Procedures for Purification 5. Refined Procedures for Purification 6. Conclusions References

3. Use of Bioinformatics in Planning a Protein Purification

10 15 16 17 18 19 19


Richard R. Burgess 1. What You Can Learn from an Amino Acid Sequence 2. What You Cannot yet Predict 3. Conclusion References

4. Preparing a Purification Summary Table

22 25 26 27


Richard R. Burgess 1. Introduction 2. The Importance of Footnotes 3. The Value of an SDS–Polyacrylamide Gel Analysis on Main Protein Fractions 4. Some Common Mistakes and Problems

29 32 32 32




Section II. General Methods for Handling Proteins and Enzymes 5. Setting Up a Laboratory

35 37

Murray P. Deutscher 1. Supporting Materials 2. Detection and Assay Requirements 3. Fractionation Requirements

6. Buffers: Principles and Practice

38 39 40


Vincent S. Stoll and John S. Blanchard 1. Introduction 2. Theory 3. Buffer Selection 4. Buffer Preparation 5. Volatile Buffers 6. Broad-Range Buffers 7. Recipes for Buffer Stock Solutions References

7. Measurement of Enzyme Activity

43 44 45 48 49 50 50 56


T. K. Harris and M. M. Keshwani 1. Introduction 2. Principles of Catalytic Activity 3. Measurement of Enzyme Activity 4. Formulation of Reaction Assay Mixtures 5. Discussion Acknowledgments References

8. Quantitation of Protein

58 58 64 69 71 71 71


James E. Noble and Marc J. A. Bailey 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Introduction General Instructions for Reagent Preparation Ultraviolet Absorption Spectroscopy Dye-Based Protein Assays Coomassie Blue (Bradford) Protein Assay (Range: 1–50 mg) Lowry (Alkaline Copper Reduction Assays) (Range: 5–100 mg) Bicinchoninic Acid (BCA) (Range: 0.2–50 mg) Amine Derivatization (Range: 0.05–25 mg)

74 75 80 83 85 86 88 89



9. Detergent-Based Fluorescent Detection (Range: 0.02–2 mg) 10. General Instructions Acknowledgment References

9. Concentration of Proteins and Removal of Solutes

91 91 94 94


David R. H. Evans, Jonathan K. Romero, and Matthew Westoby 1. Chromatography 2. Electrophoresis 3. Dialysis 4. Ultrafiltration 5. Lyophilization 6. Precipitation 7. Crystallization References

10. Maintaining Protein Stability

98 103 104 107 113 116 118 118


Murray P. Deutscher 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Causes of Protein Inactivation General Handling Procedures Concentration and Solvent Conditions Stability Trials and Storage Conditions Proteolysis and Protease Inhibitors Loss of Activity

Section III. Recombinant Protein Expression and Purification 11. Selecting an Appropriate Method for Expressing a Recombinant Protein

121 122 122 123 124 125

129 131

William H. Brondyk 1. Introduction 2. Escherichia coli 3. Pichia pastoris 4. Baculovirus/Insect Cells 5. Mammalian Cells 6. Protein Characteristics 7. Recombinant Protein Applications 8. Conclusion References

132 133 135 136 138 139 143 144 144



12. Bacterial Systems for Production of Heterologous Proteins


Sarah Zerbs, Ashley M. Frank, and Frank R. Collart 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

Introduction Heterologous Protein Production Using Escherichia coli Planning a Bacterial Expression Project Evaluation of Project Requirements Target Analysis Cloning Preparation of T4 DNA Polymerase-Treated DNA Fragments Expression in the E. coli Cytoplasm Expression of Cytoplasmic Targets in E. coli Analysis of Heterologous Protein Expression in E. coli Small-Scale Expression Cultures in Autoinduction Media Protocol 12. Periplasmic Expression of Proteins 13. Expression of Periplasmic Targets in E. coli 14. Small-Scale Osmotic Shock Protocol 15. Alternative Bacterial Systems for Heterologous Protein Production 16. Alternative Vector and Induction Conditions 17. Production Scale Acknowledgment References

13. Expression in the Yeast Pichia pastoris

150 150 151 152 152 153 155 156 157 157 160 160 161 162 164 165 166 166 166


James M. Cregg, Ilya Tolstorukov, Anasua Kusari, Jay Sunga, Knut Madden, and Thomas Chappell 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Introduction Other Fungal Expression Systems Culture Media and Microbial Manipulation Techniques Genetic Strain Construction Gene Preparation and Vector Selection Transformation by Electroporation DNA Preparation Examination of Strains for Recombinant Protein Production 9. Assay Development—The Yeastern Blot 10. Posttranslational Modification of the Recombinant Protein (Proteinases and Glycosylation) 11. Selection for Multiple Copies of an Expression Cassette References

170 170 171 172 174 176 176 178 182 184 185 187


14. Baculovirus–Insect Cell Expression Systems



Donald L. Jarvis 1. Introduction 2. A Brief Overview of Baculovirus Biology and Molecular Biology 3. Baculovirus Expression Vectors 4. Baculovirus Expression Vector Technology—The Early Years 5. Baculovirus Expression Vector Technology—Improved 6. Baculovirus Transfer Plasmid Modifications 7. Parental Baculovirus Genome Modifications 8. The Other Half of the Baculovirus–Insect Cell System 9. A New Generation of Insect Cell Hosts for Baculovirus Expression Vectors 10. Basic Baculovirus Protocols References

15. Recombinant Protein Production by Transient Gene Transfer into Mammalian Cells

192 193 195 196 198 198 200 210 212 214 218


Sabine Geisse and Cornelia Fux 1. Introduction 2. HEK293 and CHO Cell Lines Commonly Used in TGE Approaches 3. Expression Vectors for HEK293 and CHO Cells 4. Cultivation of HEK293 Cells and CHO Cell Lines in Suspension 5. Transfection Methods 6. Conclusions Acknowledgments References

16. Tagging for Protein Expression

224 224 226 228 228 234 234 235


Arun Malhotra 1. Introduction 2. Some Considerations When Designing a Tagged Protein 3. Protein Affinity Tags 4. Solubility Tags 5. Removal of Tags 6. Conclusions Acknowledgment References

240 241 245 249 251 253 254 254



17. Refolding Solubilized Inclusion Body Proteins


Richard R. Burgess 1. Introduction 2. General Refolding Consideration 3. General Procedures 4. General Protocol 5. Comments on this General Procedure 6. Performing a Protein Refolding Test Screen 7. Other Refolding Procedures 8. Refolding Database: Refold 9. Strategies to Increase Proportion of Soluble Protein 10. Conclusion References

Section IV. Preparation of Extracts and Subcellular Fractionation 18. Advances in Preparation of Biological Extracts for Protein Purification

260 262 262 263 264 271 275 277 277 279 279

283 285

Anthony C. Grabski 1. Introduction 2. Chemical and Enzymatic Cell Disruption 3. Mechanical Cell Disruption 4. Concluding Remarks 5. Procedures, Reagents, and Tips for Cell Disruption References

19. Isolation of Subcellular Organelles and Structures

286 287 290 293 293 301


¨rg von Hagen Uwe Michelsen and Jo 1. Introduction 2. Extraction and Prefractionation of Subproteomes References

Section V. Purification Procedures: Bulk Methods 20. Protein Precipitation Techniques

306 308 327

329 331

Richard R. Burgess 1. Introduction 2. Ammonium Sulfate Precipitation 3. Polyethyleneimine Precipitation

332 332 337


4. Other Methods 5. General Procedures When Fractionating Proteins by Precipitation References

21. Affi-Gel Blue for Nucleic Acid Removal and Early Enrichment of Nucleotide Binding Proteins


341 341 342


Murray P. Deutscher 1. A Representative Protocol Reference

Section VI. Purification Procedures: Chromatographic Methods 22. Ion-Exchange Chromatography

344 345

347 349

Alois Jungbauer and Rainer Hahn 1. Introduction 2. Principle 3. Stationary Phases 4. Binding Conditions 5. Elution Conditions 6. Operation of Ion-Exchange Columns 7. Example: Separation of Complex Protein Mixture 8. Example: High-Resolution Separation with a Monolithic Column References

23. Gel Filtration

349 351 353 355 361 363 366 367 370


Earle Stellwagen 1. Principle 2. Practice

24. Protein Chromatography on Hydroxyapatite Columns

373 374


Larry J. Cummings, Mark A. Snyder, and Kimberly Brisack 1. Introduction 2. Mechanisms 3. Chemical Characteristics 4. Purification Protocol Development 5. Packing Laboratory-Scale Columns 6. Process-Scale Column Packing 7. Applications References

388 389 392 396 397 399 401 402



25. Theory and Use of Hydrophobic Interaction Chromatography in Protein Purification Applications


Justin T. McCue 1. Theory 2. Latest Technology in HIC Adsorbents 3. Procedures for Use of HIC Adsorbents References

Section VII. Purification Procedures: Affinity Methods 26. Affinity Chromatography: General Methods

406 408 409 413

415 417

Marjeta Urh, Dan Simpson, and Kate Zhao 1. Introduction 2. Selection of Affinity Matrix 3. Selection of Ligands 4. Attachment Chemistry 5. Purification Method References

27. Immobilized-Metal Affinity Chromatography (IMAC): A Review

418 419 423 429 433 435


Helena Block, Barbara Maertens, Anne Spriestersbach, Nicole Brinker, ¨rg Labahn, and Frank Scha¨fer Jan Kubicek, Roland Fabis, Jo 1. Overview on IMAC Ligands and Immobilized Ions 2. IMAC Applications 3. Conclusions Acknowledgments References

28. Identification, Production, and Use of Polyol-Responsive Monoclonal Antibodies for Immunoaffinity Chromatography

440 444 467 468 468


Nancy E. Thompson, Katherine M. Foley, Elizabeth S. Stalder, and Richard R. Burgess 1. Introduction 2. Polyol-Responsive Monoclonal Antibodies 3. Conclusions Disclosure References

476 477 492 493 493


Section VIII. Purification Procedures: Electrophoretic Methods 29. One-Dimensional Gel Electrophoresis


495 497

David E. Garfin 1. Background 2. Polyacrylamide Gels 3. Principle of Method 4. Procedure 5. Detection of Proteins in Gels 6. Marker Proteins 7. Molecular Weight Determination 8. Preparative Electrophoresis References

30. Isoelectric Focusing and Two-Dimensional Gel Electrophoresis

498 500 501 502 508 510 511 511 513


David B. Friedman, Sjouke Hoving, and Reiner Westermeier 1. Introduction 2. Materials 3. Methods References

31. Protein Gel Staining Methods: An Introduction and Overview

516 527 528 538


Thomas H. Steinberg 1. Introduction 2. General Considerations 3. Instrumentation: Detection and Documentation 4. Total Protein Detection 5. Phosphoprotein Detection 6. Glycoprotein Detection References

32. Elution of Proteins from Gels

542 543 545 545 556 557 559


Richard R. Burgess 1. Introduction 2. Elution of Proteins from Gels by Diffusion 3. Replacing the SDS Gel with a Reverse Phase HPLC 4. Electrophoretic Elution 5. Conclusion References

565 566 570 570 571 571



33. Performing and Optimizing Western Blots with an Emphasis on Chemiluminescent Detection


Alice Alegria-Schaffer, Andrew Lodge, and Krishna Vattem 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Western Blotting Types of Western Blots Detection Methods The Chemiluminescence Signal Common Problems and their Explanations Blotting and Optimization Protocols using Chemiluminescent Substrates References

Section IX. Purification Procedures: Membrane Proteins and Glycoproteins 34. Detergents: An Overview

574 575 579 583 588 593 598

601 603

Dirk Linke 1. 2. 3. 4.

Introduction Detergent Structure Properties of Detergents in Solution Exploiting the Physicochemical Parameters of Detergents for Membrane Protein Purification 5. Detergent Removal and Detergent Exchange 6. Choosing the Right Detergent 7. Conclusions Acknowledgments References

35. Purification of Membrane Proteins

604 604 605 612 613 613 615 616 616


Sue-Hwa Lin and Guido Guidotti 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Introduction Preparation of Membranes Solubilization of Native Membrane Proteins Purification of Membrane Proteins Detergent Removal and Detergent Exchange Expression and Purification of Recombinant Integral Membrane Proteins References

619 620 622 625 628 628 629


36. Purification of Recombinant G-Protein-Coupled Receptors



Reinhard Grisshammer 1. 2. 3. 4.

Introduction Solubilization: General Considerations Purification: General Considerations Solubilization and Purification of a Recombinant Neurotensin Receptor NTS1 5. Analysis of Purified NTS1 6. Conclusions Acknowledgments References

37. Cell-Free Translation of Integral Membrane Proteins into Unilamelar Liposomes

632 633 634 637 641 642 642 642


Michael A. Goren, Akira Nozawa, Shin-ichi Makino, Russell L. Wrobel, and Brian G. Fox 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

Introduction Overview of Cell-Free Translation Expression Vectors Gene Cloning PCR Product Cleanup Flexi Vector and PCR Product Digestion Reaction Ligation Reaction Transformation Reaction Purification of Plasmid DNA Preparation of mRNA Preparation of Liposomes Wheat Germ Translation Reaction Purification by Density Gradient Ultracentrifugation 14. Characterization of Proteoliposomes 15. Considerations for Scale-Up 16. Isotopic Labeling for Structural Studies 17. Conclusions Acknowledgments References

648 650 651 652 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 665 667 669 669 670 670 670



Section X. Characterization of Purified Proteins 38. Determination of Protein Purity

675 677

David G. Rhodes and Thomas M. Laue 1. Composition-Based and Activity-Based Analyses 2. Electrophoretic Methods 3. Chromatographic Methods 4. Sedimentation Velocity Methods 5. Mass Spectrometry Methods 6. Light Scattering Methods References

39. Determination of Size, Molecular Weight, and Presence of Subunits

680 681 685 687 687 688 689


David G. Rhodes, Robert E. Bossio, and Thomas M. Laue 1. Introduction 2. Chemical Methods 3. Transport Methods 4. Scattering Methods 5. Presence of Subunits References

40. Identification and Quantification of Protein Posttranslational Modifications

692 695 698 716 719 721


Adam R. Farley and Andrew J. Link 1. Introduction 2. Enrichment Techniques for Identifying PTMs 3. Nitrosative Protein Modifications 4. Methylation and Acetylation 5. Mass Spectrometry Analysis 6. CID versus ECD versus ETD 7. Quantifying PTMs 8. Future Directions Acknowledgments References

726 731 740 741 744 747 750 756 758 758


Section XI. Additional Techniques 41. Parallel Methods for Expression and Purification


765 767

Scott A. Lesley 1. Introduction 2. Strategies Based on End-Use 3. Parallel Cloning Strategies for Creating Expression Constructs 4. Small-Scale Expression Screening to Identify Suitable Constructs 5. Analytical Testing of Proteins for Selection 6. Large-Scale Parallel Expression 7. Conclusion Acknowledgments References

42. Techniques to Isolate O2-Sensitive Proteins: [4FE–4S]-FNR as an Example

767 768 771 774 778 780 783 783 784


Aixin Yan and Patricia J. Kiley 1. Introduction 2. Anaerobic Isolation of 4FE-FNR 3. Characterization of [4FE–4S]2þ Cluster Containing FNR 4. Summary References

Section XII. Concluding Remarks 43. Rethinking Your Purification Procedure

788 790 799 803 803

807 809

Murray P. Deutscher 1. Introduction

44. Important but Little Known (or Forgotten) Artifacts in Protein Biochemistry



Richard R. Burgess 1. Introduction 2. SDS Gel Electrophoresis Sample Preparation 3. Buffers 4. Chromatography 5. Protein Absorption During Filtration 6. Chemical Leaching from Plasticware 7. Cyanate in Urea References Author Index Subject Index

814 814 816 817 818 819 819 820 821 835


Alice Alegria-Schaffer Thermo Fisher Scientific, Pierce Protein Research, Rockford, Illinois, USA Marc J. A. Bailey Nokia Research Centre - Eurolab, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom John S. Blanchard Department of Biochemistry, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, New York Helena Block QIAGEN GmbH, Qiagen Strasse 1, Hilden, Germany Robert E. Bossio Department of Chemistry, University of Michigan–Dearborn, Dearborn, Michigan, USA Nicole Brinker QIAGEN GmbH, Qiagen Strasse 1, Hilden, Germany Kimberly Brisack Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc., Hercules, California, USA William H. Brondyk Genzyme Corporation, Framingham, Massachusetts, USA Richard R. Burgess McArdle Laboratory for Cancer Research, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin, USA Thomas Chappell Biogrammatics, Inc., Carlsbad, California, USA Frank R. Collart Biosciences Division, Argonne National Laboratory, Lemont, Illinois, USA James M. Cregg Keck Graduate Institute of Applied Life Sciences, Claremont, California, USA, and Biogrammatics, Inc., Carlsbad, California, USA




Larry J. Cummings Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc., Hercules, California, USA Murray P. Deutscher Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Miami School of Medicine, Miami, Florida, USA David R. H. Evans Process Biochemistry, Biopharmaceutical Development, Biogen Idec. Inc., Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA Roland Fabis QIAGEN GmbH, Qiagen Strasse 1, Hilden, Germany Adam R. Farley Department of Biochemistry, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Nashville, Tennessee, USA Katherine M. Foley McArdle Laboratory for Cancer Research, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin, USA Brian G. Fox Department of Biochemistry, Dr. Brian Fox Lab, University of WisconsinMadison, Madison, Wisconsin, USA Ashley M. Frank Biosciences Division, Argonne National Laboratory, Lemont, Illinois, USA David B. Friedman Proteomics Laboratory, Mass Spectrometry Research Center, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee, USA Cornelia Fux Novartis Pharma AG, Department of NBx/PSD: Scale up, Basel, Switzerland David E. Garfin Chemical Division, Research Products Incorporated, Richmond, California




Sabine Geisse Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Research, Department of NBC/PPA, Basel, Switzerland Michael A. Goren Department of Biochemistry, Dr. Brian Fox Lab, University of WisconsinMadison, Madison, Wisconsin, USA



Anthony C. Grabski Department of Research and Development, Semba Biosciences, Inc., Madison, Wisconsin, USA Reinhard Grisshammer Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, Rockville, Maryland, USA Guido Guidotti Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA Rainer Hahn Department of Biotechnology, University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria T. K. Harris Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Miller School of Medicine, University of Miami, Miami, Florida, USA Sjouke Hoving Novartis Institutes of BioMedical Research, Basel, Switzerland Donald L. Jarvis Department of Molecular Biology, University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyoming, USA Alois Jungbauer Department of Biotechnology, University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria M. M. Keshwani Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Miller School of Medicine, University of Miami, Miami, Florida, USA Patricia J. Kiley Department of Biomolecular Chemistry, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, USA Jan Kubicek QIAGEN GmbH, Qiagen Strasse 1, Hilden, Germany Anasua Kusari Keck Graduate Institute of Applied Life Sciences, Claremont, California, USA ¨rg Labahn Jo Institute of Structural Biology (IBI-2), Research Center Ju¨lich, Ju¨lich, Germany



Thomas M. Laue Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of New Hampshire, Durham, New Hampshire, USA Scott A. Lesley Genomics Institute of the Novartis Research Foundation, San Diego, California, USA Sue-Hwa Lin Department of Molecular Pathology, University of Texas, Houston, Texas, USA Andrew J. Link Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Nashville, Tennessee, USA Dirk Linke Department I, Protein Evolution, Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology, Tu¨bingen, Germany Stuart Linn Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology, University of California, Berkeley, California, USA Andrew Lodge Thermo Fisher Scientific, Pierce Protein Research, Rockford, Illinois, USA Knut Madden Biogrammatics, Inc., Carlsbad, California, USA Barbara Maertens QIAGEN GmbH, Qiagen Strasse 1, Hilden, Germany Shin-ichi Makino Department of Biochemistry, Dr. Brian Fox Lab, University of WisconsinMadison, Madison, Wisconsin, USA Arun Malhotra Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, Miami, Florida, USA Justin T. McCue Biogen Idec Corporation, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA Uwe Michelsen Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany James E. Noble Analytical Science, National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, Middlesex, United Kingdom



Akira Nozawa Department of Biochemistry, Dr. Brian Fox Lab, University of WisconsinMadison, Madison, Wisconsin, USA David G. Rhodes Lipophilia Consulting, Storrs, Connecticut, USA Jonathan K. Romero Process Biochemistry, Biopharmaceutical Development, Biogen Idec. Inc., Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA ¨fer Frank Scha QIAGEN GmbH, Qiagen Strasse 1, Hilden, Germany Dan Simpson Promega Corporation, Madison, Wisconsin, USA Mark A. Snyder Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc., Hercules, California, USA Anne Spriestersbach QIAGEN GmbH, Qiagen Strasse 1, Hilden, Germany Elizabeth S. Stalder McArdle Laboratory for Cancer Research, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin, USA Thomas H. Steinberg McArdle Laboratory for Cancer Research, University of Wisconsin–Madison, Madison, Wisconsin, USA Earle Stellwagen Department of Biochemistry, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa Vincent S. Stoll Department of Biochemistry, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, New York Jay Sunga Keck Graduate Institute of Applied Life Sciences, Claremont, California, USA Nancy E. Thompson McArdle Laboratory for Cancer Research, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin, USA Ilya Tolstorukov Keck Graduate Institute of Applied Life Sciences, Claremont, California, USA, and Biogrammatics, Inc., Carlsbad, California, USA Marjeta Urh Promega Corporation, Madison, Wisconsin, USA



Krishna Vattem Thermo Fisher Scientific, Pierce Protein Research, Rockford, Illinois, USA ¨rg von Hagen Jo Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany Reiner Westermeier Gelcompany GmbH, Paul-Ehrlich-Strasse, Tu¨bingen, Germany Matthew Westoby Process Biochemistry, Biopharmaceutical Development, Biogen Idec. Inc., San Diego, California, USA Russell L. Wrobel Department of Biochemistry, Dr. Brian Fox Lab, University of WisconsinMadison, Madison, Wisconsin, USA Aixin Yan School of Biological Sciences, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR Sarah Zerbs Biosciences Division, Argonne National Laboratory, Lemont, Illinois, USA Kate Zhao Promega Corporation, Madison, Wisconsin, USA


Protein biochemistry continues to be an essential part of modern biological research. With the huge increase in genome sequencing, the sequences of most studied organisms are available, facilitating gene cloning, protein production, and the study of protein properties, structure, and function. Tremendous advances in heterologous expression of recombinant proteins have greatly increased our ability to produce proteins of interest. However, a protein must still be purified and characterized. This is particularly important if the gene is unknown. Much has happened since the First Edition of the Guide to Protein Purification (Methods in Enzymology, Volume 182) was published in 1990. Major changes have occurred, including the explosion of genomics and proteomics, high-throughput expression/purification for the Protein Structure Initiative, protein target-based high throughput screening of chemicals to find new pharmaceuticals, a growing need to express and purify membrane proteins, the use of purification and solubilization tags, the systematic testing of refolding conditions to facilitate and optimize protein refolding, mass spectrometry analysis of post-translational modifications, and expression of recombinant proteins in non-bacterial hosts. These changes have necessitated significant advances in techniques, materials, reagents and equipment. In the Second Edition of the Guide to Protein Purification, we have tried to identify the areas of greatest change in the last 20 years and to present authoritative reviews and methods that reflect the current best practice in each area of protein purification. First and foremost, we wanted these chapters to be educational and highly useful to the reader, and included typical best use protocols, cautions, technical tips, and limitations. While many of the chapters are by experts in academia, a significant number are by experts in certain areas in the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industry. We feel that high-level scientists in companies that use, develop, sell, or provide technical support for products in technical areas are particularly valuable in writing such chapters. We have encouraged such chapters and tried to ensure that they are even-handed and not focused entirely on the products of a particular company. This Guide is a self-contained volume covering all the important procedures for purifying proteins as well as the more specialized techniques.




We hope that the Guide will be an invaluable resource and reference text for researchers new to protein purification as well as for the more experienced researchers, and that it will find an important place in every protein biochemistry laboratory. RICHARD R. BURGESS MURRAY P. DEUTSCHER


VOLUME I. Preparation and Assay of Enzymes Edited by SIDNEY P. COLOWICK AND NATHAN O. KAPLAN VOLUME II. Preparation and Assay of Enzymes Edited by SIDNEY P. COLOWICK AND NATHAN O. KAPLAN VOLUME III. Preparation and Assay of Substrates Edited by SIDNEY P. COLOWICK AND NATHAN O. KAPLAN VOLUME IV. Special Techniques for the Enzymologist Edited by SIDNEY P. COLOWICK AND NATHAN O. KAPLAN VOLUME V. Preparation and Assay of Enzymes Edited by SIDNEY P. COLOWICK AND NATHAN O. KAPLAN VOLUME VI. Preparation and Assay of Enzymes (Continued) Preparation and Assay of Substrates Special Techniques Edited by SIDNEY P. COLOWICK AND NATHAN O. KAPLAN VOLUME VII. Cumulative Subject Index Edited by SIDNEY P. COLOWICK AND NATHAN O. KAPLAN VOLUME VIII. Complex Carbohydrates Edited by ELIZABETH F. NEUFELD AND VICTOR GINSBURG VOLUME IX. Carbohydrate Metabolism Edited by WILLIS A. WOOD VOLUME X. Oxidation and Phosphorylation Edited by RONALD W. ESTABROOK AND MAYNARD E. PULLMAN VOLUME XI. Enzyme Structure Edited by C. H. W. HIRS VOLUME XII. Nucleic Acids (Parts A and B) Edited by LAWRENCE GROSSMAN AND KIVIE MOLDAVE VOLUME XIII. Citric Acid Cycle Edited by J. M. LOWENSTEIN VOLUME XIV. Lipids Edited by J. M. LOWENSTEIN VOLUME XV. Steroids and Terpenoids Edited by RAYMOND B. CLAYTON xxvii


Methods in Enzymology

VOLUME XVI. Fast Reactions Edited by KENNETH KUSTIN VOLUME XVII. Metabolism of Amino Acids and Amines (Parts A and B) Edited by HERBERT TABOR AND CELIA WHITE TABOR VOLUME XVIII. Vitamins and Coenzymes (Parts A, B, and C) Edited by DONALD B. MCCORMICK AND LEMUEL D. WRIGHT VOLUME XIX. Proteolytic Enzymes Edited by GERTRUDE E. PERLMANN AND LASZLO LORAND VOLUME XX. Nucleic Acids and Protein Synthesis (Part C) Edited by KIVIE MOLDAVE AND LAWRENCE GROSSMAN VOLUME XXI. Nucleic Acids (Part D) Edited by LAWRENCE GROSSMAN AND KIVIE MOLDAVE VOLUME XXII. Enzyme Purification and Related Techniques Edited by WILLIAM B. JAKOBY VOLUME XXIII. Photosynthesis (Part A) Edited by ANTHONY SAN PIETRO VOLUME XXIV. Photosynthesis and Nitrogen Fixation (Part B) Edited by ANTHONY SAN PIETRO VOLUME XXV. Enzyme Structure (Part B) Edited by C. H. W. HIRS AND SERGE N. TIMASHEFF VOLUME XXVI. Enzyme Structure (Part C) Edited by C. H. W. HIRS AND SERGE N. TIMASHEFF VOLUME XXVII. Enzyme Structure (Part D) Edited by C. H. W. HIRS AND SERGE N. TIMASHEFF VOLUME XXVIII. Complex Carbohydrates (Part B) Edited by VICTOR GINSBURG VOLUME XXIX. Nucleic Acids and Protein Synthesis (Part E) Edited by LAWRENCE GROSSMAN AND KIVIE MOLDAVE VOLUME XXX. Nucleic Acids and Protein Synthesis (Part F) Edited by KIVIE MOLDAVE AND LAWRENCE GROSSMAN VOLUME XXXI. Biomembranes (Part A) Edited by SIDNEY FLEISCHER AND LESTER PACKER VOLUME XXXII. Biomembranes (Part B) Edited by SIDNEY FLEISCHER AND LESTER PACKER VOLUME XXXIII. Cumulative Subject Index Volumes I-XXX Edited by MARTHA G. DENNIS AND EDWARD A. DENNIS VOLUME XXXIV. Affinity Techniques (Enzyme Purification: Part B) Edited by WILLIAM B. JAKOBY AND MEIR WILCHEK

Methods in Enzymology

VOLUME XXXV. Lipids (Part B) Edited by JOHN M. LOWENSTEIN VOLUME XXXVI. Hormone Action (Part A: Steroid Hormones) Edited by BERT W. O’MALLEY AND JOEL G. HARDMAN VOLUME XXXVII. Hormone Action (Part B: Peptide Hormones) Edited by BERT W. O’MALLEY AND JOEL G. HARDMAN VOLUME XXXVIII. Hormone Action (Part C: Cyclic Nucleotides) Edited by JOEL G. HARDMAN AND BERT W. O’MALLEY VOLUME XXXIX. Hormone Action (Part D: Isolated Cells, Tissues, and Organ Systems) Edited by JOEL G. HARDMAN AND BERT W. O’MALLEY VOLUME XL. Hormone Action (Part E: Nuclear Structure and Function) Edited by BERT W. O’MALLEY AND JOEL G. HARDMAN VOLUME XLI. Carbohydrate Metabolism (Part B) Edited by W. A. WOOD VOLUME XLII. Carbohydrate Metabolism (Part C) Edited by W. A. WOOD VOLUME XLIII. Antibiotics Edited by JOHN H. HASH VOLUME XLIV. Immobilized Enzymes Edited by KLAUS MOSBACH VOLUME XLV. Proteolytic Enzymes (Part B) Edited by LASZLO LORAND VOLUME XLVI. Affinity Labeling Edited by WILLIAM B. JAKOBY AND MEIR WILCHEK VOLUME XLVII. Enzyme Structure (Part E) Edited by C. H. W. HIRS AND SERGE N. TIMASHEFF VOLUME XLVIII. Enzyme Structure (Part F) Edited by C. H. W. HIRS AND SERGE N. TIMASHEFF VOLUME XLIX. Enzyme Structure (Part G) Edited by C. H. W. HIRS AND SERGE N. TIMASHEFF VOLUME L. Complex Carbohydrates (Part C) Edited by VICTOR GINSBURG VOLUME LI. Purine and Pyrimidine Nucleotide Metabolism Edited by PATRICIA A. HOFFEE AND MARY ELLEN JONES VOLUME LII. Biomembranes (Part C: Biological Oxidations) Edited by SIDNEY FLEISCHER AND LESTER PACKER



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VOLUME LIII. Biomembranes (Part D: Biological Oxidations) Edited by SIDNEY FLEISCHER AND LESTER PACKER VOLUME LIV. Biomembranes (Part E: Biological Oxidations) Edited by SIDNEY FLEISCHER AND LESTER PACKER VOLUME LV. Biomembranes (Part F: Bioenergetics) Edited by SIDNEY FLEISCHER AND LESTER PACKER VOLUME LVI. Biomembranes (Part G: Bioenergetics) Edited by SIDNEY FLEISCHER AND LESTER PACKER VOLUME LVII. Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescence Edited by MARLENE A. DELUCA VOLUME LVIII. Cell Culture Edited by WILLIAM B. JAKOBY AND IRA PASTAN VOLUME LIX. Nucleic Acids and Protein Synthesis (Part G) Edited by KIVIE MOLDAVE AND LAWRENCE GROSSMAN VOLUME LX. Nucleic Acids and Protein Synthesis (Part H) Edited by KIVIE MOLDAVE AND LAWRENCE GROSSMAN VOLUME 61. Enzyme Structure (Part H) Edited by C. H. W. HIRS AND SERGE N. TIMASHEFF VOLUME 62. Vitamins and Coenzymes (Part D) Edited by DONALD B. MCCORMICK AND LEMUEL D. WRIGHT VOLUME 63. Enzyme Kinetics and Mechanism (Part A: Initial Rate and Inhibitor Methods) Edited by DANIEL L. PURICH VOLUME 64. Enzyme Kinetics and Mechanism (Part B: Isotopic Probes and Complex Enzyme Systems) Edited by DANIEL L. PURICH VOLUME 65. Nucleic Acids (Part I) Edited by LAWRENCE GROSSMAN AND KIVIE MOLDAVE VOLUME 66. Vitamins and Coenzymes (Part E) Edited by DONALD B. MCCORMICK AND LEMUEL D. WRIGHT VOLUME 67. Vitamins and Coenzymes (Part F) Edited by DONALD B. MCCORMICK AND LEMUEL D. WRIGHT VOLUME 68. Recombinant DNA Edited by RAY WU VOLUME 69. Photosynthesis and Nitrogen Fixation (Part C) Edited by ANTHONY SAN PIETRO VOLUME 70. Immunochemical Techniques (Part A) Edited by HELEN VAN VUNAKIS AND JOHN J. LANGONE

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VOLUME 71. Lipids (Part C) Edited by JOHN M. LOWENSTEIN VOLUME 72. Lipids (Part D) Edited by JOHN M. LOWENSTEIN VOLUME 73. Immunochemical Techniques (Part B) Edited by JOHN J. LANGONE AND HELEN VAN VUNAKIS VOLUME 74. Immunochemical Techniques (Part C) Edited by JOHN J. LANGONE AND HELEN VAN VUNAKIS VOLUME 75. Cumulative Subject Index Volumes XXXI, XXXII, XXXIV–LX Edited by EDWARD A. DENNIS AND MARTHA G. DENNIS VOLUME 76. Hemoglobins Edited by ERALDO ANTONINI, LUIGI ROSSI-BERNARDI, AND EMILIA CHIANCONE VOLUME 77. Detoxication and Drug Metabolism Edited by WILLIAM B. JAKOBY VOLUME 78. Interferons (Part A) Edited by SIDNEY PESTKA VOLUME 79. Interferons (Part B) Edited by SIDNEY PESTKA VOLUME 80. Proteolytic Enzymes (Part C) Edited by LASZLO LORAND VOLUME 81. Biomembranes (Part H: Visual Pigments and Purple Membranes, I) Edited by LESTER PACKER VOLUME 82. Structural and Contractile Proteins (Part A: Extracellular Matrix) Edited by LEON W. CUNNINGHAM AND DIXIE W. FREDERIKSEN VOLUME 83. Complex Carbohydrates (Part D) Edited by VICTOR GINSBURG VOLUME 84. Immunochemical Techniques (Part D: Selected Immunoassays) Edited by JOHN J. LANGONE AND HELEN VAN VUNAKIS VOLUME 85. Structural and Contractile Proteins (Part B: The Contractile Apparatus and the Cytoskeleton) Edited by DIXIE W. FREDERIKSEN AND LEON W. CUNNINGHAM VOLUME 86. Prostaglandins and Arachidonate Metabolites Edited by WILLIAM E. M. LANDS AND WILLIAM L. SMITH VOLUME 87. Enzyme Kinetics and Mechanism (Part C: Intermediates, Stereo-chemistry, and Rate Studies) Edited by DANIEL L. PURICH VOLUME 88. Biomembranes (Part I: Visual Pigments and Purple Membranes, II) Edited by LESTER PACKER


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VOLUME 89. Carbohydrate Metabolism (Part D) Edited by WILLIS A. WOOD VOLUME 90. Carbohydrate Metabolism (Part E) Edited by WILLIS A. WOOD VOLUME 91. Enzyme Structure (Part I) Edited by C. H. W. HIRS AND SERGE N. TIMASHEFF VOLUME 92. Immunochemical Techniques (Part E: Monoclonal Antibodies and General Immunoassay Methods) Edited by JOHN J. LANGONE AND HELEN VAN VUNAKIS VOLUME 93. Immunochemical Techniques (Part F: Conventional Antibodies, Fc Receptors, and Cytotoxicity) Edited by JOHN J. LANGONE AND HELEN VAN VUNAKIS VOLUME 94. Polyamines Edited by HERBERT TABOR AND CELIA WHITE TABOR VOLUME 95. Cumulative Subject Index Volumes 61–74, 76–80 Edited by EDWARD A. DENNIS AND MARTHA G. DENNIS VOLUME 96. Biomembranes [Part J: Membrane Biogenesis: Assembly and Targeting (General Methods; Eukaryotes)] Edited by SIDNEY FLEISCHER AND BECCA FLEISCHER VOLUME 97. Biomembranes [Part K: Membrane Biogenesis: Assembly and Targeting (Prokaryotes, Mitochondria, and Chloroplasts)] Edited by SIDNEY FLEISCHER AND BECCA FLEISCHER VOLUME 98. Biomembranes (Part L: Membrane Biogenesis: Processing and Recycling) Edited by SIDNEY FLEISCHER AND BECCA FLEISCHER VOLUME 99. Hormone Action (Part F: Protein Kinases) Edited by JACKIE D. CORBIN AND JOEL G. HARDMAN VOLUME 100. Recombinant DNA (Part B) Edited by RAY WU, LAWRENCE GROSSMAN, AND KIVIE MOLDAVE VOLUME 101. Recombinant DNA (Part C) Edited by RAY WU, LAWRENCE GROSSMAN, AND KIVIE MOLDAVE VOLUME 102. Hormone Action (Part G: Calmodulin and Calcium-Binding Proteins) Edited by ANTHONY R. MEANS AND BERT W. O’MALLEY VOLUME 103. Hormone Action (Part H: Neuroendocrine Peptides) Edited by P. MICHAEL CONN VOLUME 104. Enzyme Purification and Related Techniques (Part C) Edited by WILLIAM B. JAKOBY

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VOLUME 105. Oxygen Radicals in Biological Systems Edited by LESTER PACKER VOLUME 106. Posttranslational Modifications (Part A) Edited by FINN WOLD AND KIVIE MOLDAVE VOLUME 107. Posttranslational Modifications (Part B) Edited by FINN WOLD AND KIVIE MOLDAVE VOLUME 108. Immunochemical Techniques (Part G: Separation and Characterization of Lymphoid Cells) Edited by GIOVANNI DI SABATO, JOHN J. LANGONE, AND HELEN VAN VUNAKIS VOLUME 109. Hormone Action (Part I: Peptide Hormones) Edited by LUTZ BIRNBAUMER AND BERT W. O’MALLEY VOLUME 110. Steroids and Isoprenoids (Part A) Edited by JOHN H. LAW AND HANS C. RILLING VOLUME 111. Steroids and Isoprenoids (Part B) Edited by JOHN H. LAW AND HANS C. RILLING VOLUME 112. Drug and Enzyme Targeting (Part A) Edited by KENNETH J. WIDDER AND RALPH GREEN VOLUME 113. Glutamate, Glutamine, Glutathione, and Related Compounds Edited by ALTON MEISTER VOLUME 114. Diffraction Methods for Biological Macromolecules (Part A) Edited by HAROLD W. WYCKOFF, C. H. W. HIRS, AND SERGE N. TIMASHEFF VOLUME 115. Diffraction Methods for Biological Macromolecules (Part B) Edited by HAROLD W. WYCKOFF, C. H. W. HIRS, AND SERGE N. TIMASHEFF VOLUME 116. Immunochemical Techniques (Part H: Effectors and Mediators of Lymphoid Cell Functions) Edited by GIOVANNI DI SABATO, JOHN J. LANGONE, AND HELEN VAN VUNAKIS VOLUME 117. Enzyme Structure (Part J) Edited by C. H. W. HIRS AND SERGE N. TIMASHEFF VOLUME 118. Plant Molecular Biology Edited by ARTHUR WEISSBACH AND HERBERT WEISSBACH VOLUME 119. Interferons (Part C) Edited by SIDNEY PESTKA VOLUME 120. Cumulative Subject Index Volumes 81–94, 96–101 VOLUME 121. Immunochemical Techniques (Part I: Hybridoma Technology and Monoclonal Antibodies) Edited by JOHN J. LANGONE AND HELEN VAN VUNAKIS VOLUME 122. Vitamins and Coenzymes (Part G) Edited by FRANK CHYTIL AND DONALD B. MCCORMICK


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VOLUME 123. Vitamins and Coenzymes (Part H) Edited by FRANK CHYTIL AND DONALD B. MCCORMICK VOLUME 124. Hormone Action (Part J: Neuroendocrine Peptides) Edited by P. MICHAEL CONN VOLUME 125. Biomembranes (Part M: Transport in Bacteria, Mitochondria, and Chloroplasts: General Approaches and Transport Systems) Edited by SIDNEY FLEISCHER AND BECCA FLEISCHER VOLUME 126. Biomembranes (Part N: Transport in Bacteria, Mitochondria, and Chloroplasts: Protonmotive Force) Edited by SIDNEY FLEISCHER AND BECCA FLEISCHER VOLUME 127. Biomembranes (Part O: Protons and Water: Structure and Translocation) Edited by LESTER PACKER VOLUME 128. Plasma Lipoproteins (Part A: Preparation, Structure, and Molecular Biology) Edited by JERE P. SEGREST AND JOHN J. ALBERS VOLUME 129. Plasma Lipoproteins (Part B: Characterization, Cell Biology, and Metabolism) Edited by JOHN J. ALBERS AND JERE P. SEGREST VOLUME 130. Enzyme Structure (Part K) Edited by C. H. W. HIRS AND SERGE N. TIMASHEFF VOLUME 131. Enzyme Structure (Part L) Edited by C. H. W. HIRS AND SERGE N. TIMASHEFF VOLUME 132. Immunochemical Techniques (Part J: Phagocytosis and Cell-Mediated Cytotoxicity) Edited by GIOVANNI DI SABATO AND JOHANNES EVERSE VOLUME 133. Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescence (Part B) Edited by MARLENE DELUCA AND WILLIAM D. MCELROY VOLUME 134. Structural and Contractile Proteins (Part C: The Contractile Apparatus and the Cytoskeleton) Edited by RICHARD B. VALLEE VOLUME 135. Immobilized Enzymes and Cells (Part B) Edited by KLAUS MOSBACH VOLUME 136. Immobilized Enzymes and Cells (Part C) Edited by KLAUS MOSBACH VOLUME 137. Immobilized Enzymes and Cells (Part D) Edited by KLAUS MOSBACH VOLUME 138. Complex Carbohydrates (Part E) Edited by VICTOR GINSBURG

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VOLUME 139. Cellular Regulators (Part A: Calcium- and Calmodulin-Binding Proteins) Edited by ANTHONY R. MEANS AND P. MICHAEL CONN VOLUME 140. Cumulative Subject Index Volumes 102–119, 121–134 VOLUME 141. Cellular Regulators (Part B: Calcium and Lipids) Edited by P. MICHAEL CONN AND ANTHONY R. MEANS VOLUME 142. Metabolism of Aromatic Amino Acids and Amines Edited by SEYMOUR KAUFMAN VOLUME 143. Sulfur and Sulfur Amino Acids Edited by WILLIAM B. JAKOBY AND OWEN GRIFFITH VOLUME 144. Structural and Contractile Proteins (Part D: Extracellular Matrix) Edited by LEON W. CUNNINGHAM VOLUME 145. Structural and Contractile Proteins (Part E: Extracellular Matrix) Edited by LEON W. CUNNINGHAM VOLUME 146. Peptide Growth Factors (Part A) Edited by DAVID BARNES AND DAVID A. SIRBASKU VOLUME 147. Peptide Growth Factors (Part B) Edited by DAVID BARNES AND DAVID A. SIRBASKU VOLUME 148. Plant Cell Membranes Edited by LESTER PACKER AND ROLAND DOUCE VOLUME 149. Drug and Enzyme Targeting (Part B) Edited by RALPH GREEN AND KENNETH J. WIDDER VOLUME 150. Immunochemical Techniques (Part K: In Vitro Models of B and T Cell Functions and Lymphoid Cell Receptors) Edited by GIOVANNI DI SABATO VOLUME 151. Molecular Genetics of Mammalian Cells Edited by MICHAEL M. GOTTESMAN VOLUME 152. Guide to Molecular Cloning Techniques Edited by SHELBY L. BERGER AND ALAN R. KIMMEL VOLUME 153. Recombinant DNA (Part D) Edited by RAY WU AND LAWRENCE GROSSMAN VOLUME 154. Recombinant DNA (Part E) Edited by RAY WU AND LAWRENCE GROSSMAN VOLUME 155. Recombinant DNA (Part F) Edited by RAY WU VOLUME 156. Biomembranes (Part P: ATP-Driven Pumps and Related Transport: The Na, K-Pump) Edited by SIDNEY FLEISCHER AND BECCA FLEISCHER


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VOLUME 157. Biomembranes (Part Q: ATP-Driven Pumps and Related Transport: Calcium, Proton, and Potassium Pumps) Edited by SIDNEY FLEISCHER AND BECCA FLEISCHER VOLUME 158. Metalloproteins (Part A) Edited by JAMES F. RIORDAN AND BERT L. VALLEE VOLUME 159. Initiation and Termination of Cyclic Nucleotide Action Edited by JACKIE D. CORBIN AND ROGER A. JOHNSON VOLUME 160. Biomass (Part A: Cellulose and Hemicellulose) Edited by WILLIS A. WOOD AND SCOTT T. KELLOGG VOLUME 161. Biomass (Part B: Lignin, Pectin, and Chitin) Edited by WILLIS A. WOOD AND SCOTT T. KELLOGG VOLUME 162. Immunochemical Techniques (Part L: Chemotaxis and Inflammation) Edited by GIOVANNI DI SABATO VOLUME 163. Immunochemical Techniques (Part M: Chemotaxis and Inflammation) Edited by GIOVANNI DI SABATO VOLUME 164. Ribosomes Edited by HARRY F. NOLLER, JR., AND KIVIE MOLDAVE VOLUME 165. Microbial Toxins: Tools for Enzymology Edited by SIDNEY HARSHMAN VOLUME 166. Branched-Chain Amino Acids Edited by ROBERT HARRIS AND JOHN R. SOKATCH VOLUME 167. Cyanobacteria Edited by LESTER PACKER AND ALEXANDER N. GLAZER VOLUME 168. Hormone Action (Part K: Neuroendocrine Peptides) Edited by P. MICHAEL CONN VOLUME 169. Platelets: Receptors, Adhesion, Secretion (Part A) Edited by JACEK HAWIGER VOLUME 170. Nucleosomes Edited by PAUL M. WASSARMAN AND ROGER D. KORNBERG VOLUME 171. Biomembranes (Part R: Transport Theory: Cells and Model Membranes) Edited by SIDNEY FLEISCHER AND BECCA FLEISCHER VOLUME 172. Biomembranes (Part S: Transport: Membrane Isolation and Characterization) Edited by SIDNEY FLEISCHER AND BECCA FLEISCHER

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VOLUME 173. Biomembranes [Part T: Cellular and Subcellular Transport: Eukaryotic (Nonepithelial) Cells] Edited by SIDNEY FLEISCHER AND BECCA FLEISCHER VOLUME 174. Biomembranes [Part U: Cellular and Subcellular Transport: Eukaryotic (Nonepithelial) Cells] Edited by SIDNEY FLEISCHER AND BECCA FLEISCHER VOLUME 175. Cumulative Subject Index Volumes 135–139, 141–167 VOLUME 176. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (Part A: Spectral Techniques and Dynamics) Edited by NORMAN J. OPPENHEIMER AND THOMAS L. JAMES VOLUME 177. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (Part B: Structure and Mechanism) Edited by NORMAN J. OPPENHEIMER AND THOMAS L. JAMES VOLUME 178. Antibodies, Antigens, and Molecular Mimicry Edited by JOHN J. LANGONE VOLUME 179. Complex Carbohydrates (Part F) Edited by VICTOR GINSBURG VOLUME 180. RNA Processing (Part A: General Methods) Edited by JAMES E. DAHLBERG AND JOHN N. ABELSON VOLUME 181. RNA Processing (Part B: Specific Methods) Edited by JAMES E. DAHLBERG AND JOHN N. ABELSON VOLUME 182. Guide to Protein Purification Edited by MURRAY P. DEUTSCHER VOLUME 183. Molecular Evolution: Computer Analysis of Protein and Nucleic Acid Sequences Edited by RUSSELL F. DOOLITTLE VOLUME 184. Avidin-Biotin Technology Edited by MEIR WILCHEK AND EDWARD A. BAYER VOLUME 185. Gene Expression Technology Edited by DAVID V. GOEDDEL VOLUME 186. Oxygen Radicals in Biological Systems (Part B: Oxygen Radicals and Antioxidants) Edited by LESTER PACKER AND ALEXANDER N. GLAZER VOLUME 187. Arachidonate Related Lipid Mediators Edited by ROBERT C. MURPHY AND FRANK A. FITZPATRICK VOLUME 188. Hydrocarbons and Methylotrophy Edited by MARY E. LIDSTROM VOLUME 189. Retinoids (Part A: Molecular and Metabolic Aspects) Edited by LESTER PACKER


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VOLUME 190. Retinoids (Part B: Cell Differentiation and Clinical Applications) Edited by LESTER PACKER VOLUME 191. Biomembranes (Part V: Cellular and Subcellular Transport: Epithelial Cells) Edited by SIDNEY FLEISCHER AND BECCA FLEISCHER VOLUME 192. Biomembranes (Part W: Cellular and Subcellular Transport: Epithelial Cells) Edited by SIDNEY FLEISCHER AND BECCA FLEISCHER VOLUME 193. Mass Spectrometry Edited by JAMES A. MCCLOSKEY VOLUME 194. Guide to Yeast Genetics and Molecular Biology Edited by CHRISTINE GUTHRIE AND GERALD R. FINK VOLUME 195. Adenylyl Cyclase, G Proteins, and Guanylyl Cyclase Edited by ROGER A. JOHNSON AND JACKIE D. CORBIN VOLUME 196. Molecular Motors and the Cytoskeleton Edited by RICHARD B. VALLEE VOLUME 197. Phospholipases Edited by EDWARD A. DENNIS VOLUME 198. Peptide Growth Factors (Part C) Edited by DAVID BARNES, J. P. MATHER, AND GORDON H. SATO VOLUME 199. Cumulative Subject Index Volumes 168–174, 176–194 VOLUME 200. Protein Phosphorylation (Part A: Protein Kinases: Assays, Purification, Antibodies, Functional Analysis, Cloning, and Expression) Edited by TONY HUNTER AND BARTHOLOMEW M. SEFTON VOLUME 201. Protein Phosphorylation (Part B: Analysis of Protein Phosphorylation, Protein Kinase Inhibitors, and Protein Phosphatases) Edited by TONY HUNTER AND BARTHOLOMEW M. SEFTON VOLUME 202. Molecular Design and Modeling: Concepts and Applications (Part A: Proteins, Peptides, and Enzymes) Edited by JOHN J. LANGONE VOLUME 203. Molecular Design and Modeling: Concepts and Applications (Part B: Antibodies and Antigens, Nucleic Acids, Polysaccharides, and Drugs) Edited by JOHN J. LANGONE VOLUME 204. Bacterial Genetic Systems Edited by JEFFREY H. MILLER VOLUME 205. Metallobiochemistry (Part B: Metallothionein and Related Molecules) Edited by JAMES F. RIORDAN AND BERT L. VALLEE

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VOLUME 206. Cytochrome P450 Edited by MICHAEL R. WATERMAN AND ERIC F. JOHNSON VOLUME 207. Ion Channels Edited by BERNARDO RUDY AND LINDA E. IVERSON VOLUME 208. Protein–DNA Interactions Edited by ROBERT T. SAUER VOLUME 209. Phospholipid Biosynthesis Edited by EDWARD A. DENNIS AND DENNIS E. VANCE VOLUME 210. Numerical Computer Methods Edited by LUDWIG BRAND AND MICHAEL L. JOHNSON VOLUME 211. DNA Structures (Part A: Synthesis and Physical Analysis of DNA) Edited by DAVID M. J. LILLEY AND JAMES E. DAHLBERG VOLUME 212. DNA Structures (Part B: Chemical and Electrophoretic Analysis of DNA) Edited by DAVID M. J. LILLEY AND JAMES E. DAHLBERG VOLUME 213. Carotenoids (Part A: Chemistry, Separation, Quantitation, and Antioxidation) Edited by LESTER PACKER VOLUME 214. Carotenoids (Part B: Metabolism, Genetics, and Biosynthesis) Edited by LESTER PACKER VOLUME 215. Platelets: Receptors, Adhesion, Secretion (Part B) Edited by JACEK J. HAWIGER VOLUME 216. Recombinant DNA (Part G) Edited by RAY WU VOLUME 217. Recombinant DNA (Part H) Edited by RAY WU VOLUME 218. Recombinant DNA (Part I) Edited by RAY WU VOLUME 219. Reconstitution of Intracellular Transport Edited by JAMES E. ROTHMAN VOLUME 220. Membrane Fusion Techniques (Part A) Edited by NEJAT DU¨ZGU¨NES, VOLUME 221. Membrane Fusion Techniques (Part B) Edited by NEJAT DU¨ZGU¨NES, VOLUME 222. Proteolytic Enzymes in Coagulation, Fibrinolysis, and Complement Activation (Part A: Mammalian Blood Coagulation Factors and Inhibitors) Edited by LASZLO LORAND AND KENNETH G. MANN


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VOLUME 223. Proteolytic Enzymes in Coagulation, Fibrinolysis, and Complement Activation (Part B: Complement Activation, Fibrinolysis, and Nonmammalian Blood Coagulation Factors) Edited by LASZLO LORAND AND KENNETH G. MANN VOLUME 224. Molecular Evolution: Producing the Biochemical Data Edited by ELIZABETH ANNE ZIMMER, THOMAS J. WHITE, REBECCA L. CANN, AND ALLAN C. WILSON VOLUME 225. Guide to Techniques in Mouse Development Edited by PAUL M. WASSARMAN AND MELVIN L. DEPAMPHILIS VOLUME 226. Metallobiochemistry (Part C: Spectroscopic and Physical Methods for Probing Metal Ion Environments in Metalloenzymes and Metalloproteins) Edited by JAMES F. RIORDAN AND BERT L. VALLEE VOLUME 227. Metallobiochemistry (Part D: Physical and Spectroscopic Methods for Probing Metal Ion Environments in Metalloproteins) Edited by JAMES F. RIORDAN AND BERT L. VALLEE VOLUME 228. Aqueous Two-Phase Systems Edited by HARRY WALTER AND GO¨TE JOHANSSON VOLUME 229. Cumulative Subject Index Volumes 195–198, 200–227 VOLUME 230. Guide to Techniques in Glycobiology Edited by WILLIAM J. LENNARZ AND GERALD W. HART VOLUME 231. Hemoglobins (Part B: Biochemical and Analytical Methods) Edited by JOHANNES EVERSE, KIM D. VANDEGRIFF, AND ROBERT M. WINSLOW VOLUME 232. Hemoglobins (Part C: Biophysical Methods) Edited by JOHANNES EVERSE, KIM D. VANDEGRIFF, AND ROBERT M. WINSLOW VOLUME 233. Oxygen Radicals in Biological Systems (Part C) Edited by LESTER PACKER VOLUME 234. Oxygen Radicals in Biological Systems (Part D) Edited by LESTER PACKER VOLUME 235. Bacterial Pathogenesis (Part A: Identification and Regulation of Virulence Factors) Edited by VIRGINIA L. CLARK AND PATRIK M. BAVOIL VOLUME 236. Bacterial Pathogenesis (Part B: Integration of Pathogenic Bacteria with Host Cells) Edited by VIRGINIA L. CLARK AND PATRIK M. BAVOIL VOLUME 237. Heterotrimeric G Proteins Edited by RAVI IYENGAR VOLUME 238. Heterotrimeric G-Protein Effectors Edited by RAVI IYENGAR

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VOLUME 239. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (Part C) Edited by THOMAS L. JAMES AND NORMAN J. OPPENHEIMER VOLUME 240. Numerical Computer Methods (Part B) Edited by MICHAEL L. JOHNSON AND LUDWIG BRAND VOLUME 241. Retroviral Proteases Edited by LAWRENCE C. KUO AND JULES A. SHAFER VOLUME 242. Neoglycoconjugates (Part A) Edited by Y. C. LEE AND REIKO T. LEE VOLUME 243. Inorganic Microbial Sulfur Metabolism Edited by HARRY D. PECK, JR., AND JEAN LEGALL VOLUME 244. Proteolytic Enzymes: Serine and Cysteine Peptidases Edited by ALAN J. BARRETT VOLUME 245. Extracellular Matrix Components Edited by E. RUOSLAHTI AND E. ENGVALL VOLUME 246. Biochemical Spectroscopy Edited by KENNETH SAUER VOLUME 247. Neoglycoconjugates (Part B: Biomedical Applications) Edited by Y. C. LEE AND REIKO T. LEE VOLUME 248. Proteolytic Enzymes: Aspartic and Metallo Peptidases Edited by ALAN J. BARRETT VOLUME 249. Enzyme Kinetics and Mechanism (Part D: Developments in Enzyme Dynamics) Edited by DANIEL L. PURICH VOLUME 250. Lipid Modifications of Proteins Edited by PATRICK J. CASEY AND JANICE E. BUSS VOLUME 251. Biothiols (Part A: Monothiols and Dithiols, Protein Thiols, and Thiyl Radicals) Edited by LESTER PACKER VOLUME 252. Biothiols (Part B: Glutathione and Thioredoxin; Thiols in Signal Transduction and Gene Regulation) Edited by LESTER PACKER VOLUME 253. Adhesion of Microbial Pathogens Edited by RON J. DOYLE AND ITZHAK OFEK VOLUME 254. Oncogene Techniques Edited by PETER K. VOGT AND INDER M. VERMA VOLUME 255. Small GTPases and Their Regulators (Part A: Ras Family) Edited by W. E. BALCH, CHANNING J. DER, AND ALAN HALL VOLUME 256. Small GTPases and Their Regulators (Part B: Rho Family) Edited by W. E. BALCH, CHANNING J. DER, AND ALAN HALL



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VOLUME 257. Small GTPases and Their Regulators (Part C: Proteins Involved in Transport) Edited by W. E. BALCH, CHANNING J. DER, AND ALAN HALL VOLUME 258. Redox-Active Amino Acids in Biology Edited by JUDITH P. KLINMAN VOLUME 259. Energetics of Biological Macromolecules Edited by MICHAEL L. JOHNSON AND GARY K. ACKERS VOLUME 260. Mitochondrial Biogenesis and Genetics (Part A) Edited by GIUSEPPE M. ATTARDI AND ANNE CHOMYN VOLUME 261. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and Nucleic Acids Edited by THOMAS L. JAMES VOLUME 262. DNA Replication Edited by JUDITH L. CAMPBELL VOLUME 263. Plasma Lipoproteins (Part C: Quantitation) Edited by WILLIAM A. BRADLEY, SANDRA H. GIANTURCO, AND JERE P. SEGREST VOLUME 264. Mitochondrial Biogenesis and Genetics (Part B) Edited by GIUSEPPE M. ATTARDI AND ANNE CHOMYN VOLUME 265. Cumulative Subject Index Volumes 228, 230–262 VOLUME 266. Computer Methods for Macromolecular Sequence Analysis Edited by RUSSELL F. DOOLITTLE VOLUME 267. Combinatorial Chemistry Edited by JOHN N. ABELSON VOLUME 268. Nitric Oxide (Part A: Sources and Detection of NO; NO Synthase) Edited by LESTER PACKER VOLUME 269. Nitric Oxide (Part B: Physiological and Pathological Processes) Edited by LESTER PACKER VOLUME 270. High Resolution Separation and Analysis of Biological Macromolecules (Part A: Fundamentals) Edited by BARRY L. KARGER AND WILLIAM S. HANCOCK VOLUME 271. High Resolution Separation and Analysis of Biological Macromolecules (Part B: Applications) Edited by BARRY L. KARGER AND WILLIAM S. HANCOCK VOLUME 272. Cytochrome P450 (Part B) Edited by ERIC F. JOHNSON AND MICHAEL R. WATERMAN VOLUME 273. RNA Polymerase and Associated Factors (Part A) Edited by SANKAR ADHYA VOLUME 274. RNA Polymerase and Associated Factors (Part B) Edited by SANKAR ADHYA

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VOLUME 275. Viral Polymerases and Related Proteins Edited by LAWRENCE C. KUO, DAVID B. OLSEN, AND STEVEN S. CARROLL VOLUME 276. Macromolecular Crystallography (Part A) Edited by CHARLES W. CARTER, JR., AND ROBERT M. SWEET VOLUME 277. Macromolecular Crystallography (Part B) Edited by CHARLES W. CARTER, JR., AND ROBERT M. SWEET VOLUME 278. Fluorescence Spectroscopy Edited by LUDWIG BRAND AND MICHAEL L. JOHNSON VOLUME 279. Vitamins and Coenzymes (Part I) Edited by DONALD B. MCCORMICK, JOHN W. SUTTIE, AND CONRAD WAGNER VOLUME 280. Vitamins and Coenzymes (Part J) Edited by DONALD B. MCCORMICK, JOHN W. SUTTIE, AND CONRAD WAGNER VOLUME 281. Vitamins and Coenzymes (Part K) Edited by DONALD B. MCCORMICK, JOHN W. SUTTIE, AND CONRAD WAGNER VOLUME 282. Vitamins and Coenzymes (Part L) Edited by DONALD B. MCCORMICK, JOHN W. SUTTIE, AND CONRAD WAGNER VOLUME 283. Cell Cycle Control Edited by WILLIAM G. DUNPHY VOLUME 284. Lipases (Part A: Biotechnology) Edited by BYRON RUBIN AND EDWARD A. DENNIS VOLUME 285. Cumulative Subject Index Volumes 263, 264, 266–284, 286–289 VOLUME 286. Lipases (Part B: Enzyme Characterization and Utilization) Edited by BYRON RUBIN AND EDWARD A. DENNIS VOLUME 287. Chemokines Edited by RICHARD HORUK VOLUME 288. Chemokine Receptors Edited by RICHARD HORUK VOLUME 289. Solid Phase Peptide Synthesis Edited by GREGG B. FIELDS VOLUME 290. Molecular Chaperones Edited by GEORGE H. LORIMER AND THOMAS BALDWIN VOLUME 291. Caged Compounds Edited by GERARD MARRIOTT VOLUME 292. ABC Transporters: Biochemical, Cellular, and Molecular Aspects Edited by SURESH V. AMBUDKAR AND MICHAEL M. GOTTESMAN VOLUME 293. Ion Channels (Part B) Edited by P. MICHAEL CONN


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VOLUME 294. Ion Channels (Part C) Edited by P. MICHAEL CONN VOLUME 295. Energetics of Biological Macromolecules (Part B) Edited by GARY K. ACKERS AND MICHAEL L. JOHNSON VOLUME 296. Neurotransmitter Transporters Edited by SUSAN G. AMARA VOLUME 297. Photosynthesis: Molecular Biology of Energy Capture Edited by LEE MCINTOSH VOLUME 298. Molecular Motors and the Cytoskeleton (Part B) Edited by RICHARD B. VALLEE VOLUME 299. Oxidants and Antioxidants (Part A) Edited by LESTER PACKER VOLUME 300. Oxidants and Antioxidants (Part B) Edited by LESTER PACKER VOLUME 301. Nitric Oxide: Biological and Antioxidant Activities (Part C) Edited by LESTER PACKER VOLUME 302. Green Fluorescent Protein Edited by P. MICHAEL CONN VOLUME 303. cDNA Preparation and Display Edited by SHERMAN M. WEISSMAN VOLUME 304. Chromatin Edited by PAUL M. WASSARMAN AND ALAN P. WOLFFE VOLUME 305. Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescence (Part C) Edited by THOMAS O. BALDWIN AND MIRIAM M. ZIEGLER VOLUME 306. Expression of Recombinant Genes in Eukaryotic Systems Edited by JOSEPH C. GLORIOSO AND MARTIN C. SCHMIDT VOLUME 307. Confocal Microscopy Edited by P. MICHAEL CONN VOLUME 308. Enzyme Kinetics and Mechanism (Part E: Energetics of Enzyme Catalysis) Edited by DANIEL L. PURICH AND VERN L. SCHRAMM VOLUME 309. Amyloid, Prions, and Other Protein Aggregates Edited by RONALD WETZEL VOLUME 310. Biofilms Edited by RON J. DOYLE VOLUME 311. Sphingolipid Metabolism and Cell Signaling (Part A) Edited by ALFRED H. MERRILL, JR., AND YUSUF A. HANNUN

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VOLUME 312. Sphingolipid Metabolism and Cell Signaling (Part B) Edited by ALFRED H. MERRILL, JR., AND YUSUF A. HANNUN VOLUME 313. Antisense Technology (Part A: General Methods, Methods of Delivery, and RNA Studies) Edited by M. IAN PHILLIPS VOLUME 314. Antisense Technology (Part B: Applications) Edited by M. IAN PHILLIPS VOLUME 315. Vertebrate Phototransduction and the Visual Cycle (Part A) Edited by KRZYSZTOF PALCZEWSKI VOLUME 316. Vertebrate Phototransduction and the Visual Cycle (Part B) Edited by KRZYSZTOF PALCZEWSKI VOLUME 317. RNA–Ligand Interactions (Part A: Structural Biology Methods) Edited by DANIEL W. CELANDER AND JOHN N. ABELSON VOLUME 318. RNA–Ligand Interactions (Part B: Molecular Biology Methods) Edited by DANIEL W. CELANDER AND JOHN N. ABELSON VOLUME 319. Singlet Oxygen, UV-A, and Ozone Edited by LESTER PACKER AND HELMUT SIES VOLUME 320. Cumulative Subject Index Volumes 290–319 VOLUME 321. Numerical Computer Methods (Part C) Edited by MICHAEL L. JOHNSON AND LUDWIG BRAND VOLUME 322. Apoptosis Edited by JOHN C. REED VOLUME 323. Energetics of Biological Macromolecules (Part C) Edited by MICHAEL L. JOHNSON AND GARY K. ACKERS VOLUME 324. Branched-Chain Amino Acids (Part B) Edited by ROBERT A. HARRIS AND JOHN R. SOKATCH VOLUME 325. Regulators and Effectors of Small GTPases (Part D: Rho Family) Edited by W. E. BALCH, CHANNING J. DER, AND ALAN HALL VOLUME 326. Applications of Chimeric Genes and Hybrid Proteins (Part A: Gene Expression and Protein Purification) Edited by JEREMY THORNER, SCOTT D. EMR, AND JOHN N. ABELSON VOLUME 327. Applications of Chimeric Genes and Hybrid Proteins (Part B: Cell Biology and Physiology) Edited by JEREMY THORNER, SCOTT D. EMR, AND JOHN N. ABELSON VOLUME 328. Applications of Chimeric Genes and Hybrid Proteins (Part C: Protein–Protein Interactions and Genomics) Edited by JEREMY THORNER, SCOTT D. EMR, AND JOHN N. ABELSON


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VOLUME 329. Regulators and Effectors of Small GTPases (Part E: GTPases Involved in Vesicular Traffic) Edited by W. E. BALCH, CHANNING J. DER, AND ALAN HALL VOLUME 330. Hyperthermophilic Enzymes (Part A) Edited by MICHAEL W. W. ADAMS AND ROBERT M. KELLY VOLUME 331. Hyperthermophilic Enzymes (Part B) Edited by MICHAEL W. W. ADAMS AND ROBERT M. KELLY VOLUME 332. Regulators and Effectors of Small GTPases (Part F: Ras Family I) Edited by W. E. BALCH, CHANNING J. DER, AND ALAN HALL VOLUME 333. Regulators and Effectors of Small GTPases (Part G: Ras Family II) Edited by W. E. BALCH, CHANNING J. DER, AND ALAN HALL VOLUME 334. Hyperthermophilic Enzymes (Part C) Edited by MICHAEL W. W. ADAMS AND ROBERT M. KELLY VOLUME 335. Flavonoids and Other Polyphenols Edited by LESTER PACKER VOLUME 336. Microbial Growth in Biofilms (Part A: Developmental and Molecular Biological Aspects) Edited by RON J. DOYLE VOLUME 337. Microbial Growth in Biofilms (Part B: Special Environments and Physicochemical Aspects) Edited by RON J. DOYLE VOLUME 338. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance of Biological Macromolecules (Part A) Edited by THOMAS L. JAMES, VOLKER DO¨TSCH, AND ULI SCHMITZ VOLUME 339. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance of Biological Macromolecules (Part B) Edited by THOMAS L. JAMES, VOLKER DO¨TSCH, AND ULI SCHMITZ VOLUME 340. Drug–Nucleic Acid Interactions Edited by JONATHAN B. CHAIRES AND MICHAEL J. WARING VOLUME 341. Ribonucleases (Part A) Edited by ALLEN W. NICHOLSON VOLUME 342. Ribonucleases (Part B) Edited by ALLEN W. NICHOLSON VOLUME 343. G Protein Pathways (Part A: Receptors) Edited by RAVI IYENGAR AND JOHN D. HILDEBRANDT VOLUME 344. G Protein Pathways (Part B: G Proteins and Their Regulators) Edited by RAVI IYENGAR AND JOHN D. HILDEBRANDT VOLUME 345. G Protein Pathways (Part C: Effector Mechanisms) Edited by RAVI IYENGAR AND JOHN D. HILDEBRANDT

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VOLUME 346. Gene Therapy Methods Edited by M. IAN PHILLIPS VOLUME 347. Protein Sensors and Reactive Oxygen Species (Part A: Selenoproteins and Thioredoxin) Edited by HELMUT SIES AND LESTER PACKER VOLUME 348. Protein Sensors and Reactive Oxygen Species (Part B: Thiol Enzymes and Proteins) Edited by HELMUT SIES AND LESTER PACKER VOLUME 349. Superoxide Dismutase Edited by LESTER PACKER VOLUME 350. Guide to Yeast Genetics and Molecular and Cell Biology (Part B) Edited by CHRISTINE GUTHRIE AND GERALD R. FINK VOLUME 351. Guide to Yeast Genetics and Molecular and Cell Biology (Part C) Edited by CHRISTINE GUTHRIE AND GERALD R. FINK VOLUME 352. Redox Cell Biology and Genetics (Part A) Edited by CHANDAN K. SEN AND LESTER PACKER VOLUME 353. Redox Cell Biology and Genetics (Part B) Edited by CHANDAN K. SEN AND LESTER PACKER VOLUME 354. Enzyme Kinetics and Mechanisms (Part F: Detection and Characterization of Enzyme Reaction Intermediates) Edited by DANIEL L. PURICH VOLUME 355. Cumulative Subject Index Volumes 321–354 VOLUME 356. Laser Capture Microscopy and Microdissection Edited by P. MICHAEL CONN VOLUME 357. Cytochrome P450, Part C Edited by ERIC F. JOHNSON AND MICHAEL R. WATERMAN VOLUME 358. Bacterial Pathogenesis (Part C: Identification, Regulation, and Function of Virulence Factors) Edited by VIRGINIA L. CLARK AND PATRIK M. BAVOIL VOLUME 359. Nitric Oxide (Part D) Edited by ENRIQUE CADENAS AND LESTER PACKER VOLUME 360. Biophotonics (Part A) Edited by GERARD MARRIOTT AND IAN PARKER VOLUME 361. Biophotonics (Part B) Edited by GERARD MARRIOTT AND IAN PARKER VOLUME 362. Recognition of Carbohydrates in Biological Systems (Part A) Edited by YUAN C. LEE AND REIKO T. LEE


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VOLUME 363. Recognition of Carbohydrates in Biological Systems (Part B) Edited by YUAN C. LEE AND REIKO T. LEE VOLUME 364. Nuclear Receptors Edited by DAVID W. RUSSELL AND DAVID J. MANGELSDORF VOLUME 365. Differentiation of Embryonic Stem Cells Edited by PAUL M. WASSAUMAN AND GORDON M. KELLER VOLUME 366. Protein Phosphatases Edited by SUSANNE KLUMPP AND JOSEF KRIEGLSTEIN VOLUME 367. Liposomes (Part A) Edited by NEJAT DU¨ZGU¨NES, VOLUME 368. Macromolecular Crystallography (Part C) Edited by CHARLES W. CARTER, JR., AND ROBERT M. SWEET VOLUME 369. Combinational Chemistry (Part B) Edited by GUILLERMO A. MORALES AND BARRY A. BUNIN VOLUME 370. RNA Polymerases and Associated Factors (Part C) Edited by SANKAR L. ADHYA AND SUSAN GARGES VOLUME 371. RNA Polymerases and Associated Factors (Part D) Edited by SANKAR L. ADHYA AND SUSAN GARGES VOLUME 372. Liposomes (Part B) Edited by NEJAT DU¨ZGU¨NES, VOLUME 373. Liposomes (Part C) Edited by NEJAT DU¨ZGU¨NES, VOLUME 374. Macromolecular Crystallography (Part D) Edited by CHARLES W. CARTER, JR., AND ROBERT W. SWEET VOLUME 375. Chromatin and Chromatin Remodeling Enzymes (Part A) Edited by C. DAVID ALLIS AND CARL WU VOLUME 376. Chromatin and Chromatin Remodeling Enzymes (Part B) Edited by C. DAVID ALLIS AND CARL WU VOLUME 377. Chromatin and Chromatin Remodeling Enzymes (Part C) Edited by C. DAVID ALLIS AND CARL WU VOLUME 378. Quinones and Quinone Enzymes (Part A) Edited by HELMUT SIES AND LESTER PACKER VOLUME 379. Energetics of Biological Macromolecules (Part D) Edited by JO M. HOLT, MICHAEL L. JOHNSON, AND GARY K. ACKERS VOLUME 380. Energetics of Biological Macromolecules (Part E) Edited by JO M. HOLT, MICHAEL L. JOHNSON, AND GARY K. ACKERS VOLUME 381. Oxygen Sensing Edited by CHANDAN K. SEN AND GREGG L. SEMENZA

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VOLUME 382. Quinones and Quinone Enzymes (Part B) Edited by HELMUT SIES AND LESTER PACKER VOLUME 383. Numerical Computer Methods (Part D) Edited by LUDWIG BRAND AND MICHAEL L. JOHNSON VOLUME 384. Numerical Computer Methods (Part E) Edited by LUDWIG BRAND AND MICHAEL L. JOHNSON VOLUME 385. Imaging in Biological Research (Part A) Edited by P. MICHAEL CONN VOLUME 386. Imaging in Biological Research (Part B) Edited by P. MICHAEL CONN VOLUME 387. Liposomes (Part D) Edited by NEJAT DU¨ZGU¨NES, VOLUME 388. Protein Engineering Edited by DAN E. ROBERTSON AND JOSEPH P. NOEL VOLUME 389. Regulators of G-Protein Signaling (Part A) Edited by DAVID P. SIDEROVSKI VOLUME 390. Regulators of G-Protein Signaling (Part B) Edited by DAVID P. SIDEROVSKI VOLUME 391. Liposomes (Part E) Edited by NEJAT DU¨ZGU¨NES, VOLUME 392. RNA Interference Edited by ENGELKE ROSSI VOLUME 393. Circadian Rhythms Edited by MICHAEL W. YOUNG VOLUME 394. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance of Biological Macromolecules (Part C) Edited by THOMAS L. JAMES VOLUME 395. Producing the Biochemical Data (Part B) Edited by ELIZABETH A. ZIMMER AND ERIC H. ROALSON VOLUME 396. Nitric Oxide (Part E) Edited by LESTER PACKER AND ENRIQUE CADENAS VOLUME 397. Environmental Microbiology Edited by JARED R. LEADBETTER VOLUME 398. Ubiquitin and Protein Degradation (Part A) Edited by RAYMOND J. DESHAIES VOLUME 399. Ubiquitin and Protein Degradation (Part B) Edited by RAYMOND J. DESHAIES VOLUME 400. Phase II Conjugation Enzymes and Transport Systems Edited by HELMUT SIES AND LESTER PACKER


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VOLUME 401. Glutathione Transferases and Gamma Glutamyl Transpeptidases Edited by HELMUT SIES AND LESTER PACKER VOLUME 402. Biological Mass Spectrometry Edited by A. L. BURLINGAME VOLUME 403. GTPases Regulating Membrane Targeting and Fusion Edited by WILLIAM E. BALCH, CHANNING J. DER, AND ALAN HALL VOLUME 404. GTPases Regulating Membrane Dynamics Edited by WILLIAM E. BALCH, CHANNING J. DER, AND ALAN HALL VOLUME 405. Mass Spectrometry: Modified Proteins and Glycoconjugates Edited by A. L. BURLINGAME VOLUME 406. Regulators and Effectors of Small GTPases: Rho Family Edited by WILLIAM E. BALCH, CHANNING J. DER, AND ALAN HALL VOLUME 407. Regulators and Effectors of Small GTPases: Ras Family Edited by WILLIAM E. BALCH, CHANNING J. DER, AND ALAN HALL VOLUME 408. DNA Repair (Part A) Edited by JUDITH L. CAMPBELL AND PAUL MODRICH VOLUME 409. DNA Repair (Part B) Edited by JUDITH L. CAMPBELL AND PAUL MODRICH VOLUME 410. DNA Microarrays (Part A: Array Platforms and Web-Bench Protocols) Edited by ALAN KIMMEL AND BRIAN OLIVER VOLUME 411. DNA Microarrays (Part B: Databases and Statistics) Edited by ALAN KIMMEL AND BRIAN OLIVER VOLUME 412. Amyloid, Prions, and Other Protein Aggregates (Part B) Edited by INDU KHETERPAL AND RONALD WETZEL VOLUME 413. Amyloid, Prions, and Other Protein Aggregates (Part C) Edited by INDU KHETERPAL AND RONALD WETZEL VOLUME 414. Measuring Biological Responses with Automated Microscopy Edited by JAMES INGLESE VOLUME 415. Glycobiology Edited by MINORU FUKUDA VOLUME 416. Glycomics Edited by MINORU FUKUDA VOLUME 417. Functional Glycomics Edited by MINORU FUKUDA VOLUME 418. Embryonic Stem Cells Edited by IRINA KLIMANSKAYA AND ROBERT LANZA

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VOLUME 436. Globins and Other Nitric Oxide-Reactive Protiens (Part A) Edited by ROBERT K. POOLE VOLUME 437. Globins and Other Nitric Oxide-Reactive Protiens (Part B) Edited by ROBERT K. POOLE VOLUME 438. Small GTPases in Disease (Part A) Edited by WILLIAM E. BALCH, CHANNING J. DER, AND ALAN HALL VOLUME 439. Small GTPases in Disease (Part B) Edited by WILLIAM E. BALCH, CHANNING J. DER, AND ALAN HALL VOLUME 440. Nitric Oxide, Part F Oxidative and Nitrosative Stress in Redox Regulation of Cell Signaling Edited by ENRIQUE CADENAS AND LESTER PACKER VOLUME 441. Nitric Oxide, Part G Oxidative and Nitrosative Stress in Redox Regulation of Cell Signaling Edited by ENRIQUE CADENAS AND LESTER PACKER VOLUME 442. Programmed Cell Death, General Principles for Studying Cell Death (Part A) Edited by ROYA KHOSRAVI-FAR, ZAHRA ZAKERI, RICHARD A. LOCKSHIN, AND MAURO PIACENTINI VOLUME 443. Angiogenesis: In Vitro Systems Edited by DAVID A. CHERESH VOLUME 444. Angiogenesis: In Vivo Systems (Part A) Edited by DAVID A. CHERESH VOLUME 445. Angiogenesis: In Vivo Systems (Part B) Edited by DAVID A. CHERESH VOLUME 446. Programmed Cell Death, The Biology and Therapeutic Implications of Cell Death (Part B) Edited by ROYA KHOSRAVI-FAR, ZAHRA ZAKERI, RICHARD A. LOCKSHIN, AND MAURO PIACENTINI VOLUME 447. RNA Turnover in Bacteria, Archaea and Organelles Edited by LYNNE E. MAQUAT AND CECILIA M. ARRAIANO VOLUME 448. RNA Turnover in Eukaryotes: Nucleases, Pathways and Analysis of mRNA Decay Edited by LYNNE E. MAQUAT AND MEGERDITCH KILEDJIAN VOLUME 449. RNA Turnover in Eukaryotes: Analysis of Specialized and Quality Control RNA Decay Pathways Edited by LYNNE E. MAQUAT AND MEGERDITCH KILEDJIAN VOLUME 450. Fluorescence Spectroscopy Edited by LUDWIG BRAND AND MICHAEL L. JOHNSON

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VOLUME 451. Autophagy: Lower Eukaryotes and Non-Mammalian Systems (Part A) Edited by DANIEL J. KLIONSKY VOLUME 452. Autophagy in Mammalian Systems (Part B) Edited by DANIEL J. KLIONSKY VOLUME 453. Autophagy in Disease and Clinical Applications (Part C) Edited by DANIEL J. KLIONSKY VOLUME 454. Computer Methods (Part A) Edited by MICHAEL L. JOHNSON AND LUDWIG BRAND VOLUME 455. Biothermodynamics (Part A) Edited by MICHAEL L. JOHNSON, JO M. HOLT, AND GARY K. ACKERS (RETIRED) VOLUME 456. Mitochondrial Function, Part A: Mitochondrial Electron Transport Complexes and Reactive Oxygen Species Edited by WILLIAM S. ALLISON AND IMMO E. SCHEFFLER VOLUME 457. Mitochondrial Function, Part B: Mitochondrial Protein Kinases, Protein Phosphatases and Mitochondrial Diseases Edited by WILLIAM S. ALLISON AND ANNE N. MURPHY VOLUME 458. Complex Enzymes in Microbial Natural Product Biosynthesis, Part A: Overview Articles and Peptides Edited by DAVID A. HOPWOOD VOLUME 459. Complex Enzymes in Microbial Natural Product Biosynthesis, Part B: Polyketides, Aminocoumarins and Carbohydrates Edited by DAVID A. HOPWOOD VOLUME 460. Chemokines, Part A Edited by TRACY M. HANDEL AND DAMON J. HAMEL VOLUME 461. Chemokines, Part B Edited by TRACY M. HANDEL AND DAMON J. HAMEL VOLUME 462. Non-Natural Amino Acids Edited by TOM W. MUIR AND JOHN N. ABELSON VOLUME 463. Guide to Protein Purification, 2nd Edition Edited by RICHARD R. BURGESS AND MURRAY P. DEUTSCHER


It is with great admiration that we reprint in its entirety Chapter 1 of the first edition of this volume, ‘‘Why Purify Enzymes’’ by the late Arthur Kornberg. Arthur was one of the giants of 20th century biochemistry and his forte was enzymology. Upon reading the chapter, one can appreciate why this was so. His passion for identifying an enzyme activity and purifying it to homogeneity so that many of its properties could be directly studied become clearly evident from Arthur’s words. Yet, he was clearly mindful of what he called the enzyme’s ‘‘social face,’’ its interactions with other cellular components, an attribute that has gained more prominence as we have come to understand the importance of cell organization. There have been many advances in the 20 years since the chapter was written, particularly in the ease with which a protein can be purified if its gene is known. Nevertheless, the admonition to ‘‘purify, purify, purify’’ remains relevant when one is studying the catalytic properties of an enzyme, elucidating the structure of a protein, or identifying possible regulatory factors. Protein purification remains of prime importance if one endeavors to understand the enzyme responsible for a newly discovered cellular reaction or the proteins involved in a cellular process. With this in mind, the lessons to be learned from reading, or re-reading, Arthur’s wonderfully lucid and pertinent chapter will be extremely rewarding. MURRAY P. DEUTSCHER




Why Purify Enzymes? Arthur Kornbergw

‘‘Don’t waste clean thinking on dirty enzymes’’ is an admonition of Efraim Racker’s which is at the core of enzymology and good chemical practice. It simply says that detailed studies of how an enzyme catalyzes the conversion of one substance to another is generally a waste of time until the enzyme has been purified away from the other enzymes and substances that make up a crude cell extract. The mixture of thousands of different enzymes released from a disrupted liver, yeast, or bacterial cell likely contains several that direct other rearrangement of the starting material and the product of the particular enzyme’s action. Only when we have purified the enzyme to the point that no other enzymes can be detected can we fell assured that a single type of enzyme molecule directs the conversion of substance A to substance B, and does nothing more. Only then can we learn how the enzyme does its work. The rewards for the labor of purifying an enzyme were laid out in a series of inspirational papers by Otto Warburg in the 1930s. From his laboratory in Berlin-Dahlem came the discipline and many of the methods of purifying enzymes and with those the clarification of key reactions and vitamin functions in respiration and the fermentation of glucose. Warburg’s contributions strengthened the classic approach to enzymology inaugurated with Eduard Bu¨chner’s accidental discovery, at the turn of this century, of cell-free conversion of sucrose to ethanol. One tracks the molecular basis of cellular function—alcoholic fermentation in yeast, glycolysis in muscle, luminescence in a fly, or the replication of DNA—by first observing the phenomenon in a cell-free system. Then one isolates the responsible enzyme (or enzymes) by fractionation of the cell extract and purifies it to homogeneity. Then one hopes to learn enough about the structure of the enzyme to explain how it performs its catalytic functions, responds to regulatory signals, and is associated with other enzymes and structures in the cell. By a reverse approach, call it neoclassical, especially popular in recent decades, one first obtains a structure and then looks for its function. The protein is preferably small and stable, and has been amplified by cloning or is commercially available. By intensive study of the protein and homologous proteins, one hopes to get some clues to how it functions. As the popularity w


Methods in Enzymology, Volume 463 ISSN 0076-6879, DOI: 10.1016/S0076-6879(09)63001-9


2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.



Arthur Kornberg

of the neoclassical approach has increased, so has there been a corresponding decrease in interest in the classical route: pursuit of a function to isolate the responsible structure. Implicit in the devotion to purifying enzymes is the faith of a dedicated biochemist of being able to reconstitute in a test tube anything a cell can do. In fact, the biochemist with the advantage of manipulating the medium: pH, ionic strength, etc., by creating high concentrations of reactants, by trapping products and so on, should have an easier time of it. Another article of faith is that everything that goes on in a cell is catalyzed by an enzyme. Chemists sometimes find this conviction difficult to swallow. On a recent occasion I was told by a mature and well-known physical chemist that what fascinated him most in my work was that DNA replication was catalyzed by enzymes! This reminded me of a seminar I gave to the Washington University chemistry department when I arrived in St. Louis in 1953. I was describing the enzymes that make and degrade orotic acid, and began to realize that my audience was rapidly slipping away. Perhaps, they had been expecting to hear about an organic synthesis of erotic acid. In a last-ditch attempt to retrieve their attention, I said loudly that every chemical event in the cell depends on the action of an enzyme. At that point, the late Joseph Kennedy, the brilliant young chairman, awoke: ‘‘Do you mean to tell us that something as simple as the hydration of carbon dioxide (to form bicarbonate) needs an enzyme?’’ The Lord had delivered him into my hands. ‘‘Yes, Joe, cells have an enzyme, called carbonic anhydrase. It enhances the rate of that reaction more than a million fold.’’ Enzymes are awesome machines with a suitable level of complexity. One may feel ill at ease grappling with the operations of a cell, let alone those of a multicellular creature, or feel inadequate in probing the fine chemistry of small molecules. Becoming familiar with the personality of an enzyme performing in a major synthetic pathway can be just right. To gain his intimacy, the enzyme must first be purified to near homogeneity. For the separation of a protein species present as one-tenth or one-hundredth of 1% of the many thousands of other kinds in the cellular community, we need to devise and be guided by a quick and reliable assay of its catalytic activity. No enzyme is purified to the point of absolute homogeneity. Even when other proteins constitute less than 1% of the purified protein and escape detection by our best methods, there are likely to be many millions of foreign molecules in a reaction mixture. Generally, such contaminants do not matter unless they are preponderantly of one kind and are highly active on one of the components being studied. Only after the properties of the pure enzyme are known is it profitable to examine its behavior in a crude state. ‘‘Don’t waste clean thinking on dirty enzymes’’ is sound dogma. I cannot recall a single instance in which I begrudged the time spent on the purification of an enzyme, whether it led

Why Purify Enzymes?


to the clarification of a reaction pathway, to discovering new enzymes, to acquiring a unique analytical reagent, or led merely to greater expertise with purification procedures. So, purify, purify, purify. Purifying an enzyme is rewarding all the way, from first starting to free it from the mob of proteins in a broken cell to having it finally in splendid isolation. It matters that, upon removing the enzyme from its snug cellular niche, one cares about many inclemencies: high dilution in unfriendly solvents, contact with glass surfaces and harsh temperatures, and exposure to metals, oxygen, and untold other perils. Failures are often attributed to the fragility of the enzyme and its ready denaturability, whereas the blame should rest on the scientist for being more easily denatured. Like a parent concerned for a child’s whereabouts and safety, one cannot leave the laboratory at night without knowing how much of the enzyme has been recovered in that day’s procedure and how much of the contaminating proteins still remain. To attain the goal of a pure protein, the cardinal rule is that the ratio of enzyme activity to the total protein is increased to the limit. Units of activity and amounts of protein must be strictly accounted for in each manipulation and at every stage. In this vein, the notebook record of an enzyme purification should withstand the scrutiny of an auditor or bank examiner. Not that one should ever regard the enterprise as a business or banking operation. Rather, it often many seem like the ascent of an uncharted mountain: the logistics like those of supplying successively higher base camps. Protein fatalities and confusing contaminants may resemble the adventure of unexpected storms and hardships. Gratifying views along the way feed the anticipation of what will be seen from the top. The ultimate reward of a pure enzyme is tantamount to the unobstructed and commanding view from the summit. Beyond the grand vista and thrill of being there first, there is no need for descent, but rather the prospect of even more inviting mountains, each with the promise of even grander views. With the purified enzyme, we learn about its catalytic activities and its responsiveness to regulatory molecules that raise or lower activity. Beyond the catalytic and regulatory aspects, enzymes have a social face that dictates crucial interactions with other enzymes, nucleic acids, and membrane surfaces. To gain a perspective on the enzyme’s contributions to the cellular economy, we must also identify the factors that induce or repress the genes responsible for producing the enzyme. Tracking a metabolic or biosynthetic enzyme uncovers marvelous intricacies by which a bacterial cell gears enzyme production precisely to its fluctuating needs. Popular interest now centers on understanding the growth and development of flies and worms, their cells and tissues. Many laboratories focus on the aberrations of cancer and hope that their studies will furnish insights into the normal patterns. Enormous efforts are also devoted to AIDS, both to the virus and its destructive action on the immune system. In these various


Arthur Kornberg

Figure 1.1 Personalized license plate expressing a commitment to enzymology.

studies, the effects of manipulating the cell’s genome and the actions of viruses and agents are almost always monitored with intact cells and organisms. Rarely are attempts made to examine a stage in an overall process in a cell-free system. This reliance in current biological research on intact cells and organisms to fathom their chemistry is a modern version of the vitalism that befell Pasteur and that has permeated the attitudes of generations of biologists before and since. It baffles me that the utterly simple and proven enzymologic approach to solving basic problems in metabolism is so commonly ignored. The precept that discrete substances and their interactions must be understood before more complex phenomena can be explained is rooted in the history of biochemistry and should by now be utterly commonsensical. Robert Koch, in identifying the causative agent of an infectious disease, taught us a century ago that we must first isolate the responsible microbe from all others. Organic chemists have known even longer that we must purify and crystallize a substance to prove its identity. More recently in history, the vitamin hunters found it futile to try to discover the metabolic and nutritional roles of vitamins without having isolated each in pure form. And so with enzymes it is only by purifying enzymes that we can clearly identify each of the molecular machines responsible for a discrete metabolic operation. Convinced of this, one of my graduate students expressed it in a personalized license plate (Fig. 1.1).

ACKNOWLEDGMENT This article borrows extensively from ‘‘For the Love of Enzymes: The Odyssey of a Biochemist,’’ Harvard University Press, 1989.



Strategies and Considerations for Protein Purifications Stuart Linn Contents 10 10 10 11

1. General Considerations 1.1. Properties and sensitivities of the protein 1.2. For what is the protein to be used 1.3. Assays 1.4. What should be added to the suspension, storage, and assay buffers 1.5. Storage of protein solutions 1.6. Contaminating activities 2. Source of the Protein 2.1. Preliminary studies to obtain sequence information 2.2. Overexpressed protein as the source material 3. Preparing Extracts 4. Bulk or Batch Procedures for Purification 5. Refined Procedures for Purification 5.1. High-capacity steps 5.2. Intermediate-capacity steps 5.3. Low-capacity steps 6. Conclusions References

13 14 15 15 15 16 16 17 18 18 19 19 19 19

Abstract Prior to embarking upon the purification of a protein, one should begin by considering what the protein is to be used for. In particular, how much of the protein is needed, what should be its state of purity, and must it be folded correctly and associated with various other peptides or cofactors. Using such criteria, an appropriate assay should be chosen and a procedure be planned taking into account the source of the protein, how it is to be extracted from the source, and what agents the protein ought to be exposed to or ultimately be stored in. Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology, University of California, Berkeley, California, USA Methods in Enzymology, Volume 463 ISSN 0076-6879, DOI: 10.1016/S0076-6879(09)63002-0


2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.



Stuart Linn

One is often surprised at the time necessary to develop an appropriate protein purification procedure relative to the time required to clone a gene or to accumulate information with the purified protein. There are an overwhelming number of options for protein purification steps, so forethought is necessary to expedite the tedious job of developing the purification scheme, or to avoid having to redesign it upon attempting to use the protein. This chapter points out general considerations to be undertaken in designing, organizing, and executing the purification, while subsequent chapters of this volume supply more specific options and technical details.

1. General Considerations 1.1. Properties and sensitivities of the protein If known, one must consider whether the protein is soluble, and, if not, what agents might help to solubilize it. Is the protein labile at high or low concentrations? Is the protein sensitive to high or low salt concentrations, high or low temperatures, high or low pH, or oxidation, particularly by oxygen. A few preliminary experiments in this regard might be well worth the effort so as to learn what reagents ought to be present during the purification, what agents must be avoided (e.g., oxygen), and under what conditions the protein ought to be stored.

1.2. For what is the protein to be used The required amount of purified protein may vary from a few micrograms needed for a cloning or identification endeavor to several kilograms required for industrial or pharmaceutical applications. Therefore, a very major consideration is the amount of material required. One should be aware of the scale-up that will be necessary and the final scheme should be appropriate for expansion to those levels. There are very real limitations to scaling up a procedure which are brought about not only by considerations of cost and availability of facilities but also by physical constraints by such factors as chromatographic column size limits or electrophoresis (ohmic) heating. As outlined below, individual steps of the procedure should flow from high-capacity/low-cost techniques toward low-capacity/high-cost ones. In some cases, alternative procedures may be required: for example, one to obtain microgram quantities for sequencing and cloning and a second to produce kilogram amounts of the cloned and overproduced material in its native state. The protein chemist should anticipate such variable needs and remain flexible for adopting new procedures as the need arises. A corollary to the amount is the concentration of protein necessary. Concentration comes into play not only for applications of the protein but

General Strategies and Considerations


also for detection or assay of the amount and activity of the protein. Concentration techniques such as those covered in Chapter 9 often must be included after an intermediate or the final step of purification. Other considerations include whether the protein must be active (as an enzyme, a regulatory protein, or an antibody, for example). If so, must it be folded correctly into its normal native configuration? (Refolding of denatured- or overexpressed proteins may alter precise kinetic properties, for example, if subtle, but stable alternative configurations are assumed.) Or, folding may not be an issue, for example, if the protein is to be utilized for sequence information or identification. The techniques employed during a procedure should be as gentle as are necessary. But, whenever possible, some of the harsher, but often spectacularly successful procedures such as those that involve extremes of pH, organic solvents, detergents, or hydrophobic or strong affinity chromatographic media should also be tried. How free from contaminants should a protein be and, in particular, which contaminants? For example, proteins used as pharmaceuticals must be ultra-pure in all respects, whereas polymerases must be free of enzymes that degrade the polymer product of the polymerase or proteins that add or remove protein modifications must be free of their counterparts. A consideration that is currently receiving a great deal of attention is that of the appropriate subunit content of a multimeric protein. What are the subunits of the desired protein? Is an isolated complex identical in content to that within the starting material? And, how might this content change with the growth state, growth conditions, or storage of the source material? These considerations are further exacerbated by the possibility that a protein in question might exist simultaneously in several or many different complexes or states of aggregation. Likewise, it might exist simultaneously with alternative posttranslational modifications. In either or both of these instances, the distribution of the protein among these various alternatives might be extremely sensitive to stresses imposed upon the cells used as the source material prior to purification. One should take these possibilities into account, particularly when the protein seems to partition into several peaks during purification. These variables may preclude an easy or successful purification scheme. A case in point is p53 (the product of the human TP53 gene) for which a satisfactory purification of active protein has yet to be achieved, in spite of its importance as the ‘‘guardian of the human genome,’’ because of its numerous patterns of associated peptides, alternative modifications, and states of aggregation.

1.3. Assays Classically, a most important consideration is the development of appropriate assays for the protein. The success of the purification is often dependent on this. Six considerations are relevant: sensitivity, accuracy, precision, linearity, substrate availability, and cost as measured in time and money.


Stuart Linn

Sensitivity can be the limiting factor as the protein becomes diluted into column effluents, etc. Before formulating a step, dilution and losses ought to be estimated so that the ability to detect and utilize the protein will be possible. Accuracy and precision are often compromised, but clearly these factors must be controlled to the extent that the assay is reliable for assuring reproducibility and the recovery of sufficient material. The linear range of the assay must be measured both with respect to time and to protein amount. As a procedure progresses, these ranges ought to be reevaluated, particularly for activity assays. For example, removal of protein contaminants might affect the limits if an inhibitor or stimulator were removed. Or, the limits could be altered if the highly purified protein becomes less stable during assay incubations. Substrate availability and cost refer to the practicality of the assay: Is enough substrate available to perform the entire purification without interruption? Can the assay be performed simultaneously on a reasonable number of fractions in a reasonable amount of time? Stopping to prepare more substrate or skimping on material and/or the number of fractions assayed usually compromises the purification’s success. On the other hand, assays at some steps might be compromised, for example, by omitting specificity controls at later stages of purification or assaying alternate or combined chromatography fractions. It is often tempting not to use assays for activity, but to purify a gel band or an antigen instead. Although this approach is appropriate in some instances, particularly when an activity is not being sought, it is to be strongly discouraged when activity is in fact what is desired. It cannot be emphasized strongly enough that an activity assay is necessary to obtain optimal yields of unaltered activity, be it one associated with an enzyme, an antibody, a hormone, a regulatory protein, or a protein that modifies the secondary or tertiary structure of a polymer. An inherent part of an assay is the assay conditions. Optimal conditions must be determined empirically, but, beware: optimal conditions often change with purification due to removal of interfering inhibitory or stimulatory factors, lower overall protein concentrations, etc. Moreover, always take into account materials added with the substrate or with the protein storage, suspension or dilution buffers as these may change the pH and ionic strength or otherwise affect the reliability of the assay. A final comment pertains to the protein assay. While the goals also include simplicity, linearity, reproducibility, specificity, and reliability, accuracy is generally compromised, as no commonly used assay is absolute with regard to all proteins. With crude fractions, color reactions are probably best. While the Bradford Method (Bradford, 1976) is the simplest of these, in our laboratory we find it to be unreliable with crude fractions from animal cells or when detergents are present. Protein assays can and often

General Strategies and Considerations


must by changed as the purification progresses. For example, for column effluents, ultraviolet absorption may be utilized: it is simple, sensitive, does not consume the material, and can even be continually monitored with a flow detector. For extremes of sensitivity, wavelengths between 210 and 230 nm can be utilized (Tombs et al., 1959; Waddell, 1956). Beware, however, that blanks must be adjusted to take into account the UVabsorption of materials in the solutes and that nonprotein contaminants, particularly nucleic acids, may have significant UV-absorption. Remember, protein assays are done to follow the extent of purification and to monitor reproducibility; they are not absolute. In the rare cases where absolute values must be obtained, such assays as nitrogen determinations are necessary (see Chapter 8).

1.4. What should be added to the suspension, storage, and assay buffers A common query is, ‘‘why is the protein suspended in x?’’ And its answer is often, ‘‘if I change the components, I don’t know what will happen.’’ The obvious lesson is to add something only with good reason in the first place. Even more of a problem in this regard pertains to proteins obtained commercially in complex buffers, the origin of which may be obscure and, even worse, the content of which may be proprietary and not disclosed. In this instance, replacement with a known buffer cocktail may be advisable prior to embarking upon a study of the protein’s properties or its application in complex experiments (see Chapter 9). Solutes are added usually to improve stability, prevent the growth of microorganisms, reduce the freezing point, or keep the protein in solution. Table 2.1 lists several classes and examples of such materials, but the reader is referred to chapters later in this volume for comprehensive discussions of them. It is well worth the effort to carry out stability studies (e.g., heat inactivation or storage trials) in order to learn how to maintain a stable, soluble protein. Three notes of caution: (1) optimal storage conditions may change with purification; (2) storage conditions may alter peptide–peptide interactions; and (3) optimal storage conditions need not relate to optimal conditions for activity. Indeed, materials that stabilize a protein might inhibit it when added to activity mixes. Of course, the latter situation must be considered when utilizing the protein—interfering substances will have to be removed or ‘‘diluted out’’ for utilization of the protein. In our experience, reducing agents are particularly effective for storage of bacterial enzymes that often derive from a reducing environment, whereas enzymes from animals often take kindly to surfactants or protease inhibitors. Fungal proteins also respond to protease inhibitors. Optimal pH and salt concentrations vary widely.


Stuart Linn

Table 2.1 Additions to protein solutions Class




Potassium phosphate, Tris–HCl, sodium acetate, Hepes–NaOH KCl, NaCl, (NH4)2SO4 Sodium deoxycholate, sodium cholate Triton X-100, Nonidet P-40, Tween 20, Brij 35


Salt Ionic detergents Nonionic detergents Glycerol, sucrose

Sodium azide Metal chelators EDTA (ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid), EGTA (ethylene glycol bis (b-aminoethylether) N,N 0 tetraacetic acid) Reducing b-Mercaptoethanol (BME), agents dithiothreitol (DTT), TCEP Ligands Mg2þ, ATP, phosphate Protease PMSF (phenylmethylsolfonyl inhibitors fluoride), TPCK (N-tosyl-Lphenylalanine chloromethyl ketone), TLCK (N a-p-tosyl-Llysine chloromethyl ketone)

Stability Stability, solubility Stability Stability; unfrozen storage below 0 C Bacteriostatic Stability

Stability; reduce disulfide bonds Stability Stability

In a converse context, what might be absolutely necessary to eliminate from buffers and resins? Special precautions could be necessary to deal with heavy metals (e.g., the use of ultra-pure reagents and double-distilled water) or with oxygen, for which the purging of all buffers with N2 and/or working in an anoxic glove box might be required. Keep in mind that a seemingly minor amount of contaminating heavy metal or O2 in a liter of dialysis buffer can be a relatively large amount in molar terms versus a few micrograms of purified protein being dialyzed. Special precautions, which must be taken for large protein complexes, are noted in Chapter 10.

1.5. Storage of protein solutions Most proteins prefer to be stored at the lowest temperature possible. If not frozen, 0 C (on ice, rather than in a refrigerator in order to minimize degradation or denaturation and bacterial or fungal growth) or 20 C

General Strategies and Considerations


with sufficient glycerol or sucrose present to avoid freezing. If frozen, storage above liquid nitrogen or at 70 C is usually best and ‘‘frostfree’’ freezers ought to be avoided if possible due to the possibility of repeated thawing of small volumes during the thaw cycles. Allocation into small aliquots avoids losses brought about by multiple freezing/thawing and thawing should be as rapid as possible to minimize exposure of the protein to concentrated solute in partially thawed solutions. Concerning the containers utilized for purified proteins, particularly at low concentrations, plastic rather than glass should be used. In our experience, polypropylene is superior to polyethylene or polystyrene and other clear plastics. In rare instances, we have had to precoat storage tubes with an inert protein prior to their use. Be sure to have tight-fitting caps if storage is in ‘‘frost-free’’ freezers. These and other precautions are discussed in detail in Chapter 10.

1.6. Contaminating activities Often proteins need not or cannot be obtained in a pure state, but particular interfering activities (e.g., nucleases, proteases, phosphatases) must not be present. In our experience, attempting to purify one activity against one or more others by utilizing multiple types of assays, as a criterion of purity is extremely frustrating. Instead, purifying so as to optimize yield of the specific protein and minimize total protein content (optimize specific activity) with selective choice of fractions only at the last or penultimate step is more likely to be successful. Finally, to avoid an extremely embarrassing—though surprisingly common—error, be certain that the activity that you have purified is associated physically with the protein species being characterized. Genetic experiments or physical criteria that confirm that these two entities comigrate under independent procedures (e.g., sedimentation, nondenaturating gel electrophoresis) are most strongly encouraged.

2. Source of the Protein 2.1. Preliminary studies to obtain sequence information If gene or peptide sequence is not available and a low-abundance protein is to be purified in order to obtain such information, careful consideration of the source material (e.g., organism, tissue, culture cell type) is worth the time and effort, and trial extracts from a number of sources should be explored. These should be tested for content of the protein (per gram of starting material or per unit cost), the starting specific activity if relevant, and the stability of the protein. If relevant, the classical microbiological approach


Stuart Linn

of isolating microorganisms with unique growth requirements can lead to unexpected success. The cost and availability of the source material, particularly if a largely scaled-up preparation might be desirable in the future, should be considered. Genetic knowledge and technology for the organism or cell type ought to be available should regulatory characterization and/or gene sequence manipulations be envisioned for the future.

2.2. Overexpressed protein as the source material With the recent dramatic technological improvements in gene manipulations, one usually expects ultimately to overexpress a protein, whether for in-depth characterization or for reagent use. For overexpression, is a bacterial, fungal, insect cell, or mammalian system best? (see Chapters 11–15). What special precautions are necessary for each source? Will the protein be appropriately posttranslationally modified and will such modifications be easily identifiable? Will the protein be obtained in a biologically relevant state of aggregation? If a heterologous source is to be utilized (e.g., expression of a mammalian protein in insect cells), might an endogenous homologue cause any problems? Should a mutant host cell be utilized (e.g., one lacking a similar protein or an interfering activity such as a nuclease or protease)? All of the subunits of a heteromultimeric protein often must be overexpressed together in order to obtain the protein in its ‘‘native’’ state. To accomplish this, it is necessary to learn the efficiency of expression of each of the peptide constructs in order that the peptides are produced in roughly the desired stoichiometric amounts. This is often ultimately not difficult to accomplish, but a good deal of effort must be expended in learning the conditions to differentially control such joint expression systems by variation of transfection levels or promoter efficiencies as the case may be. If tags are to be attached to a protein to aid in purification and/or detection, will they interfere with subsequent studies? Where in the protein should the tags be placed? If on the N-terminus, prematurely terminated peptides will contaminate affinity-purified material. If on the C-terminus, functional or binding properties of that part of the protein might be compromised (see Chapter 16 for discussion of this important topic).

3. Preparing Extracts Preparation of extracts is discussed in details in Section IV, so only general considerations are noted here. In our experience, the manner in which cells are disrupted has a profound, but unpredictable effect on the

General Strategies and Considerations


yield and quality of the protein preparation. Trials of alternative procedures are clearly necessary. Thought should always be given to scaling up of the preparation. Will the volumes or time required become unreasonable? Can a subsequent clarification of the extract be conveniently scaled up? In general, volumes should be kept to a minimum—for example, extracts should be as concentrated as possible. If relevant and convenient, tissue, cell type, or organelle fractionation is almost always worthwhile prior to general disruption. The buffer that favors the most efficient disruption may not prove to be one that favors stability or a subsequent step, and, in extreme cases, the buffer might need immediate alteration or a subsequent step might immediately be necessary upon completion of the disruption protocol. For example, hypotonicity, chelators, or pH extremes might aid in total release of the desired protein, but labialize the protein in the resulting extract. Or, an overproduced protein might not remain soluble in the disruption medium. Parenthetically, such buffer modifications are also often necessary during subsequent purification protocols in which, for example, it is not uncommon to collect chromatography fractions into tubes containing additional buffer constituents, or to dialyze individual fractions immediately as they are eluted.

4. Bulk or Batch Procedures for Purification These procedures are almost always utilized early in the purification as they are usually most effective in removing nonprotein material and are amenable to the relatively large volume and amounts of material that exist in earlier stages of the preparation. A great deal of effort went into designing these steps in the early days of protein chemistry, and much frustration, time, and money can often be avoided by including some of these ‘‘oldfashioned’’ procedures. Section V details many of these procedures. Gentle procedures including ‘‘salting out’’ or phase partition with organic polymers are most common. More drastic methods such as heat, extremes of pH, or phase partition with organic solvents might be particularly effective with stable proteins, though subtle forms of damage may be difficult to foresee or to detect. In addition, one might consider the use of high-capacity ion-exchange resins either added as a slurry to crude material or used in columns for batch elution. The time expended in developing and optimizing these early steps is always worthwhile—even removal of half of the contaminating protein may dictate the feasibility of a subsequent step from both cost and technical considerations.


Stuart Linn

5. Refined Procedures for Purification Once the bulk methods have yielded a protein preparation that is reasonably free of nucleic acids, polysaccharides, and lipids, the preparation becomes amenable to the more interesting and often spectacular procedures, which have been developed in recent years. The general strategy is to proceed from high- to low-capacity procedures and to attempt to exploit specific affinity materials whenever possible. Applications, specific examples, and technical details for these procedures are discussed in Sections VI and VII and will not be described here. As a general consideration, in proceeding from one procedure to the next, one ought to reduce as much as possible the necessity for dialysis and concentration. Hence, procedures that separate by size and shape can simultaneously remove salt or otherwise modify the buffer. Procedures utilizing high-capacity resins can concentrate proteins as well as purify them, or resins from which the desired protein elutes at relatively low salt concentrations can be directly followed with a resin to which the protein binds at this concentration. Also, some steps (e.g., sedimentation through gradients of sucrose or glycerol) may leave the protein in a medium that might be ideal for long-term storage, and appropriate (or inappropriate) for use directly for studies or a subsequent purification step. Finally, interchanging the order of the steps of a procedure can, and often does, have a profound effect on the success of a purification scheme. Two notes of caution: it has been our experience that rapid dilution of a fraction that has a high concentration of salt, glycerol, or sucrose often results in a loss of activity. If this phenomenon is experienced, the use of dialysis or gel exclusion chromatography may be a useful alternative. Also, during a purification scheme, the protein solution sometimes becomes cloudy. This solution must be clarified prior to chromatography to avoid unacceptably low flow rates. In our experience, the insoluble material rarely contains native protein. Some procedures which cannot be effectively scaled up (e.g., sedimentation or HPLC/FPLC) can be carried out with small aliquots of the preparation if left to the final stages. In fact, in some cases the utilization of such aliquots is desirable as the less purified fractions might be more stable to long-term storage.

5.1. High-capacity steps Generally, these include ion-exchange resins or very general affinity agents such as dyes or glass. When used in the initial stages of a purification scheme with large amounts of material, a particular type of ion-exchange resin can often be successfully reutilized for purification at a later stage (especially if the pH is changed) or for concentration.

General Strategies and Considerations


5.2. Intermediate-capacity steps These might include the hydrophobic resins for which long chromatographic times reduce activity yields. Many affinity agents bound to inert chromatography scaffolds (e.g., bulk DNA, simple oligonucleotides, antibodies, or ligands of a protein) fall into this class. In these instances, thought and effort must be given to finding conditions and/or materials that can successfully elute the protein without affecting its subunit structure or destabilizing or inactivating it. Free, unbound ligand often is successful, although it may be expensive and/or difficult to unbind from the protein. Finally, gel filtration is considered as a step with intermediate capacity.

5.3. Low-capacity steps Affinity steps utilizing valuable ligands such as substrate analogs, complex polynucleotide sequences, monoclonal antibodies, or lectins might be included here. Also included are electrophoresis methods, including isoelectric focusing, as precipitation of the protein may be a problem with moderate amounts of protein. Ultracentrifugation steps are usually limited to small volumes of material and HPLC/FPLC steps are also often limited by cost and/or capacity of the column. Small hydrophobic columns might be successfully utilized when larger ones of the same resin result in activity loss.

6. Conclusions Although the development and execution of protein purification procedures are often difficult and frustrating processes, the rewards are great. Moreover, given the continual addition of new technology, high-quality commercial materials utilized for purification procedures, and genetically altered sources of proteins, the future bodes well for ever-simpler procedures accompanied by ever-greater rewards.

REFERENCES Bradford, M. M. (1976). A rapid and sensitive method for quantitation of microgram quantities of protein utilizing the principle of protein-dye binding. Anal. Biochem. 72, 248–254. Tombs, M. P., Souter, F., and MacLagan, N. F. (1959). The spectrophotometric determination of protein at 210 mm. Biochem. J. 73, 167–171. Waddell, W. J. (1956). A simple ultraviolet spectrophotometric method for the determination of protein. J. Lab. Clin. Med. 48, 311–314.



Use of Bioinformatics in Planning a Protein Purification Richard R. Burgess Contents 1. What You Can Learn from an Amino Acid Sequence 1.1. Molecular weight of the polypeptide chain 1.2. Charge versus pH/titration curve, isoelectric point 1.3. Molar extinction coefficient 1.4. Cysteine content 1.5. Secondary structure 1.6. Stability 1.7. Hydrophobicity and membrane-spanning regions 1.8. Sequence similarity suggests homology and possible cofactor affinity 1.9. Potential modification sites 1.10. Solubility on overexpression in E. coli 2. What You Cannot yet Predict 2.1. Three-dimension structure; shape, surface features 2.2. Multisubunit features; homomultimers, heteromultimers? 2.3. Precipitation properties 3. Conclusion 3.1. Protein bioinformatic resources 3.2. Purification in the denatured state References

22 22 22 23 23 24 24 24 24 25 25 25 26 26 26 26 27 27 27

Abstract Now that many hundreds and even thousands of whole genomes have been sequenced, it is rare to be studying a target protein whose amino acid sequence is not known. However, it is still often necessary to obtain large amounts of the target protein for a variety of purposes including structural studies, drug discovery, enzymology, protein biochemistry, and industrial application. It would seem that knowing the amino acid sequences would make it much easier

McArdle Laboratory for Cancer Research, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin, USA Methods in Enzymology, Volume 463 ISSN 0076-6879, DOI: 10.1016/S0076-6879(09)63003-2


2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.



Richard R. Burgess

to design an effective purification of that protein. We examine in this chapter what you can and cannot predict from an amino acid sequence and conclude that protein purification is still largely an empirical science.

1. What You Can Learn from an Amino Acid Sequence Often there are two common scenarios that a protein biochemist faces these days: (1) you know the protein and at least some of its functions; and (2) you have identified a gene and its protein through transcriptional profiling or proteomic studies by two-dimensional gel analysis or mass spectroscopy, but it is of unknown function. In either case, you know the sequence and want to purify it. Here are some of the types of information you can learn from its sequence that might help you in designing a protein purification procedure. Many of these properties can readily be obtained using sequence analysis software as described below.

1.1. Molecular weight of the polypeptide chain It is very straightforward to calculate the molecular weight (MW) of a polypeptide chain protein by multiplying the MW of an amino acid in a polypeptide (the MW of an amino acid –18 Da) by the number of times that amino acid occurs in the polypeptide. Remember to add an extra 18 Da to the total to account for the free amino and carboxy termini. Of course, one cannot know, except by N-terminal sequencing or mass spectroscopy, whether the N-terminal initiating methionine has been removed or not.

1.2. Charge versus pH/titration curve, isoelectric point Assuming a pKa for each ionizable group in a protein (the pKa is the pH at which that residue is half ionized), one can calculate the total charge as a function of pH of a given protein from its amino acid sequence. The pH at which the net charge is zero is defined as its isoelectric point or pI. This information is helpful in deciding which ion exchange chromatography resin to use. For example, if you assume that the protein is a monomer and not modified to change the charge, then an acidic protein (one that is negatively charged at pH 7) is likely to bind to a positively charged anion exchange resin such as MonoQ while a basic protein (one that is positively charged at pH 7) is likely to bind to a negatively charged cation exchange resin such as MonoS. There are exceptions to this generalization if the charge on the surface is not uniformly distributed. A protein could have a positive patch and a separate negative patch and be able to bind to both

Bioinformatics in Protein Purification


anion and cation exchange columns under the same conditions. To the first approximation, the greater the charge on a protein at the pH of the column buffer, the tighter it will bind and the higher the salt needed to elute it from the column resin. Of course, if the protein is part of a multiprotein complex, then you have no idea what its ion exchange column binding properties will be. Finally, since a protein is generally least soluble at its pI, one can consider an isoelectric precipitation step (assuming that the protein is not in a stable complex with another protein or proteins) (see Chapter 20).

1.3. Molar extinction coefficient At a wavelength of 280 nm, all of the absorbance of an unmodified protein is due to the absorption of its amino acids tryptophan, tyrosine, and cysteine. Gill and von Hippel (1989) and Pace et al. (1995) have described similar methods to estimate the molar absorption/extinction coefficient of a protein given its amino acid composition. This involves some assumptions, based on experimental data, on the average proportion of the tryptophan and tyrosine that are exposed on the surface versus buried in the interior. This method is perhaps the most useful practical method of determining the concentration of a purified protein. For example, if the protein has six tryptophans, seven tyrosines, and no cysteines, the molar extinction coefficient (e280 nm) would be (6 5500) þ (7 1490) þ (0 125) ¼ 43,430. The absorption (A280 nm) of a 10–5 M solution would be 0.43. A somewhat more useful number is the A280 nm of a 1 mg/ml solution of that protein. 1 mg=ml This is sometimes called E280 nm . You divide the molar extinction coefficient by the MW (e.g., if the protein above is 30,000 Da, then 43,430/ 30,000 ¼ 1.45). Then a careful measurement of the A280 nm with appropriate buffer absorption controls will give you the protein concentration (e.g., if the measured A280 nm is 0.75, then the protein concentration of the measured protein solution is 0.75/1.45 ¼ 0.52 mg/ml). It should be stressed that this method is not valid if the protein contains any contaminating nucleic acid, additional 280 nm-absorbing moieties (such as bound heme, iron–sulfur [Fe–S] centers, or nucleotide substrates or cofactors), or fluorescent modifications (such as with green fluorescent protein).

1.4. Cysteine content I always look to see if a protein I am trying to purify contains cysteine. If not, then I can omit reducing agents such as dithiothreitol (DTT) from my buffers. If the protein is from E. coli and has cysteines, then I assume that there are no disulfides in the native protein since the environment in the cytoplasm is reducing making it unlikely that the protein is naturally in an oxidized


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condition unless it is located in the periplasm. In general when my protein has cysteines, I include DTT in my buffers to prevent unwanted intra- or intermolecular disulfide formation. It is harder to predict whether proteins from other sources and that contain multiple cysteines are likely to form disulfides.

1.5. Secondary structure There are several quite reasonable methods to predict regions of the protein that are likely to be in the form of alpha helical or beta strand secondary structures. However, this knowledge is rarely of use in designing a protein purification scheme.

1.6. Stability It is possible, using ProtParam (see below) to estimate the in vivo half-life and the instability index of a protein from its sequence. The in vivo half-life is calculated based on the N-end rule (Varshavsky, 1997) and the N-terminal amino acid of the protein in question. Approximate half-life estimates are given for the protein expressed in mammalian cells, yeast and E. coli. The instability index provides an estimate of the stability of your protein in vitro and is based on the analysis of dipeptide occurrences in your protein compared to those of a set of test proteins that are known to be unstable or stable (Guruprasad et al., 1990). This information might be useful since a protein predicted to be unstable in vitro might warrant special care in maintaining low temperatures during purification and perhaps in the use of protease inhibitors.

1.7. Hydrophobicity and membrane-spanning regions It is possible to analyze sequence information to determine regions that are particularly hydrophobic or hydrophilic. One such method is that of Kyte and Doolittle (1982) that allows one to plot the hydropathy value along a sequence. This can allow one to recognize potential membrane-spanning regions and, for a protein of unknown function, predict that it is a membrane protein. A membrane-spanning region is usually a stretch of 23 hydrophobic amino acids that form an alpha helix. If you know that the protein of interest is a membrane protein, it will certainly affect how you design a purification scheme.

1.8. Sequence similarity suggests homology and possible cofactor affinity If your protein is of unknown function, it is possible to do a search to determine if it is highly similar to other known proteins in the protein database. If the sequence similarity is great enough to infer homology and if

Bioinformatics in Protein Purification


your protein is related to other homologous family members that have been studied, then perhaps you know, for example, that it usually occurs as a homodimer. This will help in predicting its behavior on gel filtration column chromatography. This information might also be used to devise a suitable assay for your protein. Again, as above, sequence can identify if it belongs to a protein family all of which are known to bind to a particular cofactor or substrate. For example, if it is a member of the AAA ATPase family, it is likely that it will bind to an affinity column that has an immobilized ATP analog. Such an affinity purification step can aid greatly in a purification scheme (see Chapter 26).

1.9. Potential modification sites It is now possible to identify in amino acid sequences, short amino acid stretches or ‘‘motifs’’ that are commonly sites of posttranslational modification. A few of these motifs are: glycosylation site (NXS or NXT); biotinylation site (AMKM); zinc finger (metal binding site) (F/YXCX2–4 CX3FX5LX2HX3–4HX5), heart muscle protein kinase recognition site (RRASV). This information can be highly useful. For example, if the protein is glycosylated, it might bind to a lectin affinity column (see Chapter 35). Many posttranslational modifications become handles by which a protein can be fractionated away from many other proteins. The problems are that one cannot predict if the site is on the surface of the protein of interest or if it is in fact modified and to what extent.

1.10. Solubility on overexpression in E. coli Several studies have proposed that one can predict from the protein sequence the likelihood that a protein, if overproduced in E. coli will be soluble or form insoluble inclusion bodies (Idicula-Thomas and Balaji, 2005; Wilkinson and Harrison, 1991). Obviously, this is useful information, but is most easily obtained by simply overproducing a protein, breaking the cells, centrifuging the lysate to separate soluble from insoluble, and then analyzing the two resulting fractions by SDS–PAGE. The fact that the proportion of an overproduced protein that is soluble can be significantly altered by manipulating cell growth conditions suggests that solubility predictions based on sequence may be useful but have severe limitations.

2. What You Cannot yet Predict Unfortunately, most of the information needed to design a purification scheme is not predictable from a protein’s amino acid sequence. Some of the most critical problems are listed below.


Richard R. Burgess

2.1. Three-dimension structure; shape, surface features While a huge amount of time and effort has gone into finding a practical method of predicting three-dimensional structure from amino acid sequence, it is presently not yet possible to do so with any confidence. In the case where a target protein shows high similarity to a protein whose structure has been determined, it is possible to ‘‘thread’’ the sequence into the known structure and come up with a reasonable approximation of the structure of the target protein. Without accurate structural information, one cannot predict shape, or detailed surface features such as hydrophobic patches, charge distribution, and antigenic sites. Therefore, one cannot easily predict behavior on hydrophobic interaction chromatography (HIC) or ion exchange chromatography. Since the shape affects the Stokes radius, one cannot predict behavior during gel filtration chromatography (a spherical protein will appear smaller than an asymmetric or cigar-shaped protein of the same MW during gel filtration).

2.2. Multisubunit features; homomultimers, heteromultimers? Even if one could accurately predict the three-dimensional structure of a protein, it would still be impossible to predict if it exists in solution as a multimer (e.g., a hexamer) or as a monomer. That lack of knowledge precludes any reasonable prediction of its behavior on sizing columns or on ion exchange columns. Even more problematic is the fact that many proteins exist as parts of multisubunit complexes and one cannot predict whether a given protein will exist as a complex whose purification properties may be determined largely by its binding partners.

2.3. Precipitation properties Different proteins vary in their solubility properties in ways that are not yet understood. Therefore, it is not presently possible to predict what ammonium sulfate concentration to use in precipitating a given protein from solution. This will be discussed further in Chapter 20.

3. Conclusion I think it is very clear that one cannot yet use amino acid sequence to predict the behavior of a given protein in most of the primary fractionation methods used by protein purifiers. By far the best approach still is to

Bioinformatics in Protein Purification


fractionate an extract by ammonium sulfate precipitation, by ion exchange and gel filtration chromatography and determine how the protein of interest behaves. Therefore, although we have tremendous knowledge of protein sequence, protein purification is still very empirical! Don’t be afraid to simply do the experiment!

3.1. Protein bioinformatic resources One of the most used sites for obtaining sequence data and using it to compute various physicochemical properties of proteins is the ProtParam feature of ExPASy (Expert Protein Analysis Software) Web site (http://www. ProtParam calculates many of the protein parameters including MW, theoretical pI, amino acid composition, atomic composition, extinction coefficient, estimated half-life, instability index, aliphatic index, and grand average of hydropathicity (Gasteiger et al., 2005). This is very simple to use. Go to ProtParam tools, enter a Swiss-Prot/ TrEMBL accession number (AC) or a sequence identifier (ID), or you can paste your own sequence in the box, hit button that says ‘‘compute parameters,’’ and print out the results. One commercial package available through DNASTAR (http://www., called Lasergene, version 8.0, contains a section on protein sequence analysis called ‘‘Protean.’’ This allows sequence analysis similar to ProtParam and in addition, predicts antigenicity, surface probability, maps proteolytic digestion sites, and has very nice graphical displays.

3.2. Purification in the denatured state After all that was discussed above, it is only fair to point out that one can do much better at predicting purification properties of a given protein is you are willing to carry out the purification in the denatured state (Knuth and Burgess, 1987). If you do not have to worry about possible multimeric states, then one can simply denature in urea, fractionate somewhat predictably by ion exchange and gel filtration, and then refold the protein to its native structure (see Chapter 17).

REFERENCES Gasteiger, E., Hoogland, C., Gattiker, A., Duvaud, S., Wilkins, M. R., Appel, R. D., and Bairoch, A. (2005). Protein identification and analysis tools on the ExPASy server. In ‘‘The Proteomics Protocols Handbook’’, ( J. M. Walker, ed.), pp. 571–607. Humana Press, Totowa. Gill, S. C., and von Hippel, P. H. (1989). Calculation of protein extinction coefficients from amino acid sequence data. Anal. Biochem. 182, 319–326.


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Guruprasad, K., Reddy, B., and Pandit, M. W. (1990). Correlation between stability of a protein and its dipeptide composition: A novel approach for predicting in vivo stability of a protein from it primary sequence. Protein Eng. 4, 155–161. Idicula-Thomas, S., and Balaji, P. V. (2005). Understanding the relationship between the primary structure of proteins and its propensity to be soluble on overexpression in E. coli. Protein Sci. 14, 582–592. Knuth, M. W., and Burgess, R. R. (1987). Purification of proteins in the denatured state. In ‘‘Protein Purification: Micro to Macro’’, (R. R. Burgess, ed.), pp. 279–305. Alan R. Liss, New York. Kyte, J., and Doolittle, R. F. (1982). A simple method for displaying the hydrophobic character of a protein. J. Mol. Biol. 157, 105–132. Pace, C. N., Vajdos, F., Fee, L., Grimsely, G., and Gray, T. (1995). How to measure and predict the molar absorption coefficient of a protein. Protein Sci. 11, 2411–2423. Varshavsky, A. (1997). The N-end rule pathway of protein degradation. Genes Cells 2, 13–28. Wilkinson, D. L., and Harrison, R. G. (1991). Predicting the solubility of recombinant proteins in E. coli. Biotechnology 9, 443–448.



Preparing a Purification Summary Table Richard R. Burgess Contents 29 32

1. Introduction 2. The Importance of Footnotes 3. The Value of an SDS–Polyacrylamide Gel Analysis on Main Protein Fractions 4. Some Common Mistakes and Problems

32 32

Abstract Once a protein purification scheme has been developed, the purification, characterization, and use/structure of a target protein are usually published. It is highly desirable to present the major steps in the purification and the corresponding features of the protein at each step summarized in the form of a purification summary table. In considering whether to repeat a published protein purification, a reader needs this information to evaluate the purification, and to decide if it is worth following or if it needs major modifications. In this chapter, I discuss the main characteristics of a useful purification summary table and point out common mistakes and problems I see in many such tables.

1. Introduction As an executive editor and editor-in-chief of the journal, Protein Expression and Purification, I have reviewed on the order of 100 protein purification papers a year for over 18 years. It is remarkable how many manuscripts I receive where there is either no purification summary or one that is severely lacking in necessary information and accuracy. The essentials of a reasonable purification table are illustrated by the example below. Suppose one set out to purify an enzyme from the bacterium E. coli starting with 10 g of wet weight cell pellet from a 4-l culture (10 g of wet weight cells typically would contain about 2 g of dry weight and about McArdle Laboratory for Cancer Research, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin, USA Methods in Enzymology, Volume 463 ISSN 0076-6879, DOI: 10.1016/S0076-6879(09)63004-4


2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.



Richard R. Burgess

1200 mg of total protein). The cells are lysed by sonication to give a crude lysate and the debris is removed by centrifugation to give a crude extract. A 45–50% saturated ammonium sulfate cut was prepared. The 50% saturated ammonium sulfate pellet was dissolved in buffer and diluted to low salt and applied to a DEAE anion exchange column. The column was washed at low salt and then eluted with a linear salt gradient from 0.1 to 0.6 M NaCl, the peak of activity eluting at about 0.25 M NaCl. The peak was pooled and applied to a Sephacryl S-300 gel filtration column and eluted with a buffer at constant salt (isocratically). The fractions of peak activity were pooled and shown by SDS–PAGE with Coomassie blue staining to be a single band. The specific activity of the final material is the same as that of a known pure reference sample. The main fractions were all assayed for enzyme activity and protein determinations were carried out. The resulting data are given in Table 4.1. A purification summary table should allow a reader to evaluate easily the procedure and readily detect particularly effective and ineffective purification steps. It should be easy to see if large losses occurred at a particular step. A suitable table will contain the following columns: 1. Major steps in the purification. These typically include steps like: Crude lysate (the result of cell or tissue disruption). This step is often omitted since assays may be difficult but it is useful and even essential when much of the expressed recombinant target protein is in an insoluble inclusion body. Crude extract (the lysate after any insoluble material has been removed by centrifugation) Table 4.1 A typical purification summary table


Crude lysatea Crude extract Ammonium sulfate 45–55% cutd DEAE column (pooled peak) Sephacryl column (pooled peak) a b c d

Total protein (mg)b

Total activity (units)c

1200 1000 180

120 110 75

0.10 0.11 0.42

100 92 62

0.8 0.9 3.4











Specific activity (units/mg)

Yield (%)

Purity (%)

From 10 g of wet weight E. coli cell pellet (from 4 l of bacterial culture). Protein concentration determined by Bradford assay using BSA as a standard protein. Enzyme activity measured as described in the methods section. Crude extract material that is soluble at 45% but precipitates at 55% saturated ammonium sulfate.

Preparing a Purification Summary Table


Ammonium sulfate cut Pooled peak from an ion exchange column Pooled peak from a gel filtration column Pooled peak from an affinity column Concentrated and dialyzed final product Solubilized inclusion bodies. This step and the following two are often used in the case where an expressed recombinant protein is produced as insoluble inclusion bodies; see Chapter 17. Washed inclusion bodies Refolded, centrifuged, and concentrated material 2. Amount of total protein (mg). This is usually determined by a standard protein assay. Most commonly these days a Bradford dye-binding assay or a bicinchoninic acid (BCA) assay is used (see Chapter 8). It is important to indicate in the methods section what protein is used as the protein standard (typically BSA). Once the protein is purified it can also sometimes be quantified by measuring its absorbance at 280 nm and the use of an appropriate molar extinction coefficient. 3. Amount of target protein or total activity (mg or units). If there is a suitable enzyme assay for the target protein, it should be carried out on material from each major step. If the protein is not an enzyme or there is no quantitative assay, and if the protein is visible on a Coomassie blue stained SDS–PAGE, then often the stained gel is scanned and the amount of protein in the target protein band is determined. In other words, purity is determined and multiplied by the total protein to give an estimate of the total target protein. 4. Specific activity (units/mg). If enzyme activity assays are possible, then the total activity (units) is divided by the total protein (mg) to give specific activity as units/mg. 5. Overall yield (%). The yield at a step in the procedure is the amount of target (either total target protein or total activity) at that step divided by the amount of target in the first step (defined as 100%). 6. Purity of target protein (%). Purity is often determined by scanning a stained SDS–PAGE and measuring the amount of the stain associated with the target band as a fraction of the stain associated with all the bands on the gel. If one has a reliable assay, then if the final material is pure, its specific activity can be used to define purity. For example, if an earlier step has a specific activity 10% of the final pure material, then the purity at that step would be 10%. 7. Relative or fold purification. This is not essential since it can be calculated from the other values above, but it is often useful. This is merely setting the initial purity at a value of one and then giving the purity at each step relative to that of the first step. For example, in Table 4.1, the final step represents an overall fold purification of 125.


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2. The Importance of Footnotes Every protein and purification is different and footnotes are needed to help the reader understand what has been done. There should be a footnote that indicates the amount of raw material used in the preparation being summarized. For recombinant protein expressed in bacteria, for example, one should always give the number of grams of wet weight cell pellet used in the preparation. It is also useful to know the volume of the bacterial culture used, but that in itself is not enough since, depending on the growth media and conditions, the yield of wet weight cell pellet can range from 1 to 80 g/L. Another useful footnote indicates how the protein amount was determined (e.g., sometimes a Bradford assay is used on the early steps, but absorbance and extinction coefficient is used on the final product).

3. The Value of an SDS–Polyacrylamide Gel Analysis on Main Protein Fractions I find that an SDS–polyacrylamide gel image is a very valuable complement to the purification summary table. If the same samples that represent the various steps in the purification table are also shown in a gel photo, then it is particularly easy to see the progress of the various fractionation steps toward production of a purified final target protein. The most useful gels are ones on which an equal proportion of the material at each step is loaded on the gel lanes.

4. Some Common Mistakes and Problems 1. Use too many significant figures. This is one of my pet peeves. I suspect that the concept of significant figures is no longer taught, because I find that a good 75% of the purification papers I review give protein amounts like 235.052 mg and yields like 46.72%. Just because a calculator or computer can divide two numbers and give one the result to eight figures does not mean that value is what one should enter into the table. Just remember that most protein quantification methods or enzyme assays are not accurate to better than 5–10%. When one writes 23.47 mg, one implies that it is not 23.46 or 23.48, but 23.47. In other words, one is implying that it is accurate to one part in over 2000 when it is not even

Preparing a Purification Summary Table

2. 3.





clear that it is accurate to one part in 20 (is it 22, 23, or 24?). No numbers should be given to more than three significant figures and in general most percentages can be given to two significant figures. Also, remember that any number resulting from the division of two numbers each accurate to 10% will only be accurate to 20%. Calculate values erroneously. Remarkably many tables contain simple arithmetic errors. All numbers should be checked and rechecked before submission of a manuscript. Use step yields instead of overall yields. A step yield is the yield from a single step in the purification procedure, that is, the amount of target protein or activity after that step compared to that in the previous step of the procedure. A series of four fractionation steps might all give 60% step yields, but the overall yield is (0.6)4 ¼ 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 ¼ 0.13 or 13%. Overall yield is more useful. A procedure that gives an overall yield of a few percent may be due to a very lengthy and difficult purification of a rare or unstable protein, but more likely it indicates that the procedure has not been optimized very well. Calculate yield as yield of total protein. Often I see a table in which the yield given is yield of total protein, rather than target protein. This is relatively useless information. Yield is always recovery of total target protein or activity. Write up and try to publish the first purification that gives any product. There is a tendency for readers, especially inexperienced readers, to assume that a published purification is the result of many cycles of improvement and optimization, and represents the best way to purify the protein. This is very often not true. Many times, it is just a series of steps, often chosen arbitrarily that happens to result in some product. One should look very carefully at a purification to assess if it is a procedure that is worth trying to follow if one wants to purify some of the target protein. This is why a proper purification summary table is so valuable. If huge losses occur at a particular fractionation step, if the overall yield is very low, if the final purity is not high, or if similar fractionation steps are used several times, then perhaps the procedure should merely be used as a beginning point in designing a better, more effective purification. What to do when purifying a protein where a fusion partner is cleaved off during the procedure? Very often a recombinant protein is expressed as a fusion with another protein or tag that aids in its folding or purification (see Chapter 16). Since most often the desired final product is the target protein without the fusion partner or tag, especially for structural studies, the fusion partner must be cleaved off by one of several specific proteases. Let us say that the target is 20 kDa and the fusion partner is 40 kDa, so the fusion protein expressed is 60 kDa. At the step where the fusion protein is cleaved, the yield of target protein seems to decrease by 67% even if all of it is recovered. How is this indicated in the summary table?


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I suggest that the column on target protein amount contain two numbers; the mg of fusion protein and the calculated mg of the final target protein in parenthesis. That way at the step where the cleavage has occurred, one can continue giving just the mg of the cleaved product and the theoretical amount of cleaved product in the first step can be used to calculate the overall yield.



Setting Up a Laboratory Murray P. Deutscher Contents 38 38 38 38 39 39 39 40

1. Supporting Materials 1.1. Glassware and plasticware 1.2. Chemicals 1.3. Disposables 1.4. Small equipment and accessories 1.5. Equipment and apparatus 2. Detection and Assay Requirements 3. Fractionation Requirements

The aim of this chapter is to provide some general information on the basic equipment, chemicals, and supplies that should be present in any laboratory undertaking protein purification. Details relevant to individual pieces of equipment, information on apparatus and chemicals for specialized applications, useful vendors, etc., can be found in chapters throughout this volume. Although any laboratory engaged in protein purification may have many types of equipment, chemicals, and supplies, all these materials basically fall into three categories, those used for fractionation, those needed for detection and assay, and those that I call supporting materials. The supporting materials (e.g., tubes, pipets, baths, stirrers, timers, salts, buffers, and much more) are common to every biochemical laboratory. They are generally the least costly, used most frequently, required in largest numbers, and are the most essential. It is natural in setting up a laboratory to focus on the large, expensive apparatus, but in practice, available funds should first go to ensuring an adequate supply of supporting materials. (It obviously makes no sense to buy a sophisticated fraction collector, and not to have enough tubes.) Obtain the necessary amount of glassware, chemicals, disposables, etc., for the number of people who will be working in the laboratory. A representative (but not complete) list follows. Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Miami School of Medicine, Miami, Florida, USA Methods in Enzymology, Volume 463 ISSN 0076-6879, DOI: 10.1016/S0076-6879(09)63005-6


2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.



Murray P. Deutscher

1. Supporting Materials 1.1. Glassware and plasticware Tubes, beakers, flasks, bottles, cylinders, funnels, and pipets in a wide range of sizes (disposable materials are often most useful) Transfer (Pasteur) pipets Pipettor tips Baking dishes Plastic containers Large carboys and jars Ice buckets

1.2. Chemicals High-grade distilled H2O Salts (generally chlorides or acetates) Sodium and potassium phosphates Enzyme-grade ammonium sulfate Tris and other organic buffers EDTA Acids and bases Reducing agents (2-mercaptoethanol, dithiothreitol, glutathione) Protease inhibitors Detergents Glycerol

1.3. Disposables Dialysis tubing Concentrators/fractionators Weighing paper and boats Filter paper pH paper Aluminum foil Glass wool Syringes and needles Sterile gloves Marking tape and pens Paper wipes and towels Razor blades

Setting Up a Laboratory


1.4. Small equipment and accessories Burners and flints Timers (including a stopwatch) Vortex mixers Magnetic stirrers and stirring bars of various sizes Variable pipettors of various sizes Forceps, scissors, spatulas Small tools Hot plate Homogenizers Thermometers

1.5. Equipment and apparatus Refrigerator Freezer ( 20 C) and, if funds available, a low-temperature freezer Water baths (shaking and standing) Balances (top loading and analytical) pH meter, electrode, and standard solutions Oven Pump Microfuge Accessibility to a cold room, autoclave, ice machine, lyophilizer, dry ice, or liquid N2. If funds still remain after filling the above list, obtain other items directly relevant to protein purification (although some of these could also be considered supporting materials), that is, those necessary for detection and assay and for fractionation. In these areas, some of the equipment could be quite costly and sophisticated. A great deal of thought should be given to the planned usage of such equipment to determine your actual needs. In some cases it might be essential to have the item in your immediate laboratory. However, in others, if only occasional use is contemplated, you might get by with nearby access to the piece of equipment. With limited funds, and the cost of some equipment, a priority list is very helpful. In some instances, duplicating a frequently used item may be more advantageous than purchasing a new piece of equipment that will only be used infrequently. Thus, in my experience, a lab actively engaged in protein purification never has enough fraction collectors, columns, and gel electrophoresis apparatus.

2. Detection and Assay Requirements Probably, the most important detection device in the laboratory is the spectrophotometer. It can be used for determining protein concentrations, measuring the growth of bacterial cultures, as well as for a variety of


Murray P. Deutscher

enzymatic and colorimetric assays. The spectrophotometer should be equipped with both UV and visible optics and cover the range from about 200 to 800 nm to be of most use. Both glass and quartz cuvettes are necessary to cover the visible and UV range, respectively. It is often useful to have one set of microcuvettes for analysis of small volumes ( 0.2 ml). Disposable cuvettes are available, and are best for measuring cell growth. Most enzymatic assays rely on either spectrophotometry or the use of radioisotopes. In the latter case, a scintillation counter is a necessity. The use of a scintillation counter means that the supplies, chemicals, and other accessories needed for preparing radioactive samples will also be required. Scintillation counters are quite costly, and often are shared among several laboratories. Likewise, a phosphorimager and a fluoroimager are essential for gel assays, but are often shared. If the use of radioactive material is contemplated, radiation monitors, shielding, and other precautions will be needed as well. Two other detection devices that often come in handy are a conductivity meter and a refractometer. These are used to measure salt gradients on chromatographic columns, and sucrose, glycerol, or CsCl centrifugal gradients.

3. Fractionation Requirements Protein purification means protein fractionation. What distinguishes a protein purification laboratory from the usual biochemistry or molecular biology laboratory is largely the number and types of fractionation apparatus and materials available. Subsequent chapters will discuss these items in detail; they will be mentioned here only briefly. Probably, the most frequently used piece of equipment in the laboratory is the centrifuge. The workhorse of the protein purification laboratory is the refrigerated high-speed centrifuge which attains speeds up to 20,000 rpm. The usefulness of such a centrifuge is directly related to the presence in the laboratory of a wide variety of rotors and centrifuge tubes and bottles. Rotors are available that hold as small a volume as a few milliliters per tube to ones that hold 500-ml bottles. The large rotors are invaluable for handling the large volumes of extracts often encountered in early steps of a protein purification. In instances in which one wants to remove or prepare subcellular organelles, access to an ultracentrifuge is desirable. Instruments are available that can process reasonably large volumes at speeds as high as 80,000 rpm, and smaller machines on the market can go even faster. The availability of this instrumentation has greatly reduced the time required to prepare microsomal or high-speed supernatant fractions. In view of the cost of

Setting Up a Laboratory


these machines, and their relatively infrequent use in most cases, they are often shared among laboratories. The advent of many microanalytical techniques has also made the minifuge or microcentrifuge an essential item. Though not really a fractionation apparatus in a protein purification laboratory, it is a necessary addition. In this regard, the larger centrifuges are also frequently used for assays of various types, rather than only for fractionation purposes. In order to isolate proteins, a means of rupturing cells is required. Various apparatuses are available for this purpose, including hand-held and motor-driven homogenizers, blenders, sonicators, pressure cells, etc. These will be discussed in detail in other chapters. In general, it is desirable to have a variety of the less costly items in individual laboratories, with the remainder available as shared equipment. Column chromatography is a primary protein purification method in use in most laboratories. Every laboratory involved in protein fractionation should have available a large supply of columns of various lengths and diameters in anticipation of every conceivable need, since they will arise during the course of developing purification schemes. Columns are available in various degrees of sophistication (and cost). We have found that simple, gravity-flow, open-top columns fitted with stoppers and syringe needles, or tubing, for fluid inlet and control, are satisfactory for most chromatographic procedures. However, for many purposes, prepacked columns and pressurized FPLC systems may be the preferred route. A dependable fraction collector is one of the most important pieces of equipment in the laboratory. Failure of a fraction collector may result in the loss of several month’s work. In this instance, extra money spent on a good, versatile machine is a wise investment. Instruments able to handle a large number of tubes, of various sizes, in different collection modes, are the most useful. Many different types of fraction collectors are available. Careful analysis of the various models, and matching to anticipated requirements, is good practice prior to purchase. A suitable strategy for many laboratories would be the purchase of one of the more sophisticated instruments for special needs, and one or more of the less costly, simple machines for routine use. A number of other accessories to column chromatography are useful, if not essential. These include a peristaltic pump, various sizes of gradient makers, and a UV monitor. Gradient makers can be homemade from flasks or bottles, if necessary. Following the protein elution profile during a chromatographic run provides important information. This can be done by determining the absorbance of individual fractions with a spectrophotometer, or automatically with an in-stream UV monitor. Dual-wavelength models with different size flow cells are the most versatile (and also most costly). Finally, every laboratory should also have on hand a basic supply of chromatographic gels and resins. These should include an anion and cation


Murray P. Deutscher

exchanger, various porosity gel filtration media, hydroxyapatite, a hydrophobic gel, and probably an immobilized dye resin. No protein purification laboratory is complete without the presence of gel electrophoresis equipment. These items are used to monitor a purification procedure or for fractionation itself. Generally, a vertical slab-gel apparatus with various-sized spacers and combs is satisfactory for most applications. An electrophoresis power supply unit is also required. If only one is to be purchased, a regulated constant-current (0–50 mA) constantvoltage (0–200 V) model is useful. In addition to the chemicals necessary for preparing gels, several protein standards and staining dyes should also be obtained. The instrumentation used for gel electrophoresis can also be used for isoelectric focusing. The equipment, chemicals, and supplies mentioned in this chapter should allow you to enter the field of protein purification. As you read through this volume, and actually begin to purify proteins, many other useful items will become apparent.



Buffers: Principles and Practice1 Vincent S. Stoll and John S. Blanchard Contents 43 44 45 48 49 50 50 56

1. Introduction 2. Theory 3. Buffer Selection 4. Buffer Preparation 5. Volatile Buffers 6. Broad-Range Buffers 7. Recipes for Buffer Stock Solutions References

1. Introduction The necessity for maintaining a stable pH when studying enzymes is well established (Good and Izawa, this series; Johnson and Metzler, this series). Biochemical processes can be severely affected by minute changes in hydrogen ion concentrations. At the same time, many protons may be consumed or released during an enzymatic reaction. It has become increasingly important to find buffers to stabilize hydrogen ion concentrations while not interfering with the function of the enzyme being studied. The development of a series of N-substituted taurine and glycine buffers by Good et al. (1966) has provided buffers in the physiologically relevant range (6.1–10.4) of most enzymes, which have limited side effects with most enzymes (Good et al., 1966). It has been found that these buffers are nontoxic to cells at 50 mM concentrations and in some cases much higher (Ferguson et al., 1980).

Department of Biochemistry, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, New York Reprinted from Methods in Enzymology, Volume 182 (Academic Press, 1990)


Methods in Enzymology, Volume 463 ISSN 0076-6879, DOI: 10.1016/S0076-6879(09)63006-8

Copyright # 1990 by Academic Press All rights reserved.



Vincent S. Stoll and John S. Blanchard

2. Theory The observation that partially neutralized solutions of weak acids or weak bases are resistant to pH changes on the addition of small amounts of strong acid or strong base leads to the concept of ‘‘buffering’’ (Perrin and Dempsey, 1974). Buffers consist of an acid and its conjugate base, such as carbonate and bicarbonate, or acetate and acetic acid. The quality of a buffer is dependent on its buffering capacity (resistance to change in pH by addition of strong acid or base), and its ability to maintain a stable pH upon dilution or addition of neutral salts. Because of the following equilibria, additions of small amounts of strong acid or strong base result in the removal of only small amounts of the weakly acidic or basic species; therefore, there is little change in the pH: HAðacidÞ Ð Hþ þ A ðconjugate baseÞ


BðbaseÞ þ Hþ Ð BHþ ðconjugate acidÞ


The pH of a solution of a weak acid or base may be calculated from the Henderson–Hasselbalch equation: pH ¼ pKa0 þ log

½basic species ½acidic species


The pKa of a buffer is that pH where the concentrations of basic and acidic species are equal, and in this basic form the equation is accurate between the pH range of 3–11. Below pH 3 and above pH 11 the concentrations of the ionic species of water must be included in the equation (Perrin and Dempsey, 1974). Since the pH range of interest here is generally in the pH 3–11 range, this will be ignored. From the Henderson–Hasselbalch equation an expression for buffer capacity may be deduced. If at some concentration of buffer, c, the sum [A] þ [HA] is constant, then the amount of strong acid or base needed to cause a small change in pH is given by the relationship: ( ) d½B ½Ka0 c½Hþ K w ð6:4Þ þ ½Hþ þ þ ¼ 2:303 H dpH ðKa0 þ ½Hþ Þ2 In this equation, Kw refers to the ionic product of water, and the second and third terms are only significant below pH 3 or above pH 11. In the pH range of interest (pH 3–11), this equation yields the following expression: 2:303c ¼ 0:576c; ð6:5Þ 4 which represents a maximum value for d[B]/dpH when pH ¼ pKa. The buffer capacity of any buffer is dependent on the concentration, c, and may bmax ¼


Buffers: Principles and Practice




0.005 −1.0


0.0 ΔpH



Figure 6.1 Buffer capacity (b) versus DpH over the range 1 pH unit of the pKa for HEPES (0.05 M). Points calculated using Eq. (6.5), and data from Perrin and Dempsey (1974).

be calculated over a buffer range of 1 pH unit around the pK to determine the buffer capacity, as shown in Fig. 6.1 for one of the Good buffers, HEPES. It can be seen that the buffer capacity is greatest at its pK, and drops off quickly 1 pH unit on either side of the pK. In practice, buffers should not be used beyond these values.

3. Buffer Selection There are many factors that must be considered when choosing a buffer. When studying an enzyme one must consider the pH optimum of the enzyme, nonspecific buffer effects on the enzyme, and interactions with substrates or metals. When purifying a protein, cost becomes an important consideration, as does the compatibility of the buffer with different purification techniques. Table 6.1 lists a wide variety of buffers covering a broad pH range. Determining the pH optimum of a protein is a first step in determining the best buffer to employ (Blanchard, this series). Since the buffering capacity is maximal at the pK, buffers should be used close to this value. When determining the pH optimum for an enzyme, it is useful to use a series of related buffers that span a wide pH range. Once an optimal pH has been approximated, different buffers within this pH range can be examined for specific buffer effects. The Good buffers have been shown to be relatively free of side effects. However, inorganic buffers do have a high potential for specific buffer effects. Many enzymes are inhibited by phosphate buffer, including carboxypeptidase, urease, as well as many kinases and dehydrogenases (Blanchard, this series). Borate buffers can form covalent complexes with mono- and oligosaccharides, the ribose moieties of nucleic acids, pyridine nucleotides, and other gem-diols. Tris and other primary amine buffers may form Schiff base adducts with aldehydes and ketones.


Vincent S. Stoll and John S. Blanchard

Table 6.1 Selected buffers and their pK values at 25 C Buffer name



– – – – – – – – – 2-(N-Morpholino) ethanesulfonic acid Cacodylate Dimethylarsinic acid Dimethylglutarate 3,3-Dimethylglutarate (pK2) Carbonate (pK1) – Citrate (pK3) – Bis–Tris [Bis(2-hydroxyethyl)imino]tris (hydroxymethyl)methane ADA N-2-Acetamidoiminodiacetic acid Pyrophosphate – EDPS (pK1) N,N 0 -Bis(3-sulfopropyl) ethylenediamine Bis–Tris propane 1,3-Bis[tris(hydroxymethyl) methylamino]propane PIPES Piperazine-N,N 0 -bis(2ethanesulfonic acid) ACES N-2-Acetamido-2hydroxyethanesulfonic acid MOPSO 3-(N-Morpholino)-2hydroxypropanesulfonic acid Imidazole – BES N,N-Bis-(2-hydroxyethyl)-2aminoethanesulfonic acid MOPS 3-(N-Morpholino) propanesulfonic acid Phosphate (pK2) – EMTA 3,6-Endomethylene-1,2,3,6tetrahydrophthalic acid TES 2-[Tris(hydroxymethyl) methylamino]ethanesulfonic acid

2.15 3.40 3.75 4.21 4.76 4.76 5.13 5.23 5.64 6.10

0.0044 – 0.0 0.0018 0.0016 0.0002 – 0.014 0.0 0.011

6.27 6.34 6.35 6.40 6.46

0.0060 0.0055 0.0 0.0



Trivial name

Phosphate (pK1) Malate (pK1) Formate Succinate (pK1) Citrate (pK2) Acetate Malate Pyridine Succinate (pK2) MES

6.60 6.65

– –








6.95 7.09

0.020 0.016



7.20 7.23

0.0028 –


0.020 x


Buffers: Principles and Practice

Table 6.1 (continued) Trivial name

Buffer name




N-2-HydroxyethylpiperazineN 0 -2-ethanesulfonic acid 3-[N-Bis(hydroxyethyl)amino]2-hydroxypropanesulfonic acid Triethanolamine Piperazine-N,N 0 -bis(2hydroxypropanesulfonic acid) N-2-HydroxyethylpiperazineN 0 -3-propanesulfonic acid Tris(hydroxymethyl) aminomethane N-[Tris(hydroxymethyl)methyl] glycine – 1,4-Bis(3-sulfopropyl)piperazine – N,N-Bis(2-hydroxyethyl)glycine 3-{[Tris(hydroxymethyl)methyl] amino}propanesulfonic acid – 1,4-Bis(4-sulfobutyl)piperazine 2-Aminoethylsulfonic acid, taurine – – – Cyclohexylaminoethanesulfonic acid – N,N 0 -Bis(3-sulfopropyl) ethylenediamine 3-Aminopropanesulfonic acid – 3-(Cyclohexylamino) propanesulfonic acid – –





7.76 7.85

0.020 0.013


TEA POPSO EPPS, HEPPS Tris Tricine Glycinamide PIPPS Glycylglycine Bicine TAPS Morpholine PIBS AES Borate Ammonia Ethanolamine CHES Glycine (pK2) EDPS APS Carbonate (pK2) CAPS Piperidine Phosphate (pK3)






8.06 8.10 8.25 8.26 8.40

0.029 – 0.025 0.018 0.018

8.49 8.60 9.06

– – 0.022

9.23 9.25 9.50 9.55

0.008 0.031 0.029 0.029

9.78 9.80

0.025 –

9.89 10.33 10.40

– 0.009 0.032

11.12 12.33

– 0.026

Buffer complexation with metals may present additional problems. In this respect, inorganic buffers can prove problematic in that they may remove, by chelation, metals essential to enzymatic activity (e.g., Mg2þ for kinases,


Vincent S. Stoll and John S. Blanchard

Cu2þ or Fe2þ for hydroxylases). Release of protons upon chelation or precipitation of metal–buffer complexes may also be a potential problem. Where metal chelation presents a problem, the Good buffers are useful since they have been shown to have low metal-binding capabilities (Good et al., 1966). Once a suitable buffer has been found (noninteracting, with an appropriate pK ), a concentration should be chosen. Since high ionic strength may decrease enzyme activity, the buffer concentration should be as low as possible (Blanchard, this series). A reasonable way to determine how low a concentration may be used is to examine the properties (reaction rate or protein stability) at a low (10–20 mM) concentration of buffer. The pH prior to, and an adequate time after, addition of protein should not vary more than 0.05 pH. If the pH changes too drastically (greater than 0.1 pH unit), then the buffer concentration should be raised to 50 mM. In cases where protons are consumed or released stoichiometrically with substrate utilization, pH stability becomes increasingly important. Buffers may be made up in stock solutions, then diluted for use. When stock solutions are made, it should be done close to the working temperature, and in glass bottles (plastic bottles can leach UV-absorbing material) (Perrin and Dempsey, 1974). Buffers have temperature-sensitive pK values, particularly amine buffers. The carboxylic acid buffers are generally the least sensitive to temperature, and the Good buffers have only a small inverse temperature dependence on pK. The effects of dilution of stock solutions, or addition of salts, on pH should be checked by measurement of the pH after addition of all components. Choosing a buffer for protein purification requires some special considerations. Large amounts of buffer will be needed for centrifugation, chromatographic separations, and dialysis, which makes cost a concern. Tris and many inorganic buffers are widely used since they are relatively inexpensive. Although buffers like Tris are inexpensive, and have been widely used in protein purification, they do have disadvantages. Tris is a poor buffer below pH 7.5 and its pK is temperature dependent (a solution made up to pH 8.06 at 25 C will have a pH of 8.85 at 0 C). Many primary amine buffers such as Tris and glycine (Bradford, 1976) will interfere with the Bradford dye-binding protein assay. Some of the Good buffers, HEPES, EPPS, and Bicine, give false-positive colors with Lowry assay. Spectroscopic measurement of enzyme rates is a commonly applied method. It may be important to use a buffer that does not absorb appreciably in the spectral region of interest. The Good buffers, and most buffers listed in Table 6.1, can be used above 240 nm.

4. Buffer Preparation Once a suitable buffer has been chosen it must be dissolved and titrated to the desired pH. Before titrating a buffer solution, the pH meter must be calibrated. Calibration should be done using commercially available pH


Buffers: Principles and Practice

standards, bracketing the desired pH. If monovalent cations interfere, or are being investigated, then titration with tetramethylammonium hydroxide can be done to avoid mineral cations. Similarly, the substitution of the most commonly used counteranion, chloride, with other anions such as acetate, sulfate, or glutamate, may have significant effects on enzyme activity or protein–DNA interactions (Leirmo et al., 1987). Stock solutions should be made with quality water (deionized and double-distilled, preferably) and filtered through a sterile ultrafiltration system (0.22 mm) to prevent bacterial or fungal growth, especially with solutions in the pH 6–8 range. To prevent heavy metals from interfering, EDTA (10–100 mM) may be added to chelate any contaminating metals.

5. Volatile Buffers In certain cases, it is necessary to remove a buffer quickly and completely. Volatile buffers make it possible to remove components that may interfere in subsequent procedures. Volatile buffers are useful in electrophoresis, ion-exchange chromatography, and digestion of proteins followed by separation of peptides or amino acids. Most of the volatile buffers (Table 6.2) are transparent in the lower UV range except for the buffers Table 6.2 Types of systems for use as volatile buffersa



pH range

87 ml glacial acetic acid þ 25 ml 88% HCOOH in 11 l 25 ml 88% HCOOH in 1 l Pyridine–formic acid Trimethylamine–formic acid Triethylamine–formic (or acetic) acid 5 ml pyridine þ 100 ml glacial acetic acid in 1 l 5 ml pyridine þ 50 ml glacial acetic acid in 1 l Trimethylamine–acetic acid 25 ml pyridine þ 25 ml glacial acetic acid in 1 l Collidine–acetic acid 100 ml pyridine þ 4 ml glacial acetic acid in 1 l Triethanolamine–HCl Ammonia–formic (or acetic) acid Trimethylamine–CO2 Triethylamine–CO2 24 g NH4HCO3 in 1 l Ammonium carbonate–ammonia Ethanolamine–HCl 20 g (NH4)2CO3 in 1 l

1.9 2.1 2.3–3.5 3.0–5.0 3–6 3.1 3.5 4.0–6.0 4.7 5.5–7.0 6.5 6.8–8.8 7.0–10.0 7–12 7–12 7.9 8.0–10.5 8.5–10.5 8.9

From Perrin and Dempsey (1974).


Vincent S. Stoll and John S. Blanchard

containing pyridine (Perrin and Dempsey, 1974). An important consideration is interference in amino acid analysis (i.e., reactions with ninhydrin). Most volatile buffers will not interfere with ninhydrin if the concentrations are not too high (e.g., triethanolamine less than 0.1 M does not interfere).

6. Broad-Range Buffers There may be occasions where a single buffer system is desired that can span a wide pH range of perhaps 5 or more pH units. One method would be a mixture of buffers that sufficiently covers the pH range of interest. This may lead to nonspecific buffer interactions for which corrections must be made. Another common approach is to use a series of structurally related buffers that have evenly spaced pK values such that each pK is separated by approximately 1 pH unit (the limit of buffering capacity). The Good buffers are ideal for this approach since they are structurally related and have relatively evenly spaced pK values. As the pH passes the pK of one buffer it becomes nonparticipatory and therefore has no further function. These nonparticipating buffer components may show nonspecific buffer effects as well as raising the ionic strength with potential deleterious effects. A detailed description of buffer mixtures which provide a wide range of buffering capacity with constant ionic strength is available (Ellis and Morrison, this series).

7. Recipes for Buffer Stock Solutions 1. Glycine–HCl buffer (Sorensen, 1909a,b) stock solutions A: 0.2 M solution of glycine (15.01 g in 1000 ml) B: 0.2 M HCl 50 ml of A þ x ml of B, diluted to a total of 200 ml: x




5.0 6.4 8.2

3.6 3.4 3.2

16.8 24.2 32.4

2.8 2.6 –

2. Citrate buffer (Lillie, 1948) stock solutions A: 0.1 M solution of citric acid (21.01 g in 1000 ml) B: 0.1 M solution of sodium citrate (29.41 g C6H5O7Na3 2H2O in 1000 ml) x ml of A þ y ml of B, diluted to a total of 100 ml:


Buffers: Principles and Practice




46.5 43.7 40.0 37.0 35.0 33.0 31.5 28.0 25.5 23.0 20.5 18.0 16.0 13.7 11.8 9.5 7.2

3.5 6.3 10.0 13.0 15.0 17.0 18.5 22.0 24.5 27.0 29.5 32.0 34.0 36.3 38.2 41.5 42.8

3.0 3.2 3.4 3.6 3.8 4.0 4.2 4.4 4.6 4.8 5.0 5.2 5.4 5.6 5.8 6.0 6.2

3. Acetate buffer (Walpole, 1914) stock solutions A: 0.2 M solution of acetic acid (11.55 ml in 1000 ml) B: 0.2 M solution of sodium acetate (16.4 g of C2H3O2Na or 27.2 g of C2H3O2Na 3H2O in 1000 ml) x ml of A þ y ml of B, diluted to a total of 100 ml: x



46.3 44.0 41.0 36.8 30.5 25.5 14.8 10.5 8.8 4.8

3.7 6.0 9.0 13.2 19.5 24.5 35.2 39.5 41.2 45.2

3.6 3.8 4.0 4.2 4.4 4.6 5.0 5.2 5.4 5.6

4. Citrate–phosphate buffer (McIlvaine, 1921) stock solutions A: 0.1 M solution of citric acid (19.21 g in 1000 ml) B: 0.2 M solution of dibasic sodium phosphate (53.65 g of Na2HPO4 7H2O or 71.7 g of Na2HPO4 12H2O in 1000 ml) x ml of A þ y ml of B, diluted to a total of 100 ml:


Vincent S. Stoll and John S. Blanchard




44.6 42.2 39.8 37.7 35.9 33.9 32.3 30.7 29.4 27.8 26.7 25.2 24.3 23.3 22.2 21.0 19.7 17.9 16.9 15.4 13.6 9.1 6.5

5.4 7.8 10.2 12.3 14.1 16.1 17.7 19.3 20.6 22.2 23.3 24.8 25.7 26.7 27.8 29.0 30.3 32.1 33.1 34.6 36.4 40.9 43.6

2.6 2.8 3.0 3.2 3.4 3.6 3.8 4.0 4.2 4.4 4.6 4.8 5.0 5.2 5.4 5.6 5.8 6.0 6.2 6.4 6.6 6.8 7.0

5. Succinate buffer (G. Gomori, unpublished observation) stock solutions A: 0.2 M solution of succinic acid (23.6 g in 1000 ml) B: 0.2 M NaOH 25 ml of A þ x ml of B, diluted to a total of 100 ml: x




7.5 10.0 13.3 16.7 20.0 23.5

3.8 4.0 4.2 4.4 4.6 4.8

26.7 30.3 34.2 37.5 40.7 43.5

5.0 5.2 5.4 5.6 5.8 6.0

6. Cacodylate buffer (Plumel, 1949) stock solutions A: 0.2 M solution of sodium cacodylate (42.8 g of Na(CH3)2AsO2 3H2O in 1000 ml) B: 0.2 M NaOH 50 ml of A þ x ml of B, diluted to a total of 200 ml:


Buffers: Principles and Practice





2.7 7.4 29.6 6.0 4.2 7.2 34.8 5.8 6.3 7.0 39.2 5.6 9.3 6.8 43.0 5.4 13.3 6.6 45.0 5.2 18.3 6.4 47.0 5.0 13.8 6.2 7. Phosphate buffer (Sorensen, 1909a,b) stock solutions A: 0.2 M solution of monobasic sodium phosphate (27.8 g in 1000 ml) B: 0.2 M solution of dibasic sodium phosphate (53.65 g of Na2HPO4 7H2O or 71.7 g of Na2HPO4 12H2O in 1000 ml) x ml of A þ y ml of B, diluted to a total of 200 ml: x






93.5 92.0 90.0 87.7 85.0 81.5 77.5 73.5 68.5 62.5 56.5 51.0

6.5 8.0 10.0 12.3 15.0 18.5 22.5 26.5 31.5 37.5 43.5 49.0

5.7 5.8 5.9 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8

45.0 39.0 33.0 28.0 23.0 19.0 16.0 13.0 10.5 8.5 7.0 5.3

55.0 61.0 67.0 72.0 77.0 81.0 84.0 87.0 90.5 91.5 93.0 94.7

6.9 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 7.8 7.9 8.0

8. Barbital buffer (Michaelis, 1930) stock solutions A: 0.2 M solution of sodium barbital (veronal) (41.2 g in 1000 ml) B: 0.2 M HCl 50 ml of A þ x ml of B, diluted to a total of 200 ml: x




1.5 2.5 4.0 6.0 9.0 2.7 17.5

9.2 9.0 8.8 8.6 8.4 8.2 8.0

22.5 27.5 32.5 39.0 43.0 45.0

7.8 7.6 7.4 7.2 7.0 6.8


Vincent S. Stoll and John S. Blanchard

Solutions more concentrated than 0.05 M may crystallize on standing, especially in the cold. 9. Tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane (Tris) buffer (Hayaishi, this series) stock solutions A: 0.2 M solution of tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane (24.2 g in 1000 ml) B: 0.2 M HCl 50 ml of A þ x ml of B, diluted to a total of 200 ml: x


5.0 9.0 8.1 8.8 12.2 8.6 16.5 8.4 21.9 8.4 26.8 8.0 32.5 7.8 38.4 7.6 41.4 7.4 44.2 7.2 10. Boric acid–borax buffer (Holmes, 1943) stock solutions A: 0.2 M solution of boric acid (12.4 g in 1000 ml) B: 0.05 M solution of borax (19.05 g in 1000 ml; 0.2 M in terms of sodium borate) 50 ml of A þ x ml of B, diluted to a total of 200 ml: x




2.0 3.1 4.9 7.3 11.5 17.5

7.6 7.8 8.0 8.2 8.4 8.6

22.5 30.0 42.5 59.0 83.0 115.0

8.7 8.8 8.9 9.0 9.1 9.2

11. 2-Amino-2-methyl-1,3-propanediol (Ammediol) buffer (Gomori, 1946) stock solutions A: 0.2 M solution of 2-amino-2-methyl-1,3-propanediol (21.03 g in 1000 ml) B: 0.2 M HCl 50 ml of A þ x ml of B, diluted to a total of 200 ml:


Buffers: Principles and Practice





2.0 3.7 5.7 8.5 12.5 16.7

10.0 9.8 9.6 9.4 9.2 9.0

22.0 29.5 34.0 37.7 41.0 43.5

8.8 8.6 8.4 8.2 8.0 7.8

12. Glycine–NaOH buffer (Sorensen, 1909a,b) stock solutions A: 0.2 M solution of glycine (15.01 g in 1000 ml) B: 0.2 M NaOH 50 ml of A þ x ml of B, diluted to a total of 200 ml: x




4.0 6.0 8.8 12.0 16.8

8.6 8.8 9.0 9.2 9.4

22.4 27.2 32.0 38.6 45.5

9.6 9.8 10.0 10.4 10.6

13. Borax–NaOH buffer (Clark and Lubs, 1917) stock solutions A: 0.05 M solution of borax (19.05 g in 1000 ml; 0.02 M in terms of sodium borate) B: 0.2 M NaOH 50 ml of A þ x ml of B, diluted to a total of 200 ml: x


0.0 7.0 11.0 17.6 23.0 29.0 34.0 38.6 43.0 46.0

9.28 9.35 9.4 9.5 9.6 9.7 9.8 9.9 10.0 10.1

14. Carbonate–bicarbonate buffer (Delory and King, 1945) stock solutions A: 0.2 M solution of anhydrous sodium carbonate (21.2 g in 1000 ml) B: 0.2 M solution of sodium bicarbonate (16.8 g in 1000 ml) x ml of A þ y ml of B, diluted to a total of 200 ml:


Vincent S. Stoll and John S. Blanchard




4.0 7.5 9.5 13.0 16.0 19.5 22.0 25.0 27.5 30.0 33.0 35.5 38.5 40.5 42.5 45.0

46.0 42.5 40.5 37.0 34.0 30.5 28.0 25.0 22.5 20.0 17.0 14.5 11.5 9.5 7.5 5.0

9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 9.7 9.8 9.9 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 10.6 10.7

REFERENCES Blanchard, J. S. (this series). Vol. 104, p. 404. Bradford, M. M. (1976). Anal. Biochem. 22, 248. Clark, W. M., and Lubs, H. A. (1917). J. Bacteriol. 2, 1. Delory, G. E., and King, E. J. (1945). Biochem. J. 39, 245. Ellis, K. J., and Morrison, J. F. (this series). Vol. 87, p. 405. Ferguson, W. J., et al. (1980). Anal. Biochem. 104, 300. Gomori, G. (1946). Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med. 62, 33. Gomori, G. Unpublished observations. Good, N. E., and Izawa, S. (this series). Vol. 24, p. 53. Good, N. E., Winget, G. D., Winter, W., Connolly, T. N., Izawa, S., and Singh, R. M. M. (1966). Biochemistry 5, 467. Hayaishi, O. (this series). Vol. 1, p. 144. Holmes, W. (1943). Anat. Rec. 86, 163. Johnson, R. J., and Metzler, D. E. (this series). Vol. 22, p. 3. Leirmo, S., Harrison, C., Cayley, D. S., Burgess, R. R., and Record, M. T. (1987). Biochemistry 26, 2095. Lillie, R. D. (1948). Histopathologic Technique. Blakiston, Philadelphia, PA. McIlvaine, T. C. (1921). J. Biol. Chem. 49, 183. Michaelis, L. (1930). J. Biol. Chem. 87, 33. Perrin, D. D., and Dempsey, B. (1974). Buffers for pH and Metal Ion Control. Chapman & Hall, London. Plumel, M. (1949). Bull. Soc. Chim. Biol. 30, 129. Sorensen, S. P. L. (1909a). Biochem. Z. 21, 131. Sorensen, S. P. L. (1909b). Biochem. Z. 22, 352. Walpole, G. S. (1914). J. Chem. Soc. 105, 2501.



Measurement of Enzyme Activity T. K. Harris and M. M. Keshwani Contents 58 58 58 62 64 65 67 69 71 71 71

1. Introduction 2. Principles of Catalytic Activity 2.1. Chemical kinetics 2.2. Basic enzyme kinetics 3. Measurement of Enzyme Activity 3.1. Continuous assays 3.2. Discontinuous assays 4. Formulation of Reaction Assay Mixtures 5. Discussion Acknowledgments References

Abstract To study and understand the nature of living cells, scientists have continually employed traditional biochemical techniques aimed to fractionate and characterize a designated network of macromolecular components required to carry out a particular cellular function. At the most rudimentary level, cellular functions ultimately entail rapid chemical transformations that otherwise would not occur in the physiological environment of the cell. The term enzyme is used to singularly designate a macromolecular gene product that specifically and greatly enhances the rate of a chemical transformation. Purification and characterization of individual and collective groups of enzymes has been and will remain essential toward advancement of the molecular biological sciences; and developing and utilizing enzyme reaction assays is central to this mission. First, basic kinetic principles are described for understanding chemical reaction rates and the catalytic effects of enzymes on such rates. Then, a number of methods are described for measuring enzyme-catalyzed reaction rates, which mainly differ with regard to techniques used to detect and quantify concentration changes of given reactants or products. Finally, short commentary is given toward formulation of reaction mixtures used to measure enzyme activity. Whereas a comprehensive treatment of enzymatic reaction assays is not within Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Miller School of Medicine, University of Miami, Miami, Florida, USA Methods in Enzymology, Volume 463 ISSN 0076-6879, DOI: 10.1016/S0076-6879(09)63007-X


2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.



T. K. Harris and M. M. Keshwani

the scope of this chapter, the very core principles that are presented should enable new researchers to better understand the logic and utility of any given enzymatic assay that becomes of interest.

1. Introduction One primary goal of biological sciences is to deduce the molecular bases of all chemical processes that take place in living organisms. It is well established that the vast majority of biochemical reactions are governed by protein gene products called enzymes. In this sense, enzymes behave as finely tuned chemical catalysts, which greatly enhance reaction rates with both temporal and spatial resolution. Thus, elucidation of biochemical pathways involving biosynthesis, modification, and degradation of macromolecular, metabolic, and signaling molecules remains ultimately tied to experimental methods for purification, reconstitution, and direct demonstration of enzymes to catalyze specific chemical reactions. The focus of this chapter is to explain the most fundamental principles that must be considered in developing effective methods for measuring the progress of enzymecatalyzed reactions. First, kinetic formulation is described for chemical and enzymatic reaction processes. Next, instructive commentary is given on various experimental methods that are commonly used for measuring enzyme activity; and consideration is given toward numerous procedures and conditions that must be optimized.

2. Principles of Catalytic Activity 2.1. Chemical kinetics Chemical kinetics involves the experimental study of reaction rates in order to infer about the kinetic mechanisms for chemical conversion of reactants (R) into products (P) (Fig. 7.1) (House, 2007; Laidler, 1987). For any given chemical reaction, (i) the mechanism refers to the sequence of elementary steps by which overall chemical change occurs and (ii) an elementary step refers to the passing of a reactant or reaction complex through a singletransition state to a chemical form with a defined and detectable lifetime. If chemical conversion of reactants (R) to products (P) involves more than one elementary step, then the chemical structures that exist after each elementary step preceding final product formation are defined as reaction intermediates (I). Figure 7.1 also shows that each elementary step leading to product is characterized by a forward microscopic rate constant (e.g., kþ 1 and kþ 2). If a particular elementary step is reversible, then a reverse rate


Measurement of Enzyme Activity


R1 + R2

k+1 k−1



P1 + P2


Reaction coordinate B


k+1 k−1



E +P

Figure 7.1 (A) Basic kinetic mechanism for chemical conversion of two molecular reactants (R1 and R2) into two molecular products (P1 and P2). In this mechanism, an intermediate complex (I) is reversibly formed from reactants (kþ 1 and k 1) but is irreversibly converted to products (kþ 2). (B) Basic kinetic mechanism for enzyme (E)-catalyzed conversion of a molecular substrate (S) into a molecular product (P). In this mechanism, an ES intermediate complex is reversibly formed (kþ 1 and k 1) but is irreversibly converted to product (kþ 2). In this case, the enzyme (E) is regenerated and can undergo subsequent catalytic cycles. For both mechanisms, a free-energy diagram depicts typical energy changes that occur along the reaction coordinate leading to intermediates and products. Ground-state energies for reactants, intermediates, and products are depicted as valleys, whereas transition-state energies for chemical changes are depicted by peaks.

constant is designated (e.g., k 1). The principle of microscopic reversibility states that only one transition state exists for reversible chemical conversion between the species associated with one elementary step (i.e., the transition state for the forward reaction is the same as for the reverse reaction). For any given unidirectional conversion within an elementary step, a rate law is used to describe the mathematical relationship between the reaction rate or velocity and the concentration of each given reactant. For a given chemical reaction step occurring in solution, the instantaneous reaction velocity (v) is defined as the derivative of chemical concentration with respect to time (t); and it is expressed either as (i) a decreasing concentration of a given reactant (v ¼ d[R]/dt) or (ii) an increasing concentration of a given product (v ¼ þ d[P]/dt). The standard international units of reaction velocity are M s 1. The rate law for a single-unidirectional step shows the instantaneous velocity to depend on variable reactant concentration values according to parameter values of (i) a proportionality constant (k) and (ii) the exponent of each concentration term (Table 7.1). The proportionality constant is defined as the forward microscopic rate constant for a given chemical conversion, and its dimensions depend on the overall molecularity or order of the reaction. For the rate laws defined in Table 7.1, the molecularity with respect to a given reactant is given by the exponent in the given concentration term and represents the stoichiometric quantity of reactant involved in the reaction step. The kinetic order of a simple chemical reaction


T. K. Harris and M. M. Keshwani

Table 7.1 Relationship between rate law, order, and the rate constant, k Rate lawa


Units of k

v¼k v ¼ k[R1]

Zero First order with respect to R1 First order overall Second order with respect to R1 Second order overall First order with respect to R1 First order with respect to R2 Second order overall

M s 1 s 1

v ¼ k[R1]2 v ¼ k[R1][R2]


M 1 s 1 s 1

For each rate law, the units of the reaction velocity (v) will always be M s 1. M represents moles per liter (mol l 1).

is usually the same as molecularity, but it is important to emphasize that order refers to the exponent value that relates the experimentally measured reaction rate’s dependence on reactant concentration. The overall molecularity or order of a reaction step is the sum of all the concentration term exponents. In order to more fully understand the dependence of instantaneous velocity on reactant concentration, we will first consider a simple first-order reaction in which one molecule of reactant R forms one molecule of product P (R ! P) according to the rate law given by Eq. (7.1). v¼

d½R d½P ¼ ¼ k½R dt dt


In Eq. (7.1), the instantaneous reaction velocity (v ¼ d[R]/dt ¼ þ d [P]/dt) is directly proportional to the concentration of R raised to the first power. If the velocity for either loss of R or gain of P was measured immediately after initiation of the reaction (Fig. 7.2A), then a secondary plot of this initial velocity versus different initial or starting concentrations of [R] would be linear with a slope equal to the first-order rate constant, k (s 1) (Fig. 7.2B). For such analyses, great care must be taken to ensure measurement of initial velocities. With increasing times past initiation of the reaction, the measured velocity decreases proportionately with depletion of [R]. Thus, it is common and good practice to measure initial velocities for either loss of reactant or gain of product at times corresponding to 5% of product conversion. To better illustrate the decreasing reaction velocity with time, the differential rate Eq. (7.1) can be integrated with respect to [R] to yield the first-order or single-exponential decay function given by Eq. (7.2). The limits of integration correspond to the initial concentration of reactant


Measurement of Enzyme Activity


Slopes = v = d [P]/dt, M s−1

Slope = k = dv/d [R]0, s−1


v (d[P]/dt)



2[R]0 [R]0



Figure 7.2 Determination of a first-order rate constant from measuring the initial velocity of product formation at differing concentrations of a reactant. (A) Initial velocities of product formation (slopes ¼ v ¼ d[P]/dt, M s 1) are measured for different starting concentrations of reactant (i.e., [R]0, 2[R]0, or 3[R]0). (B) The measured initial velocities are then plotted versus the different starting concentrations of reactant. The slope of this dependence yields the first-order rate constant for conversion of reactant into product (slope ¼ k ¼ dv/d[R]0, s 1).

ð ½R

d½R ¼ k ½R0 ½R

½R ln ½R0

ðt dt 0

¼ kt

½R ¼ ½R0 ekt


when the reaction is initiated (i.e., [R] ¼ [R]0 at t ¼ 0) and the concentration of reactant at a given time after the reaction has started. Figure 7.3A shows the relationship between measuring instantaneous velocity (i.e., v ¼ d[R]/dt, where Dt is very small) according to Eq. (7.1) and measuring overall time progress (i.e., either [R] or [P] versus t, where Dt is very large) according to Eq. (7.2) for the simple first-order conversion of reactant to product. The derivative in Eq. (7.1) is simply the slope of the tangent for the concentration curve at a specific time. If no product is present at t ¼ 0, the sum of reactant and product concentrations at any time must be equal to [R]0 (i.e., [R] þ [P] ¼ [R]0). Using this relationship, ([R]0 [P]) may be substituted for [R] in Eq. (7.2) and rearranged to yield the first-order rate Eq. (7.3) that describes the corresponding increasing product concentration with time (Fig. 7.3B). ½P ¼ ½R0 ð1 ekt Þ



T. K. Harris and M. M. Keshwani







Figure 7.3 (A) Time progress for decreasing reactant concentration [R] in a first-order reaction. It can be seen that the instantaneous velocity at any given reactant concentration (lines) decreases with decreasing reactant concentration [R]. (B) Corresponding time progress curve for increasing product concentration [P] in the same first-order reaction.

2.2. Basic enzyme kinetics Measurement of enzyme activity is actually a measurement of catalytic activity (Cook and Cleland, 2007; Cornish-Bowden, 1995; Segel, 1975). An enzyme or catalyst participates in chemical reactions by increasing the reaction velocity without itself appearing in the end products. In this case, an enzyme (E) first combines with or binds one or more chemical reactants or substrates (S) (Fig. 7.1B, kþ 1 and k 1). The resulting enzyme–substrate (ES) complex is an intermediate species from which catalytic conversion of substrate to product (P) takes place, ultimately releasing the intact enzyme so that it may catalyze a subsequent reaction (Fig. 7.1B, kþ 2). Since the kþ 2 proportionality constant typically comprises all processes or chemical steps involving conversion of the ES complex to release of products, it is a ‘‘pseudo’’ first-order rate constant (s 1). It is more commonly referred to as the turnover number, kcat, which is the maximum number of substrate molecules converted to product per active site per unit time. Thus, the instantaneous enzyme-catalyzed reaction velocity (v ¼ þ d[P]/dt) is directly proportional to the concentration of the ES complex according to kcat in Eq. (7.4). v¼

d½P ¼ kcat ½ES dt


Equation (7.4) is rendered impractical to the experimentalist, because the differential rate expression that describes the time-dependent concentration of ES complex includes terms for both its formation (kþ 1[E][S]) and decay (k 1[ES] þ kcat[ES]) according to Eq. (7.5). Furthermore, d½ES ¼ kþ1 ½E½S k1 ½ES kcat ½ES dt



Measurement of Enzyme Activity

Equation (7.5) requires expressions for the time-dependent concentrations of E and S. To overcome the difficulty of integrating all differential rate expressions, the very useful steady-state approximation is applied to the concentration of ES. In cases where the reaction velocity is measured to be approximately constant over a time interval (e.g., measuring the initial velocity), then it follows that the concentration of ES does not vary appreciably. Thus, Eq. (7.5) is equated to zero and rearranged to obtain the Eq. (7.6) expression for [ES] in terms of [E] and [S]. ½ES ¼

kþ1 ½E½S ½E½S ¼ k1 þ kcat Km


In Eq. (7.6), the rate constants are grouped to form a composite constant [Km ¼ (k 1 þ kcat)/kþ 1], which is referred to as the Michaelis constant. When the initial velocity of an enzyme-catalyzed reaction is measured under steady-state conditions, the time-dependent [S] in Eq. (7.6) is approximated by its initial concentration, [S]0, since the amount of product formed is substantially less than the amount of remaining substrate (i.e., [S] [S]0 since ½P ½S). Since the time-dependent [E] cannot be approximated by its initial concentration, [E]0, the law of conservation of mass is used, whereby [E] ¼ [E]0 [ES] is further substituted into Eq. (7.6) to yield Eq. (7.7), which is rearranged to give the Eq. (7.8) expression for [ES]. Now, this expression is substituted back into Eq. (7.4) to yield the familiar Michaelis–Menten Eq. (7.9), ½ES ¼

ð½E0 ½ESÞ½S0 Km


½E0 ½S0 Km þ ½S0


½ES ¼ v¼

kcat ½E0 ½S0 Vmax ½S0 d½P ¼ ¼ kcat ½ES ¼ Km þ ½S0 Km þ ½S0 dt


which shows the initial velocity of product formation to be directly proportional to the total concentration of enzyme, [E]0. Equation (9) further shows the initial velocity of product formation to vary in a hyperbolicdependent manner with regard to the initial concentration of substrate according to the composite Michaelis constant, Km. Here, the Km ¼ (k 1 þ kcat)/kþ 1 values represents the substrate concentration at which halfmaximum initial velocity is attained, and Vmax (M s 1) ¼ kcat[E]0 represents the maximum initial velocity of product formation. In the limiting case where catalytic conversion to products is much slower than dissociation of


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the substrate (i.e., kcat k1 ), the Km value approximates the true dissociation constant for the ES complex, Kd ¼ k 1/kþ 1; and the system is described as being in rapid equilibrium. If the measured initial velocity is then normalized to amount of enzyme in the reaction mixture, then Eq. (7.9) takes the form of Eq. (7.10), whereby the activity of the enzyme is defined Activity ðs1 Þ ¼

v kcat ½S0 ¼ ½E0 Km þ ½S0


as the instantaneous enzyme-catalyzed reaction velocity normalized to the amount of enzyme (v/[E]0). In this case, enzyme activity is measured as a function of substrate concentration to obtain values of the turnover number, kcat, and the Michaelis constant, Km. The ratio of kcat/Km (M 1 s 1) is termed the specificity constant, which is an apparent second-order rate constant that refers to the properties and reactions of the free enzyme leading to the first irreversible step. It is important to point out that the above activity definition pertains to cases in which the enzyme active site concentration (moles per volume) in the reaction mixture is known (e.g., assay of a purified homogeneous form of the enzyme). When enzyme activity measurements are carried out in the presence of other proteins such as crude cell lysates or partially purified enzyme preparations, the measured initial velocity is normalized to the total protein concentration in the assay. In this case, total protein concentration is measured and expressed as weight per volume. As such, when the molar concentration units of initial velocity (mol l 1 s 1) are divided by weight concentration units of total protein (g l 1), the volume terms cancel so that specific enzyme activity is expressed as the number of moles of product converted per unit time per weight of protein. Specific activity expressed in this manner is most often reported as mmol min 1 mg 1. When one unit (U) is defined as conversion of 1 mmol of substrate per minute, then enzyme activity is also commonly expressed as units per milligram of protein (U mg 1). The following sections describe a number of initial considerations and experimental methods for proper development of enzymatic assays.

3. Measurement of Enzyme Activity In order to measure an enzyme’s catalytic activity, it is essential to first identify the chemical changes involving conversion of substrate(s) to product(s). To date, the textual accounting of the incredible variety of enzymatic activities is most typically managed by grouping enzymes according to the

Measurement of Enzyme Activity


types of chemical reactions they catalyze (e.g., oxidation–reductions, group transfers, eliminations, isomerizations, rearrangements, condensations, carboxylations, etc.) (Frey and Hegeman, 2007). Further, considerations should take into account whether mechanistically similar chemistry (i) involves either small molecule substrates or larger macromolecular proteins or nucleic acids, (ii) occurs readily in solution or requires membranebound components, and (iii) proceeds to any extent in the reverse direction. In any case, the enzymatic assay is designed around the ability to distinguish between the physicochemical properties of a given substrate with respect to those of a given product in a quantifiable manner (Eisenthal and Danson, 2002; Rossomando, 1990). To a large degree, similar methods of measuring activity have been applied to various enzymes categorized within such subgroups; and it would be prudent to first consider devising assays on the basis of those already well established for either (i) homologous enzymes from different organisms or (ii) different enzymes that catalyze a related chemical reaction. The central theme among all enzyme activity measurements is to ensure measurement of initial velocities. To reiterate this all important point, it is common and good practice to measure initial velocities for either loss of reactant or gain of product at times corresponding to 5% of product conversion. This gives the best approximation for the initial velocity at the starting or initial substrate concentration.

3.1. Continuous assays After surveying the literature for applicable enzymatic assays, one may find a number of suitable methods, which may be initially distinguished according to whether a ‘‘continuous’’ or a ‘‘discontinuous’’ assay is employed. Continuous assays are defined by the ability to continuously monitor either disappearance or appearance of a given substrate or product, respectively; and they most often rely on spectroscopic techniques such as electronic ultraviolet–visible absorption and fluorescence emission. For absorption spectroscopy, molar absorbance extinction coefficients (e) can be gravimetrically determined for any number of compounds with conjugated bond systems. According to the Lambert–Beer relationship (A ¼ ecl ), absorbance (A, unitless) is directly proportional to (i) the molar extinction coefficient (e, M 1 cm 1), (ii) the concentration of the compound (c, M), and (iii) the path length of the cuvette (l, cm) used for the measurement (Segal, 1976). Thus, the molar change in concentration with time or initial velocity (v ¼ d[S]/dt or d[P]/dt) is directly calculated from the slope relating the change in spectroscopic signal at a designated wavelength with respect to time (dA/dt) on dividing by el; and the enzyme activity is ultimately obtained by dividing the initial velocity by either the enzyme molar concentration (M) or the weight concentration of total protein in the assay (mg ml 1) according to either Eq. (7.11) or (7.12), respectively.


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Activity ðs1 Þ ¼

v ðdA=dt; s1 Þ ¼ ½E0 ðe; M1 cm1 Þðl; cmÞð½E0 ; MÞ

v ½E0 ðdA=dt; min1 Þ ¼ ðe; ml mmol 1 cm1 Þðl; cmÞð½E0 ; mg ml1 Þ


Activity ðmmol min1 mg1 Þ ¼


Although ultraviolet–visible absorption spectroscopy is (i) convenient for continuous monitoring and (ii) accurate with respect to determining concentration changes, it is limited with respect to both (i) the number of ESs and products that can be detected and (ii) the range of concentrations that can be accurately detected. Alternatively, fluorescence and phosphorescence spectroscopies can be used for continuously monitoring reaction progress; and in most cases provide significantly enhanced sensitivity. However, it must be pointed out that the concentration of the fluorophore cannot be calculated from the measured fluorescence emission by application of a universal constant equivalent to the molar extinction coefficient. Rather, relative changes in fluorescence emission with time are compared. Regardless, fluorescence and phosphorescence spectroscopies are highly suited for use in high-throughput platforms utilized for screening very large numbers of compounds for effects on enzyme activity. For a large number of enzyme drug targets (e.g., particularly protein kinases and proteases), artificial peptide substrates have been chemically modified to contain one or more small molecule fluorophores; and such substrates undergo fluorescence emission changes occur on either phosphorylation or cleavage. Before employing fluorescence- or phosphorescence-based assays, researchers should thoroughly review literature pertaining to such principles, as numerous properties must be considered (e.g., fluorescence lifetime, quantum yields, and inner-filter effects) (Lakowicz, 2004). Finally, it should be pointed out that numerous ‘‘continuous’’ enzymatic assays can and have been developed for reactions involving substrate– product pairs with no spectroscopic properties. In these cases, either one or more additional enzymes are included in the reaction mixture, which serve to ‘‘couple’’ a given product to a reaction that does yield a desirable spectroscopic property (Eisenthal and Danson, 2002). For the most part, such coupled continuous assays have been applied to metabolic enzymes for which a given product may either be oxidized or reduced by chromogenic coenzymes such as NADH. If the product is not a direct substrate for such a reaction, then an additional enzyme may be included to convert the first product to a second product that undergoes the chromogenic reaction. In any case, it must be ensured that the reaction mixture contains adequate

Measurement of Enzyme Activity


amounts of all additional components to ensure that the reaction velocity is solely determined by the enzyme of interest. In other words, the measured reaction velocity should be (i) dependent only on the target substrate(s) and enzyme concentration and (ii) independent or zero order with respect to the concentration of each and every component added to facilitate the coupled reaction.

3.2. Discontinuous assays Discontinuous assays are defined by the inability to continuously and selectively monitor concentration changes of either substrate or product, such as when a given substrate–product pair exhibits either similar or no spectroscopic properties. Rather, the enzymatic reaction must be manually stopped or ‘‘quenched’’ at different times. The quenched samples are then subjected to some method whereby the product can be efficiently separated from the substrate so that the change in concentration of either can be determined for each individual time point. In setting up a discontinuous enzymatic assay, it is crucial to devise methods for both (i) efficiently stopping or ‘‘quenching’’ an enzyme-catalyzed reaction at designated time points and (ii) efficiently separating the large amount of unreacted substrate (95%) from the very small amount of formed product (5%) required for measuring initial velocities. These two methodological points must be considered as a pair, since the ‘‘quenched’’ reaction solution conditions must be amenable to subsequent procedures required for fractionation of substrate and product molecules. Since a large number of enzymes can be rapidly inactivated under a wide variety of conditions (e.g., addition of acid, base, or metal chelators), substrate–product fractionation is foremost considered. High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) offers extensive ranges in both resolution capabilities and detection sensitivity (McMaster, 2007). For example, a great variety of mixtures containing either small molecules or macromolecules can be resolved on the basis of differential retention when passed over a column containing a given stationary phase (e.g., ion-exchange, size-exclusion, or reversed-phase chromatography). In addition, HPLC systems can be fixed with any number of detectors so that a compound with a given spectroscopic property can be detected as it elutes from the column, which results in a spectroscopic peak. To gauge the amount of product formed, the area of the resolved product peak is integrated and compared with a standard curve prepared from integrated peak areas obtained for range of product concentrations. In cases where the designated product does not exhibit any spectroscopic properties, one may consider possibilities of either (i) chemically modifying the substrate to contain a spectroscopic active compound or (ii) modifying the product in the quenched reaction mixture. In the latter case, it must be established that essentially all product undergoes modification and that the modified


T. K. Harris and M. M. Keshwani

product can be readily resolved from any remaining unreacted spectroscopic active compound. The determination of enzyme activity is carried out exactly as in Eqs. (7.11) and (7.12) except that dA/dt is obtained as DA/D t (i.e., a single-point determination rather than a slope determined from many points). In cases when a given substrate–product pair exhibits no useful spectroscopic properties, the amount of product at a given time point in a discontinuous assay can be determined by radiometric analysis (Eisenthal and Danson, 2002). In fact, radiometric assays provide the highest degree of sensitivity, as well as exhibit the highest degree of broad scale utility. Almost any conceivable enzyme substrate can be synthesized to contain a radioactive isotopic atom (or radioisotope) in a position that undergoes transfer from the parent substrate, which can be detected in very small amounts. The most commonly used radioisotopes for enzymatic assays are 3H, 14C, 32P, and 35S. In all four cases, the unstable nucleus undergoes slow first-order decay to form a stable isotope with an atomic number one higher and an atomic weight identical to the original radioisotope through a process called beta-particle emission. Scintillation counting of beta-particle emission gives very sensitive determination of the amount of radioactivity present in a sample, which is directly quantified in counts per minute (cpm). The halflife (t1/2) of a radioisotope is the time required for half of the original number of atoms to decay. Half-life values of 3H (t1/2 ¼ 12.3 years), 14C (t1/2 ¼ 5700 years), 32P (t1/2 ¼ 14.3 days), and 35S (t1/2 ¼ 87.1 days) have been well determined. From these values, it can be seen that the amount of radioactivity emitted by 3H and 14C does not appreciably change over the time course of routine laboratory work; whereas the amount of radioactivity emitted by 32P and 35S significantly decreases over such time. Commercial manufacturers incorporate such radioisotopes into designated positions of target molecules to yield radiolabeled substrate molecules, which have a defined specific (radio)activity (SA) (Segal, 1976). The specific activity refers to the amount of radioactivity (cpm) per unit amount of molecule (mol). Typically, one adds a small amount of the highly radioactive ‘‘hot’’ substrate molecule into a much larger amount of the nonradioactive or ‘‘cold’’ substrate. A small volume of a known concentration is then subjected to scintillation counting to determine the specific (radio)activity of the substrate (SAS, cpm/mol 1). By controlling the mixture of hot and cold substrate molecules, a very wide range of specific (radio)activities can be generated so that enzyme activity measurements are possible over an equal range of substrate concentrations. For example, a radiolabeled substrate with SA ¼ 1000 cpm mmol 1 would enable efficient detection for transfer of label to form 1 mmol of product (1000 cpm), whereas generation of a radiolabeled substrate with SA ¼ 1000 cpm pmol 1 would enable efficient detection of 1 pmol of product!

Measurement of Enzyme Activity


Most commonly, ion-exchange methods are used in which the product form of the molecule is retained on solid support (e.g., ion-exchange resin, paper, or disk), while the substrate form is not retained. Other methods of separation may include either selective precipitation, solvent extraction, or gel electrophoresis. Before carrying out the enzyme-catalyzed reaction, it is essential to establish that (i) the radiolabeled product is highly resolved from radioactive substrate and (ii) the amount of resolved product closely approximates the amount subjected for resolution. Typically, one finds a point of compromise, whereby a certain minimum amount of ‘‘background’’ substrate radiation is tolerated in the medium or location where product is resolved. For most accurate analysis, the medium containing the purified product is directly analyzed by scintillation counting (e.g., ion-exchange resin, paper, or disk). Although selected gel regions after electrophoresis may be removed for direct counting, it has been more common practice to quantify spatial radioactivity across an entire gel using scintillation plates and computer densitometry analysis. The amount of enzyme-catalyzed product (mol) detected in the aliquot removed for analysis is calculated by dividing the amount of radioactivity detected in the product fraction (cpm) by the specific (radio)activity of the substrate (cpm/mol 1); the concentration of product, [P], is obtained by dividing by the volume of the aliquot (l); and the initial velocity, d[P]/dt, is obtained by further dividing [P] by the time of the reaction (s). Thus, enzyme activity is ultimately obtained by dividing the initial velocity by either (i) the enzyme molar concentration according to Eq. (7.13) or (ii) the total protein concentration according to Eq. (7.14). Activityðs1 Þ ¼

d½P cpm ¼ 1 S dt½E0 ðSA ; cpm=mmol Þðvol; mlÞðt; sÞð½E; mmol=ml1 Þ ð7:13Þ

d½P dt½E0 cpm ¼ ðSAS ; cpm=mmol1 Þðvol; mlÞðt; minÞð½E; mg=ml1 Þ

Activityðmmolmin1 mg1 Þ ¼


4. Formulation of Reaction Assay Mixtures Having established effective methods for resolution, detection, and quantification of reaction species, it is next time to consider preparation of the reaction mixture itself. For continuous spectroscopic assays, total volumes should be selected to accommodate cuvettes made for the given


T. K. Harris and M. M. Keshwani

spectrometer. For visible absorption (325 nm), 1 ml plastic disposable cuvettes are most widely used due to convenience. Since plastic cuvettes increasingly absorb light of lower wavelengths, quartz cuvettes should be used in this region. Of increasing availability and utility are fluorometers fitted with microplate readers, which simultaneously obtain accurate emission readings from a large number of individual small reactions (50 ml) on a single microtiter plate. For discontinuous enzyme assays, a total volume of the reaction mixture should be selected in which several (3) designated fixed amount aliquots can be removed at varying times for reaction quenching and product analysis. For all enzyme assays, stock concentrations of suitable buffer, substrate(s), and enzyme are prepared so that dilution of each component to its desired concentration can be achieved by adding volumetric amounts that sum to less than the total volume. The remaining volume is occupied by water. The buffer component should have a pKa value 1 of the desired reaction pH, and its concentration should be chosen to exceed any other component that has ionizable groups. The stock buffer solution may also contain additional compounds that may be necessary to maintain enzyme stability and activity such as salts (e.g., NaCl or KCl), osmolytes (e.g., polyethylene glycol, glycerol, or sucrose), and reducing agents (e.g., 2-mercaptoethanol, dithiothreitol, or TCEP). It is very important to include such components in the preparation of the stock buffer, and the final stock buffer mixture should be titrated to its desired pH at the temperature in which the reaction will be carried out. Pay special attention to use of (i) nitrogen containing buffers (such as Tris) whose pKa values are very sensitive to temperature and (ii) phosphate buffers whose pKa values are very sensitive to ionic strength. In fact, dilution of phosphate buffer will change its pH value, so the pH of its stock concentration must be adjusted accordingly. It is best to generate the reaction mixture by first adding nonenzyme components in the following order: (i) designated volume of water, (ii) designated volume of stock buffer mixture, and (iii) designated volume of stock substrate. It is best to prepare a stock concentration of enzyme so that only a relatively small amount (10% volume) is added to bring the mixture to the designated total volume and initiate the reaction. Immediately, after the enzyme has been added to initiate a continuous assay, the cuvette(s) or microtiter plate must be inserted into a spectrometer that is programmed to begin collecting absorption or emission data at the designated wavelength(s). For discontinuous assays, one must be prepared to remove a precise volume of the reaction mixture and mix with a precise volume of the quench reagent; and this must be repeated at precise times. In all enzyme assays, one should always formulate an additional control reaction mixture that does not contain enzyme to determine the ‘‘background’’ amounts of either (i) noncatalyzed product formation or (ii) signal retained from incomplete resolution. Any such background amounts must be subtracted from the signal detected in the presence of enzyme.

Measurement of Enzyme Activity


5. Discussion In this chapter, the most fundamental principles of measuring enzyme reaction rates were presented, and it is in no way a complete treatment on the subject. Nevertheless, clear understanding of these principles is absolutely prerequisite toward either (i) effective utilization of well-developed assays or (ii) efficient development of assays for newly discovered enzymes. Over the past century, countless research articles, review articles, book chapters, and even entire books have reported on the development, utilization, and interpretation of enzyme activity measurements. The selection of books and articles cited in this article provide more comprehensive treatments of the various topics related to measuring enzyme activity.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work was supported by NIGMS, National Institutes of Health Grant GM69868 to T. K. H. and a Maytag Fellowship to M. M. K.

REFERENCES Cook, P. F., and Cleland, W. W. (2007). Enzyme Kinetics and Mechanism. Garland Science, Hamden, CT. Cornish-Bowden, A. (1995). Fundamentals of Enzyme Kinetics. Portland Press, Ltd., London, UK. Eisenthal, R., and Danson, M. (2002). Enzyme Assays: A Practical Approach. Oxford University Press, Inc., New York, NY. Frey, P. A., and Hegeman, A. D. (2007). Enzymatic Reaction Mechanisms. Oxford University Press, Inc., New York, NY. House, J. E. (2007). Principles of Chemical Kinetics. 2nd edn. Academic Press, Burlington, MA. Laidler, K. J. (1987). Chemical Kinetics. 3rd edn. Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ. Lakowicz, J. R. (2004). Principles of Fluorescence Spectroscopy. 2nd edn. Springer ScienceþBusiness Media, Inc., New York, NY. McMaster, M. C. (2007). HPLC, a Practical Users Guide. 2nd edn. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, NJ. Rossomando, E. F. (1990). Measurement of enzyme activity. Methods Enzymol. 182, 38–49. Segel, I. H. (1975). Enzyme Kinetics. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, NY. Segal, I. H. (1976). Biochemical Calculations. 2nd edn. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, NY.



Quantitation of Protein James E. Noble* and Marc J. A. Bailey† Contents 1. Introduction 2. General Instructions for Reagent Preparation 3. Ultraviolet Absorption Spectroscopy 3.1. Ultraviolet absorbance at 280 nm (Range: 20–3000 mg) 3.2. Method 3.3. Comments 3.4. Ultraviolet absorbance at 205 nm (Range: 1–100 mg) 3.5. Calculation of the extinction coefficient 4. Dye-Based Protein Assays 4.1. Protein concentration standards 5. Coomassie Blue (Bradford) Protein Assay (Range: 1–50 mg) 5.1. Reagents 5.2. Procedure 5.3. Comments 6. Lowry (Alkaline Copper Reduction Assays) (Range: 5–100 mg) 6.1. Reagents 6.2. Procedure 6.3. Comments 7. Bicinchoninic Acid (BCA) (Range: 0.2–50 mg) 7.1. Reagents 7.2. Procedure 7.3. Comments 8. Amine Derivatization (Range: 0.05–25 mg) 8.1. Reagents 8.2. Procedure 8.3. Comments 9. Detergent-Based Fluorescent Detection (Range: 0.02–2 mg)

* {

74 75 80 80 81 81 82 82 83 83 85 85 85 86 86 87 87 88 88 88 89 89 89 90 90 90 91

Analytical Science, National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, Middlesex, United Kingdom Nokia Research Centre - Eurolab, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom

Methods in Enzymology, Volume 463 Crown Copyright # 2009. Published by Elsevier Inc. ISSN 0076-6879, DOI: 10.1016/S0076-6879(09)63008-1 All rights reserved.



James E. Noble and Marc J. A. Bailey

10. General Instructions 10.1. Cuvettes 10.2. Microwell plates 10.3. Interfering substrates Acknowledgment References

91 91 92 93 94 94

Abstract The measurement of protein concentration in an aqueous sample is an important assay in biochemistry research and development labs for applications ranging from enzymatic studies to providing data for biopharmaceutical lot release. Spectrophotometric protein quantitation assays are methods that use UV and visible spectroscopy to rapidly determine the concentration of protein, relative to a standard, or using an assigned extinction coefficient. Methods are described to provide information on how to analyze protein concentration using UV protein spectroscopy measurements, traditional dye-based absorbance measurements; BCA, Lowry, and Bradford assays and the fluorescent dyebased assays; amine derivatization and detergent partition assays. The observation that no single assay dominates the market is due to specific limitations of certain methods that investigators need to consider before selecting the most appropriate assay for their sample. Many of the dye-based assays have unique chemical mechanisms that are prone to interference from chemicals prevalent in many biological buffer preparations. A discussion of which assays are prone to interference and the selection of alternative methods is included.

1. Introduction The quantity of protein is an important metric to measure during protein purification, for calculating yields or the mass balance, or determining the specific activity/potency of the target protein. Various platforms and methods are available to quantitate proteins and will be described elsewhere in this volume; however, for this chapter, we will concentrate on spectrophotometric assays of protein in solution that do not require either enzymatic/chemical digestion or separation of the mixture prior to analysis. The spectrophotometric assays described are UV absorbance methods and dye-binding assays using colorimetric and fluorescent-based detection. In comparison to other methods, these assays can be run at a high throughput, using inexpensive reagents with equipment found in the majority of biochemical laboratories. These spectrophotometric assays require an appropriate protein standard or constituent amino acid sequence information to make a good estimate of concentration. The choice of method used to determine the concentration of a protein or peptide in solution is dependent on many factors that will be discussed. The majority of methods

Quantitation of Protein


require a soluble analyte such as peptides, proteins, posttranslationally modified protein (e.g., glycosylated), or chemically modified proteins (e.g., PEGylated). For common protein purification procedures, the flow chart in Fig. 8.1 describes the process of selecting the most appropriate assay, based on key criteria. Where other protein purification techniques are available or complex buffer systems are present in the sample, refer to Table 8.1, or other reviews (Olson and Markwell, 2007) for assay selection. Other criteria that need to be considered when selecting an assay include:

Sample volume: The amount of material available to analyze, typically fluorescent-based assays display the best sensitivity and dynamic range (see Fig. 8.2). Microplate assays (by using lower assay volumes, thereby less protein sample) show improved sensitivity, typically up to 10-fold when compared with cuvette-based assays. Sample recovery: If the sample is limited, a nondestructive method, for example, UV spectroscopy may be more appropriate. Throughput: If multiple samples are to be analyzed, a microplate-compatible rapid one step assay should be considered. Robustness: The absorbance-based dye-binding assays appear to display enhanced repeatability and robustness when compared to fluorescent assays. Chemical modification: Covalent modification, for example glycosylation (de Moreno et al., 1986; Fountoulakis et al., 1992) or PEGylation (Noble et al., 2007), can interfere with specific assays. Protein aggregation: The solubility of a protein in solution, often a problem for membrane proteins, or proteins prone to aggregation can alter the expected response for many assays.

Other protein quantitation methods are becoming more commonly employed in biochemistry laboratories due to automation, regulatory, and sensitivity requirements. Alternative methods not detailed in this chapter include isotope dilution mass spectrometry (ID IC MS/MS) (Burkitt et al., 2008), Kjeldahl nitrogen method, amino acid analysis (Ozols, 1990), gravimetric determination (Blakeley and Zerner, 1975), immunological, and quantitative gel electrophoresis with fluorescent staining.

2. General Instructions for Reagent Preparation For the methods detailed, reagents should be used at the highest purity available and dyes should be obtained at spectroscopy grade where available. Ideally deionized, filtered water should be used at a minimum quality of

Start: protein sample, with known purity

Is a reference standard protein available (matched protein)?


Use an appropriate standard, for example BSA, or IgG. Avoid Bradford and amine derivatization methods


Avoid using the Bradford, and Lowry assay for glycosylated proteins


Avoid UVAbs280 nm and Bradford methods

Yes Is the protein free of post-translational modifications, for example glycosylation? Yes Does the sample protein/peptide have a Mw > 8 kDa, and/multiple Tyr/Trp amino acids? Yes

Is the protein solution free of interfering compounds?


Are thiol, or reducing agents present, e.g. DTT from GST affinity purification?


Are chelating agents present, e.g. EDTA for Histag affinity purification?


Are detergents present, e.g. used for protein solubilization?


Are high concentrations of salts, or acids used for precipitation present?


Are amines, or ammoniun ions present in the protein diluent?


Avoid BCA, Lowry and CBQCATM methods


Any of the assays described would be appropriate, selection should be based on criteria detailed in text and available equipment

Avoid BCA and Lowry methods

Check detergent compatibility data (Table 8.1)

Check compatibility with BCA, Lowry and Bradford methods Avoid BCA, Lowry and amine derivatization methods

Figure 8.1 Flow chart for the selection of assays for quantitation or proteins in common protein purification procedures. The chart assumes that the sample for analysis is relatively pure, that is the analyte for quantitation is the major component, for example fractions from affinity chromatography, or extraction from inclusion bodies. The ‘‘reference standard protein’’ refers to a standard that is the same protein that is being quantitated in the same, or similar matrix that is ‘‘matched.’’

Table 8.1 Substance compatibility table Compatible concentrationa Substance




Amine derivatizatione

Fluorescent detergent f

UV Abs280 nmg

Acids/bases HCl NaOH Perchloric acid Trichloroacetic acid

0.1 M 0.1 M 1.25%

0.1 M 0.1 M na na

na na na na

10 mM 10 mM na na

>1 M >1 M 10% 10%

Buffers/salts Ammonium sulfate Borate Glycine HEPES Imidazole Potassium chloride PBS Sodium acetate Sodium azide Sodium chloride Triethanolamine Tris

1.5 M 10 mM 1 mM 100 mM 50 mM 28 mM Undiluted 1 mM 1 mM 25 mM 30 mM Undiluted 200 mM 0.5% 1.0 M 100 mM 10 mM

1.0 M Undiluted 100 mM 100 mM 200 mM 1.0 M Undiluted 180 mM 0.5% 5.0 M na 2.0 M

10 mM Undiluted – na na na Undiluted na 0.1% na na 10 mM

10–50 mM Undiluted na 10–50 mM na 20–200 mM Undiluted na 10 mM 20–200 mM na na

>50% Undiluted 1M na na 100 mM Undiluted na na >1 M na 0.5 M

Detergents Brij 35 CHAPS

5% 5%

0.031% 0.0625%

0.125% 5%

na na

na na

1% 10% (continued)

Table 8.1 (continued) Compatible concentrationa Substance




Amine derivatizatione

Fluorescent detergent f

UV Abs280 nmg

Deoxycholic acid Nonidet P-40 SDS Triton X-100 Tween-20

5% 5% 5% 5% 5%

625 mg/ml 0.016% 1% 0.031% 0.062%

0.05% 0.5% 0.125% 0.125% 0.062%

na na – na 0.1%

na na 0.01–0.1% 0.001% 0.001%

0.3% na 0.1% 0.02% 0.3%

Reducing agents Cysteine DTT 2-Mercaptoethanol Thimerosal

na 1 mM 0.01% 0.01%

1 mM 0.05 mM 1 mM 0.01%

10 mM 5–1000 mM 1.0 M 0.01%

na 0.1 mM 0.1 mM na

na 10–100 mM 10–100 mM na

na 3 mM 10 mM na

Chelators EDTA EGTA

10 mM na

1 mM 1 mM

100 mM 2 mM

na na

5–10 mM na

30 mM na

Solvents DMSO Ethanol Glycerol

10% 10% 10%

10% 10% 10%

10% 10% 10%

na na 10%

na na 10%

20% na 40%

Guanidine–HCl Methanol PMSF Sucrose Urea

4.0 M 10% 1 mM 40% 3.0 M

0.1 M 10% 1 mM 7.5% 3.0 M

3.5 M 10% 1 mM 10% 3.0 M

na na na 10% na

na na na 10–500 mM na

na na na 2M >1.0 M

Miscellaneous DNA

0.1 mg

0.2 mg

0.25 mg


50–100 mg/ml

1 mg

Values relate to the maximum concentration of interfering compound within the protein sample that does not result in significant loss in assay performance. The guide is an updated version of that prepared by Stoscheck to inform of any issues related to assay interference. Concentrations were obtained from product inserts and references (Bradford, 1976; Peterson, 1979; Smith et al., 1985; Stoscheck, 1990), where there is not a consensus of values a range is given. Changing the protein-to-dye ratios, or formulation of many of the dye-based assays can alter the maximum concentration of compound permissible. Interfering compounds have been selected to represent those commonly encountered in protein purification and enzymology. a na indicates the reagent was not tested. A blank indicates that the reagent is not compatible with the assay at the reagent concentrations analyzed. A figure preceded by () symbols indicates the tolerable limit is unknown but is respectively, less than or greater than the amount shown. b Figures indicate the concentration in a 0.1-ml sample using a final reaction volume of 2.1 ml. c Figures indicate the concentration in a 0.2-ml sample using a final reaction volume of 1.3 ml. d Figures indicate the concentration in a 0.05-ml sample using a final reaction volume of 1.55 ml. e Figures indicate interference concentrations with the CBQCATM assay (You et al., 1997) in a 90-ml sample using a final reaction volume of 100 ml. f Figures indicate interference concentrations with the NanoOrangeTM and Quant-iTTM assays ((Hammer and Nagel, 1986) and Quant-iTTM product insert) in a 40- and 20-ml sample (respectively) using a final reaction volume of 200 ml. g Figures indicate the concentration of the chemical that does not produce an absorbance of 0.5 over water (Stoscheck, 1990).


James E. Noble and Marc J. A. Bailey









102 103 Quantitation range (ng protein)



Figure 8.2 The markers designate the upper and lower values for the quantitation range of dye-based protein assay performed in a microplate format. The quantitation range was defined as the range of protein amounts (ng) that displayed good precision and did not show any deviation from the fitted response curve. Figure used with permission from Noble et al. (2007).

18 MO cm and a total organic carbon of below 6 ppb. All buffer preparations should be filtered using 0.2 mm filtration (Millipore, Sartorius) devices upon preparation to remove bacteria and fines. If precipitation occurs during storage, the reagent should be discarded, unless stated in the method.

3. Ultraviolet Absorption Spectroscopy 3.1. Ultraviolet absorbance at 280 nm (Range: 20–3000 mg) Proteins display a characteristic ultraviolet (UV) absorption spectrum around 280 nm predominately from the aromatic amino acids tyrosine and tryptophan. If the primary sequence contains no or few of these amino acids then this method will give erroneous results. Quartz crystal cuvettes are routinely used for measurement as plastic materials can leach plasticizers, and are not UV transparent. Similarly, buffer components with strong UV absorbance such as some detergents especially Triton X-100 should be avoided (Table 8.1) and ‘‘blank’’ samples should be measured using the sample buffer solution but with


Quantitation of Protein

no protein present. UV absorbance is routinely used to give an estimate of protein concentration but if the molar extinction coefficient of the protein is known then the Beer–Lambert law can be used to accurately quantitate amount of protein by UV absorbance, assuming the protein is pure and contains no UV absorbing nonprotein components such as bound nucleotide cofactors, heme, or iron–sulfur centers. Beer–Lambert (molar absorption coefficient): A ¼ am cl


where am is the molar extinction coefficient, c the concentration of analyte, and l the path length in cm.

3.2. Method For the measurement of a protein with unknown extinction coefficient, using a protein standard: 1. Add blank buffer to a clean quartz cuvette and use to zero the spectrophotometer. 2. Either using a fresh identical cuvette or replace the buffer with the sample, then measure the absorbance at 280 nm. If the signal is outside the linear range of the instrument (typically an absorbance greater than 2.0), then dilute the protein in buffer and remeasure. 3. After measurement of the sample remeasure the blank buffer to correct for any instrument drift. 4. Determine the unknown concentrations from the linear standard response.

3.3. Comments The determination of the absorbance coefficient for a protein is discussed below but if a stock of the protein at known concentration is available then this can be used as a standard. Very rough estimates can be made from the relationship that if the cuvette has a path length of 1 cm, and the sample volume is 1 ml then concentration (mg/ml) ¼ absorbance of protein at 280 nm. Light scattering from either turbid protein samples or particles suspended in the sample with a comparable size to the incident wavelength (250– 300 nm) can reduce the amount of light reaching the detector leading to an increase in apparent absorbance. Filtration using 0.2 mm filter units (that do not adsorb proteins), or centrifugation can be performed prior to analysis to reduce light scattering. Corrections for light scattering can be performed by measuring absorbance at lower energies (320, 325, 330, 335, 340, 345, and 350 nm), assuming the protein does not display significant absorbance at these wavelengths. A log–log plot of absorbance versus wavelength should


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generate a linear response that can be extrapolated back to 280 nm, the resulting antilog of which will give the scattering contribution at this wavelength (Leach and Scheraga, 1960). Nucleic acids absorb strongly at 280 nm and are a common contaminant of protein preparations. A pure protein preparation is estimated to give a ratio of A280 to A260 of 2.0 while, if nucleic acid is present, the protein concentration can be derived by the following formula (Groves et al., 1968). Protein concentration ðmg=mlÞ ¼ 1:55A280 0:76A260


3.4. Ultraviolet absorbance at 205 nm (Range: 1–100 mg) The peptide bond absorbs photons at a maximum wavelength below 210 nm. However, the broad absorption peak of the peptide bond allows measurements at longer wavelengths, which can have many practical advantages in terms of instrumentation and measurement accuracy. Due to interference from solvents and components of biological buffers, absorbance at 214 and 220 nm is often used as an alternative to measure proteins and peptides. The large number of peptide bonds within proteins can make Abs205 nm measurements more sensitive and display less protein-to-protein variability than Abs280 nm measurements. Most proteins have extinction coefficients at Abs205 nm for a 1-mg/ml solution of between 30 and 35; however, an improved estimate can be obtained using Eq. (8.3) that takes into account variations in tryptophan and tyrosine content of the protein to be quantitated (Scopes, 1974). Absorbance at 205 nm is used to quantitate dilute solutions, or for short path length applications, for example, continuous measurement in column chromatography, or for analysis of peptides where there are few, if any aromatic amino acids. A280 nm 1 mg=ml e205 nm ¼ 27:0 þ 120 ð8:3Þ A205 nm

3.5. Calculation of the extinction coefficient The extinction coefficient (e) at a set wavelength describes the summation of all the photon absorbing species present within the molecule at a defined wavelength; the molar extinction coefficient is defined in Eq. (8.1). The extinction (absorption) coefficient is commonly expressed either in terms of molarity (M 1 cm 1) or as a percentage of the mass e1% (% 1 cm 1), where e1% is defined as the absorbance value of a 1% protein solution. Deviation from experimentally derived values for e, and those derived by sequence data can be due to the influence of salts and buffers within the

Quantitation of Protein


protein sample. The absorbance spectra from various amino acids are environmentally sensitive; therefore, e derived for a protein in a set buffer may not be the same for another buffer system if gross changes in pH (tyrosine ionization at pH 10.9), or solvent polarity (denaturing agents) occur. To determine e280, the amino acid composition or sequence of the protein is required. From the protein sequence, e280 can be calculated from first principles using a standard formula (Gill and von Hippel, 1989), which has been refined (Pace et al., 1995). Such models use the absorption coefficients for specific amino acids (Trp, Tyr, and disulfide bond) to generate a good estimate of e280 where these amino acids are in abundance. However, where there is a low abundance of these amino acids (e.g., insulin), the model can display deviations of up to 15% from that determined by physical methods (Pace et al., 1995). Physical (empirical) methods to determine extinction coefficient include amino acid analysis (AAA) via acid hydrolysis and chromatographic separation of resulting amino acids (Sittampalam et al., 1988) and Kjeldahl and gravimetric analysis (Kupke and Dorrier, 1978).

4. Dye-Based Protein Assays Methods to prepare the established (nonproprietary) protein quantitation assays are described. These reagents can be economically prepared in bulk and stored for prolonged periods. The majority of such assays are available from commercial suppliers such as Sigma-Aldrich, Bio-Rad, Novagen, and Pierce. It should be noted that suppliers can have different preparations of such reagents and these can perform differently with specific proteins. The use of commercial reagents can improve the long-term repeatability and performance of the assay and for microplate-based assays is reported to reduce issues with dye precipitation after long-term storage of reagents (Stoscheck, 1990). The majority of the spectrophotometric protein quantitation methods described can be adapted to a microplate format (typically 96-well plate), we have highlighted where changes in the assay formulations are required.

4.1. Protein concentration standards The ideal protein standard to use in a quantitative assay is the exact same protein in a matched matrix/solution that has been assigned using a higher order method, for example AAA (Sittampalam et al., 1988) or gravimetric analysis (Blakeley and Zerner, 1975). Gravimetric analysis is prone to errors due to the extensive dialysis and drying to remove water and salts from commercial preparations. Prepared standards should be redissolved at a high concentration in water and stored at 20 C for long-term storage.


James E. Noble and Marc J. A. Bailey

In practice, there is not always a matched protein standard available; however, some commercially available standards may be suitable for use, the most common being BSA, bovine gamma globulins, or immunoglobulins (used for antibody quantitation). The use of a BSA standard is known to give misleading results in many assays, especially those methods that are sensitive to the protein sequence, that is where the signal is generated by specific amino acids (Fig. 8.3). Assays with a low protein sequence dependence will give better estimates when BSA calibration is compared to AAA assignment (Alterman et al., 2003). AAA assignment quantitates the amount


IgG Insulin

Ratio of protein concentration estimates: (BSA standard/AAA)



Lysozyme Lyso-PEG RNase A


RNase B







Lowry Fluorescamine Quant-iT

Figure 8.3 A comparison of the accuracy of the BSA standard in estimating the concentration of a protein using dye-based protein quantitation assays. AAA was used to determine the concentration of the model proteins; from these estimates a calibration curve for each protein was prepared using the dye-based assays. In the same plate, a calibration curve using the BSA standard (Pierce; concentration defined by manufacturer) was also prepared and the response of this was compared to that of the model proteins to see how well the BSA standard estimated the true concentration of the model proteins. The ‘‘ratio of concentration estimations’’ refers to the concentration of protein derived using the BSA standard when compared to the ‘‘true’’ value using AAA, where a ratio of 1 indicates the two methods gave the same value. The variation ‘‘% CV’’ associated with the dye-based protein concentration assays ranged from 2% to 8%, dependent on the assay. AAA concentration assignment typically displayed 5% CV values, dependent on the protein analyzed. Figure adapted with permission from Noble et al. (2007).

Quantitation of Protein


of specific amino acids present following protein hydrolysis and separation, using peptide sequence information the amount of target protein can then be calculated.

5. Coomassie Blue (Bradford) Protein Assay (Range: 1–50 mg) The Bradford assay encompasses various preparations of the dye Coomassie Brilliant Blue G-250 used for protein quantitation purposes, and was first described by Bradford (1976). The basic mechanism of the assay is the binding of the dye at acidic pH to arginine, histidine, phenylalanine, tryptophan and tyrosine residues (de Moreno et al., 1986), and hydrophobic interactions (Fountoulakis et al., 1992). The exact mechanism is however still not fully understood (Sapan et al., 1999). Upon binding protein, a metachromatic shift from 465 to 595 nm is observed due to stabilization of the anionic form of the dye. The majority of the observed signal is due to the interaction with arginine residues, resulting in the wide protein-toprotein variation characteristic of Bradford assays (Fig. 8.3).

5.1. Reagents Dissolve 100 mg Coomassie Brilliant Blue G-250 in 50 ml of 95% ethanol and add 100 ml of 85% phosphoric acid while stirring continuously. When the dye has dissolved dilute to 1 l in water. The reagent is stable for up to a month at room temperature; however, for long-term storage keep at 4 C, if precipitation occurs filter before use.

5.2. Procedure 1. Prepare standards in the range 100–1500 mg/ml in a Bradford-compatible buffer. For more dilute samples the sensitivity can be extended by increasing the ratio of sample to reagent volumes (Micro Bradford assay: 1–25 mg/ml). If the ratio of the sample to dye is too high, the pH of the reaction mixture could increase leading to higher background responses. 2. Add the standard and unknown samples to disposable cuvettes (plastic disposable cuvettes and microplates should be used as the dye sticks to various surfaces). 3. Allow the Bradford reagent to warm to room temperature. Add 1 ml of the dye solution to 25 ml of the protein sample, mix and incubate for 10 min at room temperature.


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4. Measure the absorbance at 450 and 595 nm (for filter-based instruments a range from 570 to 610 nm can be used without significant loss of assay performance). 5. Plot either the 595 nm data or for improved precision at lower response values the ratio 595 nm/450 nm. The standard response curve can be fit to a polynomial response, from which unknown protein estimates can be calculated.

5.3. Comments The advantages of the Bradford assay include the ease of use, sensitivity and low cost of the reagents. For microplate-based assays the reagent volumes can be decreased giving a total volume of 300 ml. Due to the path of the light source on the majority of microplate spectrophotometers, it is recommended to use commercial sources of Bradford reagent that are less predisposed to precipitation during prolonged storage. We have observed significant variation in response between various commercial suppliers of Bradford preparations (Noble et al., 2007). This appears to be most pronounced when analyzing low-molecular-weight proteins or peptides. Indeed the assay is reported to display a molecular weight cutoff ‘‘threshold’’; requiring a certain number of residues for full signal development (de Moreno et al., 1986). Changes in the formulation of the Bradford reagent are reported to change the response generated from specific proteins; therefore, care should be taken when comparing Bradford data from different suppliers or preparations (Chan et al., 1995; Friedenauer and Berlet, 1989; Lopez et al., 1993; Read and Northcote, 1981). The Bradford assay is sensitive to interferences from various reagents detailed in Table 8.1 that include most ionic and nonionic detergents and glycosylated proteins. If precipitation of the reaction mixture occurs, for example hydrophobic or membrane proteins, the reaction can be supplemented with 1 M NaOH at 5–10% (v/v) to aid solubilization.

6. Lowry (Alkaline Copper Reduction Assays) (Range: 5–100 mg) The Lowry assay (Lowry et al., 1951) and other preparations with enhanced assay performance are based on a two-step procedure. Initially, the Biuret reaction involves the reduction of copper (Cu2þ to Cuþ) by proteins in alkaline solutions, followed by the enhancement stage, the reduction of the Folin–Ciocalteu reagent (phosphomolybdate and phosphotungstate) (Peterson, 1979) producing a characteristic blue color with absorbance maxima at 750 nm. The assay displays protein sequence

Quantitation of Protein


variation, as color development is due not only to the reduced copper– amide bond complex but also to tyrosine, tryptophan, and to a lesser extent cystine, cysteine, and histidine residues (Peterson, 1977; Wu et al., 1978). The Lowry assay has been modified to reduce its sensitivity to interfering agents, increase the dynamic range and increase the speed and resulting stability of the color formation (Peterson, 1979). There are many commercial sources of the modified Lowry assay (Roche, Pierce, Bio-Rad, and Sigma), but different preparations may not give equal responses when using the same standard, dilution buffer, or interfering compounds.

6.1. Reagents 6.1.1. Folin and Ciocalteu’s reagent The preparation of this reagent has been described (Lowry et al., 1951); however, the solution can be obtained from commercial sources (Sigma). Mix 10 ml of Folin–Ciocalteu’s Phenol reagent to 50 ml of water. 6.1.2. Copper sulfate reagent 100 mg CuSO4 5H2O and 200 mg of sodium tartrate dissolved in 50 ml of water. Dissolve 10 g of sodium carbonate into 50 ml of water, then pour slowly while mixing to the copper sulfate solution, prepare fresh daily. 6.1.3. Alkaline copper reagent Mix one-part copper sulfate solution, one-part 5% SDS (w/v) and two-parts 3.2% sodium hydroxide (w/v). This solution can be stored at room temperature for up to 2 weeks, discard if a precipitate forms.

6.2. Procedure 1. To 1 ml of sample and protein standards 5–100 mg/ml, add 1 ml of the alkaline copper reagent, mix and allow to stand for 10 min. 2. Add 0.5 ml of Folin–Ciocalteu’s reagent mix, vortex thoroughly and incubate for 30 min. 3. After incubation vortex again and measure the absorbance at 750 nm. Absorbance can be read from 650 to 750 nm depending on the availability of appropriate filters (microplate readers), or if the signal is too high, without significant loss in assay performance. Lowry is not an endpoint assay, so samples should be staggered to obtain more accurate estimates. 4. The response observed will be linear over a limited range of standards. Polynomial, exponential, and logarithmic models can be used to fit the data to extend the dynamic range of the response curve.


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6.3. Comments The Lowry method above can be adapted to a microplate format by reducing the volume of reactants added, resulting in a dynamic range 50–500 mg/ml. The Lowry assay has been largely superseded by the BCA assay due to sensitivity, linearity, and improved methodology. The Lowry protein assay is sensitive to many interfering compounds (Table 8.1), which may not generate a linear response (making extrapolations of interfering data complex). Formation of precipitates can occur with detergents, lipids, potassium ions, and sodium phosphate.

7. Bicinchoninic Acid (BCA) (Range: 0.2–50 mg) The BCA assay replaces the Folin–Cioalteu’s reagent as described for the Lowry method with Bicinchoninic acid that results in a protein assay with improved sensitivity and tolerance to interfering compounds (Smith et al., 1985). The BCA reaction forms an intense purple complex with cuprous ions (Cuþ) resulting from the reaction of protein and alkaline Cu2þ. The residues that contribute to the reduction of Cu2þ include the cysteine, cystine, tryptophan, tyrosine, and the peptide bonds (Smith et al., 1985). The chemical reaction is temperature dependent with different functional groups displaying a different reactivity at elevated temperatures, which result in less protein variability (Wiechelman et al., 1988). At elevated temperatures (60 C compared to 37 C), more color formation is observed due to the higher reactivity of tryptophan, tyrosine, and peptide bonds. Most of the commercial preparations are formulated close to the original preparation described by Smith et al. (1985), which is described in the following subsections. Variations have been employed to improve the sensitivity of the assay and can be obtained from commercial sources (Pierce, Novagen). The sample-to-working reagent ratio can be varied to maximize signal, or reduce assay interference, typically ratios of 8–20-fold excess of BCA working reagent are added to the protein sample.

7.1. Reagents Reagent A: 1 g sodium bicinchoninate, 2 g Na2CO3, 0.16 g sodium tartrate, 0.4 g NaOH, and 0.95 g NaHCO3, made up to 100 ml and the pH adjusted to 11.25 with either solid or concentrated NaOH. Reagent B: 0.4 g CuSO4 5H2O dissolved in 10 ml water. Both reagent A and B are stable indefinitely at room temperature. The working solution is prepared by mixing 100 parts of reagent A with two parts reagent B to form a green solution that is stable for up to a week.

Quantitation of Protein


7.2. Procedure 1. Cuvette analysis can be performed with 50–150 ml of protein and 3 ml of BCA working reagent, whereas microplate assay can use 25 ml of protein and 200 ml of BCA working reagent, that is a lower reagent to protein ratio. 2. Incubate the sample and standards 5–250 mg/ml at either 37 or 60 C for 30 min (longer incubations at 37 C will improve protein-to-protein variability) and allow the sample to equilibrate to room temperature before reading. Microplates should be covered during incubation to avoid evaporation of the sample. For cuvette analysis at 37 C, samples should be staggered to ensure equal incubation times. 3. Measure absorbance at 562 nm, for filter-based plate readers wavelengths in the range of 540–590 nm can be used instead without a significant loss in assay performance. 4. The BCA assay will produce a linear response over a wide concentration range; however, to extend the dynamic range of the data analysis a quadratic response can be used to model the data.

7.3. Comments A microbased BCA assay can be used to improve the sensitivity of the procedure (1–25 mg/ml). The microbased assay uses a more concentrated working solution and can be prone to precipitation; again commercial sources of this modified BCA assay are available (Pierce). The BCA assay is sensitive to either copper chelators (e.g., EDTA) or reagents that can also reduce Cu2þ (e.g., DTT), a summary of the maximum tolerances can be found in Table 8.1.

8. Amine Derivatization (Range: 0.05–25 mg) Amine-labeling ‘‘derivatization’’ using various fluorescent probes is a common technique to quantitate amino acid mixtures in AAA. The same technique can be used to quantitate proteins and peptides containing either lysine or a free N-terminus, both of which need to be accessible to the dye. Upon reaction with amines, the dyes display a large increase in fluorescence that for part of the dynamic range will generate a linear response with increasing protein concentration. Three dyes that have been used to quantitate proteins, or amino acids in a microplate format include o-phthalaldehyde (OPA) (Hammer and Nagel, 1986), Fluorescamine (Lorenzen and Kennedy, 1993), and 3-(4-carboxybenzoyl)quinoline-2-carboxyaldehyde (CBQCATM) (Asermely et al., 1997; Bantan-Polak et al., 2001; You et al., 1997).


James E. Noble and Marc J. A. Bailey

Fluorescamine reacts directly with the amine functional group, whereas OPA and CBQCATM require the addition of a thiol (2-mercaptoethanol) or cyanide (CBQCATM). A cuvette-based format is described for the OPA assay, which can be converted to a microplate format by adjusting the volume of reactants and NaOH.

8.1. Reagents OPA stock: Dissolve 120 mg of o-phthalaldehyde (high purity grade from Sigma or Invitrogen) in methanol, then dilute to 100 ml in 1 M boric acid, pH 10.4 (pH adjusted with potassium hydroxide). Add 0.6 ml of polyoxyethylene (23) lauryl ether and mix. The stock is stable for 3 weeks at room temperature.

8.2. Procedure 1. At least 30 min before analysis, add 15 ml of 2-mercaptoethanol to 5 ml of OPA stock, this reagent is stable for a day. Protect all fluorescent samples and reactions from light at all times. 2. Protein standards (0.2–10 mg/ml) and unknown samples need to be adjusted to a pH between 8.0 and 10.5 before analysis. Mix 10 ml of test sample with 100 ml of OPA stock (supplemented with 2-mercaptoethanol) and incubate at room temperature for 15 min. 3. Add 3 ml of 0.5 N NaOH and mix. 4. Read fluorescence at excitation 340 nm and emission from 440 to 455 nm in a fluorescent cuvette. 5. The relationship between protein concentration and fluorescence should be linear over the dynamic range of the assay and can be used to estimate unknown samples.

8.3. Comments All three dyes offer improved sensitivity and dynamic range when compared with absorbance-based protein quantitation assays. OPA is generally preferred over fluorescamine due to its enhanced solubility and stability in aqueous buffers. The use of amine-derivatization agents for protein quantitation is limited as the assay displays a large protein-to-protein variability due to variation in the number of lysine residues in proteins, requiring the need for a ‘‘matched’’ standard. Assay interference from glycine and amine containing buffers, ammonium ions, and thiols common in many biological-buffering systems limit the application of such assays (Table 8.1). The reproducibility of the assay is dependent on the pH of the reaction, protein samples that

Quantitation of Protein


contain residual acids, for example from precipitation steps could reduce the rate of amine derivatization (You et al., 1997). A noncovalent amine reactive dye epicocconone can also be used for total protein assays in solution (Sigma), for which the mechanism has been reported (Bell and Karuso, 2003; Coghlan et al., 2005).

9. Detergent-Based Fluorescent Detection (Range: 0.02–2 mg) The development of fluorescent probes whose quantum yields are enhanced significantly when binding at the detergent–protein interface have been used to quantitate proteins within gels and in solution-based assays (Daban et al., 1991; Jones et al., 2003). Two commercial preparations of these assays are available NanoOrangeTM and Quant-iTTM (Invitrogen); however, limited independent testing of the respective reagents prevents a full critical analysis. The NanoOrangeTM assay is limited by the need to heat samples to 90 C to denature the proteins thereby reducing the proteinto-protein variability ( Jones et al., 2003). Both assays are sensitive to detergents and high salt concentrations (Table 8.1), which presumably disrupt the protein-dye-detergent interface. The Quant-iTTM assay displays good sensitivity and dynamic range compared to other dye-based assays (Fig. 8.2), and a relatively low protein-to-protein variability (Fig. 8.3).

10. General Instructions The choice of measurement format used will depend on the throughput, sensitivity, and precision required of the assay, and concerns about assay interferences that can be reduced by dilution in cuvette-based assays. From our experience, both in industry and academia, plate-based assays are replacing cuvette assays due to increases in throughput. For all spectrophotometric techniques, the instrument should be warmed up for 15 min prior to measurement and any calibration programs run before sample analysis. Samples and reagents should be equilibrated to room temperature before analysis to avoid condensation on optical surfaces.

10.1. Cuvettes Traditionally, cuvettes have been used for the majority of spectrophotometric protein assays. Quartz cuvettes can be costly, therefore glass cuvettes are preferred; however, both of these may have to be washed between measurements to remove dye and adsorbed protein. Disposable plastic


James E. Noble and Marc J. A. Bailey

cuvettes are available and can be used to increase the throughput where many samples have to be measured, or the reagent is prone to sticking to the cuvette surface, for example Bradford reagent. Staggering of sample analysis is especially important if the signal is not stable, or does not run to completion within the time frame of the assay, for example BCA or Lowry assays. The best precision is obtained from a two-beam instrument incorporating a reference cell to account for instrument drift. Replacing the cuvette in the holder between each measurement due to cleaning, or the use of disposable cuvettes can result in changes in alignment, resulting in significant changes in amount of light reaching the detector. This is especially important if lowvolume cuvettes are being used where the transmission window is reduced in size. Care should also be taken with low-volume cuvettes to ensure the sample covers the entire transmission window. Care should be taken when handling and cleaning cuvettes. Prevent fingerprints from contaminating the transmitting surfaces. Cuvettes should be washed with either water or an appropriate solvent between runs and dried using a stream of nitrogen gas. If smearing of the transmitting surface is observed, the cuvette can be rewashed in water, ethanol, and finally acetone, or removed using ethanol and lintless lens tissue. If protein deposition is a recurring problem, cuvettes can be washed overnight in nitric acid and thoroughly washed before use.

10.2. Microwell plates The majority of protein assays have been adapted for use in microwell plates, typically 96-well plates to enhance speed, throughput and lower sample and reagent usage. Many of the commercial fluorescent assays are specifically designed for plate formats. The plate reader format also offers the advantage of being able to read multiple samples within a short period (typically 25 s) reducing potential timing differences in reactions that do not go to completion, or are unstable. Protein UV measurements can be made in a plate format; however, the effective path length can be difficult to calculate due to meniscus formation for concentrated protein solutions (many commercial plate readers can estimate effective path-length and thereby improving protein quantitation calculations). Quartz 96-well plates tend to be expensive, difficult to clean and prone to scratches that can affect light transmission. Care should be taken in the preparation of protein assays in plate formats. The use of lower volume samples (down to 5 ml for some assays) can increase the relative pipetting errors of high viscosity solutions. Wellto-well contamination should be avoided by using fresh pipette tips for each sample and reagent. Regular calibration of the instrument should be performed using either optical standards or solid phase fluorescent standard plates (Matech) to ensure equal transmission/light detection from all wells.

Quantitation of Protein


Many of the 96-well plates conform to a standard geometry; however, in our experience, it is worth analyzing plate geometry in the plate-reader, especially if a different plate supplier is used to ensure equal illumination, and detection for fluorescent-based measurements. Plate-based assays can also be more sensitive to sample precipitation (common in the Lowry and Bradford assays) when compared to cuvette-based assay due to the detection geometry. Recently, spectrophotometers that can measure low microliter samples (typically 1–2 ml), without the need for a cuvette or microplates have become commercially available (Tecan and Thermo Scientific), further minimizing sample usage.

10.3. Interfering substrates Interfering substances for many protein preparations will be variable from batch-to-batch and can be difficult to adequately control for when standards are formulated differently. The choice of assay used should take into account interfering contaminants in the protein preparation, either used as stabilizers or as a result of purification that cannot be replaced, or substituted with a suitable alternative, for example reducing agents or chelators. Inclusion of an interfering substance can be accommodated using a matched standard; however, this can result in loss of dynamic range and poor assay performance and is therefore not recommended. The concentration or amount of interfering substance that can be tolerated is often quoted with the assay instructions; however, this can be dependent on the formulation of the assay, the maximum tolerated concentrations are summarized in Table 8.1. Interfering substances can be removed prior to concentration determination, however, this adds additional steps to the procedure and can often result in dilution, or incomplete recovery of the original sample leading to errors in the concentration estimate. Changes in sample recovery can be compensated for by comparing the recovery of the standard that has been subjected to interference removal steps. Precipitation of protein followed by separation and resuspension probably offers the most accurate method to remove interfering substances where they cannot be avoided. Buffer components, detergents, and lipids can be removed by precipitating the protein with trichloroacetic acid (TCA), perchloric acid (PCA), or acetone (Olson and Markwell, 2007); however Triton X-100 can coprecipitate with TCA and PCA. In addition to precipitation techniques, specific interferences can be removed through chemical treatment, for example reducing agents (iodoacetic acid treatment), lipids through chloroform extraction, volatility, or neutralization of strong acids/bases.


James E. Noble and Marc J. A. Bailey

ACKNOWLEDGMENT We thank A. Hills for comments and help in preparing this review.

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Concentration of Proteins and Removal of Solutes David R. H. Evans,* Jonathan K. Romero,* and Matthew Westoby† Contents 98 99 99 100 100 102 103 104 107 107 109 110 112 113 116 118 118

1. Chromatography 1.1. Gel filtration 1.2. Ion-exchange chromatography 1.3. Reversed phase chromatography 1.4. Hydrophobic and affinity chromatography 1.5. Manufacturing-scale chromatographic applications 2. Electrophoresis 3. Dialysis 3.1. Concentration and affinity binding applications 4. Ultrafiltration 4.1. Ultrafiltration membranes 4.2. Ultrafiltration devices 4.3. Purification applications 5. Lyophilization 6. Precipitation 7. Crystallization References

Abstract The dramatic advances in recombinant DNA and proteomics technology over the past decade have supported a tremendous growth in biologics applied to diagnostics, biomarkers, and commercial therapeutic markets. In particular, antibodies and fusion proteins have now become a main focus for a broad number of clinical indications, including neurology, oncology, and infectious diseases with projected increase in novel first-class molecules and biosimilar entities over the next several years. In line with these advances are the improved analytical, development, and small-scale preparative methods

* {

Process Biochemistry, Biopharmaceutical Development, Biogen Idec. Inc., Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA Process Biochemistry, Biopharmaceutical Development, Biogen Idec. Inc., San Diego, California, USA

Methods in Enzymology, Volume 463 ISSN 0076-6879, DOI: 10.1016/S0076-6879(09)63009-3


2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.



David R. H. Evans et al.

employed to elucidate biologic structure, function, and interaction. A number of established methods are used for solvent removal, including lyophilization, reverse extraction, solute precipitation, and dialysis (solvent exchange), ultrafiltration, and chromatographic techniques. Notably, advances in the miniaturization and throughput of protein analysis have been supported by the development of a plethora of microscale extraction procedures and devices that exploit a wide array of modes for small-scale sample preparation, including the concentration and desalting of protein samples prior to further analysis. Furthermore, advances in process handling and data monitoring at microscale have dramatically improved complex control and product recovery of small quantities of biologics using techniques such as lyophilization and precipitation. In contrast, the efficient concentration of feed streams during preparative chromatography has been enhanced by improvements to protein binding capacity achieved through advanced bead and ligand design. The objective of solvent removal may be to prepare or concentrate solutes for analysis, or to facilitate their production or modification. Here, we describe the most recent advances in these techniques, particularly focusing on improved capabilities for bench-scale preparative methods.

1. Chromatography Over the past two decades, the innovation of chromatographic techniques for protein concentration and desalting has been driven by the increasing application of proteomics technologies. Proteomics generally requires an enrichment of proteins from small amounts of complex mixtures including the selective concentration of specific species. The high sensitivity of detection and detailed biochemical characterization provided by mass spectrometry (MS) and antibody-based assays has found utility in diverse applications including clinical diagnostics, biologic drug characterization, and basic research into protein structure–function. These applications require the analysis of drug targets and biomarkers present at low amounts in biological fluids, or the acquisition of detailed information on the structure and posttranslational modification of proteins expressed from heterologous systems. Samples for proteomics analysis are routinely generated in aqueous solutions that may contain a range of nonvolatile salts, solvents, dyes, detergents, chaotropes, DNA/RNA, and lipids. These contaminants can impair the performance of sensitive analytical techniques, notably electrospray ionization (ESI) matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) MS, where they cause a detrimental effect on resolution and sensitivity by interfering with sample ionization, adduct formation, and ion-source fouling. As a result, an excess of microscale solid phase extraction procedures and devices have been developed by multiple

Concentration of Proteins and Removal of Solutes


vendors to concentrate target proteins and purify them from contaminating molecules with high yield.

1.1. Gel filtration Gel filtration matrices have been widely used for desalting proteins under nondenaturing conditions. Unlike small molecules, macromolecular proteins are excluded from the pores of these resins and are desalted during flow. Typically, a bed volume of 4–20 times the volume of the sample and a column length-to-diameter ratio of between 5 and 10 provide optimal resolution. A minimum sample dilution of 1.25-fold is generally obtained during desalting but, with an appropriate selection of eluant, protein losses can be minimal even with sample concentrations in the mg/ml range. Polymeric carbohydrate-based sephadex media offered by various vendors have been extensively used for desalting and a range Bio-Gel P acrylamidebased matrices (Bio-Rad, Hercules, CA) permit the user to tailor the gel exclusion limit of the matrix to the molecular weight of the target protein. Added convenience is provided by Zeba Spin columns (Thermo/Pierce, Rockford, IL) which permit rapid desalting of protein samples of molecular weight >7000 Da by centrifugation without the requirement for column equilibration or gravity flow fractionation. Through appropriate choice of column size, sample volumes in the range 2–4000 ml can be accommodated with high recovery at protein concentrations as low as 25 mg/ml and with 95% retention of molecules of molecular weight 100 ml), calcium phosphate or polyethyleneimine reagents are more cost-effective options when compared to cationic lipids (Baldi et al., 2007). Transient transfections have been performed at even the bioreactor level but for most laboratories this scale is technically challenging (Girard et al., 2002). The transient transfection method is relatively easy, and the evaluation for a given recombinant protein can be made in less than 2 weeks. CHO cells are commonly used for mammalian expression when large quantities of recombinant protein are needed. For example, most therapeutic antibodies currently on the market are manufactured using this method. The standard method for stable CHO expression involves transfecting dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR)-deficient CHO cells with a DHFR selection cassette along with an expression cassette containing the gene of interest (Wurm, 2004). Dihydrofolate reductase converts dihydrofolate into tetrahydrofolate which is required for the de novo synthesis of purines, certain amino acids, and thymidylic acid. Methotrexate, which binds and inhibits DHFR, is used as a selection agent and only those cells that have integrated the DHFR selection cassette will survive. Sequentially increasing the concentration of methotrexate will result in amplification of the DHFR gene along with the linked gene of interest. Following at least one round of selection with the drug methotrexate, the stably transfected pools are subcloned using limiting dilution cloning into multiwell plates. Typically only a small percentage of the screened subclones will be expressing the recombinant gene at a high level since in the majority of the clones, the expression cassette has integrated into the heterochromatin region which is transcriptionally inactive. Unfortunately, the entire selection and screening process takes at least 2–3 months, making this the major drawback of the CHO

Selecting an Expression System


method. However, recent high-throughput methods based on flow cytometry or automation have increased the ease in rapidly screening and selecting high expressing clones (Browne and Al-Rubeai, 2007). Another development has been to use specific cis-acting DNA elements flanking the recombinant gene cassette that confer active transcription to integration sites (Kwaks and Otte, 2006). Unfortunately, the majority of these DNA elements is owned by companies and must be licensed for use in the laboratory, and, even with the aforementioned advances in CHO expression, the timelines for generating a high expressing CHO clone have not changed considerably. Mammalian expression systems are used primarily to generate secreted rather than intracellular recombinant proteins. Serum-free media have been developed for both the CHO and HEK293 cell lines, which simplifies the purification of secreted recombinant proteins. However, the cost of the media is quite high, making large-scale bioproduction rather costly. Mammalian cells contain the most superior folding and disulfide bond formation when compared to other expression hosts. The N-linked and O-linked glycan structures formed by mammalian cells are extremely varied and are not only dependent on the protein but also on the mammalian cell type used as the expression host ( Jenkins et al., 1996). Furthermore, the cell culture conditions such as nutrient content, pH, temperature, oxygen levels and ammonia concentration can significantly affect the glycosylation profile (Butler, 2006). N-linked glycosylation can result in oligomannose, hybrid, and complex structures, and the structures all contain the Man3GlcNac2 core (Bhatia and Mukhopadhyay, 1998). The oligomannose glycans can have two to six additional mannoses and the mannoses can be phosphorylated or sulfated. The most common complex structures have two to four Gal b1,4-GlcNac2 attached to the mannoses which result in bi-, tri-, and tetra-antennary branches. The branches can terminate with sialic acid, and fucose can also be attached to the structures. Hybrid structures contain features of both the oligomannose and complex structures. O-Glycosylation structures can be classified into eight types based on their core structures: O-GalNAc-type glycosylation, O-GlcNAc-type glycosylation, O-fucosylation, O-mannosylation, O-glucosylation, phosphoglycosylation, O-glycosaminoglycan-type glycosylation, and collagen-type glycosylation (Peter-Katalinic, 2005).

6. Protein Characteristics When choosing an expression system, one can easily survey the literature to determine if the recombinant protein has previously been expressed in the past and then assess the success of the published strategy.


William H. Brondyk

Table 11.1 Summary of expression methods Expression systems

E. coli

P. pastoris

Baculovirus/ insect cell



Rapid expression method (days)

Limited capacity for posttranslational modifications Difficult to produce some proteins in a soluble, properly folded state

Inexpensive bioproduction media and high density biomass Simple process scale-up Well characterized genetics Moderately rapid expression method (weeks) Inexpensive bioproduction media and high density biomass Most posttranslational modifications and high folding capacity Moderately rapid expression method (weeks) Most posttranslational modifications and high folding capacity

Mammalian— transient expression

Mammalian— stable expression

Moderately rapid expression method (weeks) All posttranslational modifications and high folding capacity All posttranslational modifications and high folding capacity

N-linked glycan structures different from mammalian forms Enhanced safety precautions needed for large-scale bioproduction due to methanol in induction media N-linked glycan structures different from mammalian forms Low density biomass and expensive bioproduction media Difficult process scale-up Low density biomass and expensive bioproduction media Difficult process scale-up

Lengthy expression method (months) Low density biomass and expensive bioproduction media Difficult process scale-up

Selecting an Expression System


In drawing from reports in the literature, it is important to consider whether the downstream application of the recombinant protein in the report is similar or compatible with your intended application. Lacking that information, reports about orthologs that have been expressed and described in detail can prove useful. The number of proteins being expressed has increased dramatically over the last decade which is in part due to the sequencing of many genomes, the development of high-throughput expression methods, and the large Protein Structure Initiative (PSI). This expression trend will likely continue, which will mean that eventually the amount of prior data will make the choice of an expression host a more straightforward decision.

6.1. Protein characteristics: E. coli and codon usage In general, when considering the recombinant protein-host system options, prokaryotic proteins should be expressed with only E. coli and not with eukaryotic systems since usually the posttranslational modifications and improved folding found in eukaryotes are either not necessary or perhaps not desired for a prokaryotic protein. For eukaryotic proteins the circumstance is different since there is a preponderance of examples where eukaryotic proteins are successfully expressed in E. coli (Sahdev et al., 2008). When using this strategy, an important consideration is that E. coli, like all organisms, has a bias for codon usage and the abundance of the tRNA pools in E. coli mirror this bias (Gustafsson et al., 2004; Marin, 2008). Expressing a eukaryotic protein containing several codons that are rare in E. coli can be inefficient when the pool of corresponding tRNAs is limiting. The shortage of tRNAs can lead to frameshifts in translation, misincorporation of amino acids, or premature termination of translation. This problem is most evident when rare codons are grouped together at the N-terminus (Kane, 1995). However, the problem can be avoided by synthesizing a codon-optimized gene or by using engineered E. coli strains containing increased pools of rare tRNAs, which are available commercially (e.g., Rosetta strains, EMDNovagen). In most cases, codon bias should also be corrected in those circumstances where the recombinant gene is being expressed in a phylogenetically distant organism.

6.2. Protein characteristics: Cytoplasmic proteins For a cytoplasmic protein, the optimal choice of an expression system depends on the protein mass and the number of disulfide bonds in the protein. For proteins between 10 and 50 kDa and containing few disulfide bonds, E. coli is a good option for soluble protein expression (Dyson et al., 2004). For larger proteins or those with many disulfide bonds, if soluble expression is desired then usually either baculovirus or yeast is the preferred


William H. Brondyk

choices. Successful expression of proteins smaller than 10 kDa, with few or no disulfide bonds, has been achieved through fusion with soluble tags and expression in E. coli (Esposito and Chatterjee, 2006). Alternatively, expression of these small proteins can be directed into the secretory pathway of P. pastoris (Daly and Hearn, 2005). However, in this pathway, care must be taken to monitor potential inadvertent glycosylation of the normally cytosolic protein when it is forced into the secretory pathway. This can be achieved by inspecting the sequence for the lack of the consensus N-linked glycosylation sites. Unfortunately, for O-linked glycosylation there are no consensus sequences, so the secreted recombinant protein must be analyzed to ensure the lack of O-linked glycans.

6.3. Protein characteristics: Secreted proteins Any of the expression hosts can be used to produce secreted proteins. However, as described earlier, E. coli lacks most of the posttranslational capabilities found in eukaryotic hosts. Consequently, E. coli may be suboptimal for expressing secreted eukaryotic proteins but this is highly dependent on the downstream application.

6.4. Protein characteristics: Membrane proteins Membrane proteins represent an extremely challenging class of proteins to express in large quantities. For some purposes, production of just the soluble, hydrophilic portion will suffice, in which case the membranespanning domain can be removed and the desired soluble portion can be expressed. There are no clear guidelines on choosing the best system to express intact membrane proteins (Sarramegna et al., 2003). However, for most eukaryotic membrane proteins E. coli as an expression method is generally not a good option because of its limited capacity for folding and posttranslational modifications. By contrast, researchers have reported modest success with expressing G protein-coupled receptors using the baculovirus and yeast methods (Sarramegna et al., 2003).

6.5. Protein characteristics: Toxic proteins Recombinant proteins that are toxic to the expression host can be challenging to produce but this obstacle can usually be overcome. If the recombinant protein is toxic, it is often useful to determine whether the problem is host cell specific. If so, then the protein can be expressed in a more compatible expression host. Another option is to use a tightly regulated, inducible expression system such as those available for E. coli and P. pastoris. For example, several elaborate inducible expression systems have been developed for E. coli (Saida, 2007). In these systems, expression of the

Selecting an Expression System


recombinant gene is regulated by an inducible promoter, transcription terminators, control of the plasmid copy number, or modification of the coding sequence of the recombinant gene. In the available P. pastoris system, the AOX1 promoter is tightly regulated by the combination of an induction mechanism as well as a repression/derepression method (Daly and Hearn, 2005). Alternatively, several studies have demonstrated that the baculovirus/insect system can be used to express toxic proteins (Aguiar et al., 2006; Korth and Levings, 1993). Lastly, with mammalian systems the easiest option is to use transient expression. The several inducible systems compatible with CHO cells take a considerable amount of time to complete the necessary cell engineering and also with these systems it is difficult to obtain tight regulation of gene expression which is required to prevent cell death (Rossi and Blau, 1998).

7. Recombinant Protein Applications Recombinant protein expression for structural studies requires proper folding, correct formation of disulfide bonds and homogeneity of the recombinant product. The intrinsic cellular capacity for folding and disulfide bond formation has been described for each of the expression systems. Potential sources of heterogeneity include phosphorylation, inefficient cleavage of the initiator methionine by methionine aminopeptidase, and glycosylation. Unfortunately, phosphorylation heterogeneity is often observed with recombinant kinases and has been reported for each of the expression hosts. In these cases, homogeneity can be attained by removing the phosphates on the recombinant protein through treatment with phosphatase. N-terminal methionine heterogeneity can occur when the recombinant protein is expressed in the cytoplasm. Prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms contain methionine aminopeptidases, and the efficiency of methionine cleavage is influenced by the amino acid adjacent to the initiator methionine (Giglione et al., 2004). In general the size of the side chain of the adjacent amino acid inversely affects the efficiency of methionine cleavage. However, in E. coli the high expression level of recombinant proteins can saturate the enzyme and alter the rules for efficient cleavage (Dong et al., 1996). This heterogeneity can be avoided by carefully selecting the amino acid adjacent to the initiator methionine or by using a cleavable tag at the N-terminus. Glycosylation heterogeneity occurs with glycoproteins expressed in all eukaryotic organisms and normally less heterogeneity is observed with insect and yeast hosts ( Jenkins et al., 1996). Regardless of the expression host, the glycans are usually removed before attempting to crystallize the recombinant protein. Normally, when generating recombinant proteins for use as immunizing antigens, any of the expression hosts can be used for this application. With


William H. Brondyk

glycoproteins it is not always clear whether the presence of glycans will alter the immunogenicity of the recombinant antigen (Bhatia and Mukhopadhyay, 1998; Prasad et al., 1995). Producing recombinant proteins suitable for in vitro activity studies as well as for in vivo experiments requires appropriate protein folding and disulfide bond formation. For glycoproteins, the presence of N-linked glycans along with the glycan structure can have a significant impact on both applications, and therefore must be considered when selecting a eukaryotic expression host. N-linked glycosylation has been shown to positively influence protein structure and increase protein stability (Bhatia and Mukhopadhyay, 1998). In vitro, the structure of the N-linked glycan on certain protein ligands has been demonstrated to affect the affinity for receptor binding and signal transduction. With recombinant immunoglobulins, the conserved N-linked glycan present in the Fc region influences in vitro effector activity (Presta, 2008). For instance, the presence of fucose on the N-linked glycan in human IgG1 reduces antibody-dependent cell cytotoxicity activity (Shinkawa et al., 2003). In vivo, the N-linked glycan structure on proteins dramatically impacts metabolic clearance and biodistribution. For example, N-linked glycans that are not capped with sialic acid are cleared by hepatic receptors, including the asialoglycoprotein and mannose receptors (Weigel and Yik, 2002). The importance of O-linked glycosylation has not yet been defined. If the effect of glycosylating the recombinant protein is unknown then a safer strategy involves choosing an expression host similar to the source of the recombinant gene.

8. Conclusion The E. coli, P. pastoris, baculovirus/insect cells and mammalian systems each have both advantages and disadvantages for expressing recombinant proteins (Table 11.1). Whether a given system will express a protein at a high level and generate a quality product is largely protein dependent. A careful evaluation of the characteristics of the recombinant protein along with the downstream application must be considered when selecting an expression method. Unfortunately, there will be circumstances when the expression choice will not be obvious and several expression hosts must be evaluated.

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Bacterial Systems for Production of Heterologous Proteins Sarah Zerbs, Ashley M. Frank, and Frank R. Collart Contents 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Introduction Heterologous Protein Production Using Escherichia coli Planning a Bacterial Expression Project Evaluation of Project Requirements Target Analysis Cloning Preparation of T4 DNA Polymerase-Treated DNA Fragments Expression in the E. coli Cytoplasm Expression of Cytoplasmic Targets in E. coli 9.1. Analysis of protein expression and solubility 10. Analysis of Heterologous Protein Expression in E. coli 10.1. Analysis of protein solubility 10.2. Analysis of protein expression results 10.3. Autoinduction method for protein expression 11. Small-Scale Expression Cultures in Autoinduction Media Protocol 12. Periplasmic Expression of Proteins 13. Expression of Periplasmic Targets in E. coli 14. Small-Scale Osmotic Shock Protocol 15. Alternative Bacterial Systems for Heterologous Protein Production 16. Alternative Vector and Induction Conditions 17. Production Scale Acknowledgment References

150 150 151 152 152 153 155 156 157 157 157 158 159 159 160 160 161 162 164 165 166 166 166

Abstract Proteins are the working molecules of all biological systems and participate in a majority of cellular chemical reactions and biological processes. Knowledge of the properties and function of these molecules is central to an understanding of chemical and biological processes. In this context, purified proteins are a starting point for biophysical and biochemical characterization methods that can assist in Biosciences Division, Argonne National Laboratory, Lemont, Illinois, USA Methods in Enzymology, Volume 463 ISSN 0076-6879, DOI: 10.1016/S0076-6879(09)63012-3


2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.



Sarah Zerbs et al.

the elucidation of function. The challenge for production of proteins at the scale and quality required for experimental, therapeutic and commercial applications has led to the development of a diverse set of methods for heterologous protein production. Bacterial expression systems are commonly used for protein production as these systems provide an economical route for protein production and require minimal technical expertise to establish a laboratory protein production system.

1. Introduction Bacterial expression systems and Escherichia coli in particular are frequently used for production of heterologous proteins at laboratory and industrial process scales (Baneyx, 1999; Terpe, 2006). The widespread use of bacterial systems for protein production arises primarily from the nominal cost and minimal technical requirements for implementation in a laboratory scale environment. A variety of vector and host options are available and the short doubling time of most engineered strains enables rapid evaluation of experimental outcome and reduces the stringency of requirements for sterile technique and facilities. Many of these intrinsic advantages at the laboratory scale can be easily modified to accommodate automation of the process and implementation in a high throughput setting (Dieckman et al., 2002). In most cases, the bacterial expression systems commonly used for benchtop scale processing can also be adapted to large-scale projects that require production and screening of hundreds of expression clones or large-scale production of selected proteins (Baneyx, 1999; Klock et al., 2005; Terpe, 2006; Yokoyama, 2003). In spite of these advantages, bacterial systems have a number of important limitations for expression of heterologous proteins that should be considered in the development of a protein production expression strategy. These limitations are especially apparent for eukaryotic proteins (Dyson et al., 2004) or proteins that require the coexpression of maturation proteins (Londer et al., 2008). This is not unexpected since the biological and chemical characteristics of the bacterial cellular compartments differ from eukaryotic organisms. In particular, accessory proteins such as chaperones, posttranslational modification proteins, or maturation proteins vary widely between eukaryotic and bacterial organisms. In some cases, these limitations can be circumvented by the use of genetically modified bacterial expression strains but the selection of an alternative expression system must often be considered.

2. Heterologous Protein Production Using Escherichia coli There are an increasing number of bacterial systems available for the production of heterologous proteins. The selection of a particular system is influenced by the nature of the target protein, the experience of the user,


Protein Expression in Bacterial Systems

and the intended use of the product. E. coli is the most commonly used bacterial system for production of heterologous proteins. Over a century of intensive study of E. coli has provided a great deal of information about regulatory mechanisms and the function of the host accessory proteins that may impact expression outcome. In addition, there is an extensive resource of methodological and technological materials in support of protein production in a laboratory or commercial setting. For many protein production projects, the availability of these resources and the minimal technical requirements make E. coli a host of first choice for preliminary protein expression screening. Consequently, we use this organism as a model to illustrate specific approaches and methods for protein production. The description of specific methods for protein production using E. coli will be followed by a discussion of alternative bacterial expression systems. Many of the core concepts and techniques described for protein production using E. coli are directly applicable to other bacterial systems.

3. Planning a Bacterial Expression Project The successful implementation of a system for bacterial expression is dependent on a series of sequential steps that are illustrated in chronological order in Table 12.1. The initial stages of the process are not experimental but rely on defining a set of project requirements and analysis of the Table 12.1 Scheme for heterologous protein production using a bacterial host Stage

Impact on selection of expression system

Outline project requirements

Define requirements such as scale, functionality, resources, and intended application to select an appropriate expression system Utilize coding region sequence features, available experimental data or historical data to define and optimize expression strategies Cloning options include vectors, selection strategy, fusion tags to enhance solubility or facilitate purification, inducer, or cellular targeting sequences Rare codons, protease, accessory proteins Expression, solubility, functionality

Target analysis


Selection of expression strain(s) Characterization of the expression product


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sequence features and biochemical characteristics of the expression target. These steps are critical to the ultimate success of the project and can contribute to a realistic assessment of project costs and likelihood for success. We present a brief review of these topics to provide continuity with the experimental components as some of these topics are addressed in greater detail in chapters included in this volume.

4. Evaluation of Project Requirements The intended use of the protein product can have a major impact in the selection and prioritization of expression systems. Preservation of the native function and characteristics of the protein are essential for some applications (e.g., functional assignment or drug screening) but may be of less concern if the target is to be used as an immunogen. Other practical considerations include protein yield, time constraints, or production costs. A clear definition of the project requirements is vital to ensure the selection of an appropriate expression system and the strategy for cloning and production of the desired product (Dieckman et al., 2006).

5. Target Analysis The biochemical and biological attributes of the target are essential considerations for selection of an expression strategy and are primary predictors of expression and solubility outcomes. One set of attributes can be assembled by analysis of the primary sequence for prediction of secondary structure, biological localization (membrane, cytoplasmic, periplasmic, or extracellular), classification into families (fold and domains) and inference of biochemical properties (pI, disordered regions, ligands). Features such as a high probability for membrane spanning helices may dictate the use of a system designed for the expression of membrane proteins or the use of a domain cloning strategy for production of the soluble component of the protein. Use of the target sequence features to guide the selection of the expression host and vector construct will contribute to production of a mature and appropriately localized protein. Sequence information can be supplemented with experimental or historical data on the target protein or a homolog to provide further insight into expression system optimization. For example, proteins known to require a prosthetic group for proper function may necessitate selection of a specific host to ensure production of a fully functional protein. A case in point is the production of type c cytochromes which is facilitated by the use of genetically engineered strains of E. coli containing accessory proteins for covalent attachment of hemes to

Protein Expression in Bacterial Systems


polypeptide chains of apocytochromes (Londer et al., 2008). In practice, it is often difficult to predict the outcome of a protein expression trial in the absence of historical expression data for the target protein or a similar protein. A common experimental approach is to utilize several systems, beginning with the simplest and most cost effective method and invoke more complex systems for targets that fail.

6. Cloning A variety of options are available for cloning the target sequence which can be generally categorized into serial and parallel systems. Serial systems, such as those that utilize restriction enzymes to generate compatible target and vector termini, are ubiquitous and provide several options to generate the target/vector compatible ends required to generate an expression construct. A disadvantage of this approach is the requirement of validating restriction enzyme cleavage strategies for each target and vector. There is growing interest in the use of parallel systems or universal cloning methods that enable easy transfer of the target to multiple vectors and expression systems regardless of the target sequence (Table 12.2). Examples of these systems include the Gateway (Esposito et al., 2009), Infusion (Zhu et al., 2007) or ligation independent cloning (LIC) methods (Aslanidis and de Jong, 1990; Haun et al., 1992). An advantage of this approach is the ability to clone a target in multiple vectors and to simultaneously evaluate multiple expression strategies in a cost effective manner. LIC is a cost effective method particularly suited for bacterial expression as the cloning reagents are nonproprietary and available from several commercial suppliers. In the LIC method, specific nucleotide sequences are appended to the PCR primers and allow any gene to be cloned regardless of DNA sequence. Compatible ends in both the vector and PCR fragments are generated by treatment with T4 DNA polymerase in the presence of a specific nucleoside triphosphate. The procedure generates complementary 10–15 bp overhangs in the vector and PCR fragment that anneal with sufficient strength to permit transformation without ligation. The process allows consistent design of PCR primers, is directional, and results in high cloning efficiency. Although commercial vectors are available, the approach has been used in several large-scale cloning projects which provide vector resources to individual investigators. The procedure described below was developed for use with the suite of vectors designed at the Midwest Center for Structural Genomics (Eschenfeldt et al., 2009). The method is generally applicable to other LIC compatible systems provided adjustments are made for the specific sequences appended to the amplification primers.


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Table 12.2 Commonly used E. coli expression hosts and vectorsa Strain


References or Suppliers

HB101 DH5a

Common strains for subcloning and preparation of plasmid DNA. Strains have reduced recombination and restriction capabilities that aid in plasmid stability and improved quality of plasmid DNA Widely used expression strain which lacks the lon and opmT proteases and contains a copy of the T7 RNA polymerase gene under the control of the lacUV5 promoter. These modifications enable stable expression of proteins using T7 promoter driven constructs Effective for expression of toxic and membrane proteins Strains enable copy number control of ColE1 derived plasmids K-12 derivatives with mutations in the trxB and gor genes which enhance disulfide bond formation in the cytoplasm

Boyer and RoullandDussoix (1969) and Woodcock et al. (1989)

Widely used expression systems for inducible expression of proteins using a T7 promoter construct Tightly regulated expression system with expression controlled by the presence of arabinose Common purification fusion tags

EMD Biosciences


C41 C43

ABLE strains


Vector pET series

pBAD series


Studier and Moffatt (1986), multiple suppliers

Miroux and Walker (1996), Lucigen Stratagene

Derman et al. (1993), EMD Biosciences

Guzman et al. (1995)

Hengen (1995) and Smith and Johnson (1988)



Protein Expression in Bacterial Systems

Table 12.2




References or Suppliers


Common solubility enhancing fusion tags

De Marco et al. (2004) and Kapust and Waugh (1999) Hartley et al. (2000), Invitrogen

Gateway vectors

A series of vectors that use a recombinational strategy to enable transfer of DNA fragments between different cloning vectors A series of vectors that use an Ligation anneal strategy to enable independent parallel cloning of coding cloning region fragments vectors pET26b Vector contains the pelB leader sequence that targets expression to the periplasmic space


Aslanidis and de Jong, (1990) and Haun et al. (1992) Makrides (1996) and Matthey et al. (1999)

The NIH funded PSI Materials Repository ( and Protein Expression Laboratory ( maintain an extensive collection of expression strains and vectors that are available to the general public.

7. Preparation of T4 DNA Polymerase-Treated DNA Fragments 1. Append the appropriate LIC specific nucleotide sequences (e.g., forward primer: TACTTCCAATCCAATGCC, reverse primer with added stop: TTATCCACTTCCAATGTTA) to the target specific PCR primers. 2. The specified method is scaled to microwell plates (96 targets) but can be adjusted to any number of targets. Make LIC Reaction mix sufficient for one 96-well plate by combining the following reagents: a. 465 mL of 10 T4 DNA polymerase buffer. T4 DNA polymerase reaction buffers supplied by most vendors can be substituted for the LIC reaction buffer described in this section. Our comparison of various common T4 DNA polymerase reaction buffers shows less than a 25% difference in the cloning efficiency of the final product. b. 465 mL of 25 mM dCTP, molecular biology grade (Promega cat. no. U1221). c. 228 mL of 100 mM dithiothreitol (DTT) solution (Novagen cat. no. 70099). d. 60 mL of water. e. 250 units of T4 DNA Polymerase (LIC quality, 2.5 units/mL, EMD Biosciences/Novagen).


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3. Keep this mixture on ice and add the T4 DNA polymerase just before use. Pipette up and down several times to uniformly distribute the enzyme in the reaction mix. 4. Array 10.4 mL of the LIC reaction mix into a polypropylene 96-well plate. 5. Add 30 mL (40–100 ng) of purified PCR fragment to the LIC reaction mix and pipette up and down several times to mix. Incubate at room temperature for 30 min. Our studies of various fragment-to-vector ratios (Dieckman et al., 2006) indicate a wide tolerance for variation in the amount of target DNA fragment on the annealing reaction. 6. Incubate on a heat block at 75 C for 20 min to inactivate the T4 DNA polymerase. 7. In another 96-well plate, anneal 1–2 mL of the T4-Polymerase-treated PCR LIC fragments with 4 mL (20–50 ng) T4-Polymerase-treated LIC vector. 8. Incubate the annealing reaction 5–10 min at room temperature. 9. Use the entire annealing reaction to transform 50 mL competent E. coli cells and select for transformed colonies (Sambrook and Russell, 2001). Following the heating process the LIC plates are stored in the refrigerator at 4 C until needed. The preparation of LIC compatible vector is similar to the above procedure but uses the complementary base dGTP (Eschenfeldt et al., 2009). The constructs can be validated by sequence analysis at this stage or the analysis can be performed after analysis for expression and solubility.

8. Expression in the E. coli Cytoplasm The majority of vectors available for expression in E. coli are designed for cytoplasmic expression. These vectors have been engineered with an assortment of selectable markers, bacterial promoters, plasmid replication origins, localization signals, and fusion tags (Table 12.2). The protocol we describe is adapted for the T7 promoter (Novagen, pET vector series) which can overexpress a target at a level representative of the most abundant native proteins in E. coli (Studier and Moffatt, 1986). An E. coli strain that expresses the T7 RNA polymerase (e.g., BL21(DE3)) is required for protein expression using the pET family of vectors. Variants of these strains are available to coexpress rare tRNAs (Carstens, 2003), additional cofactors necessary for protein folding (Baneyx and Palumbo, 2003), or proteins that enable disulfide bond formation and promote protein folding activity in the cytoplasm (Prinz et al., 1997). This protocol summarizes the process for use of IPTG in conjunction with an inducible system for production of the target protein.

Protein Expression in Bacterial Systems


9. Expression of Cytoplasmic Targets in E. coli 1. Use a single colony to inoculate a 2-mL culture of media with appropriate antibiotic. Use a culture tube that will hold at least 5 the final culture volume for sufficient aeration. 2. Incubate samples at 37 C, 250 rpm until the OD600 reaches 0.4–0.8. The culture should appear cloudy but not completely turbid. In general, this requires 3–4 h of growth with BL21(DE3) cells. 3. Add 20 mL 100 mM IPTG to each culture (1 mM final concentration). Return induced cultures to the incubator set at 37 C, 250 rpm for 4 h. The cultures should be turbid after 4 h of induction. 4. Cultures should show significant expression after 3–8 h of induction at 37 C. Remove sample and analyze as described below.

9.1. Analysis of protein expression and solubility Validation of protein expression typically involves an assessment of expression and solubility of the target protein and a qualitative verification of the expected protein size. Most of the E. coli systems used for heterologous expression produce sufficient level of the target protein to enable assessment of expression/solubility outcome by denaturing gel electrophoresis (Fig. 12.1). The method is low cost, relatively easy, and returns results quickly. Proteins expressed at low levels or that may be marginally soluble may require a more sensitive detection method such as Western blotting.

10. Analysis of Heterologous Protein Expression in E. coli 1. Remove 200 mL of induced culture from each sample to a clean microcentrifuge tube. Centrifuge this portion at 14,000 rpm for 1 min. The cells should form a dense pellet with a clear supernatant. The remaining culture is used for assessment of target protein solubility described in Section 10.1. 2. Decant or aspirate spent media, being careful to retain the cell pellet. Add 50 mL of 2 SDS loading dye and use repeated pipeting to resuspend cells. 3. Boil samples for 5 min and allow to cool slightly before loading on an SDS–PAGE gel. For a 17-well 8 10 cm gel stained with Coomassie, 5 mL of sample is usually sufficient.


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ZF356 M





ZF137 A B


Expression analysis

Solubility analysis

Figure 12.1 Expression and solubility for a set of zebrafish proteins. The top figure represents a Coomassie-stained gel displaying total expression products for proteins expressed in three different vector systems. The bottom figure is a Coomassie-stained gel with the soluble fractions of the same constructs. In the second gel, the order of ZF356 and the molecular weight marker is reversed from the top gel. Vector ‘‘A’’ is the pMCSG7 vector and produces an N-terminal fusion containing a TEV protease cleavable His tag. Vector ‘‘B’’ targets the protein to the periplasm and produces a N-terminal fusion similar to that described for Vector A. Vector ‘‘C’’ is pMCSG19 which contains a maltose binding protein (MBP) fusion sequence (Donnelly et al., 2006). Protein accession numbers are as follows: ZF356; AAH56726.1, ZF384; AAH58296.1, ZF203; AAH46038.1, ZF254; AAH47843.1, ZF137; AAH67155.1.

10.1. Analysis of protein solubility 1. Pellet the remaining cell culture by centrifugation at 3500 rpm for 10 min. Carefully decant spent media and blot remaining liquid on a paper towel. 2. Freeze pellets at 80 C. Prepare enough lysis buffer (final concentration: 300 mM NaCl, 50 mM Na2PO4, protease inhibitor cocktail (Sigma), 120 kU/mL rLysozyme (Novagen) and 25 U/mL Benzonase (Novagen)), for all samples. Alternatively, Bugbuster (Novagen) or B-PER (Pierce) can be substituted for lysis buffer. Use volumes indicated for a 2-mL culture in reagent instructions.

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3. Remove samples from freezer and thaw slightly. Add 180 mL of lysis buffer to each sample, cover tightly and vortex to completely resuspend pellet. 4. Return plate to 80 C for 5 min, then remove and incubate at room temperature until the ice is completely melted. Repeat this freeze–thaw cycle once more. Samples may turn clear or they may remain cloudy. 5. Pellet cell debris at 3500 rpm for 10–15 min. 6. Remove a 50 mL portion from the top of each sample being careful not to remove any of the cell debris with the supernatant. 7. Add 60 mL of 2 SDS loading dye to the supernatant and boil for 5 min. Analyze the samples by denaturing gel electrophoresis. For a 17-well 8 10 cm gel stained with Coomassie, 5 mL of sample is usually sufficient. 8. [Optional] To examine the insoluble fraction of the cell lysate, discard all of the remaining supernatant from the cell debris in step 7. Be careful not to disturb or remove the pellet. 9. Add 300 mL of 1 SDS loading dye to the pellet and cover tightly. Vortex sample until entire pellet is resuspended. 10. Boil sample for 5 min and cool slightly before loading on an SDS– PAGE gel. For a 17-well 8 10 cm gel stained with Coomassie, 3 mL is usually enough to visualize expression.

10.2. Analysis of protein expression results Use of the same culture for assessment of expression and solubility can compensate for the variance in expression level. Expression rates in E. coli typically exceed 80% but solubility can be a limiting factor and is target dependent (Fig. 12.1). Targets are scored as ‘‘no expression’’ or ‘‘insoluble’’ based on the absence of a detectable stained protein band of the correct molecular weight observed after SDS–PAGE analysis. Targets can be scored as positive for expression or solubility based on observation of a protein stained band of correct molecular weight. This is a qualitative assessment and additional validation such as sequence analysis and/or mass spectrometry is necessary to assure identity of the polypeptide. We use a relative ranking scale that compares staining of the target relative to the general intensity of native E. coli proteins. Target bands that are visible but with intensity level less than most of the E. coli proteins are scored as level 1 or low expression/solubility. Levels 2 and 3 (moderate and high expression/ solubility) have staining intensity comparable to that of highly expressed E. coli proteins or more prominent than any E. coli protein, respectively.

10.3. Autoinduction method for protein expression A disadvantage of induction by IPTG is the requirement to monitor bacterial growth to achieve optimal induction conditions. This attribute is especially apparent in experiments which survey expression in large clone


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sets. In this scenario, differences in growth rates will be observed and optimal induction conditions are unlikely to be achieved for all expression clones. Autoinduction systems provide an approach to circumvent these difficulties and simplify the expression protocol (Studier, 2005). Several systems have been described which provide high-level protein expression with pET and other IPTG-inducible bacterial expression systems (Blommel et al., 2007).

11. Small-Scale Expression Cultures in Autoinduction Media Protocol 1. A transformation plate or a fresh streak of a frozen stock may be used for this experiment. The expression cell line must contain genes for lac permease (lacY) and ß-galactosidase (lacZ) as well as T7 RNA polymerase. 2. Prepare autoinduction media (e.g., Overnight Express Kit, Novagen) and add appropriate antibiotic to media. 3. Use a single colony to inoculate 2-mL cultures of autoinduction media. Use tubes that hold at least 5 the final volume for adequate aeration. 4. Incubate tubes at 37 C and 250 rpm for at least 16 h. Alternatively, incubate cultures at 25 C and 250 rpm for at least 20 h. The culture must reach stationary phase for robust induction of expression. Expression and solubility outcome of individual targets is assessed as described in the previous section for IPTG-induced cultures. Expression yield of heterologous proteins is similar for autoinduced and IPTG-induced cultures but individual variation in target protein solubility may be observed (Fig. 12.2). In some studies, autoinduction produced 5–20 times as much target protein per volume of culture as conventional IPTG induction (Studier, 2005).

12. Periplasmic Expression of Proteins Approximately 8–12% of the bacterial proteome is not destined for the cytoplasm. Heterologous expression strategies for this group include amplification of the nonsignal component of the coding region and processing these targets through the standard E. coli cloning and expression pipeline using a cytoplasmic or periplasmic targeting vector with outcomes similar to those observed for cytoplasmic proteins. This approach is also successful for some eukaryotic proteins containing disulfide bonds. Proteins are routed to the E. coli periplasmic space by addition of an appropriate targeting signal (e.g., the E. coli PelB signal sequence) to the N-terminus of the target


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9 10 11 12


IPTG induction

Figure 12.2 Coomassie-stained gel analysis of target solubility outcome for autoinduced and IPTG-induced cultures. Targets were amplified from Shewanella oneidensis genomic DNA and cloned into the cytoplasmic expression vector pMCSG7 (targets 1–6) or the periplasmic expression vector pBH31 SA (targets 7–12). Soluble fractions for analysis were prepared as described in the text. Targets are as follows: 1 ¼ SO 3070; 2 ¼ SO 2454; 3 ¼ SO 2444; 4 ¼ SO 1503; 5 ¼ SO 1190; 6 ¼ SO1560; 7 ¼ SO 0809; 8 ¼ SO 0837; 9 ¼ SO 4048; 10 ¼ SO 1503; 11 ¼ SO 1190; 12 ¼ SO 1560.

protein. As the periplasm accounts for 20–40% of the total volume of the cell, overall expression yields are typically lower when compared to cytoplasmic expression. This is apparent from a direct comparison of the expression levels for targets cloned into a cytoplasmic expression vector (Fig. 12.2, targets 4–6) and targets cloned into a periplasmic expression vector (Fig. 12.2, targets 10–12).

13. Expression of Periplasmic Targets in E. coli 1. Use a single colony to inoculate a 2-mL culture of media with appropriate antibiotic. Use a culture tube that will hold at least 5 the final culture volume for sufficient aeration.


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2. Incubate samples at 30 C, 250 rpm until the OD600 reaches 0.4–0.8. The culture should appear cloudy but not completely turbid. In general, this requires 3–5 h of growth with BL21(DE3) cells. 3. Drop the temperature of the incubator to 19 C and incubate the cultures for at least 30 min to allow cells to equilibrate. The OD of the culture should continue to increase during the temperature shift. 4. Add 20 mL 100 mM IPTG to each culture (1 mM final concentration). Return induced cultures to the incubator set at 19 C, 250 rpm overnight. The cultures should be turbid after the overnight induction. 5. Cultures should show some expression after 4 h and significant expression after 12–16 h of induction at 19 C.

14. Small-Scale Osmotic Shock Protocol If the localization of a target to the periplasm must be confirmed, an osmotic shock can be performed to analyze the contents of the periplasm separately from the cytoplasm. Many methods for releasing proteins from the outer compartment of bacteria are available. Addition of chloroform (Ames et al., 1984) or Polymyxin B (Dixon and Chopra, 1986) releases proteins from the periplasm. The method described below is inexpensive and uses common laboratory reagents (Neu and Heppel, 1965; Nossal and Heppel, 1966). Lysozyme can be added to the osmotic shock SET (sucrose, EDTA, Tris–HCl) buffer to remove more of the outer cell wall and components (Birdsell and Cota-Robles, 1967; Malamy and Horecker, 1964); the spheroplasts made during this procedure are very prone to lysis and cytoplasmic proteins may contaminate the periplasmic fraction. For cells that lyse easily the addition of 0.5 mM MgCl2 to the cold water shock can stabilize the spheroplasts (Neu and Chou, 1967). The method we describe works well for a majority of proteins targeted to the periplasm but may need to be optimized for some targets. Comparison of the amount of target protein in the SET and water fractions in Fig. 12.3 illustrates the variance obtained with individual proteins. However, the proportion of soluble heterologous proteins is enriched in the shock fractions compared to background host proteins (Fig. 12.3). This method can be scaled up as a first purification step to reduce background proteins and cell debris. 1. Use a 5-mL culture where protein expression has been induced for 4 h to overnight. 2. Pellet the induced culture at 3500 rpm for 5 min. Decant or aspirate spent media. 3. Wash cells twice with 5 mL of 10 mM Tris–HCl, pH 8.0. Centrifuge suspensions at 3500 rpm for 5 min, decant washes after pelleting cells. A vortexer may be used to resuspend the cell pellet.


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SO 0809 SP




SO 1190

Figure 12.3 An example of osmotic shock fractions for targets from Shewanella oneidensis cloned into the periplasmic expression vector pBH31 SA. Fractions are labeled as follows: WC ¼ whole cell expression; SET ¼ SET buffer fraction; H2O ¼ water shock fraction; SP ¼ spheroplast fraction; M ¼ molecular weight markers.

4. Resuspend cells in 1 mL 10 mM Tris–HCl and transfer to a 1.5 mL microcentrifuge tube. Pellet cells by centrifuging for 30 s at 14,000 rpm and aspirate all remaining Tris–HCl wash. 5. Resuspend pellet completely in 300 mL SET buffer (50 mM Tris–HCl, pH 7.5, 20% (w/v) sucrose, 1 mM EDTA). Incubate cells and buffer on ice for 10 min. 6. Centrifuge samples at 14,000 rpm for 30 s to 1 min. Some preps may require longer centrifugation times, as the cells do not pellet easily in SET buffer. Remove a 50 mL portion of supernatant from the top of the sample to avoid picking up cell debris. Discard remaining liquid, but retain the cell pellet. 7. Add 300 mL ice-cold sterile water to the pellet and quickly resuspend cells. Incubate cells in water on ice for 5 min, without shaking. 8. Centrifuge sample at 14,000 rpm for 20–30 s. Immediately remove a 50 mL portion from the top of the supernatant to avoid picking up debris. 9. Steps 6–9 can be repeated with remaining pellet to release additional material from the periplasm. 10. Add 50 mL 2 SDS loading dye to the SET buffer fraction and H2O shock fraction and mix well. Boil samples 5 min and cool slightly before loading on gel. For a 17-well 8 10 cm gel stained with Coomassie, 10 mL of each sample was usually sufficient to visualize bands.


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11. [Optional] To examine the spheroplast fractions after the shock procedure remove all remaining liquid from the cell pellet. Add 500 mL 2 SDS loading dye directly to the pellet and resuspend. Boil sample for 5 min and cool slightly before loading on the gel. For a 17-well, 8 10 cm gel stained with Coomassie, 3 mL was usually sufficient. This sample can be extremely viscous and may require additional SDS loading buffer.

15. Alternative Bacterial Systems for Heterologous Protein Production A variety of alternative bacterial systems are available for heterologous protein expression. In many instances, the selection of a bacterial system is motivated by characteristics of the target proteins. Although E. coli can be utilized for the heterologous production of multiheme cytochromes, an alternative host is often preferred for complex cytochromes with multiple heme groups. Shewanella oneidensis is a Gram-negative bacterium often used for the production of this particular protein class. The genome of this organism encodes a large number of predicted cytochrome c genes and contains accessory proteins that promote correct processing of the apocytochromes into the mature protein (Takayama and Akutsu, 2007). A heterologous expression system that uses a genetically engineered Pseudomonas fluorescens strain (Pfenex, DOW Chemical Co.) has been developed for large-batch fermentation as well as high-throughput small-scale screening of target proteins. This modified Gram-negative organism is metabolically versatile and contains various microbial secretion systems that enable production in the cytoplasm, periplasm, or extracellular space. Protein production in nonpathogenic Gram-positive Bacillus species provides an alternative to the Gram-negative host strains (Schmidt, 2004). These organisms contain a naturally efficient secretion system to direct expressed proteins into the culture supernatant often resulting in improved yield and ease of purification. The most frequently used species are modified B. subtilis strains which lack genes for both extracellular lipolytic enzymes and proteases, resulting in improved stability of heterologous proteins. Bacillus megaterium has several large plasmids and is known for the stable replication and maintenance of these plasmids. Expression strains typically have low intrinsic protease activity and a combination of features that result in stable high-yield protein expression. Membrane proteins comprise a significant fraction of the proteins encoded by the genome but represent a challenge for protein production. In addition to E. coli (Neophytou et al., 2007; Shaw and Miroux, 2003), several other membrane protein expression systems have been developed

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for production of integral membrane proteins. The Gram-positive lactic acid bacterium Lactococcus lactis grows to high densities and is suited for large-scale overproduction of membrane proteins (Kunji et al., 2003). Several auxotrophic strains are available as well as an inducible expression system regulated by polycyclic peptide nisin. Functional screens for the characterization of the membrane protein can be performed with whole cells because ligands can act directly on the cytoplasmic membrane in which the membrane proteins are expressed. The photosynthetic bacterium Rhodobacter has been engineered for heterologous production of full-length membrane proteins (Laible et al., 2004). This system is unique in that it incorporates foreign membrane proteins into its own system of intracytoplasmic membranes by synthesizing new membrane coordinately with the expression of foreign target membrane proteins. These new membranes form as invaginations of the cytoplasmic membrane and allow integration of heterologous membrane proteins. One of the key strengths in using the Rhodobacter membrane expression system is that proteins produced are localized to the membranes nearly quantitatively in all cases. Membrane protein expression and purification is challenging and the functionality of proteins produced in heterologous expression systems must be carefully validated.

16. Alternative Vector and Induction Conditions Aside from employing different bacterial hosts, the heterologous expression system may also be optimized by manipulating vector and induction conditions. One such method that has demonstrated recent success in protein expression and solubility is a cold-shock expression system using a pCold vector (Qing et al., 2004). This system uses the knowledge of E. coli cell cold-shock response to inhibit endogenous protein production while enhancing target protein expression. It has been suggested that when the cspA mRNA is truncated and expressed under cold-shock conditions (37 C dropped to 15 C for 36 h), polysomes are occupied with translation of the truncated cspA gene and cannot adapt to ribosomal form III to translate non-cold-shock proteins ( Jiang et al., 1996). Consequently, only the genes in the cspA mRNA will be translated, while endogenous protein expression is inhibited. The pCold vectors include a cloning region after the cspA promoter for a target gene insert that is overexpressed upon 15 C cold-shock induction and derepression with 1 mM IPTG. Due to the minimal level of expressed host background proteins, this technology often eliminates the need to purify the heterologously expressed protein, greatly cutting production costs.


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17. Production Scale The goal of most bacterial expression projects is to produce large amounts of soluble, correctly folded and active proteins. In general, the expression and solubility levels of a target protein decrease in larger cultures. However, targets that perform well in small-scale experiments are more likely to produce satisfactory results during scale-up (Moy et al., 2004). A common approach to improve the final production yield is to select several of the most soluble constructs obtained from the pilot studies for evaluation in large-scale production processes. The second component of the strategy is optimization of growth and culture parameters of the largescale process to improve the quality and yield of the final product. The ability to generate and screen multiple bacterial expression products in a timely manner contributes to the utility of bacterial expression systems for protein production.

ACKNOWLEDGMENT The submitted manuscript has been created by UChicago Argonne, LLC, Operator of Argonne National Laboratory (‘‘Argonne’’). Argonne, a U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science laboratory, is operated under Contract No. DE-AC02-06CH11357. The U.S. Government retains for itself, and others acting on its behalf, a paid-up nonexclusive, irrevocable worldwide license in said article to reproduce, prepare derivative works, distribute copies to the public, and perform publicly and display publicly, by or on behalf of the Government.

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Expression in the Yeast Pichia pastoris James M. Cregg,*,† Ilya Tolstorukov,*,† Anasua Kusari,* Jay Sunga,* Knut Madden,† and Thomas Chappell† Contents 1. 2. 3. 4.

Introduction Other Fungal Expression Systems Culture Media and Microbial Manipulation Techniques Genetic Strain Construction 4.1. Mating, creating diploids 4.2. Random spore analysis 5. Gene Preparation and Vector Selection 6. Transformation by Electroporation 7. DNA Preparation 8. Examination of Strains for Recombinant Protein Production 9. Assay Development—The Yeastern Blot 10. Posttranslational Modification of the Recombinant Protein (Proteinases and Glycosylation) 11. Selection for Multiple Copies of an Expression Cassette References

170 170 171 172 172 173 174 176 176 178 182 184 185 187

Abstract The yeast Pichia pastoris has become the premier example of yeast species used for the production of recombinant proteins. Advantages of this yeast for expression include tightly regulated and efficient promoters and a strong tendency for respiratory growth as opposed to fermentative growth. This chapter assumes the reader is proficient in molecular biology and details the more yeast specific procedures involved in utilizing the P. pastoris system for gene expression. Procedures to be found here include: strain construction by classical yeast genetics, the logic in selection of a vector and strain, preparation of electrocompetent yeast cells and transformation by electroporation, and the yeast colony western blot or Yeastern blot method for visualizing secreted proteins around yeast colonies. * {

Keck Graduate Institute of Applied Life Sciences, Claremont, California, USA Biogrammatics, Inc., Carlsbad, California, USA

Methods in Enzymology, Volume 463 ISSN 0076-6879, DOI: 10.1016/S0076-6879(09)63013-5


2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.



James M. Cregg et al.

1. Introduction Relative to other expression systems, yeast got off to a slow start in the early 1980s, primarily due to poor results with several proteins in baker’s yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Romanos et al., 1992). Promising results in shake flask culture, more often than not, led to disappointing yields when scaled up in fermentor cultures. In addition, yeast were not likely to be of value in producing human proteins containing N-linked carbohydrates as injectable pharmaceutical drugs, a major goal of many biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies, because their sugars were of a high mannose type in composition and configuration, quite different from that of humans. As a result, recombinant glycoproteins made in a yeast system have a typical fungal-like N-glycosylation pattern, which a human immune system recognizes as foreign and rejects. This results in the rapid clearance of yeast products from the blood and a strong immune response from a patient that can possibly result in death. Since the 1980s, these problems have been addressed and several yeasts have become productive alternative systems for recombinant protein production. As a eukaryotic microbial expression system, yeast are a good alternative for proteins for which expression in a bacterial system leads to the synthesis of improperly folded, and inactive protein aggregates or inclusion bodies. This review will focus primarily on the most popular of these new yeast expression systems, Pichia pastoris. Only details of procedures that are specific or peculiar to expression in P. pastoris will be covered; for more common methods (e.g., agarose gel electrophoresis, immunoblotting, general recombinant DNA methodology, etc.), readers are referred to the many excellent books describing these methods including: (Sambrook et al., 1989) or the series by (Ausubel et al., 2001).

2. Other Fungal Expression Systems In addition to P. pastoris, several other yeast species have been developed for expression; among them, Hansenula polymorpha, Pichia methanolica, Kluyveromyces lactis, Arxula adeninivorans, and Yarrowia lipolytica are the best known and developed (Gellissen, 2005). Many of the reasons for using one of these alternative yeast expression systems, as well as the methods needed to construct recombinant strains, are similar to each other and to P. pastoris. Like P. pastoris, H. polymorpha and P. methanolica are methylotrophic yeast and virtually all of the advantages cited for P. pastoris are also true for these other species (Gellissen, 2002). In particular, all three have the potent promoter regulating the expression of the alcohol oxidase gene from their

Expression in the Yeast Pichia pastoris


respective species available for controlling recombinant protein expression. However, both H. polymorpha and P. methanolica are different from P. pastoris in that the construction of expression strains is often somewhat more laborious. With H. polymorpha, this extra labor can be rewarded with strains harboring 100 or more copies of an expression cassette. In addition, H. polymorpha can readily grow at temperatures up to 50 C providing the potential of significantly decreasing bioprocess times and thereby reducing costs. K. lactis was the first yeast species after S. cerevisiae to be developed for recombinant protein expression and is well known for its use in production of rennin for cheese processing (van Ooyen et al., 2006). An advantage of K. lactis for some purposes is that, like S. cerevisiae, it is officially on the generally recognized as safe (‘‘GRAS’’) list of microorganisms. A. adeninivorans is a dimorphic yeast with advantages for secreting recombinant proteins (Boer et al., 2005). This yeast has both a vegetative yeast like growth state and a mycelial growth state in which the cells send out mycelia like filamentous fungi. During the mycelial growth phase, the synthesis of secreted proteins is enhanced relative to its vegetative growth phase. In addition, A. adeninivorans does not O-glycosylate secreted proteins in its mycelial growth phase. Finally, A. adenininvorans has a relatively high growth temperature of up to 48 C and osmotolerance up to 3.4 M (10%) NaCl. Y. lipolytica, like A. adeninivorans is a dimorphic yeast (Madzak et al., 2005). Most recombinant genes are expressed in Y. lipolytica off the XPR2 promoter which, in its native state, expresses the gene for alkaline extracellular protease. However, several other promoters, all of which are constitutive, are also available for the yeast. Finally, certain filamentous fungi, such as Neurospora crassa, various Aspergillus species and Sordaria macrospora, have proved to be effective expression systems for certain recombinant products, particularly secreted proteins. However, the techniques for dealing with filamentous fungi are very different from yeast and will not be dealt with here. Readers interested in expression in filamentous fungi are referred to one of several excellent reviews on these systems (Heerikhuisen et al., 2005; Kuck and Poggeler, 2005).

3. Culture Media and Microbial Manipulation Techniques Techniques for culturing P. pastoris (and most other yeast species) at the bench level are identical to those used for Escherichia coli and S. cerevisiae. The most common rich medium for cultivation is YPD (1% yeast extract,


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2% peptone, 2% dextrose) and defined medium is YNB (0.67% yeast nitrogen base with ammonium sulfate and without amino acids, 2% dextrose plus any amino acids or nucleotides required for growth at 50 ug/ml each). Growth of P. pastoris on methanol requires that the dextrose is replaced with methanol to 0.5%. The recipe for mating/sporulation medium is 0.5% sodium acetate, 1% KCl 1% glucose. For Petri plates the media are prepared with 2% agar. Incubations are typically done at 30 C. In liquid YPD, P. pastoris has a generation time of approximately 90 min and a generation time of approximately 3 h in defined medium. With methanol as sole carbon source and a defined culture medium, the generation time is around 5 h.

4. Genetic Strain Construction Although a number of markers of various types exist for P. pastoris, the right combination for your purposes may not exist. Therefore, it may be necessary to construct a new host strain with the optimal set of genetic markers. The first step in strain construction is the mating and selection of diploid strains (Tolstorukov and Cregg, 2008). Because P. pastoris is functionally homothallic, the mating type of a strain is not a consideration in planning a genetic cross as cells of the same strain will also mate; However, the mating efficiency between P. pastoris cells is low. Therefore, it is essential that strains to be crossed contain complementary markers that allow for selective growth of crossed diploids, and against the growth of self-mated diploids and parental strains. Auxotrophic markers are generally most convenient for this purpose, but mutations in any gene that affect the growth or other phenotype of P. pastoris such as genes required for utilization of methanol or a nitrogen source (e.g., methylamine) can be used as well. Following are the steps needed to mate P. pastoris:

4.1. Mating, creating diploids 1. To begin a mating experiment, select a fresh colony from each strain to be mated from YPD plate (no more than one week old) and streak each across the length of an independent YPD plate. 2. After overnight incubation at 30 C, transfer the cell streaks from both plates onto a single sterile velvet such that the streaks from one plate are perpendicular to those on the other. 3. Transfer the cross streaks from the velvet to a mating/sporulation plate and incubate for 2–3 days at room temperature to initiate mating. 4. After incubation, replica plate to an appropriate agar medium for the selection of complementing diploid cells. Diploid colonies will grow at

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the junctions of the streaks after approximately 2–3 days of incubation at 30 C. Diploid P. pastoris cells are approximately twice as large as haploid cells and easily distinguished by examination under a light microscope by their size and their high efficiency of sporulation. 5. Purify diploid colonies by streaking at least once for single colonies on diploid selection medium. 6. Diploid P. pastoris strains efficiently undergo meiosis and sporulation in response to nitrogen limitation. To initiate this phase of the life cycle, transfer freshly grown diploid colonies from a YPD or YNB plus glucose plate to a mating/sporulation plate either by replica-plating or with an inoculation loop; incubate the plate for 3–4 days at room temperature. Sporulation in all Pichia species correlates with accumulation of a red pigment in the ascus; therefore, sporulated diploid samples are easily distinguished by their tan color relative to the white color of haploid cultures. Diploids can also be distinguished by a high number of asci in the cell culture as observed by normal or phase-contrast microscopy.

4.2. Random spore analysis P. pastoris spores are small and adhere to one another making tetrad dissection via micromanipulation difficult. Therefore, spore products are analyzed using a random spore analysis (RSA), as follows: 1. Transfer an inoculation loop full of sporulated P. pastoris cells (from Step 6 above) to a 1.5 ml microcentrifuge tube containing 0.25 ml of sterile water, vortex the mixture. 2. In a fume hood, add 0.25 ml of diethyl ether to the spore preparation and vortex thoroughly for approximately 5 min at room temperature. The ether treatment selectively kills vegetative cells remaining in spore preparations. 3. While still in the hood, centrifuge the cells for 2 min, remove the ether (upper phase) and resuspend the pellet in the remaining water. Spread 10 and 100 ul of the suspension onto a nonselective YPD plate. 4. After 4–5 days incubation at 30 C, streak out single colonies onto a fresh YPD plate as a master plate for further analysis. 5. Replica plate the master plate onto a set of plates containing suitable diagnostic media. Alternatively/additionally, the initial plates with 100–600 colonies can also be replica plated. For example, spore products from a his4 and arg4 cross would be analyzed on YNB plus glucose supplemented with: a. b. c. d.

No amino acids Arginine Histidine Arginine and Histidine


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6. Compare the phenotype of individual colonies on each of the diagnostic plates to identify strains with the desired phenotype(s). 7. Select several colonies that appear to have the appropriate phenotype and streak for single colonies onto a nonselective medium plate such as YPD; then, retest a single colony from each streak on the same set of diagnostic plates. This step is important since P. pastoris spores adhere tightly to one another and colonies resulting from spore germination frequently contain cells derived from more than one spore. Another consequence of spore clumping is that markers appear not to segregate 1:1 but to be biased toward the dominant or wild-type phenotype. For example, in ahis4 arg4 cross as described above, more HisþArgþ spore products will be apparent than the 25% expected in the population and HisArg spore products will appear to be underrepresented.

5. Gene Preparation and Vector Selection The first consideration in the selection of a P. pastoris expression vector is whether you intend to secrete a protein product or produce it intracellularly. A general rule of thumb is to produce a recombinant protein in the same way it is expressed in its native host: if a protein is produced intracellularly by its native host, one should also produce it intracellularly in the yeast host; if the protein is secreted from its native host, secrete it from the yeast system. Although there have been exceptions to this general rule, it is generally best to follow it since the intracellular and secretory environments are very different from each other and synthesis of a protein in the wrong compartment may result in a protein that is improperly folded and inactive. A number of vectors have been constructed for P. pastoris expression; a list and detailed discussion of these vectors can be found in (Lin-Cereghino and Lin Cereghino, 2008) and at (Fig. 13.1). To clone a gene into a P. pastoris expression vector, an available template can be amplified with appropriate primers by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), or the gene can be synthesized. De novo synthesis can facilitate cases where DNA optimization or gene modification is required. In any case, suitable restriction sites at the termini can be generated to facilitate the cloning. For example, an EcoRI site can be added to the 50 (ATG-containing) end of the gene and a NotI site to the 30 end of the gene, to facilitate cloning into the pPICZ series of vectors (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA), as long as sites for these enzymes do not exist within the sequence of the gene. For P. pastoris expression vectors from Biogrammatics, Inc., an appropriate type IIS restriction enzyme site and ‘‘seamless’’ cloning sequences can be added to flank a gene for cloning into an optimal expression context.


Expression in the Yeast Pichia pastoris


Alpha pre- pro-

Bsa I

Bsa I

AOX1 TT A. gossypii TEF promoter

AOX1 promoter Pme I


pMB origin

ampR Sfi I B





Figure 13.1 Map of Biogrammatics expression vector, pJAZ-aMF.

Cloning a gene whose product is to be secreted can be a little trickier. Extracellular, or secreted expression using a genes native secretion signal sequence will follow the same procedures as above for intracellular expression; however, several options exist when using a foreign signal sequence, such as the S. cerevisiae alpha mating factor secretion signal sequence (aMF), encoded in the expression vector. In this case, the subcloning procedure must place the gene of interest in frame with the aMF codons. This aMF secretion signal is very commonly utilized for secretion because it has proved to be very good at secreting recombinant proteins of many types. Although the recombinant protein may be successfully secreted using the aMF signal, proper processing for the aMF at the NH2-terminus of the desired protein may not occur and modifications of the aMF signal, or the use of an alternative secretion signal sequence, may ultimately be necessary to obtain a properly processed protein. In this regard, the aMF signal sequence, may include two Glu–Ala repeats at the junction between the signal peptide and the NH2-terminus of the mature protein of interest. The Biogrammatics vector, pJAZ-aMF, is designed for making a construction


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with these Glu–Ala repeats (Fig. 13.1). Another set of Alternative Biogrammatics vectors such as pJAZ-aMF-KR do not contain the Glu–Ala repeats in the cloning site. To utilize the aMF signal in a pPICZ alpha vector one must add sequences to the 50 of the gene such that when ligated to the portion of aMF present in the vector it results in the reconstruction of a functional aMF signal sequence (either with or without the sequences encoding the Glu–Ala repeats in aMF). Typically, XhoI is used to cut the pPICZ vector which cuts it inside the aMF signal encoding sequences. To restore these sequences, an oligonucleotide with the sequence: XhoI TCT CTC GAG AAA AGA GAG GCT GAA GCT-ABC-DEF. . .. Ser Leu Glu Lys Arg Glu Ala Glu Ala is synthesized where ‘‘ABC DEF. . .’’ denotes the nucleotide sequences encoding the first amino acids of the mature recombinant protein. This oligonucleotide will hybridize appropriately to the 50 end of the gene encoding the mature protein and result in the incorporation of the missing portion of the aMF sequence. Similarly, the ‘‘seamless’’ cloning scheme used to clone genes into the Biogrammatics vectors utilize type IIS restriction sites to join the ABC DEF nucleotides of a gene of interest to the last Alanine in the aMF by creating a four base ‘‘sticky’’ end comprising the last nucleotide in a Glu codon and an entire Ala codon (Fig. 13.1).

6. Transformation by Electroporation At least four different procedures to introduce foreign plasmid DNA into P. pastoris have been developed using: spheroplast-generation, LiCl, polyethelene glycol1000 and electroporation. The electroporation procedure is most commonly used and therefore a modified version of that described by (Becker and Guarante, 1991) will be outlined in detail. For the other procedures, readers are referred to either of the volumes of Methods in Molecular Biology: Pichia Protocols (Cregg, 2008; Higgins and Cregg, 1998).

7. DNA Preparation For all transformation methods, linear plasmid DNA is most commonly transformed into P. pastoris for integration into the yeast genome. The DNA sequence at the ends of the linear plasmid DNA stimulate integration by a single crossover recombination event into the locus shared by vector and host genome. Therefore, linearization of an expression plasmid is performed in

Expression in the Yeast Pichia pastoris


Pichia DNA in the plasmid, such as in the promoter (i.e., a PmeI site in the AOXI promoter). The final vector, prepared in E. coli, is cut with a restriction enzyme that linearizes the vector, and then the DNA is purified and concentrated to at least 100 ng/ul in water prior to transformation. At this point, the vector is ready for transformation into P. pastoris. Procedure for preparation of electrocompetent cells (Lin-Cereghino et al., 2005). Prepare the following (all solutions should be autoclaved except for the DTT and HEPES solutions, which should be filter sterilized): 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

500 ml liquid YPD media in a 2.8 l Fernbach culture shaking flask. H2O (1 l). 1 M sorbitol (100 ml). Appropriate selective agar plates. 1 M DTT (2.5 ml). BEDS solution (9 ml): 10 mM Bicine–NaOH, pH 8.3, 3% ethylene glycol, 5% DMSO (dimethyl sulfoxide), 1 M sorbitol and 0.1 M DTT. 1 M HEPES buffer, pH 8.0 (50 ml). Sterile 250 ml centrifuge tubes. Sterile electroporation cuvettes. Electroporation instrument: BTX Electro Cell Manipulator 600 (BTX, San Diego, CA); Bio-Rad Gene Pulser (Bio-Rad, Hercules, CA); Electroporator II (Invitrogen, San Diego, CA). Parameters for electroporation with different instruments vary with the instrument. Be sure to check instructions for each type of instrument. (Becker and Guarante, 1991; Grey and Brendel, 1995; Pichia Expression Kit Instruction Manual; Stowers et al., 1995).

Protocol: 1. Inoculate 10 ml YPD media with a single fresh P. pastoris colony of the strain to be transformed from an agar plate and grow overnight shaking at 30 C. 2. Use the overnight culture to inoculate a 500 ml YPD culture in a 2.8 l Fernbach culture flask to a starting OD600 of 0.01 and grow to an OD600 of 1.0 ( 12 h). 3. Harvest the cells by centrifugation at 2000g at 4 C, discard the supernatant and resuspend the cells in 100 ml of fresh YPD medium plus HEPES (pH 8.0, 200 mM ) in a sterile 250 ml centrifuge tube. 4. Add 2.5 ml of 1 M DTT and gently mix. 5. Incubate at 30 C for 15 min with slow rotating. 6. Add 150 ml cold water to the culture and wash by centrifugation at 4 C with an additional 250 ml of cold water. At this stage and from here on, keep the cells ice cold and do not vortex the cells to resuspend them (slow pippeting is best).


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7. Wash cells a final time in 20 ml of cold 1 M sorbitol, then resuspend in 0.5 ml of cold 1 M sorbitol (final volume including cells will be 1.0–1.5 mls). 8. Use these cells directly without freezing to achieve the most transformants. 9. To freeze competent cells, distribute in 40 ul aliquots to sterile 1.5 ml minicentrifuge tubes and place the tubes in a 70 C freezer. Electroporation procedure: 1. Add up to 1 ug of linearized plasmid DNA sample in no more than 5 ul of water to a tube containing 40 ul of frozen or fresh competent cells and then transfer the entire mixture to a 2 mm gap electroporation cuvette held on ice. 2. Pulse cells according to the parameters suggested for yeast by the manufacturer of the specific electroporation instrument (Table 13.1). 3. Immediately add 0.5 ml of cold 1 M sorbitol and 0.5 ml of cold YPD, then transfer the entire cuvette contents to a sterile 1.5–2.0 ml minicentrifuge tube. 4. Incubate for 3.5–4 h at 30 C with slow shaking (100 rpm). 5. Spread aliquots onto selective agar plates and incubate for 2–4 days. 6. To avoid mixed colonies, pick and restreak transformants on selective medium at least once before proceeding with further analysis. Rapid preparation of electrocompetent P. pastoris: 1. Grow a 5 ml culture of P. pastoris in YPD overnight, shaking at 30 C. 2. Dilute the overnight culture to an OD600 of 0.15–0.20 in 50 ml YPD medium in a flask large enough to provide good aeration. 3. Grow to an OD600 of 0.8–1.0 at 30 C with shaking (4–5 h). 4. Centrifuge cells at 500g for 5 min at room temperature and discard supernatant. 5. Resuspend cells in 9 ml of ice-cold BEDS solution supplemented with DTT. 6. Incubate the cell suspension for 5 min, shaking at 30 C. 7. Centrifuge cells at 500g for 5 min at room temperature and resuspend in 1 ml of BEDS (without DTT). 8. Perform electroporation as described above, immediately or freeze cells in small aliquots at 80 C.

8. Examination of Strains for Recombinant Protein Production Yeast expression systems have been successful at generating large quantities of recombinant proteins. For example, production levels of between 1 and 10 g/l of culture supernatant have been secreted from

Table 13.1 Parameters for electroporation using selected instruments


Cuvette gap (mm)

Sample volume (ul)

Charging voltage (V)

Capacitance (uF)

Resistance (O)

Field strength (kV/cm)

Pulse length ( ms)

ECM600 (BTX)








Electroporator II (Invitrogen) Gene-Pulser (Bio-Rad) Cell-Porator (BRL)























Becker and Guarante (1991) Pichia Manual Grey and Brendel (1995) Lorow-Murray and Jesse (1991) and Stowers et al. (1995)


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P. pastoris strains. However, one should not expect to see a band on a coomassie-stained gel in initial expression experiments. Thus, it is imperative that by the time a recombinant strain is ready to begin expression studies, one or more sensitive assays for the detection of the targeted protein is in place. Assays can be based on enzyme activity, an epitope tag fused to ones product or an antibody against the desired gene product; however, the point is: serious efforts to develop sensitive detection methods should begin at the same time or even prior to expression studies. Good assays facilitate strain development as illustrated in the following examples. The most convenient way to detect foreign protein expression in yeast is via a plate activity assay. Plate assays allow one to crudely quantify and compare productivity of 100s to 1000s of transformants directly on diagnostic plates at a single glance using replica-plating or other techniques. An example of a plate activity assay is shown in Fig. 13.2 for secretion of the enzyme phytase. This enzyme degrades phytate which results in the clearing of a zone around the expressing colony on agar plates. The size of the zone roughly correlates to the amount of phytase being secreted. As a second example, the expression of bacterial b-lactamase as an intracellular protein is shown in P. pastoris (Fig. 13.3). The colonies, which are typically yellow in color, turn pink to purple with the expression of b-lactamase. The intensity of the purple color roughly indicates the amount of enzyme expressed and, in this case, the number of copies of the expression cassette in

Figure 13.2 Plate assay for detection of phytase constitutively expressed and secreted by selected P. pastoris strains. Top spot: negative control; remaining spots show five transformants secreting various amounts of the enzyme.

Expression in the Yeast Pichia pastoris


Figure 13.3 Expression of intracellular b-lactamase in P. pastoris. The two spots at the top of the plate are non-b-lactamase expressing negative control strains.

each strain. Finally, with good quality polyclonal or monoclonal antibodies against a tag region or the recombinant protein itself, a plate antibody assay or ‘‘Yeastern Blot’’ is possible, as described below. Once colonies of transformed cells have been selected, single cell purified and collected onto a master plate, samples of multiple strains are examined for expression of the foreign protein. Before analysis of expression, one can screen for the presence of the recombinant gene in transformants by PCR. Simply prepare genomic DNA in a cell-free extract by glass bead disruption as described below and utilize it as template in a PCR reaction with primers that are complementary to a portion of the recombinant gene. Different methods of detection for the expression of proteins in P. pastoris can be applied depending on what kind of promoter is used for expression (inducible or constitutive), and what kind of vector is used (intracellular or secretory): A. If the gene of interest is expressed constitutively, inoculate a sample colony into YPD medium, grow the culture for 2–3 days with good aeration and analyze the proteins in samples taken periodically during this time by any available detection method. B. For methanol-induced expression, a colony should be grown for 17–24 h in YPD and then transferred to a fresh methanol-containing medium for induction. The induction can be performed in 15-ml tubes


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with 2 ml medium containing 0.5% methanol with good aeration at a starting OD600 of about 10. For intracellular proteins an induction time of 6–12 h in methanol medium is sufficient. Intracellularly expressed samples require the preparation of cell extracts for analysis. Culture samples can be harvested after 10–12 h and prepared for cell breakage by glass bead disruption. Harvest approximately 10–50 OD600 units of cells and resuspend in 150 ul of a breakage buffer. Add an equal volume of sterile acid washed 0.45 mm diameter glass beads. Vortex the mixture on the highest setting for 1 min, then place the sample on ice for 1 min; repeat this process at least five times. Alternatively, load samples into a vortexer with a head made to hold multiple microfuge tubes. Place the vortexer in a 4 C cold box or cold room and vortex on high for approximately 10 min. Examine cultures for cell breakage under a microscope, 80–90% of the cells should be disrupted. After disruption, draw off the cell debris and buffer into a fresh microcentrifuge tube. Rinse the beads with an additional 100 ul portion of buffer by a brief vortexing and transfer the wash to the tube with the rest of the cell debris. Centrifuge the samples on high speed for 5 min at 4 C. Draw off the top liquid phase containing your protein and transfer to a fresh microcentrifuge tube. This is your crude protein sample ready for SDS–PAGE, western blotting or enzyme assay. Secreted proteins build up in the medium much more slowly and require at least 2 days to reach high levels. Allow the cultures to incubate with shaking for 2–5 days. Add fresh methanol to a final concentration of 0.5% every 12 h and collect 50–100 ul supernatant samples during this induction period. The supernatant samples are ready for SDS–PAGE, western blotting or enzyme assay and can be stored at 20 C.

9. Assay Development—The Yeastern Blot There is much in common in different antibody assays. One useful and yeast-specific antibody assay is the yeast colony western blot, sometimes referred to as the ‘‘Yeastern’’ blot for secreted proteins (Fig. 13.4). For standard western blot assay procedures, you are referred to (Sambrook et al., 1989). The Yeastern blot is a convenient means of qualitatively screening large numbers of yeast colonies directly on plates for expression of a recombinant protein. However, readers should be aware that the correlation between the size of the ‘‘halo’’ surrounding a colony and the amount of recombinant product is not always linear and all results with this method should be confirmed with a standard western blot or other assay. The procedure for Yeastern blotting is as follows:

Expression in the Yeast Pichia pastoris


Figure 13.4 ‘‘Yeastern Blot’’ of P. pastoris colonies secreting both heavy and light chains of IgG antibodies. Negative controls of P. pastoris strain that does not secrete antibody shown on second row second streak from the left and at first two positions from the left on bottom row.

1. Transfer freshly grown yeast colonies from the surface of an agar Petri plate onto a sterile piece of Whatman No. 1 filter paper by a standard replica-plating method. The filter paper should be cut to a size that exactly fits within the plate. 2. Place the filter with yeast cells onto the surface of a fresh plate containing an appropriate induction medium and incubate the plate for 1–2 days. 3. Prepare a piece of nitrocellulose membrane the same size and dimensions as the filter paper by soaking the membrane for 5 min or more in 15 ml of transfer buffer (25 mM Tris base, pH 8.5, 0.2 M glycine, 20% methanol). Soak two additional pieces of cut filter paper in transfer buffer. 4. Prepare a sandwich of the papers as described below: a. Place one piece of the filter paper on the anode platform of a western blotter. (It is essential to remove all bubbles between membrane layers. This can be done by rolling a pipette over their surface.). b. Place the soaked nitrocellulose filter on top of the filter paper. c. Place the filter paper with replica-plated yeast cells on top of the nitrocellulose paper. d. Place the second piece of soaked filter paper on top of the filter with cells. e. Finally, place the cathode plate on top of the sandwich. 5. Transfer proteins to the nitrocellulose membrane with a constant current (1–4 mA/cm2) for 1 h. 6. Remove the nitrocellulose membrane and wash it for 5 min in 15 ml TBS buffer (50 mM Tris–HCl, pH 7.6, 150 mM NaCl). Replace the TBS buffer with 15 ml of TBST (TBST is prepared by adding Tween20 to 0.05% to TBS) containing 1–5% bovine serum albumin (BSA).


7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

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Place filter in blocking buffer and rock gently at room temperature for 1 h. Transfer filter to 15 ml of TBST buffer and wash by rocking at room temperature for 5 min. Prepare primary antibody dilution in 15 ml of blocking buffer according to the vendor’s recommendations (typically, 0.5 ug/ml). Incubate membrane overnight at 2–8 C with rocking action (can be as short as 1–3 h at room temperature depending on antibody). Wash membrane in at least four changes of TBST buffer (15 ml each, 5 min/wash) then briefly rinse in fresh TBST. Prepare an enzyme-conjugated secondary antibody dilution in blocking buffer according to the vendor’s recommendations (typically 3 ul in 15 ml of blocking buffer). Incubate membrane in secondary antibody solution for 1 h, rocking at room temperature. Repeat Step 10. Treat membrane in the dark room with visualization reagents according to the vendor’s recommendations (e.g., Pierce ECL Western Blotting Substrate), remove excess liquid by blotting with filter paper and place the filter in a plastic protector and expose to X-ray film for anywhere from 30 s to several minutes. The intensity and size of the signal around each colony approximately reflects the secretion level of the recombinant product by the different colonies/strains.

10. Posttranslational Modification of the Recombinant Protein (Proteinases and Glycosylation) Posttranslational problems that affect the quality of recombinant proteins expressed in P. pastoris include proteolysis and glycosylation. A proteinase deficient strain of P. pastoris can be tested if initial results by SDS–PAGE analysis (coomassie staining or western blots) suggest proteolytic degradation of the protein. Signs of proteolysis include low recombinant protein levels and active or immunoreactive products that are smaller than the full-length product. Degraded protein can also run as a ‘‘smear’’ after PAGE, running from approximately the correct size of the product to smaller sizes. The Pichia strain SMD1168 ( pep4 his4) is deleted for much of the PEP4 gene (Gleeson et al., 1998). The PEP4 gene product is responsible for activating many of the proteases in the vacuole of P. pastoris which enter the vacuole as inactive zymogens and are activated there by the PEP4 product. Although secreted recombinant proteins do not go to the vacuole, they can contact proteases in the culture medium from the lysis of a small

Expression in the Yeast Pichia pastoris


portion of the cells. Due to the extremely high culture densities used with P. pastoris, the concentration of vacuolar proteases in the medium can be considerable. To utilize a PEP4 strain, one must transform one of these strains (i.e., SMD1168 ( pep4 his4) or SMD1168H ( pep4)) with the expression vector or create deletions in the PEP4 gene in a strain already expressing a protein of interest. To determine if PEP4 deficient strains benefit the expression of the protein, the recombinant protein should be examined from wild type and the PEP4 deficient strains after an induction performed in parallel. Note: PEP4 deficient strains of P. pastoris are not as robust as wild-type strains. In particular, PEP4 deficient strains die more quickly when stored on plates, do not transform as efficiently as wild-type strains, grow more slowly in culture, and are more difficult to induce on methanol. Furthermore, PEP4 deficient strains are difficult to mate with other nonPEP4 P. pastoris strains. If a recombinant protein expressed in P. pastoris is larger than expected and somewhat heterogenous in size by SDS–PAGE analysis, it may be glycosylated. One should first examine the amino acid sequence of the protein for potential glycosylation sites: the signal for addition of N-linked oligosaccharides is ASN-X-Ser/Thr, and O-linked sugars can be added to the OH-group of any Ser or Thr residue. Glycosylation can be confirmed by deglycoslyating suspect protein with PNGase F and examining the product by SDS–PAGE. A good protocol for deglycoslation of proteins can be found at: If this treatment reduces the apparent molecular size of your protein resulting in a more homogenous product, the protein is almost certainly glycosylated.

11. Selection for Multiple Copies of an Expression Cassette Perhaps the most productive means of increasing the per cell amount of a recombinant protein using the P. pastoris system is by increasing the number of copies of the expression cassette in a strain (Brierley, 1998; Thill et al., 1990). Two general approaches have been developed to create multicopy expression strains in P. pastoris. The first approach involves constructing a vector with multiple head-to-tail copies of an expression cassette (Brierley, 1998). The key to generating this construction is a vector that has an expression cassette flanked by restriction sites that have complementary termini (e.g., BamHI–BglII, SalI–XhoI combinations). The process of repeated cleavage and reinsertion results in the generation of a series of vectors that contain increasing numbers of expression cassettes. A particular advantage to this approach, especially in the production of human


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pharmaceuticals, is that the precise number of expression cassettes is known and can be recovered for direct verification by DNA sequencing. The second approach utilizes expression vectors that contain a drug resistance gene as the selectable marker, and selection for strains resistant to higher levels of the drug (Scorer et al., 1994). Drug resistant genes used in P. pastoris include the bacterial KanR, ZeoR, and BsdR genes, as well as, the P. pastoris FLD1 gene (Shen et al., 1998). Each of these genes supports significant enrichment for strains with increased copy number of the expression vector with higher levels of drug resistance. For example, selection of zeocin resistant P. pastoris transformants is performed on plates with 1–2 mg/ml zeocin instead of the standard 100–200 ug/ml zeocin. However, no matter which drug is used, the vector copy number will still vary greatly. After selection most transformants still contain only a single vector copy, even if they are resistant to high drug levels. Thus, 50–100 independent transformants selected at the high drug concentration should be analyzed for copy number and expression level to identify better expressing strains. By this approach, strains carrying up to 30 copies of an expression cassette have been isolated (Scorer et al., 1994). Importantly, once isolated, multicopy strains are stable with standard microbial handling procedures and do not require continued drug selection on plates or in liquid medium (i.e., maintain a stock of a given strain selected on medium with the drug stored frozen at 80 C, then use a working stock kept on plate of noninducing medium for a limited number of experiments or a single production run). One drawback of this selection procedure is the difficulty in obtaining enough clones to screen for multiple expression cassettes. First, the number of transformants resistant to high levels of drug is very low, often 0.1–1% of the number on low levels of drug (100 ug/ml for zeocin). Therefore, unless ones transformation efficiency is at its peak, there may not be any transformants resistant to the highest drug levels. Furthermore, 50–100 transformants are needed to screen for a multicopy strain since only about 1–5% of the transformants resistant to high levels of the drug are due to added copies of the resistance gene and most are resistant due to other unknown factors. In part due to the difficulty in obtaining multicopy strains by direct selection a new method for obtaining strains with high copy numbers of vector and elevated recombinant protein expression levels was developed (Sunga et al., 2008). Briefly, P. pastoris transformants selected on a low level of drug and containing only one or a few copies of the vector are subsequently subjected to higher drug levels to obtain strains with higher numbers of copies. Simply streak transformants on agar plates containing higher and higher levels of zeocin. For example, if the original transformant was selected on 100 ug/ml of zeocin, streak the strain on plates containing 500 ug/ml of the drug. Collect colonies that are resistant to the higher level of drug as individual strains and confirm that one or more have

Expression in the Yeast Pichia pastoris


elevated recombinant protein expression levels and are resistant due to a higher number of vector copies by PCR. Once the strain is confirmed as a better expressing/multicopy strain, the process can be repeated at an even higher concentration of zeocin (2 mg/ml). Again, high resistance strains are collected and examined for expression and the number of vector copies. This iterative process has been termed Posttransformational vector amplification (PTVA) and results in strains containing multiple head-to-tail copies of the entire vector integrated at a single locus in the genome. An analysis of PTVA-selected clones indicates 40% showed a three- to fivefold increase in vector copy number. So-called ‘‘jackpot’’ clones, with greater than 10 copies of the expression vector, represented 5–6% of selected clones and in some cases had a proportional increase in recombinant protein production. Although the molecular details of the process(s) by which these amplification events occur are not well understood, key observations about the process have been made. First, the amplification process appears to occur naturally in a small percentage of cells in virtually any vector containing strain. Second, the PTVA process leads to a considerable increase in copy number of the entire vector and not just portions of the vector such as the resistance gene. This is clearly important if a uniform recombinant product is desired. Third, Southern blot data demonstrated that all the copies are inserted into the P. pastoris genome in the same location as the original copy and in a head-to-tail configuration (Sunga et al., 2008). Finally, the PTVA method works with other drug resistant selectable markers in P. pastoris and not just with zeocin vectors. Thus, this amplification process seems to be a general response to high drug levels in this yeast species. Given that most yeast species have similar homologous recombination systems, this technique should work in other yeast species as well.

REFERENCES Ausubel, E. M., Brent, R., Kingston, E., Moore, D. D., Seidman, J. G., Smith, J. A., and Struhl, K. (eds.) (2001). In ‘‘Current Protocols in Molecular Biology’’ John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York. Becker, D. M., and Guarante, L. (1991). High-efficiency transformation of yeast by electroporation. Methods Enzymol. 194, 182–187. Boer, E., Gellisson, G., and Kunze, G. (2005). Arxula adeninivorans. In ‘‘Production of Recombinant Proteins’’ (G. Gellisson, ed.), pp. 89–110. Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, Weinheim, Germany. Chapter 5. Brierley, R. A. (1998). Secretion of recombinant human insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I). In ‘‘Methods in Molecular Biology Vol. 103 Pichia Protocols’’ (D. R. Higgins and J. M. Cregg, eds.), pp. 149–178. Humana Press, Totowa, NJ. Cregg, J. M. (2008). DNA-mediated transformation. In ‘‘Methods in Molecular Biology: Pichia Protocols’’ ( J. M. Cregg ed.), 2nd ed. pp. 27–42. Humana Press, Totowa, NJ. Chapter 3.


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Gellissen, G. (ed.) (2002). In ‘‘Hansenula polymorpha: Biology and Applications’’ Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, Weinheim, Germany. Gellissen, G. (ed.) (2005). In ‘‘Production of Recombinant Proteins’’ Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, Weinheim, Germany. Gleeson, M. A. G., White, C. E., Meininger, D. P., and Komives, E. A. (1998). Generation of protease-deficient strains and their use in heterologous protein expression. In ‘‘Methods in Molecular Biology, Vol. 103, Pichia Protocols’’ (D. Higgins and J. M. Cregg, eds.), pp. 81–94. Humana Press, Totowa, NJ. Grey, M., and Brendel, M. F. (1995). Ten-minute eletrotransformation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In ‘‘Methods in Molecular Biology, Vol. 47: Electroporation Protocols for Microorganisms’’ ( J. A. Nickoloff, ed.), pp. 269–272. Humana Press, Totowa, NJ. Heerikhuisen, M., van den Hondel, C., and Punt, P. (2005). Aspergillus sojae. In ‘‘Production of Recombinant Proteins’’ (G. Gellissen, ed.), pp. 191–214. WileyVCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, Weinheim, Germany. Chapter 9. Higgins, D. R., and Cregg, J. M. (eds.) (1998). Methods in Molecular Biology, Vol. 103, Pichia Protocols, Humana Press, Totowa, NJ. Kuck, U., and Poggeler, S. (2005). Sordaria macrospora. In ‘‘Production of Recombinant Proteins’’ (G. Gellissen, ed.), pp. 215–232. Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, Weinheim, Germany. Chapter 10. Lin-Cereghino, J., and Lin Cereghino, G. P. (2008). Vectors and strains for expression. In ‘‘Methods in Molecular Biology: Pichia Protocols’’ ( J. M. Cregg, ed.), pp. 111–126. Humana Press, Totowa, NJ. Chapter 2. Lin-Cereghino, J., Wong, W. W., Xiong, S., Giang, W., Luong, L. T., Vu, J., Johnson, S. D., and Lin-Cereghino, G. P. (2005). Condensed protocol for competent cell preparation and transformation of the methylotrophic yeast Pichia pastoris. Biotechniques 38, 44–48. Lorow-Murray, D., and Jesse, J. (1991). High efficiency transformation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae by electroporation. Focus 13, 65–68. Madzak, C., Nicaud, J.-M., and Gaillardin, C. (2005). Yarrowia lipolytica. In ‘‘Production of Recombinant Proteins’’ (G. Gellissen, ed.), pp. 163–190. Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, Weinheim, Germany. Chapter 8. Pichia Expression Kit Instruction Manual p. 63. Version E, Invitrogen, San Diego, CA. Romanos, M. A., Scorer, C. A., and Clare, J. J. (1992). Foreign gene expression in yeast: A review. Yeast 8, 423–488. Sambrook, J., Fritsch, E. F., and Maniatis, T. (1989). Molecular Cloning: A Laboratory Manual. 2nd ed. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, Cold Spring Harbor, NY. Scorer, C. A., Clare, J. J., McCombie, W. R., Romanos, M. A., and Sreekrishna, K. (1994). Rapid selection using G4118 of high copy number transformants in Pichia pastoris for high-level foreign gene expression. Bio/Technology 12, 181–184. Shen, S., Sulter, G., Jeffries, T. W., and Cregg, J. M. (1998). A strong regulated promoter for controlled expression of foreign genes in the yeast Pichia pastoris. Gene 216, 93–102. Stowers, L., Gautsch, J., Dana, R., and Hoekstra, M. F. (1995). Yeast transformation and preparation of frozen spheroplasts for electroporation. In ‘‘Methods in Molecular Biology, Vol 47: Electroporation Protocols for Microorganisms’’ ( J. A. Nickoloff, ed.), pp. 261–267. Humana Press, Totowa, NJ. Sunga, A. J., Tolstorukov, I., and Cregg, J. M. (2008). Post transformational vector amplification in the yeast Pichia pastoris. FEMS Yeast Res. 8, 870–876. Thill, G. P., Davis, G. R., Stillman, C., Holtz, G., Brierley, R., Engel, M., Buckholtz, R., Kinney, J., Provow, S., Vedvick, T., and Siegel, R. S. (1990). Positive and negative effects of multi-copy integrated expression vectors on protein expression in Pichia pastoris. In ‘‘Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Genetics of Microorganisms’’

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(H. Heslot, J. Davies, J. Florent, L. Bobichon, G. Durand, and L. Penasse, eds.) Vol. II, pp. 477–490. Societe Francaise de Microbiologie, Paris. Tolstorukov, I., and Cregg, J. M. (2008). Classical Genetics. In ‘‘Methods in Molecular Biology: Pichia Protocols’’ ( J. M. Cregg, ed.), 2nd ed. pp. 189–202. Humana Press, Totowa, NJ. Chapter 14. van Ooyen, A. J., Dekker, P., Huang, M., Olsthoorn, M. M., Jacobs, D. I., Colussi, P. A., and Taron, C. H. (2006). Heterologous protein production in the yeast Kluyveromyces lactis. FEMS Yeast Res. 6, 381–392.



Baculovirus–Insect Cell Expression Systems Donald L. Jarvis Contents 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Introduction A Brief Overview of Baculovirus Biology and Molecular Biology Baculovirus Expression Vectors Baculovirus Expression Vector Technology—The Early Years Baculovirus Expression Vector Technology—Improved Baculovirus Transfer Plasmid Modifications Parental Baculovirus Genome Modifications The Other Half of the Baculovirus–Insect Cell System A New Generation of Insect Cell Hosts for Baculovirus Expression Vectors 10. Basic Baculovirus Protocols 10.1. Insect cell maintenance 10.2. Isolation of baculovirus genomic DNA 10.3. Baculovirus plaque assays References

192 193 195 196 198 198 200 210 212 214 215 215 216 218

Abstract In the early 1980s, the first-published reports of baculovirus-mediated foreign gene expression stimulated great interest in the use of baculovirus–insect cell systems for recombinant protein production. Initially, this system appeared to be the first that would be able to provide the high production levels associated with bacterial systems and the eukaryotic protein processing capabilities associated with mammalian systems. Experience and an increased understanding of basic insect cell biology have shown that these early expectations were not completely realistic. Nevertheless, baculovirus–insect cell expression systems have the capacity to produce many recombinant proteins at high levels and they also provide significant eukaryotic protein processing capabilities. Furthermore, important technological advances over the past 20 years have improved upon

Department of Molecular Biology, University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyoming, USA Methods in Enzymology, Volume 463 ISSN 0076-6879, DOI: 10.1016/S0076-6879(09)63014-7


2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.



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the original methods developed for the isolation of baculovirus expression vectors, which were inefficient, required at least some specialized expertise and, therefore, induced some frustration among those who used the original baculovirus–insect cell expression system. Today, virtually any investigator with basic molecular biology training can relatively quickly and efficiently isolate a recombinant baculovirus vector and use it to produce their favorite protein in an insect cell culture. This chapter will begin with background information on the basic baculovirus–insect cell expression system and will then focus on recent developments that have greatly facilitated the ability of an average investigator to take advantage of its attributes.

1. Introduction It seems that nearly every book chapter or review focusing on the baculovirus–insect cell expression system begins with a statement emphasizing the popularity of this system and/or noting its widespread use for recombinant protein production. While this introduction has become increasingly redundant, it also has become increasingly accurate over the past 20 years. An advanced PubMed search using the terms ‘‘baculovirus’’ and ‘‘expression’’ and ‘‘vector’’ at the time of this writing yielded over 2000 hits. While this is a significant number, it vastly underestimates the actual number of published studies involving recombinant protein production using the baculovirus–insect cell expression system. Moreover, it does not include the large number of studies performed behind closed doors in the biotechnology industry, which are clearly evidenced by the number of oral presentations given by industrial scientists at various baculovirus–insect cell technology conferences held over the past two decades. The previous edition of this Guide to Protein Purification (1990) included a comprehensive description of the technical details involved in using the baculovirus–insect cell expression system, as it existed at that time. This exercise will not be repeated here and the reader should refer to the previous edition of this book and other sources given below for those details. In this edition, I will begin by providing the background information needed for the reader to understand the basic principles underlying the original baculovirus–insect cell expression system. I will then focus on the new tools and approaches developed for the isolation of recombinant baculoviruses since the publication of the previous edition of this book, as these have greatly facilitated the ability of virtually any biomedical investigator to utilize the baculovirus–insect cell system, relative to the state of the art in 1990.

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2. A Brief Overview of Baculovirus Biology and Molecular Biology Baculoviridae is a large family of viruses with relatively large, doublestranded, circular DNA genomes (see Miller, 1997 for a comprehensive review). The natural hosts for these viruses are arthropods, mainly insects, and most baculoviruses have a very narrow host range, which is usually restricted to just one insect species. The most extensively studied and exploited member of the Baculoviridae is Autographa californica multicapsid nucleopolyhedrovirus, or AcMNPV. Compared to most baculoviruses, this isolate has a relatively broad host range, as it can productively infect around 25 different lepidopteran insects and can infect most tissue types within an individual target insect species. AcMNPV was the isolate used to develop the original recombinant baculovirus vectors (Pennock et al., 1984; Smith et al., 1983b) and its genome is still used as the backbone for the production of most baculovirus vectors today. Thus, while they can be produced using other types of baculoviruses, most generic references to ‘‘baculovirus vectors’’ actually refer more specifically to recombinant variants of AcMNPV. Because this is a relatively unimportant detail for most baculovirus–insect cell expression system users, I will slip into this rather loose language in the latter parts of this chapter. With respect to the development of the original baculovirus–insect cell expression system (see Summers, 2006 for a detailed history), one of the most important features of AcMNPV and other baculoviruses was the ability of these viruses to produce ‘‘polyhedra’’ or ‘‘occlusion bodies’’ during productive viral infections. Polyhedra are large particles that appear in the nuclei of AcMNPV-infected insect cells near the end of the infectious cycle. At late times after infection, host cell nuclei are typically packed with 2–3 dozen of these complex particles, which consist, in part, of progeny virions embedded within a protective, paracrystalline array. Importantly, this paracrystalline array is composed of a single, virus-encoded protein called polyhedrin. Thus, it is obvious that AcMNPV and other baculoviruses must produce extremely large amounts of polyhedrin protein in order to fulfill their need to produce large numbers of polyhedra. In fact, polyhedrin is the major protein in AcMNPV-infected cells near the end of the infectious cycle, typically representing over half of the total protein found in these cells at that time. The ability of baculoviruses to produce large amounts of polyhedrin is important because it was one of the fundamental features that spurred the development of these viruses as vectors for foreign protein production. The basic notion was that the ability of these viruses to produce extremely large amounts of polyhedrin could be harnessed to produce large amounts of


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other proteins of far greater interest to the biomedical research community. This notion was extended by the finding that the polyhedrin protein is not required for the replication of baculoviruses in cultured insect cells (Smith et al., 1983a). Thus, it was theoretically possible to create helperindependent recombinant baculoviruses in which the viral DNA sequence encoding polyhedrin was replaced by a foreign DNA sequence encoding a protein of interest. This theory was reduced to practice when the first recombinant baculoviruses were produced by homologous recombination between the polyhedrin region in the AcMNPV genome and ‘‘transfer’’ plasmids containing a foreign gene placed under the control of the polyhedrin promoter (Pennock et al., 1984; Smith et al., 1983b). The original recombinant baculoviruses were designed to express foreign genes under the control of the polyhedrin promoter because the strength of this promoter is ultimately responsible for the ability of AcMNPV and other baculoviruses to produce such large amounts of the polyhedrin protein. However, it is relevant that baculoviruses actually have three or four distinct classes of genes, which are expressed in a temporally regulated, sequential fashion. The first to be expressed are the early genes, which can be subclassified as immediate-early and delayed-early genes (reviewed in Friesen, 1997). The salient feature of the early genes is that they have host-like promoters, which can be recognized and transcribed by host transcriptional machinery. With some important caveats that will not be discussed here, these promoters can function in the absence of other baculoviral factors to induce viral gene expression at the very beginning of the infectious cycle. For this reason, baculovirus early promoters have been used to drive constitutive foreign gene expression in uninfected lepidopteran insect cells (reviewed in Douris et al., 2006; Harrison and Jarvis, 2007a; Jarvis and Guarino, 1995) and this is an important facet of efforts to develop transgenic insect cell lines as improved hosts for baculovirus-mediated foreign protein production (reviewed in Harrison and Jarvis, 2006, 2007b; Shi and Jarvis, 2007). The next class of genes to be expressed during baculovirus infection is the late genes, which is a set of genes expressed after the onset of viral DNA replication (reviewed in Lu and Miller, 1997; Passarelli and Guarino, 2007). The salient feature of these genes is that they have virus-specific promoters, which can be recognized and transcribed only by virus-encoded transcriptional machinery. Thus, these promoters can function only in the context of baculovirus infection and are activated at later times of infection, once a virus-specific transcription complex has been produced. The last class of genes to be expressed during baculovirus infection is the very late genes, which are expressed after the onset of viral DNA replication, like the late genes, but later, closer to the end of the infectious cycle. The very late genes encode proteins such as polyhedrin that are involved in the production of polyhedra. Like the late genes, the very late genes have virus-specific promoters that can be recognized and transcribed

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only by a virus-encoded transcription complex and, therefore, can function only in the context of baculovirus infection. In fact, the very late promoterspecific transcription complex includes the same proteins as the late promoter-specific complex plus one or more additional proteins (McLachlin and Miller, 1994; Mistretta and Guarino, 2005). Late and very late promoter elements also are quite similar, but the very late elements include an additional downstream ‘‘burst’’ sequence, which leads to the extremely high levels of transcription (‘‘hypertranscription’’) observed during the very late phase of baculovirus infection (Ooi et al., 1989).

3. Baculovirus Expression Vectors The classic baculovirus expression vector, in its simplest form, is a recombinant baculovirus whose genome contains a foreign nucleic acid sequence, almost always a cDNA, encoding a protein of interest under the transcriptional control of the polyhedrin promoter. The chimeric gene consisting of the polyhedrin promoter and foreign protein coding sequence is found in the polyhedrin locus of the viral genome in place of the nonessential, wild-type polyhedrin gene. The recombinant virus can be used to infect cultured insect cells or larvae (caterpillars) in the laboratory and this leads to high-level transcription of the foreign cDNA during the very late phase of infection. The resulting mRNA then can be translated to produce the protein of interest. The polyhedrin promoter seems to invariably provide extremely high levels of foreign gene expression at the transcriptional level and this leads, in many cases, to high levels of foreign protein production, as originally anticipated from the ability of baculoviruses to produce large amounts of the polyhedrin protein. Indeed, the potential for high-level recombinant protein production is one of the major advantages of the baculovirus–insect cell system, with ‘‘high-level’’ defined rather loosely here as 100 mg of recombinant protein per liter of infected insect cell culture, or 4 g of cells at the usual density of 1 106 cells/mL. In addition, high-level production of recombinant proteins in baculovirusinfected insect cells is rarely associated with inclusion body formation, which is commonly observed in bacterial systems. However, anyone who works in the area of recombinant protein production knows that the actual production and solubility levels achieved in any system are highly dependent upon the specific protein under investigation. Thus, a more useful generalization that has arisen from 25 years of collective experience with baculovirus–insect cell systems is that these systems are much more likely to produce high levels of foreign nuclear and cytoplasmic proteins than secretory pathway proteins. The latter are typically produced at lower levels than the former, often at the level of single to tens of mg/L ( Jarvis, 1997).


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Another major advantage typically associated with the baculovirus– insect cell system is its eukaryotic protein processing capabilities, which include the ability to provide protein modifications such as phosphorylation and glycosylation, among many others. Again, however, this claim comes with a caveat, as it is now well recognized that the protein processing pathways of the lepidopteran insect cell hosts for baculovirus vectors are not identical to those of higher eukaryotes. An additional complication is that baculovirus infection can have an adverse impact on host protein processing functions (Azzouz et al., 2000; Jarvis and Summers, 1989). Obviously, these are important considerations for anyone interested in producing recombinant proteins with eukaryotic modifications, particularly those known to directly or indirectly influence their functions. Finally, it should be noted that the baculovirus–insect cell system has proved to be particularly useful for the production of multiprotein subunit complexes (reviewed in Berger et al., 2004; Kost et al., 2005). The power of this system for this increasingly important application is exemplified by its ability to produce virus-like particles composed of multiple virion components, which are outstanding vaccine candidates. For example the baculovirus–insect cell system has been used to produce virus-like particles consisting of multiple proteins from polio, bluetongue, adeno-associated, hepatitis C, and papilloma viruses, among others. This has been accomplished by using multiple recombinant baculoviruses, each encoding individual proteins, or single recombinant viruses encoding multiple proteins to infect insect cell cultures.

4. Baculovirus Expression Vector Technology—The Early Years The first recombinant baculovirus vectors designed to express chimeric genes consisting of the polyhedrin promoter and a foreign coding sequence, as described in the preceding section, were produced using a basic homologous recombination approach. The methodological details of this approach were described in the last edition of this volume (Bradley, 1990) and also are available in primary papers and excellent technical manuals from the original contributors (O’Reilly et al., 1992; Summers and Smith, 1987). Thus, this exercise will not be repeated here, as indicated above. However, for background purposes it is important to briefly note that this general method involved (1) construction of a bacterial ‘‘transfer’’ plasmid containing the chimeric gene flanked by sequences derived from the polyhedrin region of the viral genome (Fig. 14.1) and (2) cotransfection of cultured insect cells with a mixture of this transfer plasmid DNA and genomic DNA extracted from purified preparations of wild-type AcMNPV (Fig. 14.2).


Baculovirus–Insect Cell Expression Systems

Plasmid backbone (e.g. pUC-based)

5⬘-viral flanking sequence

Polyhedrin promoter

PolyA signal

3⬘-viral flanking sequence

cDNA encoding protein of interest

Figure 14.1 A simple baculovirus transfer plasmid. Transfer plasmid Transfer plasmid Polyhedrin gene Foreign gene

Homologous recombination

Polyhedrin gene

Foreign gene

(co-transfected insect cells)

Recombinant baculoviral DNA

Baculoviral DNA

Clone polyhedron-negative recombinant (s)

Figure 14.2 Producing recombination.







Homologous recombination between the sequences flanking the chimeric gene of interest in the transfer plasmid and the sequences upstream and downstream of the polyhedrin gene in the wild-type AcMNPV genome produced recombinant viral DNA molecules in these cotransfected insect cells. A double crossover recombination event was necessary to simultaneously knockout the polyhedrin gene and knock-in the chimeric gene encoding the protein of interest. Of course, this was a relatively rare event with an estimated frequency of 0.1% (Smith et al., 1983a). Thus, it was necessary to separate the small minority of recombinant virus progeny from the vast majority of parental viral progeny produced by the cotransfected insect cells by cloning. This was easily accomplished by baculoviral plaque assays, but then one had to be able to distinguish recombinant viral plaques from the much larger background of plaques derived from the parental virus. Initially, this was accomplished using a


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simple visual screen, as the parental viral progeny produced polyhedronpositive plaques while the recombinant viral progeny, which lacked a functional polyhedrin gene, produced polyhedron-negative plaques. An investigator with a trained eye could visually identify polyhedron-negative plaques by examining the assay plate under a dissecting microscope. However, the trained eye was a key to success and the inability of many investigators to recognize polyhedron-negative baculoviral plaques was a serious problem that constrained the use of the baculovirus–insect cell system as a recombinant protein production tool for several years.

5. Baculovirus Expression Vector Technology—Improved Starting around 1990, various investigators began to address the technical constraints associated with the isolation of baculovirus vectors and to improve the system in other ways by developing a wide variety of modifications of the basic approach described above. These modifications fell into two different categories, including (1) transfer plasmid modifications and (2) parental baculovirus genome modifications. These will be considered separately.

6. Baculovirus Transfer Plasmid Modifications Transfer plasmid modifications were designed to serve two different purposes. The most important purpose was to facilitate the identification of recombinant baculovirus plaques by visual screening, which had been a difficult task for the reasons described above. One general type of modification that fell within this category was to incorporate chimeric marker genes under the control of baculovirus promoters encoding products such as the E. coli b-galactosidase protein, which could be far more easily recognized by visual screening of plaque assays than the polyhedron-negative plaque phenotype (Vialard et al., 1990). The introduction of a marker gene into transfer plasmids was a clever development that served its intended purpose, but it also was important to be aware of a potential trap associated with this approach (O’Reilly et al., 1992). While the introduction of a marker gene could signal a double crossover homologous recombination event, which was the desired outcome, it also could indicate a single crossover recombination event between the transfer plasmid and viral DNA. Single crossover recombination was a far more frequent event that produced recombinant viral genomes containing the entire transfer plasmid, including the bacterial replicon, at somewhat random loci. These recombinants were

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genetically unstable and the newly acquired foreign gene typically would be lost within a round or two of viral replication. Despite this major limitation, transfer plasmids that incorporated marker genes into the recombinant baculovirus genome were widely used and particularly useful in the hands of investigators aware of the potential single crossover recombination trap. These investigators would simply use incorporation of the marker gene as a prescreen and then perform additional screening to map the genomic position of a foreign gene and confirm that a double crossover recombination event was responsible for transfer of the gene of interest to the recombinant baculovirus vector. The second purpose served by transfer plasmid modifications was to facilitate recombinant protein expression and purification in the baculovirus–insect cell system. While the specific, individual modifications that were undertaken are far too numerous to discuss here, three general types of transfer plasmid modifications that fell within this category included the addition of sequences encoding secretory signal peptides, the addition of sequences encoding amino- or carboxy-terminal purification tags (e.g., 6 HIS), replacement of the polyhedrin promoter with alternate baculovirus promoters, and replacement of the polyhedrin promoter with multiple promoter elements, which could simultaneously drive the expression of multiple recombinant proteins during baculovirus infection. A nearly comprehensive list of baculovirus transfer plasmids with the two general types of modifications discussed above, together with short descriptions of their specific, functional features was recently published and this list is a good source of information on this topic (Possee and King, 2007). However, one type of modification that was not included and deserves further consideration is the ‘‘immediate-early’’ transfer plasmid, in which the polyhedrin promoter is replaced by a promoter from a baculovirus immediate-early gene, such as the AcMNPV ie1 gene ( Jarvis et al., 1996). The idea of using promoters from earlier classes of baculovirus genes, such as the ie1 gene, might seem counterintuitive because these promoters are weaker than the polyhedrin promoter. However, there is evidence to suggest that higher quality products can be obtained using recombinant baculoviruses that express foreign genes under the control of earlier classes of promoters, despite their inability to drive equally high levels of transcription (Chazenbalk and Rapoport, 1995; Hill-Perkins and Possee, 1990; Jarvis et al., 1996; Murphy et al., 1990; Rankl et al., 1994; Sridhar et al., 1993). In fact, this approach can be particularly useful for secretory pathway proteins, which are often produced at relatively low levels when their genes are expressed under polyhedrin control, as mentioned above. In this circumstance, an investigator can potentially gain the advantage of initiating foreign gene expression at earlier times of infection, thereby avoiding the potentially adverse effects of baculovirus infection on host protein processing pathways, without sacrificing high production levels.


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7. Parental Baculovirus Genome Modifications Like transfer plasmid modifications, parental baculovirus genome modifications have been designed to serve a variety of different purposes. Initially, the most important purpose was to find a way to overcome the low efficiency of recombinant baculovirus vector production and isolation, which was a major problem with the original baculovirus–insect cell system. It was clear that the heart of this problem was the extremely low efficiency of homologous recombination between the transfer plasmid and parental baculovirus DNA that occurred in cotransfected insect cells. Ultimately, various investigators developed both indirect and direct solutions to this problem. The first major step toward a solution came when Kitts and Possee developed the first baculovirus with a linearizable DNA genome (Kitts et al., 1990). The key feature of this viral DNA genome, which was derived from a recombinant baculovirus produced using the original approach, was that it had a novel sequence in the polyhedrin locus that contributed a unique Bsu36I site (Fig. 14.3). Thus, this genome could be linearized with Bsu36I and used as the parental viral DNA to be mixed with a transfer plasmid and used to cotransfect insect cells. The most important feature of this approach was that the linearized parental viral DNA molecule could not replicate. Thus, linearization vastly reduced the number of parental progeny produced by the cotransfected insect cells. On the other hand, the linearized viral DNA could still undergo homologous recombination with the transfer plasmid, which would recircularize the viral DNA molecule and restore its ability to replicate. Together, these factors increased the efficiency of recombinant baculovirus vector production by cotransfected insect cells from 0.1 to 10–20% and produced a quantum leap in the simplification of baculovirus–insect cell technology. This basic approach was improved when Kitts and Possee created a recombinant baculovirus known as BakPAK6, which could be gapped with Bsu36I (Kitts and Possee, 1993). The BakPAK6 genome included an E. coli lacZ gene in the polyhedrin locus, which contributed one Bsu36I site, and it also had two additional Bsu36I sites that had been introduced into upstream and downstream viral genes (Fig. 14.4). Importantly, Bsu36I digestion deleted a portion of orf 1629, which is an essential viral gene located just downstream of polyhedrin that encodes a viral nucleocapsid phosphoprotein (Vialard and Richardson, 1993). With BakPAK6 as the parental viral DNA, the average efficiency of recombinant baculovirus vector production by cotransfected insect cells increased to about 95%. The success of this latter development spurred commercialization and widespread dissemination of several ‘‘linearized’’ baculoviral DNAs as starting materials for recombinant


Baculovirus–Insect Cell Expression Systems

AcRP6SC viral DNA

Bsu36I Digest with Bsu36I

Linearized viral DNA (nonreplicative)

Recombine/repair with transfer plasmid (co-transfected insect cells)

Circular recombinant viral DNA (replicative)

Clone white plaque recombinant (s)

Figure 14.3 Producing a baculovirus expression vector by homologous recombination with a linearized parental viral genome.

baculovirus vector production. Among others, these included the original BakPAK6TM viral DNA, which was commercialized by ClonTech; analogous, prelinearized viral DNAs called BaculoGoldTM (Pharmingen/BD Biosciences), BacVectorÒ (Novagen), and DiamondBacTM (Sigma-Aldrich); and a slightly modified, linearized viral DNA/transfer plasmid system known as Bac-N-BlueTM (Invitrogen), in which the E. coli lacZ marker in the viral genome is regenerated upon recombination. At this point in this chapter, it is important to emphasize that the development of these viral DNA backbones effectively solved the major problem that had been associated with the production of baculovirus expression vectors at the time of publication of the first edition of this book. These linearizable baculovirus DNAs were widely marketed by various companies and were quickly recognized and adopted by the


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BacPAK6 viral DNA Orf 603


Orf 1629

Bsu36I sites Digest with Bsu36I

Linearized (gapped) viral DNA (nonreplicative) Recombine/repair with transfer plasmid (co-transfected insect cells)

Circular recombinant viral DNA (replicative)

Clone white plaque recombinant (s)

Figure 14.4 Producing a baculovirus expression vector by homologous recombination with a linearized/gapped parental viral genome.

biomedical research community as improved tools for recombinant baculovirus production. This was important because these and other emerging tools and approaches (see below) were responsible for making baculovirus expression vector technology far more accessible to the average laboratory investigator with a basic background in molecular biology. Ultimately, this led to more widespread use and increased general recognition of the baculovirus–insect cell system as an excellent tool for recombinant protein production. In parallel with the development of linearizable baculovirus genomes, Luckow and his colleagues developed a totally different approach for the isolation of baculovirus expression vectors, which relied upon the process of genetic transposition, rather than homologous recombination (Luckow et al., 1993). This new approach allowed these investigators to address the low homologous recombination efficiency problem directly by using a


Baculovirus–Insect Cell Expression Systems

pPolh GOI selectn markr Tn7R Tn7L Donor

Bacmid Bacterial transformation




Recombinant bacmid

pPolh GOI selectn markr


Selection Screening Bacmid extraction Recombinant baculoviruses

Recombinant bacmid

pPolh GOI selectn markr

Insect cell transfection

Figure 14.5 Producing a baculovirus expression vector by transposition between a bacmid and a transfer plasmid.

different molecular mechanism to produce recombinant baculovirus DNAs. A key element of this approach was the creation of a new strain of E. coli containing an autonomously replicating plasmid, or bacmid, which included a cloned copy of the entire baculovirus genome (Fig. 14.5). The polyhedrin region of the bacmid included an E. coli lacZ gene and a ‘‘mini-Att Tn7’’ site, which is an attachment site used in the transposition process. The new E. coli strain also included a helper plasmid encoding the transposase. Upon transformation with a baculovirus transfer plasmid containing a polyhedrin-promoted gene of interest flanked by the left and right


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ends of Tn7, the chimeric gene could be efficiently transposed from the transfer plasmid to the polyhedrin locus of the bacmid. This transposition event would simultaneously delete the lacZ gene in the bacmid, allowing bacteria containing recombinant bacmids to be detected by standard blue– white screening on a selective bacterial medium. Thus, one could simply isolate the recombinant bacmid DNA encoding the gene of interest from an E. coli clone with a white colony phenotype and use this DNA to transfect insect cells. Transfection of the DNA would initiate a viral infection and lead to the production of recombinant baculovirus progeny. This in vivo transposition approach, which can be used to produce recombinant baculovirus DNAs at 100% efficiency, was initially commercialized as the Bac-to-BacTM system by Life Technologies and is now available from Invitrogen. The bacteriocentric nature of the Bac-to-BacTM system was important because it allowed investigators who were less familiar with virological and more familiar with basic bacteriological and molecular biological methods to work within their comfort zones. One disadvantage of this system, however, is the fact that it yields recombinant baculoviruses that retain the bacterial replicon, which appears to be associated with a higher level of genetically instability upon serial passage of these viruses in insect cells, relative to baculoviruses lacking this element (Pijlman et al., 2003; and see below). Most recently, the Possee and King groups have described a clever crosshybridization of the basic ideas underlying the linearizable baculoviral DNA and bacmid approaches (Possee et al., 2008). In essence, they have created a new type of bacmid, which consists of a recombinant baculoviral genome with a bacterial replicon in the polyhedrin locus and a deletion in the downstream orf 1629 gene (Fig. 14.6). Due to the presence of the replicon Transfer plasmid

Transfer plasmid 629







3 bac replicon Δorf

Foreign gene

bac replicon Δorf1629 orf603

FlashBAC viral DNA (nonreplicative)

Homologous recombination (co-transfected insect cells)

orf1629 3 orf60 Foreign gene

Recombinant baculoviral DNA (replicative)

Clone white plaque recombinant (s)

Figure 14.6 Producing a baculovirus expression vector using the flashBAC approach.

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and the orf 1629 deletion, this bacmid can replicate in E. coli, but not in insect cells. Therefore, an E. coli strain carrying this bacmid provides a convenient source of replication defective parental baculovirus genomic DNA for recombinant viral vector production. One can simply isolate the viral DNA from E. coli, mix it with a transfer plasmid, and then use the mixture to cotransfect insect cells. Homologous recombination between the viral and transfer plasmid DNAs will simultaneously restore orf 1629, knockout the bacterial replicon in the polyhedrin locus, and knock-in the gene of interest at this same site. While this approach does not improve the efficiency of homologous recombination, it can provide an extremely high efficiency of recombinant baculovirus production by the cotransfected insect cells because the parental viral DNA is defective and cannot replicate on its own. This approach has been commercialized as flashBACTM by Oxford Expression Technologies. One feature of the flashBACTM system that warrants additional emphasis is that the bacterial replicon is deleted from the bacmid upon homologous recombination with the transfer plasmid, as mentioned above. This is advantageous because it eliminates potential problems with the genetic stability of baculovirus expression vectors produced using conventional bacmids, which retain the bacterial replicon within their genomes (Pijlman et al., 2003). Another feature that warrants additional emphasis is that the bacmid used in the flashBACTM system consists of a defective baculovirus genome that cannot replicate in insect cells. Clearly, this means that homologous recombination between the defective parental viral genome and the transfer plasmid is required to produce helper-independent baculovirus progeny in this system. However, it is important to recognize that this does not necessarily mean that the cotransfected insect cells will produce only recombinant baculovirus progeny. These cells also can produce progeny derived from the defective parental viral genome as a result of genetic complementation. Specifically, the recombinant virus produced in the cotransfected insect cells could provide the orf 1629 product as a helper function needed to package defective viral DNAs in trans. Thus, while Oxford Expression Systems’ commercial literature indicates that it is not necessary, baculovirus vectors produced using the flashBACTM system should be subjected to at least one round of plaque purification. Without this step, primary recombinant virus stocks produced by cotransfected insect cells are likely to be contaminated with defective, parental viruses that could interfere with downstream vector replication and foreign gene expression. Arguably, the simplest way to produce baculovirus vectors is to use a cross-hybridization of the basic ideas underlying GatewayÒ technology (Hartley, 2003; Walhout et al., 2000) and the linearized parental viral DNA approach, which involves in vitro, rather than in vivo recombination between a GatewayÒ entry plasmid encoding a protein of interest and the linearized parental viral DNA. In this system, the parental viral DNA is a


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prelinearized baculovirus genome in which the polyhedrin coding sequence is replaced by an E. coli LacZ gene and a herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase gene flanked by bacteriophage l site-specific recombination sites (attR1 and attR2; Fig. 14.7). The LacZ gene contributes a blue plaque phenotype and the thymidine kinase gene contributes a marker that confers negative selection against the parental viral DNA in insect cells treated with certain nucleoside analogs, such as gancyclovir. One can mix this prelinearized viral DNA with an entry plasmid encoding a protein of interest flanked by lambda virus site-specific recombination sites (attL1 and attL2), add a purified recombinase (LR ClonaseTM; Invitrogen), and this enzyme will mediate site-specific recombination between the att sites in the entry plasmid and parental viral DNA. It is important to note that this in vitro reaction provides a high, but not quantitative efficiency of recombination and therefore yields a mixture of parental and recombinant baculovirus DNAs. This mixture is subsequently transfected into insect cells, which are cultured in the presence of gancyclovir to select against replication of the parental viral DNAs, as noted above. One round of selection gives rise to mostly recombinant baculovirus vector progeny, which can be resolved from a relatively low level of parental progeny by performing a plaque assay. Putative recombinants can be easily identified by their white-plaque phenotypes in the presence of a chromogenic substrate for b-galactosidase. The development of this in vitro approach for the production of recombinant baculovirus vectors was initiated by Franke and colleagues at Life Technologies and BaculoDirect viral DNA (linearized, nonreplicative)


attL1 Donor (gateway entry clone)

Polyhedrin promoter attR1 IE0-HSV-TK

Recombinant baculoviral DNA (replicative)

Foreign gene

p10-LacZ attR2


Site-specific recombination (in vitro)

Foreign gene

Polyhedrin promoter

Insect cell transfection gancyclovir selection

Mostly recombinant baculoviruses Clone white plaque recombinant (s)

Figure 14.7 Producing a baculovirus expression vector using the BaculoDirect approach.

Baculovirus–Insect Cell Expression Systems


subsequently commercialized as the BaculoDirectTM system by Harwood and colleagues at Invitrogen. This system is extremely rapid, efficient, and simple to use. However, it is important to note that the BaculoDirectTM system, like the flashBACTM system, is visibly marketed as one that ‘‘can be used to clone and express genes from baculovirus without plaque purification or selection in bacteria.’’ Again, this is not good advice because insect cells transfected with the in vitro recombination reaction will produce both recombinant and parental viral progeny, as mentioned above, despite the application of negative selection pressure against the parental virus by the thymidine kinase gene product and gancyclovir. Thus, investigators using the BaculoDirectTM system should ignore the manufacturer’s claims to the contrary and perform at least one round of plaque purification to resolve the recombinant baculovirus vector of interest from contaminating parental viral progeny. In fact, those who follow this advice and incorporate a chromogenic b-galactosidase substrate into the agarose overlay used for the plaque purification process will typically observe at least some blue plaques, which will indicate the presence of parental viruses and confirm their wise decision to plaque purify their recombinant baculovirus vector. This process is facilitated by the commercial BaculoDirectTM instruction manual (Invitrogen), which, in fairness, includes protocols for baculovirus plaque purification in the presence of a chromogenic b-galactosidase substrate. In context of the in vitro approach described above, it should be briefly noted that there are several published examples of direct in vitro recombinant DNA approaches that involve digestion of modified baculovirus genomic DNAs followed by direct ligation of the products with foreign DNA fragments. One example of this type of approach involved the introduction of two Bsu36I sites downstream of the polyhedrin promoter in the AcMNPV genome (Lu and Miller, 1996). These sites had slightly different recognition sequences and, upon digestion with Bsu36I, produced singlestranded 50 -TTA-30 overhanging sequences that could be converted to 50 -TT-30 with dTTP and the Klenow fragment of E. coli DNA polymerase I. This created a linear baculoviral DNA molecule that could be ligated with any DNA fragment that had been digested with EcoRI to generate singlestranded 50 -AATT-30 overhanging sequences and treated with Klenow and dATP to convert those ends to 50 -AA-30 . The focused purpose in developing this approach was to facilitate the production of baculovirus-based cDNA expression libraries. The other two-published examples of direct cloning approaches both involved the introduction of homing endonuclease sites into the baculovirus genome. One involved the introduction of a unique I-Sce-I site into the AcMNPV genome to produce a recombinant designated Ac-Omega (Ernst et al., 1994). Genomic DNA isolated from this virus could be digested with I-Sce-I and then ligated with a DNA fragment produced using the same enzyme. The other example, designated the Homingbac system, involved the introduction of a unique I-Ceu-I site into


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the genomes of several different baculoviruses (Lihoradova et al., 2007). Genomic DNA isolated from these viruses could be linearized with I-Ceu-I and ligated with a DNA fragment containing compatible overhangs produced using BstXI. At this time, none of the three direct cloning vectors described in this paragraph have been commercialized, nor have they been widely used in published studies. Thus, it is difficult to evaluate the relative success of these direct cloning approaches or the general utility of these parental baculovirus backbones for the production of baculovirus expression vectors. In addition to solving the early technical problems associated with the production of recombinant baculovirus vectors, the purpose of some parental baculovirus genome modifications was to enhance foreign protein production by the recombinant vectors. The basic approach was to delete baculovirus genes that were (1) known to be nonessential for baculovirus replication in cultured insect cells, provisionally defined as ‘‘accessory’’ genes and (2) thought to interfere in some way with foreign protein production and/or to degrade the foreign protein of interest. The first baculoviral DNA of this type was a linearized viral DNA developed by Bishop and his colleagues and commercialized as BacVectorÒ -2000 by Novagen. In addition to polyhedrin, this viral DNA lacked five other undisclosed baculoviral accessory genes. The impact of these deletions on foreign protein production was and is unclear, as no studies comparing the performance of a matched pair of recombinant baculoviruses produced using viral DNAs with and without these deletions have been published. Subsequently, two additional viral genes, one encoding a chitinase (Hawtin et al., 1995) and the other a cathepsin-like protease (Slack et al., 1995), were deleted from BacVectorÒ -2000 to produce an AcMNPVbased parental viral DNA called BacVectorÒ -3000 (Novagen). Other AcMNPV-based viral DNAs lacking the viral chitinase and cathepsin-like protease genes include a commercial bacmid called BestBac (Expression Systems) and a noncommercial modified bacmid, AcBacDCC (Kaba et al., 2004). The bacmid used in the flashBACTM system also lacks a functional viral chitinase gene. The impact of the viral chitinase and cathepsin-like protease gene deletions in these different parental viral DNAs on foreign gene expression by their recombinant baculoviral vector offspring is not totally clear, but at least some information is available. One study showed that there was less degradation of a foreign glycoprotein produced by AcBacDCC, as compared to a matched baculovirus vector without the viral chitinase and cathepsin-like protease deletions (Kaba et al., 2004). This is consistent with the seemingly obvious expectation that deleting a viral protease gene would have a generally positive impact on recombinant protein and secretory pathway protein production. However, more work needs to be done to determine if the deletion of this particular protease gene broadly impacts foreign protein production in the baculovirus–insect cell system. The potential impact of deleting the viral chitinase gene is less

Baculovirus–Insect Cell Expression Systems


obvious. It has been suggested that the viral chitinase gene product, which is a resident ER protein (Thomas et al., 1998), interferes with the production of secretory pathway proteins by contributing to the saturation of host protein translocation machinery (Kaba et al., 2004). If this is true, then deletion of the viral chitinase gene might be expected to increase secretory pathway protein production levels by eliminating production of this product. However, there are no published studies documenting the impact of deleting the viral chitinase gene, alone, in an AcMNPV-based vector such as flashBACTM, and the study documenting the reduced degradation of a foreign glycoprotein produced by AcBacDCC is complicated by the fact that this vector lacks both the viral chitinase and cathepsin-like protease genes. On the other hand, one publication has documented the impact of deleting the viral chitinase gene, cathepsin-like protease gene, or both, on the production of a foreign protein by recombinant silkworm baculoviruses (Bombyx mori nucleopolyhedrovirus; BmNPV; Lee et al., 2006). In this system, recombinant BmNPV vectors encoding an insect cellulase produced higher levels of both the foreign protein and its enzymatic activity in silkworms when either the chitinase or the cathepsin-like protease genes were deleted. Furthermore, a vector lacking both of these viral genes produced the highest levels of cellulase protein and enzyme activity. One could speculate that these results indicate that deleting the viral chitinase gene from AcMNPV-based vectors would have similar benefits. However, this speculation would be weakened by the fact that silkworms, not insect cell lines, were used as the hosts in this study. DiamondBacTM is another example of a parental baculovirus DNA that has a deletion in an accessory gene to potentially enhance recombinant protein production in the baculovirus–insect cell system. As mentioned above, DiamondBacTM is a commercial, prelinearized baculovirus DNA analogous to BakPAK6, but this viral DNA also lacks a functional p10 gene, which has been implicated in host cell lysis (Williams et al., 1989). Accordingly, the manufacturer’s commercial literature suggests that cells infected with a recombinant baculovirus vector produced using this parental virus retain higher cell viabilities throughout the course of infection, which contributes to higher recombinant protein production levels (Sigma-Aldrich, 2008). Another interesting and potentially useful feature of DiamondBacTM is that the p10 gene in this baculoviral genome has been replaced by a protein disulfide isomerase (PDI) gene, which encodes a chaperone that drives disulfide bonding and contributes to protein folding. Published evidence suggests that coexpressing PDI in the baculovirus–insect cell system increases the solubility and secretion of recombinant IgG (Hsu et al., 1996). The commercial literature from Sigma-Aldrich states that the p10 gene deletion and PDI gene insertion provide ‘‘up to a 10fold increase in overall protein production for many recombinant proteins’’ (Sigma-Aldrich, 2008). However, there are no published studies comparing foreign protein production levels by matched pairs of recombinant baculovirus


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vectors with and without the p10 gene deletion and/or the PDI insertion. Thus, in the final analysis, directed studies with appropriately matched pairs of AcMNPV-based vectors will be needed to directly determine the general impact of deleting nonessential viral genes, such as the viral chitinase, cathepsin-like protease, and p10 genes, on foreign protein production in the baculovirus–insect cell system. In addition to the DiamondBacTM parental baculovirus DNA, other baculovirus vectors with gene insertions encoding heterologous protein processing enzymes designed to enhance foreign protein production have been described in the literature. One is a recombinant baculovirus that encodes a polydnavirus vankyrin gene under the control of the p10 promoter (FathGoodin et al., 2006). It has been found that the expression of certain vankyrin gene products prolongs the viability of baculovirus-infected Sf 9 cells and this, in turn, can increase the amounts of a foreign protein produced by coexpression under the control of the polyhedrin promoter. Other types of baculovirus vectors that fall within this genre include those encoding heterologous glycosyltransferases ( Jarvis et al., 2001; Tomiya et al., 2003) or enzymes involved in CMP-sialic acid biosynthesis (Hill et al., 2006) under the control of baculovirus ie1 promoters. The use of the immediate-early promoter in these vectors allows the newly introduced processing functions to be expressed early in the infection cycle, well before expression of the foreign gene encoding the protein of interest. This allows for functional extension of the endogenous insect cell protein N-glycosylation pathway and the establishment of a pathway capable of producing glycoproteins with humanized carbohydrate side chains prior to the onset of production of the glycoprotein of interest. A transfer plasmid that can be used to simultaneously introduce a polydnavirus vankyrin gene and a foreign gene encoding a protein of interest into the baculovirus genome is commercially available from Paratechs. Similarly, parental baculoviral DNAs encoding higher eukaryotic N-glycosylation functions are likely to be commercially available for recombinant baculovirus vector isolation in the near future. These tools will facilitate a more global analysis of the capabilities of these types of vectors in increasing expression levels, on the one hand, or producing foreign glycoproteins with humanized carbohydrate side chains, on the other, as neither has been broadly assessed with a wide array of different foreign protein/glycoprotein products.

8. The Other Half of the Baculovirus–Insect Cell System Considering the focus on baculovirus expression vectors to this point in this chapter, it might be necessary to remind the reader that the baculovirus–insect cell system is a binary system that consists of two essential

Baculovirus–Insect Cell Expression Systems


components. The first one is, of course, the baculovirus expression vector, which is an insect virus whose obvious function is to deliver a foreign gene(s) encoding a protein(s) of interest to the host. In addition, the baculovirus expression vector typically serves another function, which is to induce the production of the transcriptional complex needed to transcribe the foreign gene of interest under the control of a late or very late baculovirus promoter. The second component, which has been given almost no attention so far, is the host, which is typically a lepidopteran insect cell line, but alternatively can be a lepidopteran insect. The Order Lepidoptera includes the moths and butterflies, which are the hosts for many viruses in the Family Baculoviridae, including AcMNPV. Grace described the first-established lepidopteran insect cell cultures in 1962 (Grace, 1962) and as of today, over 250 insect cell lines have been described (Lynn, 2007). However, we can focus on just two lepidopteran insect cell lines, which are the two most commonly used hosts for baculovirus expression vectors. One is Sf 9, a cell line described by Smith and Summers in 1987 (Summers and Smith, 1987) as a subclone of IPLB-SF-21, which is a line that had been isolated from pupal ovarian tissue of Spodoptera frugiperda (fall armyworm) in 1977 (Vaughn et al., 1977). Sf 9 cells can be obtained from several different companies, including Invitrogen and Novagen, or the American Type Culture Collection (ATCC). The other is High FiveTM, a cell line originally isolated from adult ovarian tissue of Trichoplusia ni (cabbage looper) and described as BTI Tn 5B-1 by Granados’ and Wood’s groups in 1992 (Davis et al., 1992; Wickham et al., 1992) and then commercialized by Invitrogen as High FiveTM. One interesting and useful feature of Sf 9 and High FiveTM cells is that they can grow in either adherent or suspension formats. Thus, it is convenient to perform lab-scale protein production experiments by infecting a few million Sf 9 or High FiveTM cells as adherent cultures in plates or flasks. Adherent cultures of Sf 21 or Sf 9 cells also are routinely used to plaque purify and quantify recombinant baculovirus expression vectors. On the other hand, both Sf 9 and High FiveTM cells can be scaled up to varying degrees in spinner flasks, shake flasks, or in airlift, stirred tank (Elias et al., 2007), or Wave (Kadwell and Hardwicke, 2007) bioreactors to produce larger amounts of recombinant proteins. The conditions and methods used to culture insect cells are quite different from those used to culture mammalian cells, which are usually more familiar to most investigators. For example, the optimal temperature for insect cell culture is 28 C, rather than 37 C. In addition, both Sf 9 and High FiveTM cells are loosely adherent and neither EDTA nor trypsin is required for their subculture. It is not necessary to have a CO2 incubator to grow insect cells because insect cell culture media are buffered with phosphate, rather than carbonate. Sf 9 and High FiveTM cells both can be cultured in either growth media supplemented with serum or in serum-free


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media and both types of growth media are now widely available. In fact, since the publication of the first edition of this book in 1990, many different insect cell culture media have become available from many different manufacturers, including Expression Systems, Invitrogen (GIBCO), HyClone, and Sigma-Aldrich, among others. However, it is important to note that Sf 9 and High FiveTM cells tend to become adapted to a specific growth medium. Thus, the abrupt transition of an Sf 9 or High FiveTM culture from a growth medium supplemented with serum to a serum-free medium can result in loss of the culture. A much higher rate of success can be achieved by slowly weaning the cells out of serum containing and into serum-free medium. For example, one can increase the proportion of serum-free medium from 0 to 25, 50%, 75, and 100% over four consecutive passages. Even with this relatively slow type of weaning process, these cells typically undergo a temporary arrest or grow very slowly when first placed into the 100% serum-free medium. Thus, it is important to be patient, as the cells will typically recover after a lag of a day or two and begin growing normally again in the new medium. This type of weaning process is not only useful for the transition from a serum containing to a serum-free medium, but is also sometimes needed to move insect cell cultures from one specific type of serum-free medium into another.

9. A New Generation of Insect Cell Hosts for Baculovirus Expression Vectors Technology for the genetic transformation of lepidopteran insect cells was first described in 1990 ( Jarvis et al., 1990). At that time, the main reason for developing this technology was to enable the creation of stably transformed insect cell lines that would constitutively produce a recombinant protein of interest in the absence of baculovirus infection. However, the vectors and methods used to create these ‘‘producer’’ cell lines also set the stage for the creation of transgenic insect cell lines with new traits that would improve their ability to support recombinant baculovirus-mediated foreign protein production. The first example of this type of host cell improvement was directed toward an issue raised earlier in this chapter, which is that the baculovirus–insect cell system has eukaryotic protein processing capabilities, but these are not always identical to those of higher eukaryotes. One of the best-recognized examples of this limitation is the ability of both Sf 9 and High FiveTM cells to N-glycosylate newly synthesized proteins, but their inability to process N-linked carbohydrate side chains (N-glycans) to the same extent as mammalian cells (reviewed in Harrison and Jarvis, 2006, 2007b; Shi and Jarvis, 2007). The first cell-based approach used to begin to address this problem was to genetically transform

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Sf 9 cells with a bovine b1,4-galactosyltransferase cDNA placed under the control of the AcMNPV ie1 promoter (Hollister et al., 1998). The addition of this cDNA, which encodes an N-glycan processing enzyme that is not present in Sf 9 cells, was designed to extend the endogenous processing pathway and permit the transgenic cell line to produce N-glycoproteins with more extensively processed, partially ‘‘humanized’’ N-glycans. Indeed, the resulting cell line, designated Sfb4GalT, encoded and constitutively expressed this mammalian gene and, unlike the parental cell line, was able to produce foreign glycoproteins with partially humanized N-glycans. However, this was only a first step, as further humanization of the Sf 9 cell protein N-glycosylation pathway of Sf 9 cells, which involved knocking-in several additional mammalian functions, was required. In general, this was accomplished by constructing ie1-driven mammalian genes encoding these additional functions and using the resulting constructs to produce additional transgenic Sf 9 cell subclones (Aumiller et al., 2003; Hollister and Jarvis, 2001; Hollister et al., 2002; Seo et al., 2001). Each of these new insect cell lines retained the ability to support baculovirus replication and baculovirusmediated foreign gene expression and encoded and constitutively expressed the mammalian genes with which they had been transformed. Finally, each of these transgenic insect cell lines also had more extensive N-glycan processing capabilities than the parental Sf 9 cells and could produce recombinant glycoproteins with increasingly humanized N-glycans. An analogous transgenic subclone of High FiveTM cells was produced using ie1based transgenes encoding two different mammalian glycosyltransferases (Breitbach and Jarvis, 2001). One Sf 9-based transgenic insect cell line originally designated Sf SWT-1, which has an extended N-glycosylation pathway and can produce humanized recombinant glycoproteins when cultured in the presence of serum (Hollister et al., 2002), has been commercialized by Invitrogen under the trade name ‘‘MIMICTM.’’ More advanced transgenic insect cell lines with a larger repertoire of mammalian genes, which are capable of producing recombinant glycoproteins with terminally sialylated N-glycans when cultured in serum-free media (Aumiller et al., 2003), are likely to be commercially available in the near future. Another transgenic lepidopteran insect cell line that holds promise as an improved host for baculovirus expression vectors is an Sf 9 cell derivative transformed with a polydnavirus vankyrin gene under the control of an immediate-early baculovirus promoter (Fath-Goodin et al., 2006). As discussed above, baculovirus-mediated expression of this polydnavirus vankyrin gene prolonged the viability of baculovirus-infected Sf 9 cells and increased the production of a foreign protein coexpressed under the control of the polyhedrin promoter. By analogy, a transgenic Sf 9 cell derivative engineered to constitutively express this vankryin gene had a longer life span after and produced higher levels of yellow fluorescence protein when infected with a recombinant baculovirus expression vector encoding this product


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(Fath-Goodin et al., 2006). Three different ‘‘vankyrin-enhanced’’ (VE) Sf 9 derivatives are now commercially available from ParaTechs. The availability of MIMICTM and VE cells and the future availability of other transgenic insect cell lines of these types will permit a more global analysis of their abilities to produce foreign glycoproteins with humanized carbohydrate side chains or to increase recombinant protein expression levels, respectively. This is important because neither one of these two different types of ‘‘improved’’ hosts for baculovirus expression vectors has been broadly assessed using a wide variety of different foreign protein/ glycoprotein products. In fact, there is one published report of the inability of MIMICTM (SfSWT-1) cells to sialylate one specific foreign glycoprotein, equine lutenizing hormone/chorionic gondotropin (Legardinier et al., 2005). These two equine glycopeptide hormones are encoded by the same gene and, therefore, have identical amino acid sequences. From a careful analysis of the N-glycosylation profiles of the native products (Smith et al., 1993), one would expect the recombinant hormone produced by MIMICTM (SfSWT-1) cells to have terminal alpha 2,3-linked sialic acid residues. Thus, the results of Legardinier and coworkers most likely reflect the inability of MIMICTM (SfSWT-1) cells to sialylate equine lutenizing hormone/chorionic gonadotropin in alpha 2,3-linked fashion, which is a capability that had not been assessed before. In fact, we recently found that MIMICTM (SfSWT-1) cells have no alpha 2,3-sialyltransferase activity, despite the fact that they encode and express a murine alpha 2,3-sialyltransferase (data not shown). Thus, it is now clear that MIMICTM (Sf SWT-1) cells do not have the universal capacity to sialylate every foreign N-glycoprotein of interest and efforts are underway to produce a new cell line that can provide both alpha 2,6- and alpha 2,3-sialylation. However, even a new transgenic insect cell line with alpha 2,3-sialyltransferase activity might not have the capacity to sialylate every recombinant glycoprotein of interest. Furthermore, it will not be surprising if this limitation also applies to VE cells or any other type of transgenic insect cell line engineered to serve as an improved host for baculovirus expression vectors.

10. Basic Baculovirus Protocols Chapter 10 in the first edition of this book contained a significant number of detailed protocols describing the construction of baculovirus transfer plasmids, insect cell culture, the production, isolation and characterization of baculovirus expression vectors, and methods for the analysis of recombinant protein production in the baculovirus–insect cell system (Bradley, 1990), which are still relevant today. In addition, a large number of other books and book chapters containing detailed protocols describing these technical aspects of the baculovirus–insect cell system have been

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published before and since that time (King and Possee, 1992; Murhammer, 2007; O’Reilly et al., 1992; Richardson, 1995; Summers and Smith, 1987). Finally, each manufacturer of the new baculovirus transfer plasmids and genome backbones described in this chapter, which were created to facilitate the production and isolation of recombinant baculovirus expression vectors, provides detailed maps, sequences, and stepwise protocols for the use of their materials, which are freely available at their Web sites. Accordingly, I have chosen to share a relatively small, but essential set of time-tested protocols used in my lab, which were originally taken from the original baculovirus users ‘‘manuals’’ by Summers and Smith (1987) and O’Reilly et al. (1992) and, in some cases, modified to fit our needs. The reader is referred to the sources given above for more direct and detailed information on any of the specific approaches, transfer plasmids, and parental baculovirus vectors described in this chapter, which need not be reiterated here.

10.1. Insect cell maintenance We routinely maintain 50 mL Sf 9 cell cultures in 125 mL DeLong shake flasks (Bellco) in either serum-containing or serum-free media. We use TNM-FH medium supplemented with 10% (v/v) fetal bovine serum (HyClone) and 0.1% pluronic F68 (Sigma-Aldrich) for the former and we use ESF 921 (Expression Systems) for the latter. We do not heat-inactivate the fetal bovine serum nor do we use cell culture antibiotics in our maintenance cultures, as they can interfere with the creation of transgenic subclones by our standard coselection approach (Harrison and Jarvis, 2007a; Jarvis and Guarino, 1995). We split all of our maintenance cultures each Monday, Wednesday, and Friday of the week, using seeding densities for Sf 9 cells of 0.5 106 cells/mL on Mondays and Wednesdays and 0.3 106 cells/mL on Fridays. We measure cell densities using a standard trypan blue dye exclusion procedure with a hemocytometer (Murhammer, 2007). Cell viabilities should remain very high in shake flask cultures and Sf 9 cell doubling times should be around 24 h. For larger numbers of cells, the culture can be scaled up to 100 mL in 250 mL DeLong flasks, 200 mL in 500 mL DeLong flasks, or 800 mL in 2.8 L Fernbach flasks (Bellco). The seeding densities used for transgenic insect cell lines are variable and typically higher than those used for Sf 9 cells. In our recent experience, transgenic lines seeded at the same densities used for Sf 9 cells tend to grow slowly and/or undergo a temporary arrest before starting to grow at normal rates again.

10.2. Isolation of baculovirus genomic DNA Unless you are in a position to constantly purchase prepurified viral DNA from commercial sources, the isolation of adequately purified baculovirus genomic DNA is a critical aspect of producing recombinant baculovirus


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expression vectors. We prepare viral DNA from budded virus progeny isolated using a differential centrifugation protocol. Sf 9 cells are infected with an appropriate parental baculovirus using a low input multiplicity (e.g., 0.01 plaque-forming units/cell) to avoid the generation of defective interfering particles (Kool et al., 1991). The cells are then cultured for 3–5 days in TNM-FH medium supplemented with fetal bovine serum and pluronic F68, as described above, and monitored under a phase-contrast microscope for signs of cytopathology. Once clear signs of infection are observed, the infected cells are aseptically transferred to disposable centrifuge tubes and then centrifuged at 1000g for 15 min. The clear supernatants are transferred to ultracentrifuge tubes (e.g., 33 mL per Beckman SW28 tube) and then carefully underlaid with a solution of 25% (w/v) sucrose in 5 mM NaCl and 10 mM EDTA (e.g., 3 mL per Beckman SW28 tube). The tubes are ultracentrifuged for 75 min at 4 C at 100,000g (e.g., 28,000 rpm for a Beckman SW28 rotor) and the supernatant is carefully decanted away from the resulting budded virus pellet. The pellet is then gently resuspended using a blue tip with the narrow end cut off to produce a larger bore diameter and a disruption buffer (0.1 mL for each mL of starting infected cell culture medium) consisting of 10 mM Tris, pH 7.6, 10 mM EDTA, and 0.25% (w/v) sodium dodecyl sulfate. Proteinase K (10 mg/mL in water) is then added to a final concentration of 500 ug/mL and the preparation is incubated at 37 C with occasional swirling until it clears, which typically requires 4 h to overnight. If the solution does not clear, one should add more disruption buffer and proteinase K. The solution is then gently extracted with phenol, then phenol–chloroform and the viral DNA is ethanol precipitated in the presence of 0.3 M sodium acetate. Finally, the DNA pellet is gently resuspended in 10 uL TE for each mL of starting culture medium. The concentration of the resuspended viral DNA can be estimated using spectrophotometry, but we find this is highly unreliable. Thus, we typically refine the estimate by digesting 10 ug of the viral DNA with EcoRI or HindIII, running the digests on an agarose gel against commercial DNA size standards of known concentrations, and staining the gel with ethidium bromide or another DNA stain. It should be noted that this protocol is essentially the same as the one described in the Baculovirus Expression Vectors manual by O’Reilly and coworkers (O’Reilly et al., 1992).

10.3. Baculovirus plaque assays Plaque assays are a critical aspect of virology, in general, and are the single best way to ensure that a recombinant baculovirus is initially isolated in a clonal form. Two-independent steps that need to be taken in preparation for baculovirus plaque assays include (1) preseeding the indicator cells into culture plates and (2) making serial 10-fold dilutions of the virus stock. We seed the cells first from a log-phase shake flask culture of Sf 9

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cells in TNM-FH containing 10% fetal bovine serum and 0.1% pluronic F68, as described above. The requisite number of cells is gently centrifuged out of the old growth medium, resuspended in fresh TNM-FH with no additives, and then seeded into 6-well cell culture plates (Corning) at a density of 0.75 106 cells/well. The cells are then allowed to settle and attach to the plastic at 28 C for about an hour. The cells will adhere more tightly to the plastic when seeded in the absence than when seeded in the presence of serum. While the cells are attaching, the serial 10-fold dilutions of the virus stock are performed, working under the assumption that a typical baculovirus stock will have a plaque assay titer of 1 107 pfu/ mL. We use TNM-FH supplemented with fetal bovine serum and pluronic F68 as the diluent, with 0.1 mL of virus and 9.9 mL dilution blanks for 100-fold dilutions and 0.5 mL of virus and 4.5 mL dilution blanks for 10-fold dilutions. The dilution blanks are set up and the dilutions performed under aseptic conditions and each dilution is mixed very well with a vortex mixer between each transfer. After the dilutions have been performed and the cells have attached to the culture plates, the cells are inoculated using two wells for each appropriately diluted virus. The medium is removed from the wells and replaced with 2 mL/well of the diluted virus. This is a critical step in the assay because the cells dry out rather quickly and those along the edges will die if you move too slowly. Thus, it is best to drain the media from only two wells at a time and immediately inoculate those wells with one virus dilution in duplicate before moving on to another pair of wells and a new dilution. We typically plate the virus at dilutions of 10 5, 10 6, and 10 7 to try to obtain reasonable numbers of plaques for counting. The virus is then allowed to attach to the cells for 1 h at 28 C and the overlay medium is prepared during the viral adsorption period. We prepare 125 mL bottles containing 50 mL of 2% (w/v) SeaplaqueÒ low melting temperature agarose (Cambrex) in water, then autoclave the bottles and allow the agarose to solidify. These bottles of solid agarose then can be microwaved to remelt the agarose, cooled to 60 C, and the liquid agarose can be mixed with an equal volume of 2 Grace’s medium prewarmed to 30 C (you will need 3 mL per well). If a blue–white screen is being used to help identify putative recombinant viruses, the chromogenic substrate should be added to the overlay at this time. The overlay is then swirled to obtain an even mixture and cooled to about 40–42 C. Finally, the infected cells are removed from the incubator, the viral inocula are completely removed with pipettes, and 3 mL of overlay are very gentle dribbled down the edge of the well. Again, draining two wells at a time and overlaying those wells with agarose before moving on to another pair of wells will prevent the cells from drying out and dying. After the overlay hardens for 15 min, the plates are incubate in sealed plastic baggie, upside down, for 7–10 days at 28 C. A dissecting microscope is used to


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visualize plaques for careful counting and the plaque counts are used to calculate the titer of the original virus stock, taking the dilution factor and plating volume into account.

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Recombinant Protein Production by Transient Gene Transfer into Mammalian Cells Sabine Geisse* and Cornelia Fux† Contents 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Introduction HEK293 and CHO Cell Lines Commonly Used in TGE Approaches Expression Vectors for HEK293 and CHO Cells Cultivation of HEK293 Cells and CHO Cell Lines in Suspension Transfection Methods 5.1. Small-scale transfection by lipofection in six-well plates 5.2. Medium scale transfection in shake flasks with polyethylenimine as transfer reagent 5.3. Large-scale transient transfection in the WaveTM Bioreactor with polyethylenimine as transfer reagent 6. Conclusions Acknowledgments References

224 224 226 228 228 229 231 232 234 234 235

Abstract The timely availability of recombinant proteins in sufficient quantity and of validated quality is of utmost importance in driving drug discovery and the development of low molecular weight compounds, as well as for biotherapeutics. Transient gene expression (TGE) in mammalian cells has emerged as a promising technology for protein generation over the past decade as TGE meets all the prerequisites with respect to quantity and quality of the product as well as cost-effectiveness and speed of the process. Optimized protocols have been developed for both HEK293 and CHO cell lines which allow protein production at any desired scale up to >100 l and in milligram to gram quantities. Along with an overview on current scientific and technological knowledge, detailed protocols for expression of recombinant proteins on small, medium, and large scale are discussed in the following chapter. * {

Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Research, Department of NBC/PPA, Basel, Switzerland Novartis Pharma AG, Department of NBx/PSD: Scale up, Basel, Switzerland

Methods in Enzymology, Volume 463 ISSN 0076-6879, DOI: 10.1016/S0076-6879(09)63015-9


2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.



Sabine Geisse and Cornelia Fux

1. Introduction Recombinant proteins including antibodies are essential tools for drug discovery in the early stage and used in a multitude of applications. While for production of therapeutic proteins criteria such as growth behavior, clonality, and stability, as well as the productivity of the producer cell line are of major importance, recombinant protein production for research purposes is mainly driven by the cost-effectiveness, simplicity, and speed of the process in conjunction with adequate yields of the product. Over the past decade efficient transient transfection protocols have reportedly been developed, which meet and even exceed the above-mentioned prerequisites. Transient production of proteins nowadays is predominantly done in HEK293-derived cell lines, yet strong efforts are ongoing to develop similarly efficient protocols for CHO cells. This bears the advantage of maintaining the same host cell background and thus product characteristics throughout the entire process of therapeutic protein development in R&D. Detailed summaries of current scientific knowledge with respect to TGE can be found in some recently published reviews (Baldi et al., 2007; Geisse, 2009; Geisse et al., 2005; Pham et al., 2006).

2. HEK293 and CHO Cell Lines Commonly Used in TGE Approaches Several descendants of the original HEK293 cell line established by Graham and coworkers in 1977 (Graham et al., 1977; Shaw et al., 2002) are currently in use in large-scale transient expression approaches, as summarized in Table 15.1. While 293 Freestyle cells are a derivative of a 293 wildtype strain selected for good growth performance and high expression levels (Zhang et al., 2009), most of the other candidates used in TGE trials are actually engineered cell lines expressing, for instance, the EBNA-1 gene from Epstein–Barr virus (EBV). The EBNA-1 protein acts in conjunction with the origin of replication from EBV, oriP, encoded on the expression plasmids; upon transfection, the plasmids remain in the nucleus as extrachromosomal entities—episomes—and are segregated onto the daughter cells once per cell cycle (Kishida et al., 2008; Lindner and Sugden, 2007). In addition, the EBNA-1 gene contains a nuclear localization signal (NLS) sequence as well as a transcriptional enhancer element which both foster nuclear import and enhanced transcription rates (Dean et al., 1999, 2005; Laengle-Rouault et al., 1998). Similarly, HEK293 T cells feature an integrated SV40 large T antigen copy, which upon interaction with the SV40 origin of replication (SV40ori)

Table 15.1 Overview of HEK293 cell lines and expression systems for transient expression

Expression system

Features of cell line

Cultivation mediuma


EBNA-1 transformed HEK293 cell line, originally marketed by Invitrogen EBNA-1 transformed HEK293 cell line

Suspension: for example, ExCell 293 (SAFC Biosciences), Freestyle 293 (Invitrogen) Adherent: DMEM þ 10% FCS þ 400 mg/ml G418, suspension not done Suspension: Hybridoma serum-free medium þ 1% BCS Adherent: DMEM þ 10% FCS, suspension not routinely done Suspension: Freestyle medium (Invitrogen)



293-SFE (293SF3F6, NRC)

Suspension adapted EBNA-1 transformed 293 cell line

HEK293 T

SV40 T-antigen transformed 293 cell line

293 Freestyle (293-F)

HEK293 wild type

HKB-11 (Hybrid of Kidney and B-cell)

Fusion of 293 cell with B-Cell lymphoma cell line

Suspension: Bayer proprietary medium

Used in conjunction with plasmid vectors



pCEP4 (Invitrogen), pEAK8, pcDNA 3.1, pTT (NRC Canada)

Many, citations, for example in Baldi et al. (2007) and Pham et al. (2006)

Same as above

ATCC/Stanford University

Most commonly used cell line in literature, but has not been marketed by Invitrogen for several years ATCC CRL-10852

pTT plasmid series

Pham et al. (2005)

System available upon license from NRC

pCMV/myc/ER (Invitrogen) þ derivatives

Li et al. (2007) and Pham et al. (2005)

ATCC CRL-11268, also available in many labs


Zhang et al. (2008) Manual on Web site of Invitrogen

pTAT/TAR vector (Bayer)

Cho et al. (2001)

Cell line has been carefully selected for growth in Freestyle medium and for 293 fectin reagent System available upon license from Bayer Healthcare

According to our experience, all of these cell lines can be cultivated adherently in Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle medium (DMEM) or in a 1:2 mixture of DMEM/Ham’s F12 medium, supplemented with 10% fetal calf serum.


Sabine Geisse and Cornelia Fux

supplied on the expression vector supports extrachromosomal maintenance of plasmids. Furthermore, the SV40 enhancer element as part of the SV40ori is capable of binding not only to SV40 large T antigen, but also to newly synthesized cytosolic transcription factors such as AP-1 and NFkB, which thus serve to ‘‘cargo’’ the plasmids into the nucleus (Dean et al., 1999, 2005; Graessmann et al., 1989). The HKB-11 cell line results from a fusion between a Burkitt lymphoma-derived cell clone, 2B8 and 293 S cells (Cho et al., 2001, 2002), facilitating single cell suspension growth while maintaining high transfection rates and recombinant product yields. All of the six HEK293-derived cell lines described in Table 15.1 were extensively tested in parallel for growth behavior and ‘‘transfectability’’ in our lab. For proteins, such as antigens, HEK293-6E, and HKB-11 cells gave in most instances the best results, while for expression of antibodies, transfection into HEK293 T cells frequently resulted in higher expression levels (Geisse, 2009). In summary, it is certainly worthwhile to try parallel expression in several HEK293-derived cell lines in order to find the optimal candidate for a given gene to be expressed. CHO cell lines used for transient expression approaches are descendants of the CHO K1 line or the dhfr-negative variants DG44 and DUK X B11 (Gottesman, 1987; Kao and Puck, 1968; Urlaub and Chasin, 1980; Urlaub et al., 1983). Suspension-adapted CHO-S cells, a CHO K1 derivative, along with a suitable serum-free medium and a lipofection reagent were recently introduced as ‘‘Freestyle MaxTM system’’ by Invitrogen (Zhang et al., 2009). Genetically engineered CHO sublines are as yet infrequently used, even though a beneficial effect on protein expression exerted via the inclusion of viral elements derived from bovine papillomavirus, polyoma virus, and EBV on the expression vector could be demonstrated (Kivima¨e et al., 2001; Kunaparaju et al., 2005; Silla et al., 2005).

3. Expression Vectors for HEK293 and CHO Cells To take advantage of the multiple beneficial functions of the EBV-or SV40-derived viral elements described above suitable expression vectors for transient expression in HEK293 cells should harbor the oriP or SV40ori sequences, respectively. The human cytomegalovirus-derived immediate early promoter is most commonly chosen to drive transgene expression (Lee et al., 2007; Makrides, 1999; Van Craenenbroeck et al., 2000), but also other promoters of viral origin, such as the mouse CMV promoter or a mouse/ human hybrid promoter (Meissner et al., 2001; Xia et al., 2006) or of nonviral origin (e.g., the human elongation factor 1a [EF1alpha] promoter


Transient Transfection, Mammalian Cells, HEK293, CHO

(Backliwal et al., 2008a; Pham et al., 2006)) have been described as well. In brief, a striking advantage of a single promoter/cell line combination could so far not be demonstrated. Moreover, genetic elements active at the posttranscriptional level, such as an intron splice element or the Woodchuck hepatitis virus regulatory element (WPRE) impact significantly on protein yields by enhancement of mRNA stability, increased nuclear export rates of mRNA and increased translation rates (Backliwal et al., 2008a; Klein et al., 2006; Le Hir et al., 2003; Matsumoto et al., 1998). More details on the design of various expression plasmids and their performance can be found in the public domain (Backliwal et al., 2008a; Durocher et al., 2002; Meissner et al., 2001; Pham et al., 2006; Xia et al., 2006) (Fig. 15.1). It should, however, be mentioned that despite all benefits to gene expression by specifically tailored expression plasmids featuring additional enhancing elements, a large sized expression vector impacts negatively the stability and yield in plasmid preparation. We have observed a three- to fivefold reduction in plasmid yields when the size of the empty backbone vector was doubled or tripled. As quite large quantities of plasmid DNA need to be prepared for large-scale transient expression approaches and the size of genes/cDNAs to be expressed appears to be steadily increasing, this point should be taken into consideration in the design of backbone expression vectors for TGE approaches.





90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 250

Viability(%) / IgG (mg/L)

Viable cells/mL

Growth curve and productivity 5.00E + 06 4.50E + 06 4.00E + 06 3.50E + 06 3.00E + 06 2.50E + 06 2.00E + 06 1.50E + 06 1.00E + 06 5.00E + 05 0.00E + 00 Time (h) Viable cells/mL

Viability (%)

IgG (mg/L)

Figure 15.1 Production of a human IgG2 antibody by PEI-mediated transient transfection into HEK293 T cells cultivated in M11V3 medium (Novartis proprietary) in the WaveTM bioreactor over a period of 213 h. Heavy and light chain genes were encoded on the same plasmid backbone. Symbols denote viable cell count (diamonds), viability in % (squares) and antibody titer (triangles) determined by Protein A HPLC.


Sabine Geisse and Cornelia Fux

4. Cultivation of HEK293 Cells and CHO Cell Lines in Suspension Transient transfections into these two most frequently used cell lines are in most instances performed in suspension culture, even though for both lines the option to use adherent cell cultures—either by cultivation in, for example, classical DMEM-based media containing fetal calf serum, by supplementation of serum-free media formulations with serum, or by cellsurface attachment mediated by coating of tissue culture flasks with, for example, poly-D-lysine prior to transfection—is retained. CHO and HEK cell lines are readily adaptable to serum-free conditions and a large variety of specially designed media formulations (serum-free, protein-free, or chemically defined) are commercially available. Adaptation to serum-free suspension conditions is done by gradually ‘‘weaning’’ the cells from the serum by dilution; simultaneously, the cells are transferred from stationary culture in tissue culture flasks to agitated cultivation in Erlenmeyer shake flasks, spinner flasks, or roller bottles. The suspension adapted cells should exhibit good growth behavior and high cell viability. Thus, cell counting and viability determination, done either manually using a Neubauer hemocytometer or by employing cell counting devices such as the CedexTM (Innovatis AG, Bielefeld, FRG) or the Vi-CellTM (Beckman Coulter, Krefeld, FRG), and dilution of cells twice per week is mandatory. In particular, at the day of transfection the cells should be in logarithmic growth phase; thus, a dilution of the culture 1 or 2 days prior to gene transfer is important. We keep our backup cultures at cell densities between 3–4 105 cells/ml for HEK293 cells and at approx. 2 105 cells/ml for CHO cells in Erlenmeyer shake flasks of variable size (Corning by Fisher Scientific, Wohlen, CH) in a shaker incubator (Kuehner, Climo-Shaker ISF1-X, Kuehner AG, Birsfelden, CH) at 100 rpm/37 C and 5% CO2.

5. Transfection Methods For lipofection a wealth of formulations with individual, mostly proprietary compositions are commercially available, and doubtlessly many of them are highly efficacious in introducing the plasmid DNA into the cells. Their drawback is the cost-of-goods—transient transfection beyond the scale of several hundred milliliters is economically not feasible when using these reagents. Large-scale transient transfection approaches call for transfection reagents readily available in bulk quantities with little batch-to-batch variability to ensure consistency of the process. Calcium–phosphate-mediated

Transient Transfection, Mammalian Cells, HEK293, CHO


transfection as well as polyethylenimine (PEI)-based plasmid complexation and uptake of DNA into the cells are the only two commonly applied methods which meet these requirements, even though some other options have been described, such as Chitosan and derivatives thereof, and 14DEA2 as transfer reagents (Dang and Leong, 2006; Jiang and Sharfstein, 2008; Kusumoto et al., 2006). The details of calcium–phosphate-mediated transfection have been extensively studied and described (Batard et al., 2001; Jordan and Wurm, 2004; Jordan et al., 1996, 1998; Meissner et al., 2001), and similarly, the mechanisms of action of PEI-mediated gene transfer have attracted much research efforts. An in-depth mechanistic overview on PEI-based transfection would exceed the scope of this chapter, but can be easily retrieved from the literature (Bertschinger et al., 2006; Eliyahu et al., 2005; Lungwitz et al., 2005; Payne, 2007; Vicennati et al., 2008). In a nutshell, two individual aspects are essential to mention in this context. For both methods, calcium–phosphate-mediated transfection and PEI-mediated transfection, the compatibility of the cell cultivation medium with the transfection reagent is of key importance. It has been shown that the composition of some commonly used, commercially available culture media may hamper or even preclude an efficient uptake of plasmid DNA (Bertschinger et al., 2006; Schlaeger and Christensen, 1999; Sun et al., 2006), necessitating either a medium exchange prior to transfection or a biphasic expression strategy using two different media during the transfection and the production phases. Furthermore, an efficiency of 90–100% of transduced cells, as observed with lipofection reagents, has not been achieved when using calcium– phosphate or PEI as transfer reagents. At best, a transfection rate of 60% is realistically obtained. However, for the sake of cost-effectiveness and scalability of the process, a reduction in transfection efficiency and yields appears to be acceptable. In a very recent publication by Chenuet and coworkers (Chenuet et al., 2008) comparative analyses of calcium– phosphate- and PEI-mediated transfection demonstrated a higher plasmid uptake for PEI-mediated transfection into CHO DG44 cells; yet, for stable recombinant cell line generation the uptake and integration of plasmid copies resulting in high specific productivities appeared to be more favorable when calcium–phosphate-mediated transfection was applied.

5.1. Small-scale transfection by lipofection in six-well plates Prior to embarking on transfection approaches on large scale, it is desirable to assess the integrity of the expression vector and the functionality of the protein. To do so, possibly also in combination with multiconstruct screening, a rapid, small-scale approach using lipofection as reagent for gene transfer is the method of choice. In the following, a protocol is described


Sabine Geisse and Cornelia Fux

which is applicable to HEK293 as well as CHO cells. The expression vector we use is a composite plasmid derived from commercially available plasmids and features elements such as the CMV promoter, an intron splice element, and the oriP for extrachromosomal replication in HEK293–EBNA-1 positive cells. The inserted cDNA fragments are in most instances equipped with a protein detection tag which can be used for analytical purposes as well as for protein purification via affinity chromatography on Protein A column, for example: 1. At the day of transfection harvest the appropriate amount of cells (calculate 1 106 cells per well of a 6-well plate) and spin them down at 216g (1000 rpm) for 5 min. 2. Resuspend the cell pellet in 2 ml of medium/well; transfer the cell suspension to a 6-well plate and distribute the cells into the wells. 3. Place the plate into a cell culture incubator at 37 C/5% CO2. 4. For preparation of the lipoplexes, transfer 100 ml of OPTI-MEM medium (Invitrogen) into a sterile polypropylene tube. 5. Add 2 mg of supercoiled recombinant plasmid DNA (ideally at 1 mg/ml concentration) into this tube. 6. Add 7 ml of FuGENEÒ HD reagent (Roche Diagnostics, Indianapolis, IN) to the same tube and tap the tube gently for a few seconds for mixing. 7. Incubate the mixture for 15 min at room temperature. 8. Add the mix dropwise directly to one well of cells of the 6-well plate. 9. Incubate the 6-well plate at 37 C/5% CO2 in a tissue culture incubator for 72 h. 10. Harvest the culture supernatant (in case of secreted proteins) and/or the cells (for membrane-bound or intracellular expression) and perform the desired analytical experiments (e.g., ELISA, Western Blot, HPLC affinity chromatography, surface plasmon resonance, etc.). Notes: (i). We have achieved excellent results when using the FuGENEÒ HD reagent for transfection, but other lipofection reagents from other vendors, which we did not try, may work equally well. Care should be taken, however, to optimize process parameters such as the DNA to reagent ratio as well as the amount of cells in an appropriate volume of medium. (ii). Harvest of samples beyond 72 h of incubation/production is possible; however, due to the relatively high cell density in a small volume nutrient depletion, cell death and potentially proteolytic damage to the protein may occur. Thus, if protein analysis following a prolonged production phase is desired, the medium scale protocol described below appears to be the better choice.

Transient Transfection, Mammalian Cells, HEK293, CHO


5.2. Medium scale transfection in shake flasks with polyethylenimine as transfer reagent 1. At the day of transfection harvest 1.25 107 cells and pellet them by centrifugation at 216g (1000 rpm) for 5 min. 2. Resuspend the cells in 9 ml of fresh culture medium and transfer the suspension into a 125 ml disposable shake flask. A total medium replacement at this stage enhances transfection efficiency. 3. Polyplex formation: Take two sterile 15 ml polypropylene tubes and add into each 1.75 ml of fresh culture medium. Note: The original protocol for PEI transfection by Boussif and coworkers (Boussif et al., 1995) describes the polyplex formation in a 150 mM NaCl solution. This protocol has been applied frequently; however, more recently DNA complexation carried out in RPMI 1640 medium (Invitrogen) for HEK293 cells or ProCHO5 medium (Lonza, Vervier, Belgium) for CHO cells has been shown to lead to successful transfection as well (Backliwal et al., 2008c; Bertschinger et al., 2006). We routinely use our cultivation medium M11V3 for complexing of the plasmid DNA without any adverse effects. 1. Into one of the tubes add 50 mg of polyethylenimine from a sterile stock solution: 25 kDa linear PEI (Polysciences, Warrington PA) is dissolved in water at a concentration of 1 mg/ml, and the pH is adjusted to 7.0. Note: The PEI stock solution should be sterile, filtered, aliquotted, and stored at 80 C until use. A transfection reagent based on linear PEI is also commercially available under the trade name jetPEITM from Polyplustransfection, New York, NY. 2. Add 25 mg of supercoiled, recombinant plasmid DNA into the other tube. 3. Tap both tubes a few times gently and incubate them for 15 min at room temperature. 4. Pipet the diluted PEI-solution into the diluted DNA solution (not the inverse!), mix gently and incubate the mix for 15 min at room temperature. The DNA:PEI ratio employed corresponds to 1:2 (mg:mg). Notes: (i). If the complexes mature in 150 mM NaCl solution, a maturation time beyond 10 min does not lead to efficient release of DNA from the particles. If, however, culture medium is used for maturation, the duration of incubation does not seem to have any effect (Backliwal et al., 2008b; Bertschinger et al., 2006). (ii). The DNA:PEI ratio is of critical importance for the success of these experiments. Commonly used are ratios of 1:2–1:3 (mg:mg), but for


Sabine Geisse and Cornelia Fux

CHO cells a ratio of 1:4–1:5 has been determined as optimal (Chenuet et al., 2008). At high cell densities of 20 106 cells/ml, an a priori complex formation does not even seem to be necessary—the plasmid DNA can be added directly to the culture, followed by addition of the PEI solution (Backliwal et al., 2008b). 5. Add the polyplexes formed in 3.5 ml to the 9 ml of suspension culture in the shake flask and incubate the flask on an orbital shaker platform at 37 C/5% CO2/100 rpm. The cell density at transfection corresponds to 1 106 cells/ml. 6. After 4 h of incubation, add 12.5 ml of culture medium to the shake flask and continue the incubation for 72 h (or more). The cell density at the beginning of the production phase is then 5 105 cells/ml. 7. After 72 h (or at a later time-point; 5–6 days posttransfection appears to be the maximum, otherwise severe nutrient limitations will occur) harvest the cells and/or the cell supernatant for analyses of recombinant protein expression.

5.3. Large-scale transient transfection in the WaveTM Bioreactor with polyethylenimine as transfer reagent The disposable WaveTM bioreactor has gained widespread acceptance in recent years due its ease of maintenance and handling versus classical stirred tank reactors. Most commonly used are working volumes of 10 and 20 l, even though reactors of 100 l working volume are commercially available, and a prototype of 300 l working volume is under developmental construction. Whether to use the WaveTM bioreactor for transfection cultures below 10 l is a question of economical feasibility—we prefer to use shake flask cultures for smaller production runs (Fernbach flasks, Corning). Reportedly, also other reactors or shaking devices (Muller et al., 2005; Pham et al., 2006; Stettler et al., 2007) have been successfully used for transiently transfected cultures. The following protocol describes production of an antibody at a scale of 10 l using HEK293 T cells as host and M11V3 serum-free culture medium (Novartis proprietary). Both chains of the antibody were cloned into the same backbone expression vector. 1. A 20 l WaveTM bag (Sartorius Stedim Biotech, Go¨ttingen, Germany) is mounted onto a WaveTM platform (Wave-Bioreactor SPS50) and linked to a DASGIP gas-mixing module (DASGIP, Juelich, Germany). Subsequently, the bag is inoculated with 4 l HEK293T cell culture at a cell density of approximately 1.8 106 viable cells/ml. 2. The following process parameters and conditions are applied: gas flow: 20 l/h; gas mix consisting of 21–25% O2/0% CO2; temperature 37 C, pH: 6.8–7.4, rocking speed: 10 rpm, rocking angle: 7 .

Transient Transfection, Mammalian Cells, HEK293, CHO


3. 10 mg plasmid DNA (1 mg/ml) are mixed with M11V3 medium to a final volume of 500 ml and incubated for 10 min at room temperature. Afterward, the diluted DNA is sterile filtered through a 0.22 mm GP EXPRESS PLUS membrane (Millipore, Billerica, MA). 4. 30 ml PEI solution (1 mg/ml) are mixed with 500 ml M11V3 medium and incubated for 10 min at room temperature. Afterwards, the diluted PEI solution is sterile filtered through a 0.22 mm GP EXPRESS PLUS membrane. Note: The PEI stock solution should be sterile, filtered, aliquotted, and stored at 80 C until use. 5. Next, the PEI-solution is added to the diluted DNA and the mix is incubated for 15 min at room temperature for polyplex formation to occur. 6. The DNA–PEI–M11V3 mix is then aseptically added to the cells in the WaveTM bag to achieve a final volume of 5 l. Incubation is continued for 5–6 h applying the following parameters: gas-flow: 25 l/h, gas mix: 25% O2/0% CO2, temperature: 37 C, pH: 6.8–7.4, rocking speed: 10 rpm, angle: 7 . 7. Subsequently, 5 l M11V3 medium supplemented with 100 ml RX1 combined feed (feed solution consisting of amino acids, glucose and glutamine; custom-made by Irvine Scientific, Santa Ana, CA) are added aseptically to the cells in the WaveTM bag. During the production phase the following process parameters are applied: gas flow: 30–40 l/h, gas mix: 30–40% O2/0% CO2, temperature: 37 C, pH: 6.8–7.4 (adjusted with bicarbonate solution pH 9.2, Sigma Aldrich, Buchs, Switzerland), air saturation: 60–100%, rocking speed: 14–18 rpm, angle: 7 . 8. The transfected cells are cultivated for 10 days in the WaveTM bioreactor for antibody production. Note: For production of recombinant proteins the production phase until harvest is usually between 5 and 7 days, but may be even shorter, if the desired protein is sensitive toward proteolytic degradation. Production runs of antibody molecules may be extended to 10 days. 9. Each day a sample is taken and the cell density and viability is determined using a Vi-Cell cell counter device (Beckman Coulter). Nutrient status, pH, and air saturation are measured using the Bioprofile 400 Analyzer (Labor-Systeme Flu¨ckiger, Switzerland). The IgG concentration is assessed by Protein A HPLC determination (Fig. 15.1). 10. After 10 days, the cells are aseptically harvested and the cell removal is performed by cross-flow filtration (Fresenius Filter PlasmaFlux, 0.2 mm). Afterward, the cell free supernatant is concentrated 10-fold by means of hollow fiber filtration (Hemoflow F 10 HPS, Fresenius, Stans, Switzerland, 10 kDa cutoff ).


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11. The concentrate is subjected to protein purification by Protein A affinity chromatography and size exclusion chromatography. A variety of modifications to these standard protocols described above have been tried and published, some of which are listed in brief below: a. Enhancement of expression rates by ‘‘temperature shift’’ to 30–32 C during the production phase when using CHO cells (Backliwal et al., 2008a; Galbraith et al., 2006). b. Cell cycle arrest in G2/M by treatment with the microtubule depolymerizing agent nocodazole (Tait et al., 2004). c. Treatment with inhibitors of histone deacetylase and DNA methyl transferase (e.g., sodium butyrate, valproic acid) in CHO and HEK293 cells (Backliwal et al., 2008c). d. Genetic engineering of cell lines to prevent apoptosis or to overcome inhibitions exerted by the unfolded protein response (UPR) (Backliwal et al., 2008c; Majors et al., 2007; Tigges and Fussenegger, 2006).

6. Conclusions The generation of recombinant proteins by means of transient transfection technologies has reached an impressive state in terms of method development and yields during the past several years, as reflected in the wealth of data published on the subject. As yet, it is probably premature to envisage the replacement of the tedious process of cell line development for production of biotherapeutics by large-scale transient approaches, even though remarkable antibody titers of >1 g/l have been reported already (Backliwal et al., 2008a). Our own observations based on >100 transient expression trials indicate a huge heterogeneity in expression yields depending on the gene(s) expressed, ranging from 1 to >170 mg/l for proteins; antibody titers amount to 20–40 mg/l on average with frequent outliers to both sides. There is certainly a need for further technical advancement with respect to construct design, cultivation conditions, and possibly cell line engineering, but these efforts are more than justified by the overall impressive success of the approach.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank our collaborators Agne`s Patoux, Thomas Cremer, Mirjam Buchs, Sibylle Bossart, Stefan Dalcher, and Rainer Uhrhahn for the development of the protocols and the generation of the experimental data. Special thanks go to Prof. Bertram Opalka, Uniklinikum Essen-Duesburg, FRG for critically reviewing the manuscript.

Transient Transfection, Mammalian Cells, HEK293, CHO


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Tagging for Protein Expression Arun Malhotra Contents 240 241 241 243 244 244 245 245 245 246 247 249 249 250 250 250 251 253 254 254

1. Introduction 2. Some Considerations When Designing a Tagged Protein 2.1. Affinity and/or solubility? 2.2. Which tag(s) to use? 2.3. Tandem tags? 2.4. N- or C-terminal? 2.5. Cleavage sites to remove tags 3. Protein Affinity Tags 3.1. His-tag 3.2. GST tag 3.3. Other purification tags 4. Solubility Tags 4.1. MBP tag 4.2. Trx tag 4.3. NusA tag 4.4. Other solubility tags 5. Removal of Tags 6. Conclusions Acknowledgment References

Abstract Tags are frequently used in the expression of recombinant proteins to improve solubility and for affinity purification. A large number of tags have been developed for protein production and researchers face a profusion of choices when designing expression constructs. Here, we survey common affinity and solubility tags, and offer some guidance on their selection and use.

Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, Miami, Florida, USA Methods in Enzymology, Volume 463 ISSN 0076-6879, DOI: 10.1016/S0076-6879(09)63016-0


2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.



Arun Malhotra

1. Introduction Most proteins are made using recombinant techniques in expression systems. Additional residues or tags can be engineered on either the N- or C-terminal end of the protein of interest during the cloning step. These tags, which can range in size from just a few residues to full-length proteins or domains, can be used to improve protein production or to confer new properties that can be used for characterization and study of the target protein. The term ‘‘fusion protein’’ is also often used instead of the term ‘‘tag,’’ and fusion sometimes refers to the simpler end-to-end joining of two proteins while tags are typically shorter and include linker regions; here, we will use these terms interchangeably. The focus of this chapter is to survey some of the common tags that are used for improving the production of proteins, and highlight the advantages and pitfalls of their use. Given the wild profusion of tags, often in different combinations and with different cleavage sites, this review is by no means exhaustive and the reader is encouraged to look at constructs available from many commercial sources as well as repository sources such as Addgene ( or ATCC ( Detailed protocols related to the use of many individual tags have been described previously in Methods in Enzymology (e.g., Volumes 326 and 327), and in specialized journals in this field such as Protein Expression and Purification and the newer Microbial Cell Factories. Handbooks from suppliers of vectors for most expression systems (Amersham/GE Healthcare Inc., Clontech Inc., Invitrogen Inc., New England Biolabs Inc., Novagen/EMD Biosystems Inc., Roche Inc., Sigma-Aldrich Inc., and others) are another rich source of protocols. Tags used to improve the production of recombinant proteins can be roughly divided into purification and solubility tags. The former are used along with affinity binding to allow rapid and efficient purification of proteins, while the latter refer to tags that enhance the proper folding and solubility of a protein. Tables 16.1 and 16.2 list some of the common purification and solubility tags that are used for protein expression. Table 16.3 summarizes common endoproteases used to remove tags and recover the target protein of interest. While such tags are quite useful, other tags can be fused to proteins for a broad range of applications—labeling for imaging and localization studies, protein detection and quantification, protein–protein interaction studies, subcellular localization or transduction, and many others. It is important to keep in mind some of these additional capabilities that can be engineered into a protein as recombinant constructs are being designed, since multiple tags can be added together in different combinations (Fig. 16.1).


Tagging for Protein Expression

Table 16.1 Common affinity tags Tag


Affinity matrix


6–10 His

GST (glutathioneS-transferase) FLAG-tag

211 aa

Immobilized metal ions—Ni, Co, Cu, Zn Glutathione resin

Strep-II-tag Protein A (staphylococcal Protein A) MBP (maltosebinding protein) CBP (calmodulinbinding protein) CBD (chitin-binding domain) HaloTag

8 aa (DYKDDDDK) (22 aa for 3xFLAG) 8 aa (WSHPQFEK)


280 aa

Strep-Tactin (modified streptavidin) Immobilized IgG

396 aa

Cross-linked amylose

26 aa

Immobilized calmodulin

51 aa


300 aa


Table 16.2 Common solubility tags Tag




396 aa 495 aa 109 aa 100 aa 56 aa CH3 COO > Cl > Br > NO3 > CLO4 > I > SCN

Ions which promote hydrophobic interactions are called lyotropes, while those which disrupt (weaken) hydrophobic interactions are called chaotropes. In the above series, phosphate ions promote the strongest hydrophobic interaction, while thiocyanate ions disrupt hydrophobic interactions. For cations, the Hofmeister series consists of the following (listed in order of decreasing lyotropic strength): þ þ þ þ þ 2þ NHþ > Ca2þ > Ba2þ 4 > Rb > K > Na > Cs > Li > Mg

Two of the most common Lyotropic salts used to promote hydrophobic interaction in aqueous solution are ammonium sulfate and sodium chloride. These salts are commonly employed when using HIC for protein purification. In addition to salts, organic solvents can also be used to alter the strength of hydrophobic interactions (Fausnaugh and Regnier, 1986; Melander and Horvath, 1977). Organic solvents commonly used to weaken, or disrupt hydrophobic interactions include glycols, acetonitrile and alcohols. The organic solvents alter the polarity of the mobile phase, thereby weakening potential interactions that may occur. They may be added to the solution during the elution process, in order to disrupt hydrophobic interactions and elute the strongly bound protein of interest. Protein hydrophobicity is a complex function of several properties, which include the amino acid sequence, as well as protein tertiary and quaternary structure in a given solution (Ben-Naim, 1980; Tanford, 1980). Hydrophobicity scales have been created for particular amino acids, which are based upon the solubility in water and organic solvents


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( Jones, 1975; Nozaki and Tanford, 1971; Tanford, 1962; Zimmerman et al., 1968). Empirical hydrophobic scales for proteins have also been created (Chotia, 1976; Krigbaum and Komoriya, 1979; Manavalan and Ponnuswamy, 1978; Rose et al., 1985; Wertz and Scheraga, 1978) which are based upon the fraction of amino acids exposed on the protein surface, as well as the degree of amino acid hydrophobicity. The ability to predict the hydrophobicity of complex proteins has been only semiquantitative to date, and experiments are usually required to accurately understand protein hydrophobicity in a given aqueous solution.

2. Latest Technology in HIC Adsorbents HIC adsorbents consist of a base matrix which is coupled to a hydrophobic ligand. The base matrix, which typically consists of porous beads with diameters ranging from 5 to 200 mm, provides high surface area for ligand attachment and protein binding. Common base matrices include agarose, methacrylate, polystyrene–divinylbenzene and silica (Table 25.1). For analytical applications, the bead size of the adsorbent is in the lower range (5–20 mm). Small beads are used in order to maximize resolution when performing analytical separations. For preparatory scale applications, larger bead sizes are usually required (20 mm). Larger bead sizes are required for preparatory scale columns due to pressure drop limitations associated with the column hardware. HIC adsorbents containing hydrophobic ligands with various degrees of hydrophobicity are available. The ligands consist of alkyl or aryl chains. As a Table 25.1 Properties of commercially available HIC adsorbents Base matrix

Available ligand types

Adsorbent manufacturers

Cross-linked agarose

Butyl Octyl Phenyl Phenyl

GE Healthcare

Polystyrene– divinylbenzene Methacrylate


Butyl Ether Phenyl Hexyl Propyl Diol Pentyl

GE Healthcare Applied Biosystems TosoHaas EM Industries J. T. Baker Synchrom Supelco YMC

Hydrophobic Interaction Chromatography


general rule, the strength of hydrophobic binding of the ligand will increase with the length of the organic chain. Several of the most common ligands include butyl, octyl, and phenyl, which are linked to the base bead support through several different coupling approaches (Hjerte´n et al., 1974; Ulbrich et al., 1964). Aromatic ligands, such as phenyl, can also interact with the adsorbed compounds through so-called ‘‘p–p interactions,’’ which can further strengthen the hydrophobic interaction (Porath and Larsson, 1978). The hydrophobic interaction strength of the ligand can also be influenced by the ligand loading (ligand density) on the base matrix. The strength of interaction can increase with higher ligand densities. In order to have reproducible performance, manufacturers of HIC adsorbents must often produce adsorbents with narrow ranges of ligand density to ensure consistent performance from lot to lot.

3. Procedures for Use of HIC Adsorbents 3.1. Introduction The application of HIC adsorbents for use in the purification of protein compounds is fairly straightforward. The purification process is composed of a series of subsequent steps, which are described in this section.

3.2. Choice of adsorbent Since the hydrophobic properties of a given protein are often unknown, several HIC adsorbents may need to be screened prior to selection of a final adsorbent. The screening process is used to determine how strongly compounds bind to the adsorbent, and determine which adsorbents are viable candidates to purify the protein. Adsorbents with a broad range of hydrophobic binding properties should be included in the initial screening studies to determine the hydrophobicity of the compound, as well as which adsorbents effectively purify the protein. Adsorbents may be available in the form of prepacked columns from the adsorbent manufacturer or may have to be packed by the user. In the case when columns need to be packed, the packing instructions from the manufacturer should be followed. Height equivalent to the theoretical plate (HETP) measurements can be used to verify that the column is packed correctly. Once packed, the adsorbent manufacturer often provides recommended operating ranges for use, which include allowable flow rate ranges, column conditioning, and column cleaning procedures. Acceptable operating conditions will vary for different adsorbents, and the vendor documentation should be consulted prior to use.


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3.3. Feed/load preparation Prior to column loading, the salt concentration of the protein mixture (which will be purified using the HIC adsorbent) must be increased to a level in which the target protein binds to the adsorbent using a high salt buffer. Proteins may precipitate in high salt solutions, so the compound solubility in a given salt solution should be evaluated prior to its selection. The influence of buffer pH on compound binding to HIC adsorbents has no general trend, but can influence the strength of interaction (Hjerte´n et al., 1974). A buffer pH should be chosen in which the protein and the adsorbent are stable (e.g., avoid the use of extreme pH solutions). During the protein load adjustment step, the salt concentration may range from approximately 0.5 to 2.0 M, and will be increased high enough to ensure the protein binds effectively to the adsorbent. The salt concentration required to bind the protein to the adsorbent will depend greatly on the choice of salt, as described in Section 3.2. Selection of the appropriate salt concentration in which the protein binds to the adsorbent will require experimental work in most cases.

3.4. Adsorbent preparation Prior to loading the protein feed, the column should first be equilibrated in a high salt buffer solution which possesses a similar composition (salt concentration) and pH as the feed solution to ensure the protein will bind tightly to the adsorbent. This step is referred to as the equilibration step. Following the equilibration step, the adjusted feed (which contains the protein of interest) is loaded onto the HIC column at an appropriate velocity. After the protein-containing solution is loaded onto the column, the column is often washed with the equilibration buffer prior to product elution. Additional wash steps may be implemented prior to the elution step to remove undesirable impurity species. The wash steps may contain a salt concentration at an intermediate salt concentration—less than the load step, but greater than the elution step.

3.5. Product elution After being bound to the adsorbent, the desired protein must be eluted and then collected in the column effluent. In many cases, the elution process is used to separate, or resolve, unwanted species from the desired protein. The unwanted species may bind less tightly to the adsorbent, and will be eluted prior to the product. In other cases, undesirable species bind more tightly to the adsorbent and will remain bound after the product is eluted. This is usually the case when HIC is used to separate protein aggregate species, which bind more tightly to the adsorbent than the desired protein monomer


Hydrophobic Interaction Chromatography

species. During the elution step, a portion (or fraction) of the eluate may contain highly purified product, while fractions before and after contain higher levels of undesirable impurities. A schematic of an elution process (during a gradient elution) is shown in Fig. 25.2. Figure 25.2 illustrates that the column effluent collected during the elution step may need to be fractionated in order to achieve acceptable product purity when using HIC. The gradient elution process is described in more detail in Section 3.6. The elution process can be done using either a stepwise (isocratic) or a gradient approach. The four most common methods (listed from most common to least common) used to elute the bound protein include the following: 1. Decrease in the salt concentration (relative to the binding conditions). A decrease in the salt concentration will decrease the strength of hydrophobic interaction between the protein and the ligand, and the protein will be desorbed and eluted from the column. 2. Addition of organic solvents. Addition of an organic solvent (such as ethylene or propylene glycol) changes the solvent polarity, which disrupts the hydrophobic interaction. 3. Increase in the salt concentration (using a chaotropic salt). Addition of a chaotropic salt will disrupt the hydrophobic interaction. 4. Detergent addition. Detergents are used as protein displacers, and have been used mainly for the purification of membrane proteins when using HIC ( Janson and Ryde´n, 1997). Target product Weakly bound impurities

Strongly bound impurities (e.g. aggregates)

Salt gradient elution

Low salt concentration

Salt concentration

Protein concentration

High salt concentration

Elution volume

Figure 25.2 Schematic chromatogram showing a gradient elution of a protein mixture using hydrophobic interaction chromatography. In the diagram, the salt concentration is linearly decreased (from high salt to low salt), which results in elution of both impurities and the target protein.


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This most common approach used to elute proteins from HIC adsorbents is by lowering the salt concentration during the elution step. This should be the first method that is attempted when using HIC for purification of a new protein compound. The other approaches described above have the disadvantage that an additional component (such as a chaotropic salt or an organic solvent) needs to be added, which may impact protein stability. However, such agents may be required in order to effectively elute a strongly bound protein species from the adsorbent. Each protein must be evaluated case by case to determine which elution method is appropriate. The HIC adsorbent used in the purification may also influence which elution method is effective.

3.6. Gradient elution Gradient elutions are an extremely effective method useful for screening different HIC adsorbents in protein purification. During the gradient elution process, the salt concentration is decreased gradually (in a linear fashion) from a high salt concentration to a low salt concentration over a defined volume. During the initial screening of a bound compound on an adsorbent, the salt concentration may be decreased to as low as 0 mM to determine the salt concentration when the product elutes. As a starting point, a typical gradient elution process is performed over 10 column volumes, during which fractions are collected and evaluated for product purity. The gradient in salt concentration may be decreased (performed over a larger volume) in order to improve protein resolution (Yamamoto et al., 1988). In the event that the protein remains bound to the adsorbent following the gradient elution process, this may indicate that either a weaker lyotropic salt should be selected to bind the protein to the adsorbent or that a stronger elution condition is required to elute the protein. Stronger elution solutions may include the use of an organic solvent. For preparatory scale applications, nonflammable organic solvents (such as propylene or ethylene glycol) are often selected. Organic solvents in analytical scale applications may include such solvents as acetonitrile and alcohols. Alternatively, an adsorbent with weaker hydrophobic binding strength may need to be selected to decrease the strength of hydrophobic interaction.

3.7. Stepwise (isocratic) elution After identifying the appropriate adsorbent and salt concentration to effectively elute the protein of interest, an isocratic elution can be used if desired. An advantage of using isocratic elution is its simplicity—it requires a simple switch in the inlet buffer (from a high to a low salt concentration). Use of an isocratic elution is a preferable approach to simplify the equipment

Hydrophobic Interaction Chromatography


requirements, as gradient elution requires multiple pumps and additional process control to generate a linear change in the buffer salt concentration.

3.8. Adsorbent regeneration and sanitization HIC adsorbents are reusable for multiple cycles and have a relatively long lifetime before having to be replaced. However, adsorbents must be cleaned and regenerated between uses in order to ensure reproducible performance over many cycles. The adsorbent manufacturers’ provide regeneration procedures for the adsorbents, which should be consulted prior to use. In general, the cleaning procedures depend upon the stability of the base matrix and the hydrophobic ligand. For strongly bound proteins, 6 M guanidine hydrochloride is often recommended. If detergents have been used during the process, ethanol or methanol can be used to as part of the regeneration procedure (GE Healthcare, 2006). For sanitization, a caustic solution (1.0 M NaOH) can be used for most of the adsorbents (with the exception of silica). The manufacturer should also provide information on the appropriate storage conditions. Storage solution should be selected that prevents microbial growth, but does not impact ligand or base matrix stability.

REFERENCES Ben-Naim, A. (1980). Hydrophobic Interactions. Plenum Press, New York. Chotia, C. (1976). Surface of monomelic proteins. J. Mol. Biol. 105, 112. Fausnaugh, J. L., and Regnier, F. E. (1986). Solute and mobile phase contributions to retention in hydrophobic interaction chromatography of proteins. J. Chromatogr. 359, 131–146. GE Healthcare (2006). Data File No. 18-1127-63 AC. Hjerte´n, S., Rosengren, J., and Pa˚hlman, S. (1974). Hydrophobic interaction chromatography. J. Chromatogr. 101, 281–288. Hofmeister, F. (1988). On regularities in the albumin precipitation reactions with salts and their relationship to physiological behavior. Arch. Exp. Pathol. Pharmakol. 24, 247–260. Janson, J.-C., and Ryde´n, L. (eds.) (1997). Protein Purification: Principles, High-Resolution Methods, and Applications, 2nd edn., p. 284. Wiley-VCH, New York. Jones, D. D. (1975). Amino acid properties and side-chain orientation in proteins. J. Theor. Biol. 50, 167–183. Krigbaum, W. R., and Komoriya, A. (1979). Local interactions as a structure determinant for protein molecules. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 576, 204–248. Manavalan, P., and Ponnuswamy, P. K. (1978). Hydrophobic character of amino acid residues in globular proteins. Nature 275, 673–674. Melander, W., and Horvath, C. (1977). Salt effects on hydrophobic interactions in precipitation and chromatography of proteins: An interpretation of the lyotropic series. Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 183, 200–215. Nozaki, Y., and Tanford, C. (1971). The solubility of amino acids and two glycine peptides in aqueous ethanol and dioxane solutions. Establishment of a hydrophobicity scale. J. Biol. Chem. 246, 2211–2217.


Justin T. McCue

Pa˚hlman, S., Rosengren, J., and Hjerten, S. (1977). Hydrophobic interaction chromatography on uncharged Sepharose derivatives. J. Chromatogr. 131, 99–108. Porath, J., and Larsson, B. (1978). Charge-transfer and water-mediated chromatography. I. Electron-acceptor ligands on cross-linked dextran. J. Chromatogr. 155, 47–68. Rose, G. D., Geselowitz, A. R., Lesser, G. J., Lee, R. H., and Zehfus, M. H. (1985). Hydrophobicity of amino acid residues in globular proteins. Science 229, 834–838. Tanford, C. (1962). Contribution of hydrophobic interactions to the stability of the globular conformation of proteins. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 84, 4240–4247. Tanford, C. (1980). In The Hydrophobic Effect 2nd edn. Wiley, New York. Ulbrich, V., Makes, J., and Jurecek, M. (1964). Identification of giycidyl ethers. Bis(phenyl-) and bis(a-naphthylurethans) of glycerol a-alkyl (aryl)ethers. Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun. 29, 1466–1475. Wertz, D. H., and Scheraga, H. A. (1978). Influence of water on protein structure. Macromolecules 11, 9–15. Yamamoto, S., Nakanishi, K., and Matsuno, R. (1988). Ion-Exchange Chromatography of Proteins Mercel Dekkar, New York. Zimmerman, J.M, Eliezer, N., and Simha, R. (1968). The characterization of amino acid sequences in proteins by statistical methods. J. Theor. Biol. 21(2), 170–201.


T W E N T Y- S I X

Affinity Chromatography: General Methods Marjeta Urh, Dan Simpson, and Kate Zhao Contents 1. Introduction 2. Selection of Affinity Matrix 2.1. General features of the support material 2.2. Selectivity 2.3. Stability 2.4. Magnetic affinity beads 3. Selection of Ligands 3.1. General considerations for ligands design and selection 3.2. Characterization of immobilized ligand 3.3. Affinity matrices carrying specific ligands 3.4. Immunoglobulin binding proteins 3.5. Lectins 3.6. Biomimetic ligands 3.7. Covalent affinity chromatography 4. Attachment Chemistry 4.1. Activation of surface 4.2. Ligand attachment 5. Purification Method 5.1. Sample preparation 5.2. Binding and wash 5.3. Elution References

418 419 419 420 422 422 423 423 424 425 425 426 427 428 429 430 430 433 433 433 434 435

Abstract Affinity chromatography is one of the most diverse and powerful chromatographic methods for purification of a specific molecule or a group of molecules from complex mixtures. It is based on highly specific biological interactions between two molecules, such as interactions between enzyme and substrate, receptor and ligand, or antibody and antigen. These interactions, which are typically reversible, are used for purification by placing one of the Promega Corporation, Madison, Wisconsin, USA Methods in Enzymology, Volume 463 ISSN 0076-6879, DOI: 10.1016/S0076-6879(09)63026-3


2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.



Marjeta Urh et al.

interacting molecules, referred to as affinity ligand, onto a solid matrix to create a stationary phase while the target molecule is in the mobile phase. Successful affinity purification requires a certain degree of knowledge and understanding of the nature of interactions between the target molecule and the ligand to help determine the selection of an appropriate affinity ligand and purification procedure. With the growing popularity of affinity purification, many of the commonly used ligands coupled to affinity matrices are now commercially available and are ready to use. However, in some cases new affinity chromatographic material may need to be developed by coupling the ligand onto the matrix such that the ligand retains specific binding affinity for the molecule of interest. In this chapter, we discuss factors which are important to consider when selecting the ligand, proper attachment chemistry, and the matrix. In recent years, matrices with unique features which overcome some of the limitations of more traditional materials have been developed and these are also described. Affinity purification can provide significant time savings and several hundred-fold or higher purification, but the success depends on the method used. Thus, it is important to optimize the purification protocol to achieve efficient capture and maximum recovery of the target.

1. Introduction Affinity chromatography is a method for selective purification of a molecule or group of molecules from complex mixtures based on highly specific biological interaction between the two molecules. The interaction is typically reversible and purification is achieved through a biphasic interaction with one of the molecules (the ligand) immobilized to a surface while its partner (the target) is in a mobile phase as part of a complex mixture. The capture step is generally followed by washing and elution, resulting in recovery of highly purified protein. Highly selective interactions allow for a fast, often single step, process, with potential for purification in the order of several hundred to thousand-fold. Additional uses of affinity chromatography include the ability to concentrate substances present at low concentration and the ability to separate proteins based on their biological function where an active form can be separated from the inactive form or a form with different biological function. Recent decades have seen tremendous advancements in the utility of affinity chromatography, with developments in support materials such as flow-through beads, magnetic beads and monolithic materials as well as new ligands with a variety of interesting biological properties. In addition, this approach is no longer used only for purification of specific biomolecules. It is also quickly becoming a method of choice to study biological interactions and can be used for preparation of samples for mass spectrometry or for specific removal of contaminants.

Overview of Affinity Chromatography Methods


While the first examples of affinity chromatography exploited binding of enzyme amylase to insoluble starch (Starkenstein, 1910), it was the development of solid support materials and the chemistry used to attach ligands to these solid supports that truly enabled affinity chromatography (Campbell et al., 1951; Cuatrecasas et al., 1968; Lerman, 1953a,b). Since these seminal advances, there has been an explosion in the development of more support materials, affinity ligands, and improvements in the methods that make affinity purification an attractive approach to purify biomolecules from complex mixtures. While affinity chromatography can be used to purify any biological molecule with a specific interacting ligand, this chapter will focus on purification of proteins. Several excellent reviews and books have been written on this subject (Hage et al., 2006; Hirabayashi, 2008; Labrou, 2003; Ostrove, 1990; Zachariou, 2007); thus, we will not review all the proteins and methods that have been developed up to date, but will rather give general guidelines and considerations important for the selection of different support materials, ligands, attachment chemistry, and optimization of the purification and discuss some of the latest developments in affinity chromatography.

2. Selection of Affinity Matrix Successful affinity purification depends on the selection of a suitable solid support and a suitable immobilized ligand. The affinity matrix (i.e., a solid support onto which ligand is immobilized) should ideally be macroporous with high chemical and physical stability, and should selectively capture target of interest while at the same time exhibit low nonspecific adsorption and maintain good flow properties throughout processing. They are preferably inexpensive, readily available, and simple to use. The affinity matrix may be commercially available or can be made by attaching a suitable ligand to a solid support via the appropriate chemistry (see Section 4). There are many detailed reviews on how to select a suitable affinity matrix (GE Healthcare, 2007; Gustavsson and Larsson, 2006; Zachariou, 2007), a summary of some of the key consideration points are given in the following sections.

2.1. General features of the support material The matrix should be macroporous with uniform particle and pore size and with good flow properties. Pore size of a matrix is inversely correlated to its surface area, which in turn, directly affects the amount of immobilized ligand and thus the capacity. The pore size correlates to exclusion limit, which is the size (molecular weight) or the size range of proteins that cannot enter the pore. Large pores do not suffer from size exclusion effect and allow


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unhindered access of large molecules to the immobilized ligands, but have reduced surface area and lower ligand density that can result in lower capacity. According to the Renkin equation (Renkin, 1954), the size of the pores should be at least five times larger than the average size of a biomolecule for its easy access to immobilized ligands. The size of the pores ˚ or greater if assuming an average protein size of should be at least 300 A ˚ 60 A. Most commonly available supports satisfy this requirement (Table 26.1). Some soft gel-based matrices are cross-linked to increase their mechanical stability, but this process can reduce porosity (pore volume), thus reducing the amount of attached ligand and binding capacity. In most cases, a compromise is made between pore size and surface area to fit a particular application. Other important considerations are diameter of particles and particle size distribution. In theory, smaller particles are better because they allow for faster mass transfer between outer flow and interior of the particle, making higher flow rates possible while maintaining efficient affinity capture. However, they lead to higher flow resistance, greater potential for particle collapse, and increased sensitivity to contaminants such as particles and denatured proteins in the sample which can lead to high back pressure. The selection of the particle size will largely depend on the purpose and method of the separation where particles of 10 mm are best suited for HPLC separation and 400 mm for preparative purposes. The particle size distribution should be as uniform as possible so that smaller particles do not fill the void volume and restrict the flow.

2.2. Selectivity One key feature of an affinity matrix is its selectivity. It should be specific for a protein of interest as determined by the specific ligand coupled to the matrix and inert to all other compounds present in the complex sample. Since most applications are performed in aqueous solutions, often with low ionic strength, the support should be hydrophilic and contain limited charge that may lead to undesirable ionic interaction. Many commercially available supports fulfill these requirements, either with their native structure or by coating with suitable materials. Common supports include beaded agarose and cellulose, available commercially from a number of vendors including Sepharose from GE Healthcare and Affigel from Bio-Rad (Table 26.1). Nonspecificity can come from the support itself, such as hydrophobicity associated with polystyrene beads and negative charge on the surface of silica. It can also be introduced when modifying a matrix to accept a particular ligand. In these cases, the attachment chemistry, the ligand, and the spacer between the ligand and the matrix should be carefully designed, screened and optimized for selectivity, capacity for target of interest, and low nonspecific binding.

Table 26.1 Examples of commercially available matrices Name


Matrix material

Particle size (mm)

Exclusion limit (Da)

SepharoseTM CL6B SepharoseTM CL4B Bio-gel A-5m medium Perloza MT100 medium Perloza MT50 medium AllTech Macrosphere Bio-gel P-100 medium SephacrylTM Poros 50

GE Healthcare




GE Healthcare






75–300 (50–200 mesh)
















Pore size 60–300 A˚ 5000–100,000

GE Healthcare Applied Biosystems

Cross-linked ally dextrose Cross-linked poly(styrenedivinylbenzene)

50 50

1000–100,000 Pore size 50–100 nm


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2.3. Stability The affinity matrix must also be chemically and physically stable during the process, such that the support material itself as well as the attached ligand should not react to the solvents used in the process, nor should they be degraded or damaged by enzymes and microbes that might be present in the sample. The chemical compatibilities of commercially available affinity matrices are usually supplied by the manufacturer, which should be used as guidance for developing a successful purification protocol. Cross-linked agarose can usually withstand a wide pH range (e.g., pH 3–12), most aqueous solvents (including denaturants), many organic solvents or modifiers, and enzymatic treatments. Materials such as glass and silica are not stable at alkaline conditions due to hydrolysis; therefore, coating of these surfaces is often needed before attaching ligands. The matrix should also withstand physical stress, such as pressure, especially when packed into a column, and remain intact during the purification process. High pressure can compress the matrix, causing it to collapse. Agarose beads and other soft gel matrices are more susceptible to pressure, relative to stronger supports, such as silica, polystyrene and other highly cross-linked materials. Monoliths are macroporous, nonbeaded single matrix that can be made from different materials such as agarose, silica, GMA/EDMA, and cryogel (Mallik and Hage, 2006; Plievaa et al., 2009). It possesses many of the desired properties of an affinity support and has become popular due to the presence of large flow-through pores with no void volume permitting convective flow instead of diffusion and high flow rate for shortened run time. In addition, the matrix will not compress and has less pressure drop during column chromatography and can be made to withstand larger pH ranges and harsh chemicals. There are several limitations of monoliths as compared to traditional matrix, such as lower capacity, special processes required for making each type of monolith affinity supports and the current limited range of available affinity types (Mallik and Hage, 2006).

2.4. Magnetic affinity beads Magnetic separation can significantly shorten the purification process by quick retrieval of affinity beads at each step (e.g., binding, wash, and elution), and reduce sample dilution usually associated with traditional column-based elution. The method can be used on viscous materials that will otherwise clog traditional columns and can therefore simplify the purification process by eliminating sample pretreatment, such as centrifugation or filtration to remove insoluble materials and particulates. The capability of miniaturization and parallel screening of multiple conditions, such as growth conditions for optimal protein expression and buffer conditions for purification, makes magnetic separation amenable

Overview of Affinity Chromatography Methods


to high-throughput analysis which can significantly shorten the purification process (Saiyed et al., 2003). Paramagnetic particles are available as unmodified, modified with common affinity ligands (e.g., streptavidin, GSH, Protein A, etc.), and conjugated particles with specific recognition groups such as monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies (Koneracka et al., 2006). In addition to target protein purification, they can also be used to immobilize a target protein which then acts as a bait to pull down its interaction partner(s) from a complex biological mixture. See Chapter 16.

3. Selection of Ligands Selection of the appropriate ligand requires a certain degree of knowledge and understanding of the nature of interactions between the ligand and the target molecule; where the ligand must specifically bind the target molecule and should be stable in different binding and elution conditions. Additionally, when developing affinity purification scheme it is important to consider whether the ligand is commercially available or de novo development of the ligand and affinity matrix will be required. The success of the second scenario will largely depend on existing knowledge of protein structure and the nature of interaction, requiring the use of molecular modeling and combinatorial organic synthesis coupled with immobilization chemistry and selective binding analysis. The time and effort to design a novel ligand and to develop appropriate coupling chemistry and matrix may prove to be too lengthy and costly, whereas the use of nonaffinity-based purification technique such as ion exchange and hydrophobic interaction schemes may be a better choice.

3.1. General considerations for ligands design and selection Affinity between ligand and target molecule is one of the most important considerations when developing a new affinity purification material; low affinity can reduce the binding efficiency resulting in poor yield while high affinity can lead to inefficient elution or inactivation of the target protein by harsh elution conditions also giving low yield. Generally, an affinity constant in the range of 106–108 M 1 can be used for affinity-based purification. It is preferred that binding affinity of ligand and target protein be evaluated prior to the creation of an affinity matrix, but one has to be aware that affinity in solution may differ from affinity after immobilization and in some cases immobilization may even result in a change in specificity. When attaching ligand to a matrix, covalent coupling is preferred due to the reduced risk of ligand leaching during purification. However,


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noncovalent attachment strategies such as nonspecific adsorption, biospecific interaction (biotin–streptavidin), entrapment, and most recently developed, molecular imprinting (Alexander et al., 2006) may also be utilized in the absence of reactive groups or to reduce the risk of ligand denaturation. See Section 4 for more details. Besides weak affinity, reduced binding between ligand and target can also be a result of steric hindrance caused either by the matrix or by other ligands. Introduction of a spacer between the matrix and the ligand can reduce the steric hindrance caused by the matrix (Hage et al., 2006). When designing a spacer arm, consideration should be given to both its length and the hydrophobic character, as a more hydrophilic nature is desirable to reduce the nonspecific interactions with molecules other than the target. Optimization of spacer length is also important, since shorter spacers may not relieve the steric hindrance effect of the matrix and longer ones may promote nonspecific interaction or may fold back onto themselves thereby limiting specific interactions. The density of ligand on the surface should also be optimized. Very high density of a ligand may have an adverse effect and lead to loss of binding capacity either because of close proximity of binding sites causing steric hindrance or strong binding that may prevent effective elution (Hage et al., 2006). Other factors that may influence selection of the best ligand are ability to be sterilized, stability of the ligand, proper storage conditions and cost.

3.2. Characterization of immobilized ligand An important factor determining the utility of the affinity resin is the ability to reproducibly make the resin with similar performance characteristics. Thus, it is important to determine optimal reaction conditions including the amount of the ligand needed for the synthesis to assure consistency in performance. Determining the optimal amount of ligand in the synthesis may also reduce the cost by preventing wasteful use of excess ligand. For covalent attachment it is often desirable to determine how much ligand is attached on the matrix and to determine how coupling conditions affect the amount of immobilized ligand. A simple approach to determine ligand density is to analyze the amount of the ligand left in the reaction after coupling is complete and subtract it from the total starting amount. Depending on the nature of the ligand, different detection methods can be applied, such as spectrophotometric detection, BCA assay for proteins, Ellman’s reagent can be used to detect sulfhydryl groups, fluorescent detection and others (Guilbault, 1988; Langone, 1982). In some instances, such as amino acid or elemental analysis, the ligand can be measured directly on the support, but this leads to destruction of the material and should therefore be done on a small fraction. An indirect estimation of immobilized ligand can be achieved by estimating the binding

Overview of Affinity Chromatography Methods


capacity by determining the amount of target molecule retained by the affinity matrix under desired conditions. This may be the most relevant measurement of the ligand immobilization since it will directly correlate to the performance of the affinity matrix. Maximum binding capacity should be performed at equilibrium, usually at a slow flow rate or in batch binding mode. Note that dynamic binding capacity may differ from optimal binding capacity as it will be affected by the flow rate, mass transfer through matrix pores and affinity constant.

3.3. Affinity matrices carrying specific ligands In recent years, we have witnessed an explosion in the development of affinity ligands and ready-to-use affinity matrices specific for different target molecules. An overview of commonly used, commercially available ligands is given in Table 26.2, which is by no means a comprehensive list of all the available ligands. Most available affinity matrices carry what are often called ‘‘group specific ligands’’ that exhibit binding affinity for a group of structurally or functionally related proteins and thus can be used for purification of different target proteins with similar functionality. In the following sections, we describe some commonly used ligands for affinity matrices.

3.4. Immunoglobulin binding proteins Purification of antibodies, one of the most effective and frequently used application of affinity purification methods is based on binding between the constant region (Fc) of many types of immunoglobulins and protein A or protein G. Protein A from Staphylococcus aureus and protein G made by Streptococcus are related bacterial proteins that bind the IgG class of antibodies, with differences in subclass specificity and source organism. Detailed lists of different binding affinities of protein A and G can be found in many sources including several commercial suppliers (Guss et al., 1986; Hage et al., 2006). Other immunoglobulin binding proteins that have lately become popular are protein B, a surface protein of group A Streptococci bacteria, which binds several subclasses of human IgA antibodies, and protein L (Peptostreptococcus magnus), which has ability to interact with kappa light chains without affecting the antigen-binding site of antibodies (Faulmann et al., 1991; Hermanson, 1992). This makes protein L uniquely suited for purification of antibodies lacking Fc regions. In most cases, good binding to antibodies can be achieved at or near neutral pH, but the optimal pH for sample application can differ depending on the protein used. Protein A binds antibodies strongest at pH 8.2, protein L at pH 7.5 and protein G at pH 5 but protein G can also be used at pH 7–7.5. For elution, solutions at acidic pH (2.5–3.0) are often applied


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Table 26.2 Commonly used ligands and specificity Ligand


Cibacron Blue F3G-A Blue B Orange A Green A Polymixin Benzamidine Biotin Gelatin Heparin

Albumin, kinases, dehydrogenases, enzymes requiring adenylyl-containing cofactors, NADþ Kinases, dehydrogenases, nucleic acid binding proteins Lactate dehydrogenase HAS, dehydrogenases Endoproteins Serine proteases (thrombin, trypsin, kallikrein) Streptavidin, avidin Fibronectin DNA binding proteins, serine protease inhibitors (antithrombin III), growth factors, lipoproteins, hormone receptors, coagulation factors, DNA, RNA Plasminogen, rRNA, dsDNA Serine proteases with affinity for arg, fibronectin, prothrombin Enzymes with affinity for NADPþ NAD-dependent dehydrogenases and ATP-dependent kinases Dehydrogenases Glycoproteins, polysaccharides, glycolipids Calmodulin binding proteins, ATPase, adenylate cyclase, kinases, phosphodiesterase, Fc regions of many IgG subtypes, species dependent, weak interactions with IgA, IgM, IgD Fc region of many IgG subtypes, species dependent Kappa light chains of antibodies (Fab, single chain variable region scFv)

Lysine Arginine ADT AMP NAD, NADP Lectins Calmodulin Protein A Protein G Protein L

and samples are collected into buffers with neutral or slightly basic pH to avoid denaturation and loss of activity. In cases where biological stability is lost during elution at low pH, elution with a pH gradient in combination with salt can be explored.

3.5. Lectins Lectins are a diverse group of proteins which bind carbohydrates with high degree of specificity where each lectin has its own specificity profile. They are often used in affinity purification or enrichment of carbohydrate moieties of complex glycoconjugates, such as polysaccharides, glycolipids,

Overview of Affinity Chromatography Methods


and glycoproteins. They also allow for a specific isolation of different glycolforms of a specific protein depending on the nature of glycosylation. Recently, lectins have been used not only for the purification of sugar-containing molecules but also for the enrichment of subgroups of glycoproteins for analysis in mass spectrometry (Hirabayashi, 2008). See Chapter 34. Most commercially available lectins are of plant origin, and there are over 100 different lectins available either in conjugated or free form. Lectin from Canavalia ensiformis, known as Conacanavalin A (ConA) has the affinity for a-D-mannose, a-D-glucose, and N-acetylglucosamine and is probably the most frequently used lectin (Hermanson, 1992). Two other popular lectins are wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) and Jacalin; WGA binds to sialic acid and molecules containing N-acetyl-D-glucosamine residue and Jacalin binds to a-D-galactosyl groups. Coupling of lectin onto resin is often performed at neutral pH and in the presence of sugar to preserve sugar binding site. Binding to the target molecule is also usually carried out in neutral pH; note that some lectins require the presence of divalent metal ions, Ca2þ and Mn2þ in the case of ConA, for optimal binding. Elution is accomplished by adding an access of the specific sugar molecule to the elution buffer and this can be done as stepwise or gradient elution. After elution, the free sugar should be removed by dialysis or size exclusion chromatography.

3.6. Biomimetic ligands Most of affinity chromatography ligands are naturally occurring and the appeal of these ligands is high selectivity and capacity of binding, but they often suffer from several drawbacks such as low stability, need for purification in their own right, variability in performance from lot to lot, contamination with other biomolecules, sensitivity to sterilization methods and high cost. To overcome some of these limitations and accelerate the use of affinity chromatography in purification of therapeutic proteins, there is an increased focus on the development of synthetic or altered affinity ligands, biomimetics, which mimic the structure of and binding of natural biological ligands. One of the most popular group of biomimetic ligands are reactive textile dyes which gained popularity because of their flexibility and ability to assume polarity and geometry of the surface of a variety of competitive biomolecules and can function in solution as a competitive inhibitor, coenzyme or effector of many proteins (Madoery and Minchiotti, 2006; Stellwagen, 1990). The majority of these ligands, including the most popular dye, Cibacron blue F3G-A, contain a triazine scaffold which can be modified for improved specificity, forming the basis for the biomimetic dye–ligands concept. Over the past decades, a plethora of dyes were developed and used in the purification of a broad spectrum of proteins including


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blood proteins such as albumin, oxidoreductase, decarboxylases, glycolitic enzymes, nucleases, hydrolases, lyases, synthetases, and transferases, and many dye–ligand-based affinity chromatographic materials are now commercially available materials (see Table 26.2) (Labrou and Clonis, 1994, 2002). In addition to the expansion of commercially available materials, there is a growing popularity in creating tailor-made biomimetics for better performance. These ligands are designed to target specific proteins by mimicking peptide templates, natural biological recognition motifs, or complementary surface-exposed residues and have been generated by a combination of rational design, combinatorial library synthesis, and subsequent screening (Cecı´lia et al., 2005; Labrou, 2003; Lowe et al., 2001). The immobilization of triazine containing dye onto affinity matrices such as agarose, dextran, and cellulose can be achieved under alkaline conditions by using nucleophilic displacement of the dye’s chlorine by hydroxyl groups on the support surface (Labrou, 2000; Labrou and Clonis, 1994; Labrou et al., 1995).

3.7. Covalent affinity chromatography Affinity chromatography typically relies on reversible interaction between the target molecule and the ligand; however, covalent interactions have also been utilized for isolation of specific target molecules (Blumberg and Strominger, 1972; GE Healthcare, 2007; Hage, 2006). One such approach is based on the covalent binding between a thiolcontaining target molecule and activated thiol immobilized onto purification matrix. Bound protein can be eluted by reducing the cysteine disulfide with 2-mercaptoethanol, TCEP, or dithiothreitol. Recently, another covalent binding-based purification has been developed on the basis of specific and covalent interaction between a chloroalkane ligand and a protein called HaloTag, Figure 26.1 (Los et al., 2008; Ohana et al., 2009). HaloTag is a 34-kDa monomeric protein fusion tag which can be genetically fused to any protein of interest either at its C- or N-terminus. HaloTag protein was created by first modifying the active site of bacterial haloalkane dehydrolase so that a permanent covalent bond can be formed with the specific chloroalkane ligand. This modification was followed by additional mutagenesis to increase stability of the protein and the binding rate, which is similar to that of the biotin–streptavidin. To make use of HaloTag for purification, a chromatographic matrix, the HaloLink resin carrying the chloroalkane ligand, was created. The covalent nature of the HaloTag-fusion protein capture, combined with rapid binding kinetics, overcome the equilibrium-based limitations associated with traditional affinity purification and enables efficient capture of target proteins even at very low abundance. Furthermore, it allows for extensive and stringent washing without losing the bound protein. While the covalent association


Overview of Affinity Chromatography Methods


B N Solid support Cl






Chloroalkane ligand HaloTag protein

Figure 26.1 HaloTag technology comprises two components: (A) The HaloTag protein shown on the left with covalently bound HaloTag-TMR ligand. N- and C-termini are indicated. (B) The chloroalkane ligand. Different functional groups including, but not limited to, fluorescent dyes or solid support surfaces can be attached to the chloroalkane ligand, which covalently binds to HaloTag protein and imparts different functionalities including protein immobilization and fluorescent labeling.

clearly has its advantages, it also creates a challenge in eluting the protein of interest. Because the covalent bond between HaloTag and chloroalkane cannot be reversed, traditional approaches to elute proteins from the resin cannot be utilized. Instead the protein of interest can be released from HaloTag by specific protease (TEV) as the TEV recognition site is present between the two moieties (the HaloTag and fusion target protein). Upon cleavage, HaloTag stays bound to the resin while the fusion partner is released yielding highly pure protein free of tag (Urh et al., 2008). Besides using HaloTag for purification of fusion proteins described earlier, the immobilized HaloTag fusions can also be considered as affinity ligands in their own right, and can, similarly to protein G, be used to capture antibodies or other proteins which specifically bind to the proteins fused to HaloTag. The advantage of this system is that unlike other covalent immobilization techniques, where binding of protein is random and may lead to multiple attachment sites and improper orientation, immobilization using HaloTag is a single point attachment through active site and therefore oriented. Single point, oriented attachment increases capacity, effectiveness and reproducibility of the system, and HaloTag fusions covalently bound to the matrix can therefore improve purification of specific antibodies or isolation of binding partners.

4. Attachment Chemistry This section will briefly review some of the more common chemistry for the covalent attachment of affinity ligands to conventional surfaces such as agarose, cellulose, silica, glass, and synthetic polymeric supports. Strategically, the process can be divided into three components: (1) the surface or


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resin (matrix); (2) the linkage or resin-activation component (spacer); and (3) the affinity ligand. The constraint that most often dictates how the ligand is attached to a surface is the type and availability of reactive moieties on the ligand. Common moieties used are primary amine, thiol, and carboxyl groups. Alternatively, modification of a ligand to create a reactive group, such as the oxidation of a carbohydrate or the covalent attachment of an orthogonal reactive group, provides additional options for ligand immobilization. Attachment strategies for small synthetic molecules tend to follow the same chemical pathway as biomolecules but often with somewhat different design considerations.

4.1. Activation of surface The process of preparing a covalent affinity-based surface generally begins with activation of the surface to either directly accept the ligand or to accept an activated linker to physically ‘‘space’’ the ligand away from the surface. Representative attachment chemistries are summarized in Table 26.3, listed with established surfaces and shown in contrast with the ligand entity used to attach to the activated surface. A variety of preactivated surfaces are commercially available for most of the chemistries listed in Table 26.3. If the appropriate chemical entity is readily displayed on the ligand, the remaining chemistry is reduced to defining the optimal conditions for the coupling reaction to occur weighed against the stability constraints of the ligand. Most ligand coupling reactions are done in aqueous pH-controlled buffers for periods between 1 and 20 h at temperatures between 4 C and room temperature. Since the reaction is heterogenous, both concentration and mixing are important to ensure an even distribution of reactants. Whenever possible keep the solution phase of the reaction to no more than twice the resin volume. Ligand concentration will vary somewhat by objective but for proteins a 2.5–10 mg/ml is a reasonable starting point. Depending on the activation chemistry and ligand reactivity, protocols exist for a fairly broad range of pH and buffer conditions (Hermanson, 1992). Efficiencies will vary from system to system and as a consequence it is essential to cap left over surface reactive groups to neutralize or reduce nonspecific interactions.

4.2. Ligand attachment For a peptide, protein, or nucleic acid, the covalent attachment is most commonly done through an amine group on the ligand to an amine reactive functionality on the resin surface. The most common amine-reactive attachment is an imidocarbonate that results from the reaction of cyanogen bromide activated surface with a primary amine, most typically a lysine side chain (Hermanson, 1992; Porath et al., 1967) (see Chapter 28). Advantages


Overview of Affinity Chromatography Methods

Table 26.3 Commonly used attachment chemistries

Bead or surface

Activation and/or linkage

Soft gels: agarose, cellulose Synthetic supports: Polyacrylamide beads, Trisacryl, Sephacryl, Ultragel, Azlactone beads, Methacrylate (TSK gel), Eupergit, Polystyrene (Poros supports)

Cyanogen bromide Aldehyde (reductive amination) Activated carboxyl ester (succinimidyl ester) Carbonyldiimidazole Carboxyl (activation concurrent with coupling) FMP activation Divinyl sulfone Azlactone Epoxy (bisoxirane, epichlorohydrin) Tresyl chloride Haloacetyl (iodo or bromo) Maleimide Pyridyl disulfide Amine


Inorganics: controlled pore glass, silica, alumina, zeolites, etc.

3-(Glycidyloxypropyl) trimethoxy-silane 3-(Aminopropyl) trimethoxysilane

Affinity ligand reactive group

Amine Amine Amine Amine Amine

Amine, thiol Amine, thiol Amine, thiol Amine, thiol Amine, thiol Thiol Thiol Thiol Carboxyl (activation concurrent with coupling) Carbohydrate (periodate reduced) Amine Carboxyl (after activation), aldehyde

of this activation include commercially available preactivated resin and very efficient protein coupling, near 100%. While this is historically a popular method, it suffers a number of drawbacks including: (1) linkage leading to leaching of the ligand off of the resin, (2) attachment directly to the surface with no spacer, and (3) required additional safety precautions due to the toxicity of cyanogen bromide. In addition, cross-linking may be needed to help limit the leakiness of this immobilization (Korpela and Hinkkanen, 1976; Kowal and Parsons, 1980).


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Covalent attachment through the formation of an amide bond is an alternative to the cyanogen bromide chemistry but requires either an activated carboxyl surface (such as a N-hydroxysuccinimidyl ester) or in situ activation of the carboxyl group with a coupling agent such as N-ethyl-N0 -(3-dimethylaminopropyl)carbodiimide (EDC) (Wilchek et al., 1984, 1994). Another stable alternative is the formation of a secondary amine linkage resulting from a reductive alkylation of a Schiff-base intermediate formed between a primary amine (lysine or N-terminus) to an aldehyde activated surface. This reductive alkylation attachment mechanism is a popular method to immobilize enzymes to carbohydrate surfaces (agarose or cellulose) as the conditions for coupling are mild and the immobilized enzyme has been reported to retain more activity than observed with other methods of attachment (Hermanson, 1992). Amine reactive linkages are also a common approach to attachment of small molecule ligands to surfaces. The primary requirement being that the ligand has the predesigned amine group for attachment. A number of the chemistries that are applied to amine immobilization also apply to sulfhydryl (or thiol)-reactive immobilization which is in concept the same as aminereactive immobilization but relies on the reaction of a cysteine with the reactive surface. For thiol specific immobilization, the two most prominent strategies are through haloacetyl (iodo or bromo) and maleimide activated surfaces (Mallik et al., 2007). Sulfhydryl linkage may be advantageous in that it can also be made reversible through the use of a disulfide linkage that can be removed from the surface by treatment with a reducing agent such as DTT or TCEP (Brena et al., 1993). Immobilization of antibodies or glycosylated protein to a surface can be done by the methods described earlier but an additional option that offers a potentially more oriented attachment is also available through modification of the carbohydrate (Oates et al., 1998; Vijayendran and Leckband, 2001). Immobilization through carbohydrate requires a mild oxidation (i.e., periodate) of the carbohydrate to form reactive aldehydes with the sugar residues. The aldehydes produced by oxidation are then used to immobilize the protein or antibody to a hydrazide reactive surface. This approach is commonly used for antibodies, glycoproteins, glycopolymers, and ribonucleic acids (O’Shannessy and Wilchek, 1990). In most cases, it is sufficient to rely on the attachment of a ligand through one of the reactive groups discussed earlier, but in some cases, it may be desirable to space the linker further from the surface. One option for doing so is to orthogonally modify the ligand of interest with a spacer and reactive group selective for a second group that will preferentially recognize the orthogonal label attached to a surface. This requires modification of both the surface and the ligand with the appropriate reactive groups. A current popular embodiment of this approach is the copper(I)-catalyzed 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition of azides to terminal alkynes to form 1,2,3-triazoles known

Overview of Affinity Chromatography Methods


commonly now as ‘‘click chemistry’’ (Chandran et al., 2009; Gauchet et al., 2006). The advantage of this approach is that the chemistry is mild, the selectivity is unique and reactive groups can be easily switched between the ligand and the surface. Because the reaction itself requires catalysis, the reactive groups on their own are much more stable than reactive groups commonly used with thiol and amine labeling.

5. Purification Method Purification by affinity starts with proper handling of the sample and the matrix, followed by selective binding (capture) of the target, washing to remove nonspecific background, and, finally, elution of the bound target. Successful affinity purification depends on a number of notable factors including, the amount and accessibility of the ligand on the resin, the strength of the interaction, and the integrity of protein to be immobilized. Usually, conditions are optimized to maximize the interaction between a target and immobilized ligand during the binding and wash process, then, switched to substantially weaken the interaction thus allowing for release of the target. It is recommended to perform small scale trials to select for the best purification conditions. A short summary of some common practical issues and considerations affecting affinity purification is given in the following sections.

5.1. Sample preparation When preparing sample for purification, conditions should be selected to retain the proper fold and functionality of the target of interest. It is also highly recommended to remove insoluble materials and to reduce viscosity because both of these factors could clog the column, reduce the flow rate, and increase back pressure. Some proteins tend to aggregate at high concentrations, which results in increased apparent molecular weight, decreased diffusion rate, and reduced capture by the affinity matrix. Dilution of the sample or cell lysate in a larger volume may be needed to reduce aggregation and increase protein capture and recovery under this circumstance. Conversely, if the sample is too dilute, binding rate and capture efficiency can be reduced especially for low-affinity binders.

5.2. Binding and wash Efficiency of binding is related to the strength and the kinetics of protein– ligand interaction which can be affected by the nature of the interaction, the concentration of applied target, the amount of immobilized ligand, and


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the flow rate used for binding. The binding process can be simplified as Eq. (26.1), assuming a 1:1 molar ratio where Ka is the association equilibrium constant, [L] is ligand concentration, [T ] is the concentration of target protein, and [LT ] is the concentration of the complex. Ka equals [LT ]/([L] [T ]), which can also be expressed as ka/kd, where ka is second order association rate constant that depends on the concentrations of both L and T, and kd is the first order dissociation constant that does not depend on ligand concentration. Higher Ka usually leads to a higher adsorption ratio, defined as the ratio of bound to total applied target, thus, better binding. Normally, the ligand concentration on the matrix is around 10 2–10 4 M and to achieve efficient binding, the Ka value should be in the range of 104–106 M 1. ka

L þ T ! LT



Affinity immobilization onto solid support can be achieved by passing the sample through a column packed with the affinity matrix, usually under ambient pressure and a slow flow rate. Generally, a higher flow rate will reduce the binding efficiency, especially, when the interaction between the ligand and protein is weak or the mass-transfer rate in the column is slow. The binding process can also be performed in batch, where the resin and sample are constantly mixed. Batch binding promotes effective contact between target and immobilized ligand and often saves time, especially when dealing with large sample volumes; however, nonspecific binding can also increase. It is a good practice to optimize the amount of resin used during purification, where saturation of the resin with target during binding is preferred since excess resin can result in an increase in nonspecific binding as well as reduced target recovery due to readsorption, unless the latter is required under special circumstances. Following binding, protein bound by nonspecific interactions can be removed by washing. For example, ionic interactions can be reduced by increasing salt (0.1–0.5 M) or changing pH values, and hydrophobic interactions can be removed by decreasing salt, altering pH, or adding surfactants (such as Triton X-100). Low amounts of competitive reagents can also be used to remove contaminants with weak affinity to the ligands. The flow rate and the volume (e.g., 5–10 column volumes) of the wash buffer should also be carefully determined for maximum removal of contaminants with minimum loss of target.

5.3. Elution Elution of bound target from the resin is essentially the reverse process of binding, where conditions are optimized to reduce the Ka, that is, weakening the interaction between target and ligand. The elution condition should

Overview of Affinity Chromatography Methods


not denature the target protein, unless such conditions are compatible with downstream applications. There are two different types of elution methods, namely, specific and nonspecific elution. In specific elution, the target protein–ligand complex is challenged by agents that will compete for either the ligand or the target thereby releasing the target protein into solution. The concentration and amount (volume) of competitive reagent used for elution will depend on their affinity relative to that of the immobilized complex, where weaker competitive reagents require higher concentration and more volume as compared to higher affinity additives. A good starting point for weak competitors is to use concentration 10-fold higher than that of the ligand. The specific elution is usually milder and proteins are more likely to retain their activity, but the slow elution, broad elution peaks, and the need to remove competing agent from the recovered protein are some of the drawbacks of this approach. For nonspecific elution, solvent conditions are manipulated to reduce the association rate constant (Eq. (26.1)), which ideally should approach zero, and to increase the dissociation rate constant, thus, weakening the overall affinity (Ka) resulting in dissociation of the complex. Elution conditions can be optimized according to the mechanism of interaction between the ligand and protein, such as increasing salt concentration to reduce ionic interactions or by altering pH to change the protonation/ionization state, thus modulating the strength of hydrogen bonds, hydrophobic interactions as well electrostatic interactions. An example of elution by changing pH is the elution of antibodies from immobilized protein A or protein G, yet because the affinity of proteinA/G to antibodies is very strong, with Ka in the 108 M 1 range, a combination of different elution conditions may be required for maximum antibody release. In many cases, affinity requires proper three-dimensional folding of a protein so that chaotropic reagents or reagents that will affect protein folding can be used to elute target of interest; however, care must be taken to maintain proper folding of the target after elution by quickly returning to native conditions. When the affinity is weak, binding is achieved at high concentration of the target molecule which is then eluted by dissociation of the complex through dilution. This approach is known as isocratic elution.

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Overview of Affinity Chromatography Methods


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T W E N T Y- S E V E N

Immobilized-Metal Affinity Chromatography (IMAC): A Review Helena Block,* Barbara Maertens,* Anne Spriestersbach,* ¨rg Labahn,† Nicole Brinker,* Jan Kubicek,* Roland Fabis,* Jo and Frank Scha¨fer* Contents 1. Overview on IMAC Ligands and Immobilized Ions 2. IMAC Applications 2.1. Detection and immobilization 2.2. Purification of protein fractions 2.3. Purification of His-tagged proteins 2.4. General considerations of protein purification by IMAC 2.5. Copurifying proteins on IMAC and what to do about it 2.6. IMAC for industrial-scale protein production 2.7. High-throughput automation of IMAC 2.8. Special applications: Purification of membrane proteins 2.9. Special applications: Purification of zinc-finger proteins 2.10. Protein purification protocols 2.11. Cleaning and sanitization 2.12. Simplified metal-ion stripping and recharging protocol 3. Conclusions Acknowledgments References

440 444 445 446 448 451 454 458 460 461 463 464 466 467 467 468 468

Abstract This article reviews the development of immobilized-metal affinity chromatography (IMAC) and describes its most important applications. We provide an overview on the use of IMAC in protein fractionation and proteomics, in protein immobilization and detection, and on some special applications such as purification of immunoglobulins and the Chelex method. The most relevant application—purification of histidine-tagged recombinant proteins—will be reviewed

* {

QIAGEN GmbH, Qiagen Strasse 1, Hilden, Germany Institute of Structural Biology (IBI-2), Research Center Ju¨lich, Ju¨lich, Germany

Methods in Enzymology, Volume 463 ISSN 0076-6879, DOI: 10.1016/S0076-6879(09)63027-5


2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.



Helena Block et al.

in greater detail with focus of state-of-the-art materials, methods, and protocols, and the limitations of IMAC and recent advances to improve the technology and the methods will be described.

1. Overview on IMAC Ligands and Immobilized Ions The concept of immobilized-metal affinity chromatography (IMAC) has first been formulated and its feasibility shown by Porath et al. (1975). It was based on the known affinity of transition metal ions such as Zn2þ, Cu2þ, Ni2þ, and Co2þ to histidine and cysteine in aqueous solutions (Hearon, 1948) and extended to the idea to use metal ions ‘‘strongly fixed’’ to a support to fractionate protein solutions. As the chelating ligand used to fix the metal to agarose Porath used iminodiacetic acid (IDA) which is still in use today in many commercial IMAC resins. Already in 1975, Porath speculated that the affinity of immobilized metals to histidine-containing proteins might not be the only application for IMAC—and he was right after all. In the years following Porath’s publications, the new IMAC technology was successfully evaluated by purification of a variety of different proteins and peptides summarized in a first IMAC review by Sulkowski (1985). What started as a crude fractionation of serum soon became what today is the most widely used affinity chromatography technique (Biocompare, 2006; Derewenda, 2004), if not chromatography technique in general. This development was accelerated by the fast maturation of recombinant techniques and modern molecular biology in the late 1970s and by the invention of an improved chelating ligand, nitrilotriacetic acid (NTA) in the 1980s (Hochuli et al., 1987). In the meantime, the purification of recombinant proteins genetically modified on the DNA template level in order to generate oligohistidine extended (His-tagged) polypeptides using NTAbased supports (Hochuli et al., 1988) represents the most important application of IMAC. The principal mechanism of the interaction of a His-tagged protein to an immobilized metal ion is presented in Fig. 27.1. A possible model is that of an interaction of a metal ion with histidine residues n and nþ2 of a His tag. This is confirmed by the fact that IMAC ligands can bind to His tags consisting of consecutive histidine residues as well as to alternating tags. As at least consecutive His tags are usually unstructured and thus flexible, other interaction patterns such as n:nþ 1, n:nþ3, n:nþ4, and so on could be imagined as well, even within a single molecule ( Jacob Piehler, personal communication). The NTA ligand coordinates the Ni2þ with four valencies (tetradentate, coordination number 4) highlighted spherically in Fig. 27.1B, and two valencies are available for interaction with imidazole rings of histidine residues.



A Protein N












Ni2+ CH2





B Protein N











Ni2+ CH2






C Protein N



















Figure 27.1 Model of the interaction between residues in the His tag and the metal ion in tri- (IDA), tetra- (NTA), and pentadentate IMAC ligands (TED).


Helena Block et al.

This ratio has turned out to be most effective for purification of His-tagged proteins. Another tetradentate ligand is carboxymethyl aspartate (CM-Asp; Chaga et al., 1999), commercially available as cobalt-charged Talon resin. In contrast to tetradentate ligands, IDA coordinates a divalent ion with three valencies (tridentate, coordination number 3, Fig. 27.1A) leaving three valencies free for imidazole ring interaction while it is unclear whether the third is sterically able to participate in the interaction. The coordination number seems to play an important role regarding the quality of the purified protein fraction. While protein recovery is usually similar between IDAand NTA-based chromatography (Fig. 27.2D), a higher leaching of metal ions from IDA ligands compared to NTA is observed in general (Hochuli, 1989) and even increased under reducing conditions (Fig. 27.2C). Although the metal content in the elution fractions (E in Fig. 27.2C) is higher but still within the same order of magnitude, significantly more Ni2þ ions leach from the IDA resin in the equilibration and wash steps (W in Fig. 27.2C). Besides considerable metal leaching, purification of His-tagged proteins using an IDA matrix frequently results in lower purity compared to NTA-based purification (Fig. 27.2A and D). A M




E1 E2

E1 E2



E2 His6-HIV-RT


150 Ni-IDA Ni-NTA Ni-TED

100 50 0

C 10,000


1300 log [Ni] (ppb)


470 100



10 1






2 E





Figure 27.2 (Continued)


28 [s]












p38a NTA IDA








1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4


200 97 66 55 36 31

21 14 6

Figure 27.2 Purification of His-tagged proteins with NTA, IDA, and TED. (A) H6-HIV-RT was expressed in E. coli BL21(DE3) and purified via Ni-IMAC in the presence of 1 mM DTT under standard conditions (IDA, NTA; see Section 2.10 for standard conditions) or according to the manufacturer’s recommendations (TED). Corresponding aliquots of the IMAC elution fractions (E1, E2) were analyzed by SDS–PAGE and Coomassie staining. (B) Bioanalyzer 2100 lab-on-a-chip analysis of pooled elution fractions. The peaks from the electropherograms corresponding to H6HIV-RT were overlayed. Peak areas directly correlate to the protein amount in the respective pool fraction. (C) Determination of the nickel content in wash (W) and pooled elution fractions (E) of the H6-HIV-RT purifications described in (A) and (B). Nickel was measured by ICP-MS (intercoupled plasma mass spectrometry) at Wessling Laboratories, Bochum, Germany, and values are provided in mg/l (parts per billion, ppb). (D) QIAgene constructs carrying optimized human genes were used for expression of the indicated proteins in E. coli BL21(DE3) LB cultures. Cleared lysates were divided for purification of His-tagged proteins via Ni-NTA (NTA) and Ni-IDA (IDA), respectively. Fractions were analyzed by SDS–PAGE and Coomassie staining as follows: L, cleared lysate; F, IMAC flow-through fraction; W, wash fraction; E, peak elution fraction. (E) Fragments of H6-tagged proteins named a, b, g, and d expressed in E. coli were purified under standard conditions using NTA and Cm-Asp tetradentate ligands loaded with Ni2þ or Co2þ as follows: 1, Ni-NTA; 2, Co-NTA; 3, Co-CmAsp; 4, Ni-CmAsp. Aliquots from the peak elution fractions (2 ml each) were analyzed by SDS–PAGE and Coomassie staining.


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The reason for the lower purity may be that leaching of metal from the tridentate ligand generates charged groups which could act as a cation exchanger and bind positively charged groups on the surface of proteins. The lowest metal leaching is obtained if a pentadentate ligand is used (Fig. 27.2C) which coordinates the ions extremely tightly, and such resins may represent a valid alternative if low metal ion leaching into the protein preparation is very important. However, in this case only one coordination site remains for His tag binding and recovery of His-tagged protein is usually considerably lower than with IDA or NTA (Fig. 27.2B). The choice of the metal ion immobilized on the IMAC ligand depends on the application. While trivalent cations such as Al3þ, Ga3þ, and Fe3þ (Andersson and Porath, 1986; Muszynska et al., 1986; Posewitz and Tempst, 1999) or tetravalent Zr4þ (Zhou et al., 2006) are preferred for capture of phosphoproteins and phosphopeptides, divalent Cu2þ, Ni2þ, Zn2þ, and Co2þ ions are used for purification of His-tagged proteins. Combinations of a tetradentate ligand that ensures strong immobilization, and a metal ion that leaves two coordination sites free for interaction with biopolymers (Ni2þ, Co2þ) has gained most acceptance and leads to similar recovery and purity of eluted protein. As a typical result using such combinations, Fig. 27.2E shows the purification of several protein fragments derived from different genes that have been expressed and purified as His-tagged proteins by Ni2þ and Co2þ immobilized on NTA and Cm-Asp tetradentate ligands.

2. IMAC Applications Initially developed for purification of native proteins with an intrinsic affinity to metal ions (Porath et al., 1975), IMAC has turned out to be a technology with a very broad portfolio of applications. On the chromatographic purification side, the range of proteins was expanded from the primary metalloproteins to antibodies, phosphorylated proteins, and recombinant His-tagged proteins. IMAC is being used in proteomics approaches where fractions of the cellular protein pool are enriched and analyzed differentially (phosphoproteome, metalloproteome) by mass spectrometrical techniques; here, IMAC formats can be traditionally bead based or the ligand can be used on functionalized surfaces such as SELDI (surface-enhanced laser desorption/ionization) chips. Other chip-based applications include surface plasmon resonance (SPR) and allow the immobilization of His-tagged proteins for quantitative functional and kinetic investigations. In addition, the IMAC principle has been used as an inhibitor depletion step prior to PCR amplification of nucleic acids from complex samples such as blood in a technology called Chelex (Walsh et al., 1991). The most relevant of the



numerous IMAC applications will be discussed briefly in the following sections. The main application of IMAC—the purification of His-tagged proteins—will then be discussed in detail. This section will include problems and limitations of IMAC, solutions and recent advances in this field.

2.1. Detection and immobilization In efforts to make use of the specificity and high affinity of His-tagged proteins to immobilized metal ions, IMAC ligands have been employed for applications such as protein:protein interactions where proteins need to be stably immobilized on surfaces. Two applications—ELISA as a diagnostic tool and chip-based technologies for functional investigations—shall be briefly described. Ni-NTA ligands attached to surfaces of microtiter plates are used to immobilize His-tagged antigens in its soluble and structurally intact form for serological studies. The directed immobilization via the His tag can be an advantage to standard ELISA where proteins are randomly adsorbed to plastic surfaces which destroys the protein structure and hides part of the protein surface and possible antibody-binding sites. In contrast, IMACbased ELISA allows the screening of conformation-dependent monoclonal antibodies (Padan et al., 1998) and immunosorbent assays with increased sensitivity ( Jin et al., 2004). Immobilization of His-tagged proteins on chip surfaces for interaction studies with other molecules, for example by SPR, is a widely used protein characterization method. The factor ‘‘stability’’ is important to reduce ‘‘bleeding’’ of the immobilized molecule, and therefore, due to its favorable binding features described above the NTA ligand is frequently used for immobilization applications (Knecht et al., 2009; Nieba et al., 1997). However, interaction of biotinylated proteins to supports coated with streptavidin is still considerably stronger. A significant improvement in the stability of functional immobilization of His-tagged proteins on glass-type surfaces even at low concentration was achieved by the concept of multivalent chelator heads where a single ligand molecule carries three NTA moieties (tris-NTA; Lata and Piehler, 2005; Zhaohua et al., 2006). This development represents a valid alternative to streptavidin/biotin-based protein immobilization and allows the use of His-tagged proteins without the need for biotin-labeling of proteins following purification. We have synthesized the tris-NTA ligand and coupled it to magnetic agarose beads in order to test whether this approach may be transferred to purification of His-tagged proteins and allow even more specific single-step recovery from complex samples. Initial data (Fig. 27.3) indicate that this may indeed be the case; AKT1 kinase separated from Spodoptera frugiperda-derived cell-free lysate reactions could be purified with both bead types and purity was slightly


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tris-Ni-NTA F W1 W2 W3 40

Ni-NTA 250

F W1 W2 W3 40

97 66


mM imidazole His6-AKT1

36 21 14

Figure 27.3 Purification of His6-tagged AKT1 kinase using tris-Ni-NTA and Ni-NTA magnetic beads. Human C-terminally His6-tagged AKT1 was expressed cell-free in an insect cell-based lysate (EasyXpress Insect II system) in a 100 ml reaction volume using a pIX4.0 vector construct; purification was performed using magnetic agarose beads functionalized with tris-Ni-NTA (left panel) or Ni-NTA (right panel) under standard conditions (see Section 2.10) in the presence of 0.05% (v/v) Tween-20 using a magnet-equipped tube holder. Aliquots of purification fractions as follows were analyzed by SDS–PAGE and silver staining: F, unbound protein; W1, 2, wash fractions 1 and 2 (10 mM imidazole); W3, wash fraction 3 (20 mM imidazole); 40 ! 250, elutionfractions (40, 60, 100, and 250 mM imidazole, respectively). Identity of the purified His6tagged AKT1 protein was verified by anti-His Western blot analysis (data not shown).

higher using tris-Ni-NTA beads. Whether these findings are of general relevance and whether tris-NTA-based chromatography can be economic in larger scales remains to be evaluated. IMAC ligands have also been used successfully as reporter in immunoblot type of applications replacing an antibody. His-tagged proteins transferred to nitrocellulose membrane (Western or dot blot) can be detected by probing with Ni-NTA conjugated to alkaline phosphatase or horseraddish peroxidase reporter enzymes (Lv et al., 2003) in a chromogenic or chemiluminescence reaction or to quantum dots for fluorescent detection (Kim et al., 2008). This represents an attractive fast and economic alternative to antibody-based detection reactions in cases where the high specificity of an antibody is not required. The specificity of NTA conjugate-based detection has been increased by generation of tris-NTA conjugates (Lata et al., 2006; Reichel et al., 2007).

2.2. Purification of protein fractions IMAC had originally been developed as a group separation method for metallo- and histidine-containing proteins (Porath et al., 1975). Today, these features are made use of in proteome-wide studies where the reduction of the complexity of the system (the proteome) is indispensable for sensitive analyses of low-abundance proteins. Consequently, preseparation methods such as liquid, reverse-phase, ion-exchange, and affinity



chromatography—such as IMAC—have gradually been used in proteomics to enrich proteins that may otherwise be lost in detection (Loo, 2003; Stasyk and Huber, 2004). The application of IMAC in proteomics has recently been reviewed (Sun et al., 2005) and is focused on the enrichment of phosphoproteins and phosphopeptides and on metal-binding proteins. In the enrichment step, a complex sample such as a cell lysate or blood is passed over the IMAC matrix, washed and the fraction of interest eluted by variation of pH or with high concentrations of imidazole. This fraction is then analyzed by mass spectrometry (MS) or fractionated further by twodimensional gel electrophoresis followed by MS or by additional liquid chromatography coupled to MS (LC–MS). Whereas Fe3þ, Al3þ, and Ga3þ are the preferred ions for phosphoprotein research and are usually immobilized to IDA, the ions useful for IMAC-based analysis of the metalloproteome are the elements copper, nickel, zinc, and iron which are essential for life. The metalloproteome is defined as a set of proteins that have metal-binding ability and several aspects of this proteomics discipline have been reviewed recently (Shi and Chance, 2008; Sun et al., 2005). Proteins with metal-binding affinity can be enriched by either making use of their ability to bind to certain immobilized Me2þ ions (e.g., to Me2þ-NTA) or by making use of their bound Me2þ ion by catching as a Me2þ-protein on an uncharged IMAC ligand (e.g., NTA). Also, chip-based proteome profiling IMAC methods have been reported (Slentz et al., 2003) and are in use as a tool in clinical screening applications for phospho group- and histidine-containing proteins and peptides (SELDI–IMAC). IMAC can also be used to bind and separate at least mono- and dinucleotides based on a complex phenomenon accounted for by differential interplay of affinities of the potential binding sites (oxygen in the phosphate group, nitrogen and oxygen on the bases, hydroxyl groups on the ribose) to the immobilized metal (Hubert and Porath, 1980, 1981). A quite different group-specific separation application of IMAC is represented by the affinity of antibodies to immobilized metal ions. As the molecular basis for this interaction an endogenous metal-binding site on the heavy chain (Hale and Beidler, 1994) and an arrangement of histidine residues on the antibody (Porath and Olin, 1983) have been discussed. Adsorption of immunoglobulins from different sources on IMAC matrices has been reported by many authors (human IgG, Porath and Olin, 1983; humanized murine IgG, Hale and Beidler, 1994; goat IgG, Boden et al., 1995). Antibody purification has been successfully performed using various IMAC formats including gels (Hale and Beidler, 1994; Vancan et al., 2002), methacrylate polymer (Me´sza´rosova´ et al., 2003), and membraneous hollow fibers (Serpa et al., 2005). The mild elution of the protein with salts, costs, and the robustness of IMAC matrices have been identified as advantageous over traditional protein A or G chromatography (Serpa et al., 2005).


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The Chelex method shall be mentioned here as well in order to complete the list of applications which make use of IMAC ligands. Unlike classical IMAC, however, where an immobilized metal ion is used to purify a (poly)peptide by its affinity for this transition metal, Chelex represents a nucleic acid sample preparation method that depletes metal ion inhibitors of PCR as the downstream application (Walsh et al., 1991). As such, Chelex resins such as Bio-Rad’s Chelex 100 are uncharged ligands like IDA coupled to a usually agarose-based matrix. In brief, the procedure works as follows: a blood or tissue sample is incubated with Chelex resin in the presence or absence of proteinase K followed by separation of beads from supernatant containing the nucleic acids. The resulting nucleic acid fraction is not pure but suitable for amplification by PCR because metal ions have been removed from the sample which may otherwise catalyze rupture of the DNA at high temperature during PCR and thus cause PCR inhibition. Chelex is mainly applied as a fast and inexpensive method to prepare small samples obtained from biopsies and puncture aspirations for amplification of small DNA fragments by PCR (Garcı´a Gonza´lez et al., 2004; Gill et al., 1992).

2.3. Purification of His-tagged proteins 2.3.1. His tags and their effects on protein expression The most important application of IMAC is purification of recombinant proteins expressed in fusion with an epitope containing six or more histidine residues, the His tag (Fig. 27.1). Due to the relatively high affinity and specificity of the His tag a single IMAC purification step in most cases leads to a degree of purity of the target protein preparation that is sufficient for many applications. The structure of the tag, that is its position, sequence, and length, can influence production of a protein on several levels: expression rate, accessibility for binding to the IMAC ligand, protein threedimensional structure, protein crystal formation, and—although to a minor extent—solubility and activity. The most common form of a His tag consists of six consecutive histidine residues (H6) which provides a number of six metal-binding sites high enough to shift the association/ dissociation equilibrium more to the association side leading to stable binding in most cases (Table 27.1; Knecht et al., 2009). In Biacore experiments, the dissociation rate of a hexahistidine-tagged protein to Ni-NTA has been determined to approximately 1 10 6 to 1.4 10 8 M at pH 7.0 to 7.4 (Knecht et al., 2009; Nieba et al., 1997). However, the situation on a planar chip surface is significantly different from a porous agarose bead with respect to flow characteristics, ligand density, and protein concentration. Also, the stability of the interaction of the His-tagged protein to the IMAC ligand is influenced by the grade of accessibility of the tag and by the overall number of chelating residues (histidine, cysteine, aspartate, and glutamate)



Table 27.1 Reported His tag sequences (single letter amino acid sequence code) His tag

a b



H6 H8


H10 H14 (HQ)6 (HN)6 (H G/Q)6 (HHX)3 HAT (HXa)n (HXH)2R

Hochuli et al. (1988) pQE-TriSystem, pTriEx pQE-TriSystem-5, -6 Pedersen et al. (1999) US patent 7176298 Pedersen et al. (1999) Pedersen et al. (1999) Imai et al., 2001 andUS patent 7176298 US patent 5594115 US patent application 2004/0029781

X can be D, E, P, A, G, V, S, L, I, and T. X1 can be A, R, N, D, Q, E, I, L, F, P, S, T, W, V; X2 can be A, R, N, D, C, Q, E, G, I, L, K, M, P, S, T, Y, V.

on the surface of a protein (Bolanos-Garcia and Davies, 2006; Jensen et al., 2004) and is thus individual to a significant extent. In most cases, that is, if the His tag is accessible, its affinity—or better termed avidity here—to NiNTA is high enough for column chromatography even under stringent conditions. Table 27.1 lists the tag sequences reported in the literature and some unpublished ones tested recently in our laboratories. A different situation compared to a ‘‘standard’’ purification of a soluble protein (see Section 2.10) can be encountered when a membrane protein is to be recovered in the presence of detergents because the deterent micelle may cover part of or the complete His tag. In such cases, the use of longer tag sequences or the use of a linker can be helpful to allow binding of the protein to the IMAC resin (Mohanty and Wiener, 2004). A range of variations of the His tag including alternating sequences has been proposed (Table 27.1) and improved binding to IMAC resins postulated but in our and in the hands of others (Knecht et al., 2009) they have no practical advantage over the classical Hn tags. What is found to be of greater importance than the sequence of the His tag itself is its position (N- or C-terminal) and the amino acids at the N-terminus. The nature of the amino acid following the N-terminal methionine has been reported to prevent Nterminal methionine processing and to have a positive effect on the general protein expression rate in Escherichia coli (Dalbge et al., 1990; Hirel et al., 1989). We and others have evaluated these reports and confirmed that


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namely, lysine and arginine in position 2 of a protein N-terminus show this effect (Pedersen et al., 1999; Scha¨fer et al., 2002a; Svensson et al., 2006). The high success rate of using N-terminal His (and Strep II) tags is, however, not only based on the stimulatory effect of the second amino acid on expression but also seems to have stabilizing impact on the mRNA structure in the translation initiation region. We compared bacterial and eukaryotic expression of N- versus C-terminal positioning of the His (and Strep II) tag on several proteins and analyzed expression level and solubility (Fig. 27.4). Nterminal tags improved protein expression in most cases. Systematic investigation of the 50 region of mRNAs showed that hairpin loops forming in the translation initiation area frequently are the reason for low expression as they prevent the ribosome:mRNA binding (Ce`be and Geiser, 2006). Sequence optimization can be performed to destabilize hairpin formation and improve expression, and a similar result was obtained when the proteins were expressed with an N-terminal H6 tag. The effects described in Fig. 27.4 can be explained with this initiator effect of preventing secondary structures on the mRNA in the translation initiation region. Similar observations were also made by others (Busso et al., 2003; Svensson et al., 2006) and this may be the reason for the attractiveness of N-terminal A

E.coli cell-free

M 30 50 30

H6 N-


H6 C-


S ll N-


S ll C-


-S ll /C-H 6 /C S 11 H6 NN T S T S

Insect cell-free

H6 N-


H6 C-


-H 6 -S ll /C /C S II H6 S ll S ll NCNNT S T S T S T S






50 30 75 50



Figure 27.4 Effect of His tag position on protein expression. Proteins were expressed from PCR product templates generated by two-step PCR using the EasyXpress Linear Template Kit in E. coli- (A) and insect cell-derived (B) lysates (EasyXpress Protein Synthesis and EasyXpress Insect II Kits, respectively). Initiator (adapter) primers in the Linear Template Kit were designed in order to prevent formation of secondary structure in the translation initiation region on the mRNA and introduce the following tag sequence(s): N-H6, N-terminal His6 tag; C-H6, C-terminal His6 tag; N-SII, N-terminal Strep II tag; C-SII, C-terminal Strep II tag; N-H6/C-SII, N-terminal His6 and C-terminal Strep II tags; N-SII/C-H6, N-terminal Strep II and C-terminal His6 tags. Corresponding aliquots of total (T) and soluble protein (S, supernatant after centrifugation at 15,000 g for 10 min) were loaded on a SDS gel. Protein bands were visualized by Western blot analysis using a mixture of Penta anti-His and anti-Strep tag antibodies. Protein sizes are (kDa) TNFa, 21; TBP, 38; TFIIAab, 55; TFIIAg, 12.5; MKK3, 39; IRAK4, 55. M, His-tagged protein size markers (kDa).



His tags. However, in some cases such as the one of IRAK4 the C-terminal His tag has a more pronounced effect on both expression rate and solubility (Fig. 27.4). Recently, expression of an insect toxin in E. coli was reported where the similar observation of higher solubility and thermostability of the C-terminally His-tagged form was made (Xu et al., 2008). The authors discussed that the C-terminal tag stabilized the overall protein structure. Other groups found the His tag to contribute slightly negative to solubility when compared to the untagged protein but to improve yield when fused to the C-terminus (Woestenenk et al., 2004). All in all, these data suggest that an evaluation of at least N- and C-terminally tagged variants of a protein will increase the chance to obtain reasonable expression and quality of a recombinant protein. For expression of proteins to be secreted, tags should be placed at the C-terminus to prevent interference with membrane trafficking.

2.4. General considerations of protein purification by IMAC There are several advantages of IMAC for purification of His-tagged proteins compared to other affinity chromatography principles as the reason for being the most widely used chromatographic technique (Biocompare, 2006; Derewenda, 2004). Besides low costs and the simplicity of use the robustness of IMAC is certainly its most striking feature: (i) the His-tag: ligand interaction works under both native and denaturing conditions such as 8 M urea or 6 M guanidinium hydrochloride (Hochuli et al., 1988) enabling subsequent on-column refolding ( Jungbauer et al., 2004) as well as (ii) both oxidizing and reducing conditions, (iii) protein binding withstands a broad spectrum of various chemicals of different types (Table 27.1 summarizes chemical compatibilities for Ni-NTA IMAC and some limitations), (iv) its relatively high affinity and specificity allows high capturing efficiency even in the presence of high protein titers, and (v) the scalability of the purification procedure. Despite the broad compatibility, IMAC has its limitations. Obviously, the use of chelating agents has to be avoided which can be a disadvantage as EDTA, a potent inhibitor of metalloproteases, can only be applied in low concentrations. Care should also be taken with the use of other potentially chelating groups such as Tris, ammonium salts, and certain amino acids (Table 27.2). Until recently, the use of strong reducing agents such as DTT in IMAC processing has been regarded as problematic because of reduction of nickel and, as a consequence, suspected increase of nickel concentrations in protein preparations. However, we found that moderate concentrations of DTT are fully compatible with NTA-based purification. This is shown, for example, in Fig. 27.5A for HIV-1 reverse transcriptase (RT) purified with unaffected efficiency in the presence of up to 10 mM DTT. Also, RT activity is not influenced by these conditions and both end-point


Table 27.2 Chemical compatibility of purification of His-tagged protein using agarose-based IMAC (Ni-NTA) resins and its limitations IMAC chemical compatibility Component

Buffers Na-phosphate Phosphate citrate Tris–HCl, HEPES, MOPS Citrate Detergents (in 300 mM NaCl) n-Hexadecyl-b-D-maltoside n-Tetradecyl-b-D-maltopyranoside n-Tridecyl-b-D-maltopyranoside

Limitation (up to)

Recommended, limit not known Limit not known 100 mM 60 mM 0.0003% (w/v) 0.005% (w/v) 0.016% (w/v)

Brij 35

0.1% (v/v)

Digitonin Cymal 6 n-Nonyl-b-D-glucopyranoside (NG) n-Decyl-b-D-maltopyranoside (DM) n-Dodecyl-b-D-maltoside (DDM) C12–E9 n-Octyl-b-D-glucopyranoside (OG) Triton X-100, Tween, NP-40 Triton X-114 Fos-Cholines

0.6% (w/v) 1% (w/v) 1% (w/v) 2% (w/v) 2% (w/v) 1% (w/v) 1.5% (w/v) 2% (v/v) 2% (v/v) 0.05% (w/v)


Limitation (up to)

Salts NaCl


MgCl2 CaCl2 NaHCO3 Ammonium salts Protease inhibitors EDTA Commonly used protease inhibitorsd Complete cocktail (EDTA-free) Denaturants Urea Gu–HCl Amino acids Histidine Glycine Cysteine Glutamate Aspartate Arginine

4M 5 mMc Not recommended Not recommended 1 mMa Compatible in effective concentrations 1 concentrated

8M 6M 1–2 mMb Not recommended Not recommended Not recommended Not recommended 500 mM

Dodecyldimethyl-phosphineoxide N,N-Dimethyldodecylamine-N-oxide (LDAO) CHAPS Laurosyl-sarcosine SDS Other EGTA Imidazole Hemoglobin Glycerol a

0.15% (w/v) 0.7% (w/v)

Organic solvents Isopropanol

1% (w/v) 1% (w/v) 0.3% (w/v)a

Ethanol Reducing reagents b-ME TCEP DTT DTE

1 mMa 10–20 mMb Not recommended 50% (v/v)

60% (v/v)e 20% (v/v) 20 mM 20 mM 10 mM 10 mM

Has been used successfully in the indicated concentration but should be avoided whenever possible. Dissociates His-tagged proteins at high concentrations. c Should be avoided in combination with Na-phosphate. d Include, for example, Aprotinin, Leupeptin, PMSF, and related serine protease inhibitors: Pepstatin, Antipain, Bestatin, E64, Benzamidine. e Compatible with Ni-NTA purification and endotoxin removal according to Franken et al. (2000), but in this concentration is incompatible with reuse of the chromatographic media (data not shown). This table provides some of the most relevant tested substances and concentrations and may not be complete or represent the maximal concentrations compatible with purification of His-tagged proteins.Abbreviations: b-ME, b-mercaptoethanol; TCEP, tris(2-carboxyethyl)phosphine hydrochloride; DTT/DTE, dithio-threitol/erythritol; Gu–HCl, guanidinium hydrochloride. b



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A 200 116/97 66 55

0 1 5 10 mM DTT M L F W E1E2 E3 E4 E2 E3 E4 E2 E3 E4 E2 E3 E4 His6HIV-RT

36 31








b -actin

21 14 6 [Ni] (ppb)





Figure 27.5 IMAC under reducing conditions. (A) His6-tagged HIV-1 reverse transcriptase (RT) was purified under standard conditions in the presence of the indicated DTT concentrations. Aliquots of each chromatographic fraction of the purification without DTT (M, markers; L, lysate; F, flow-through; W, wash; E, elution fraction) and of corresponding volumes of elution fractions 2–4 containing DTT were analyzed by SDS–PAGE and Coomassie staining. Elution fractions were pooled and analyzed for nickel content by ICP-MS at Wessling Laboratories, Bochum, Germany; nickel concentrations are given in mg/l (parts per billion, ppb). (B) Equal amounts of HIV-1 RT purified in the presence of the indicated concentrations of DTT were used in duplicates to reverse transcribe a 1.5 kb b-actin cDNA which was subsequently amplified by PCR and the PCR products were analyzed by agarose gel electrophoresis and ethidium bromide staining. Reducing conditions of at least 1 mM DTT were found to be required for full RT activity (compare weaker amplification with RT purified in the absence of DTT). C, Omniscript positive control; an equal amount of Omniscript RT protein was used; NTC, no template negative control.

(Fig. 27.5B) and quantitative real-time RT-PCR (data not shown) show no inhibitory effect which could origin from high heavy-metal-ion concentrations. Even though nickel ions may become reduced by DTT leading to a color change of the resin bed they do not increasingly leach from the ligand (Fig. 27.5A), and resins processed under reducing conditions can be repeatedly reused and regenerated (data not shown). These findings suggest that despite a color change as a consequence of nickel reduction by DTT the resin is still functional. TCEP, a different, nonthio-based reducing reagent is more and more replacing DTT and b-ME in protein purification by IMAC as it seems to be more selective to reduction of disulfide bonds, is odorless and more stable in aqueous solution. We recommend the use of TCEP with Ni-NTA chromatography in a concentration of 1–5 mM.

2.5. Copurifying proteins on IMAC and what to do about it IMAC leads to high protein purity upon single-step chromatographic purification in many cases (Figs. 27.2A, D, E and 27.5A; Bornhorst and Falke, 2000; Schmitt et al., 1993). The higher the purity is the closer the amount of IMAC resin applied in the chromatographic step has been



correlated to the amount of recombinant His-tagged protein present in the sample to be processed. The reason is that proteins naturally displaying surface motifs suitable to interact with an immobilized metal ion may bind to the resin although usually with slightly lower affinity than a flexible His tag. Most His-tagged proteins will therefore displace proteins with natural or accidental surface motifs. However, there are some proteins where the local density of chelating amino acids such as histidine is so high that they will bind to immobilized metal ions almost inevitably. In general, mammalian systems have a higher natural abundance than bacterial systems of proteins containing consecutive histidines (Crowe et al., 1994), and a prominent example in human cells is the alpha subunit of transcription factor TFIIA which has seven consecutive and surface-exposed histidine residues and can be purified via IMAC from natural sources under native conditions (DeJong and Roeder, 1993; Ma et al., 1993) and which is observed frequently as a signal band of 55 (the ab precursor) or 35 kDa (the a subunit) of TFIIA in Western blots using an anti-His tag antibody. Another example is the human transcription factor YY1 with 11 consecutive histidines (Shi et al., 1991). In E. coli, the proteins observed to copurify with His-tagged target proteins can be divided into four groups: (i) proteins with natural metal-binding motifs, (ii) proteins with histidine clusters on their surfaces, (iii) proteins that bind to heterologously expressed His-tagged proteins, for example by a chaperone mechanism, and (iv) proteins with affinity to agarose-based supports (Bolanos-Garcia and Davies, 2006). Whether or not one of the E. coli proteins is copurified is not easily predictable. For example, a protein from group (ii) sometimes reported to copurify with Ni-NTA is the 21 kDa SlyD, however, we have never observed this one in our lab upon purification from E. coli BL21(DE3), DH5a, M15(pREP4), and other strains. This may be explained by the fact that many of these impurities are stress-responsive proteins, suggesting that the cultivation conditions and the bacterial strain have an influence on their abundance and, a consequence, their appearance as a contaminating species in the target protein preparation; it is therefore recommended to induce as little stress as possible during cultivation of E. coli cells (e.g., by using shake flasks without baffles). Furthermore, some copurifying proteins seem to have a binding preference for Co over Ni (or other ions) and others vice versa. Several options to get rid of these copurified proteins or prevent their adsorption early on have been evaluated and some of them shall be discussed in the following section. These options include (i) performing additional purification steps, (ii) adjusting the His-tagged protein to resin ratio, (iii) to use an engineered host strain that does not express certain proteins, (iv) using an alternative support, and (v) tag cleavage followed by reverse chromatography. Suitable additional purification steps include classical chromatographic techniques such as ion-exchange (IEX) and size exclusion chromatography (SEC) whereas IEX has the higher separation power. However, as SEC not


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only serves to separate molecules by size and helps to remove aggregates of high molecular weight but also can be used to desalt the preparation and provide conditions suitable for certain downstream applications, it is frequently used as a standardized procedure by, for example, high-throughput labs such as structural biology consortia (Acton et al., 2005; Gra¨slund et al., 2008) who perform protein crystallization or NMR spectroscopy. Although IMAC–SEC (as opposed to IMAC–IEX) can be performed as a standardized procedure without having to take into account the protein biochemistry such as pI the separation range of a given SEC column will not be suitable for all separation tasks and a range of SEC columns may have to be held in place. Another issue with the application of IEX and SEC is that in order to make use of the full power provided by these technologies, costly equipment such as an automated chromatography system is required which frequently precludes multiparallel processing leading to low throughput. Affinity purification such as IMAC can usually be done as a bind–wash– elute procedure in a bench top/gravity flow mode. By introduction of a second affinity tag (e.g., StrepII, GST, Flag) into the expression construct a two-step purification leading to high-purity protein preparations is enabled as a bench-top two-step affinity chromatography procedure (Cass et al., 2005; Prinz et al., 2004). As mentioned earlier, adjusting the amount of His-tagged protein to be recovered to the binding capacity of the used IMAC resin can help to improve protein purity by preventing copurification of proteins with certain affinity to IMAC resins. However, the amount of His-tagged protein is usually unknown unless a pilot experiment is performed to estimate the content of target protein. While this is an option, the better way would be to exclude the presence of such copurifying proteins by expressing the target protein in an engineered strain where the respective genes have been knocked out. However, to our knowledge results from work with such strains have not yet been reported and the experience with knockout strains in protein production is still low. Also, it does not seem realistic that an E. coli strain can be generated which lacks 17 proteins reported to bind to IMAC resins including as important functions as superoxide dismutase and ironuptake regulation (Bolanos-Garcia and Davies, 2006) and which is still well viable under stress situations such as protein overproduction. A different approach to improve the purity of proteins recovered from IMAC has been reported that made use of dextran-coating of an agarose matrix, the constituting material of the most widely used chromatographic supports (Sepharoses, Superflow, Agaroses), and which prevented copurification of proteins with affinity to these matrices (Mateo et al., 2001). Dextran-coated beads, however, are not readily commercially available as IMAC resins and this measure only helps to preclude proteins with affinity to agarose and not to the immobilized metal or to the target protein. Silicabased IMAC supports also prevent adsorption of proteins with affinity for



agarose and, in addition, have good pressure stability which makes them suitable for high-resolution HPLC applications but the silica resins frequently suffer from low binding capacity and limited resistance to high pH sanitization procedures. A very recent method that avoids the need to use solid chromatographic supports completely is called affinity precipitation (Hilbrig and Freitag, 2003) and has been applied to IMAC (Matiasson et al., 2007). Here, the IMAC ligand is chemically coupled to a responsive polymer which, after binding to the His-tagged protein, can be aggregated upon change of environmental conditions such as pH or temperature and can thus be precipitated by centrifugation. Protocols for its use are still relatively complicated but as soon as robust and easy to use commercial materials are available this method may have the potential to play an important role in IMAC applications. Using a ligand in solution could overcome steric hindrance of the binding of some His-tagged proteins to an immobilized ligand as well as mass transport limitations of porous chromatographic media. Moreover, it is in line with a trend in industrialscale chromatography toward single-use disposable materials. Yet another approach has recently been reported that can be applied for protein separation from lysates after cell-free expression (Kim et al., 2006). An E. coli-derived lysate was preincubated with Ni-NTA magnetic agarose beads to remove proteins with affinity to Ni-NTA prior to template addition and protein expression; the expression capacity of the S30 extract was found to remain unaltered and the Ni-NTA purified His-tagged protein fractions to be of higher purity than without pretreatment. While the aforementioned strategies to improve the purity of MAC protein preps have proven useful in many cases they are not generally applicable and successful. There is a method, however, that almost meets the criterium of universal applicability regarding improvement of purity, and it has the additional benefit of resulting in a protein native or nearnative structure: proteolytic His tag cleavage using a His-tagged protease followed by reverse IMAC (Block et al., 2008). This strategy overcomes the copurification issue by passing the proteolytically processed protein under similar or identical conditions over the same column, and the proteins that bound to the IMAC resin as impurities in the initial purification step will bind to the same resin again while the cleaved, that is untagged, target protein is collected in the flow-through fraction (reverse or subtractive IMAC mode). It can be performed with both exo- and endoproteases that themselves carry an (uncleavable) His-tag (Nilsson et al., 1997; Polayes et al., 2008) but the exoproteolytical approach has the advantage that it is faster and results in a protein with native structure with no vector-derived amino acids (Arnau et al., 2006; Block et al., 2008; Pedersen et al., 1999). This approach is especially suitable for demanding downstream applications such as protein crystallization or biopharmaceutical production. Notably, the method requires only a single chromatography column to achieve an


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extremely high degree of purity. An application is shown in Fig. 27.6 where TNFa was crystallized in its IMAC one-step purified form (A, B, C, D) or in its subtractive-IMAC processed form as described above (A, E, F, G). Although already His-tagged TNFa purified on Ni-NTA appeared highly pure upon SDS–PAGE and Coomassie staining (Fig. 27.6A, lane IMAC) analysis on a silver-stained 2D gel showed impurities (Fig. 27.6B). These impurities are removed by reverse mode IMAC resulting in a protein preparation of extremely high purity (Fig. 27.6E). Figure 27.6 also demonstrates the influence the His tag can have on protein crystallization. While both the tagged and the mature native form of TNFa eluted from a SEC column as a trimer (Fig. 27.6C and F), they crystallized under significantly different conditions and resulted in different crystal forms (His6-TNFa: tetragonal, Fig. 27.6D; TNFa: rhombohedral, Fig. 27.6G). Nevertheless, calculated structures both were in accordance with the one deposited in the pdb (data not shown). However, when we attempted to perform the same experimental workflow with His-tagged and native mature IL-1b, we were unable to crystallize the His-tagged cytokine (Block et al., 2008; and data not shown). Our data confirm the observation also made by many others that it is frequently possible to crystallize tagged proteins but suggest that it makes sense to provide a tag cleavage option when designing an expression construct.

2.6. IMAC for industrial-scale protein production IMAC for production of proteins in industrial scale, for example for use as biopharmaceutical, has not been used until quite recently due to worries regarding the potential immunogenicity of a His tag sequence and because of allergenic effects of nickel leaching from an IMAC matrix. However, nickel concentrations typically observed in protein preparations obtained from tetradentate IMAC resins are low and content in expected daily doses of a biopharmaceutical will be far below the typical daily intake of nickel and the permanent nickel body burden (Block et al., 2008). Removal of artificial sequences from recombinant proteins by the use of protease has been discussed above as the way to go for use in humans but proteins carrying a His tag have been successfully used for vaccination (Kaslow and Shiloach, 1994; Stowers et al., 2001) or are presently commercialized as drugs (unpublished). IMAC is a chromatography method that can simply be scaled linearly from milliliter to liter bed volumes (Block et al., 2008; Hochuli et al., 1988; Kaslow and Shiloach, 1994; Scha¨fer et al., 2000) and Ni-NTA Superflow columns in dimensions up to 50 l are in use for biopharmaceutical production processes (F. Scha¨fer, personal communication). Compatibility of IMAC matrices with a wide range of chemicals such as chaotropics, salts, organic solvents, and detergents (Table 27.2) facilitates adaption to the specific needs of the production of the individual protein.



A 170 130 100 72 55 43






C A TA M I 10′ 30′ F W






34 26 0.4 mm 17



0.3 mm



B pH 3



pH 10



pH 3

pH 10



mAU 800





400 His6TNFa

200 0

TNFa 200

0 0




80 100 ml




80 100 ml

Figure 27.6 Removal of copurifying proteins by His tag cleavage and reverse IMAC. (A) His6-TNFa expressed in E. coli was purified via Ni-NTA Superflow and processed using the TAGZyme exoproteolytic system as described (Sch€afer et al., 2002a). (B, E) 2D gel electrophoresis and silver staining of His6-TNFa and TNFa, respectively, was performed as described (Block et al., 2008). The subband pattern in the first dimension between pI 6.7 and 5.8 for both His6-TNFa and TNFa is in accordance with the report for TNFa produced in yeast (Eck et al., 1988). (C, F) Analytical size exclusion chromatography (SEC) on HR 10/30 Superdex 200 was run with 1 TAGZyme buffer (Sch€afer et al., 2002a). (D, G) His6-TNFa ˚ (homelab X-ray source, FR591 Nonius Bruker); tetragonal crystal (D) formed in 2.7 M MgSO4, MES, pH 5.5 and diffracted to 2.5 A ˚ (ESRF synchrotron). The size of TNFa rhombohedral crystal (G) formed in 1.8 M NH4SO3, 200 mM Tris–HCl, pH 7.8 and diffracted to 2.0 A typical crystals (mm) is indicated by the bar in (D) and (G).


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For example, bacterial endotoxins (lipopolysaccharides) can be eliminated from the protein product during chromatography by including a wash step using a detergent (Triton X-114, Block et al., 2008) or an organic solvent (60% isopropanol; Franken et al., 2000). The suitability of IMAC for industrial production purposes has been demonstrated and it can be expected that IMAC-based processes become increasingly used in the future due to its robustness and relatively low requirements for individual optimization.

2.7. High-throughput automation of IMAC Due to its robustness, universal applicability, and widespread use, IMAC is also an ideal tool for multiparallel screening for protein expression and solubility. This is mostly done in the convenient 96-well format using agarose- or magnetic bead-based IMAC resins in SBS footprint filter or microplates on 96-well magnets or plate centrifuges (Braun et al., 2002; Bu¨ssow et al., 2000). As the complete expression and the simple bind–wash– elute IMAC purification workflow is easily miniaturizable in microplate formats it was also suitable for hands-on free automation using liquid handling laboratory robots (see Lesley, 2001, for an overview). The automated steps covered the workflow to various extents, ranging from protein purification from manually generated E. coli lysates (Lanio et al., 2000), E. coli or insect cell lysis, lysate clarification, and protein purification (Garzia et al., 2003; Scha¨fer et al., 2002b; Scheich et al., 2003), to automation of complete workflows from construct cloning to protein analysis (Acton et al., 2005; Hunt, 2005; Koehn and Hunt, 2009). Recently, we added another series of protocols and consumables for purification of His-tagged proteins from E. coli or eukaryotic cells or cell-free lysates to the list of options: a conceptually new lab automation instrument allows isolation of microgram to milligram amounts of proteins from a variable number of samples (with a random-access sample feeding option) using ready-to-go prefilled cartridges that provide enzymes, buffers, and Ni-NTA magnetic beads for lysis and purification. Figure 27.7 describes an expression and purification screening using a set of 24 optimized-gene constructs for production of human proteins. Between 1.4 and 35 mg of highly pure protein was obtained under native conditions. Proteins that could not be purified under native conditions were obtained upon purification under denaturing conditions, and Western blot analyses using an anti-His antibody showed the absence of cross-contaminations between wells (data not shown). Protein resulting from such high-throughput purification experiments can be used for functional assays (e.g., interaction studies), characterization of protein random mutagenesis, solubility analyses, and clone screening. The next step following an expression screening is frequently a scale-up with a limited number of proteins or clones for production of milligram amounts



PI M EM 1 IL G1 IL -4 M -7 A ET PK A SMS1 PK 5 A C R R C p3 EB D 1 1 N 8a Fκ IL B IF -6 1A N PI a M BI 2 R Ju C1 Len f JN 1 C K1 M IF -C N S TN g F FY Fa C N D Y C2 Y SM1 A D 2


200 116/97 66 55 36 31 21 14

Figure 27.7 High-throughput protein purification screening on a new automation platform. E. coli BL21 (DE3) cells were transformed with QIAgene constructs carrying optimized human genes for expression of the indicated proteins in 1 ml LB cultures in a 96-deep well block. Cells were harvested by centrifugation and the pellet block placed onto the sample input drawer of the QIAsymphony SP instrument. Cells were resuspended and lysed and His6-tagged proteins purified from the crude lysates using Ni-NTA magnetic agarose beads and buffer solutions provided in the QIAsymphony cartridge setup. A 5 ml of each elution fraction was analyzed by SDS–PAGE and Coomassie staining. Expected protein sizes (kDa) for the individual proteins were as follows: PIM1, 40; EMG1,30; IL-4, 15.5; IL-7,18; MAPKAPK5,55; ETS1,55; SMARCD1,60; CREB1,50; p38a, 40; NFkB1A, 40; IL-6,21; IFNa, 20; PIM2, 40; BIRC5, 30; Jun, 50; Lef1, 55; JNK1, 45; CM-CSF, 15; IFNg, 17; TNFa, 17; FYN, 40; CDC2, 35; YY1, 66; SMAD2, 55. M, markers (kDa).

of protein for animal immunization, structural, or pharmacokinetic studies. Single proteins can be purified using standard A¨kTA or FPLC systems, and an A¨kTA system for slightly increased throughput has been developed (A¨kTAxpress). However, systems with a significantly higher throughput, lower complexity, and more dedicated to one-step (mainly IMAC) affinity purification have been reported (Steen et al., 2006; Stro¨mberg et al., 2005) and are in use in high-throughput projects such as the human protein atlas project (Hober and Uhle´n, 2008).

2.8. Special applications: Purification of membrane proteins Membrane proteins have received the highest attention of all protein classes in the past few years due to their enormous importance as drug targets. In fact, more than 50% of all currently commercialized drugs as well as those under development target membrane proteins (Drews, 2000). Furthermore, membrane proteins account for approximately 30% of the human


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FC 16

C y6 N G





proteome. However, in contrast to soluble proteins, very little is known about the biology and structure of membrane proteins which is reflected by the underrepresentation of membrane protein structures in public databases such as the pdb (100 cycles of purification/CIP cycles (data not shown). This CIP procedure reliably denatures and desorbs proteins originating from the loaded sample that might have bound unspecifically to agarose during purification and is generally suitable for sanitization (depyrogenation, viral, and microbial clearance; Levison et al., 1995). Cleaning protocols may have to be adapted if more ‘‘unusual’’ samples such as lysates rich in lipids are loaded onto a column. Bases, acids, and other reagents that may be used for cleaning include ethanol (100%), isopropanol (30%, v/v), SDS (2%, w/v), acetic acid (0.2 M ), NaOH (1 M ), or detergents (see Table 27.2). For repeated reuse of a Ni-NTA column, we recommend to perform the CIP description provided above followed by reequilibration. For long-term storage (several years), resin may be kept in either 30% (v/v) ethanol or, if an inflammable reagent is preferred, in 0.01–0.1 M NaOH. Storage in 10 mM NaN3 is possible as well. It is usually not required to strip off the metal ions and recharge Ni-NTA, even after repeated reuse or long-term storage.

2.12. Simplified metal-ion stripping and recharging protocol However, in cases where the resin has been seriously damaged or if binding capacity decreased over time, for example, by repeated loading of lipid-rich or samples containing chelating components, Ni-NTA may be easily stripped and recharged with nickel or a different metal ion. Starting with step 3, this simplified protocol is also suitable to initially charge NTA resin purchased uncharged. 1. Wash cleaned (see above) resin with 10 bv of deionized H2O (dH2O). 2. Strip off metal ions by passing 5 bv of 100 mM EDTA, pH 8.0 over the resin bed. 3. Wash resin with 10 bv of dH2O. 4. Pass 2 bv of a 100 mM metal ion aqueous solution (e.g., NiSO4 or NiCl2) over the resin bed. Other metal ions that have been successfully and stably immobilized to NTA include copper (CuCl2, CuSO4), zinc (ZnCl2, ZnSO4), cobalt (CoCl2, CoSO4), and iron (FeCl3, Fe2(SO4)3). 5. Wash resin with 10 bv of dH2O to remove any unbound metal ions. 6. Add storage buffer or equilibrate the column with at least 5 bv of starting buffer for immediate use.

3. Conclusions We have presented the wide variety of applications the IMAC principle offers for research in general and for production of His-tagged proteins in particular. Its robustness and versatility are the reasons why IMAC has


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become one of the most broadly used chromatographic methods. Modifications in production procedures for both resin and ligand materials as well as optimized application protocols led to a significant improvement of IMAC performance in the recent past, well reflected by, for example, the increase of binding capacity of both NTA- and IDA-based matrices for His-tagged proteins from 5–10 to 50 mg per ml resin bv. We anticipate a continued methodological improvement and dissemination of the use of IMAC in the field of purification of recombinant proteins, for example, regarding industrial-scale production of biopharmaceuticals.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors thank Jacob Piehler for valuable discussions regarding the manuscript and his support during the transfer of the tris-NTA ligand synthesis procedures. Furthermore, we thank Annette Zacharias-Koch for excellent technical assistance and her support in preparation of the manuscript. Part of the work presented here was performed under a grant of the German Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF, grant no. 0313965B).

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T W E N T Y- E I G H T

Identification, Production, and Use of Polyol-Responsive Monoclonal Antibodies for Immunoaffinity Chromatography Nancy E. Thompson, Katherine M. Foley, Elizabeth S. Stalder, and Richard R. Burgess Contents 1. Introduction 2. Polyol-Responsive Monoclonal Antibodies 2.1. Properties of a PR-mAb 2.2. Source of mAbs 2.3. Identification of PR-mAbs by ELISA-elution assay 2.4. Producing mAbs in continuous culture 2.5. Purification of the antibody 2.6. Immobilization of PR-mAbs on a chromatography support 2.7. Purification of proteins with PR-mAbs 2.8. Purification of proteins using cross-reacting PR-mAbs 2.9. Use of epitopes of PR-mAbs as purification tags 3. Conclusions Disclosure References

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Abstract Immunoaffinity chromatography is a powerful tool for purification of proteins and protein complexes. The availability of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) has revolutionized the field of immunoaffinity chromatography by providing a continuous supply of highly uniform antibody. Before the availability of mAbs, the recovery of the target protein from immobilized polyclonal antibodies usually required very harsh, often denaturing conditions. Although harsh conditions are often still used to disrupt the antigen–antibody interaction when using a mAb, various methods have been developed to exploit the uniformity of the antigen– antibody reaction in order to identify agents or conditions that gently disrupt McArdle Laboratory for Cancer Research, University of Wisconsin–Madison, Madison, Wisconsin, USA Methods in Enzymology, Volume 463 ISSN 0076-6879, DOI: 10.1016/S0076-6879(09)63028-7


2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.



Nancy E. Thompson et al.

this interaction and thus result in higher recovery of active protein from immunoaffinity chromatography. We discuss here the use of a specific type of monoclonal antibody that we have designated ‘‘polyol-responsive monoclonal antibodies’’ (PR-mAbs). These are naturally occurring mAbs that have high affinity for the antigen under binding conditions, but have low affinity in the presence of a combination of low molecular weight hydroxylated compounds (polyols) and nonchaotropic salts. Therefore, these PR-mAbs can be used for gentle immunoaffinity chromatography. PR-mAbs can be easily identified and adapted to a powerful protein purification method for a target protein.

1. Introduction All forms of affinity chromatography are defined by a specific interaction between two components that allows the purification of one of the components. Immunoaffinity chromatography is a subset of the affinity chromatography principle where the specific interaction of an antigen with an antibody is employed (for review, see Subramanian, 2002). Immunoaffinity chromatography is really a scaled up extension of an immunoprecipitation procedure, except that one of the components (generally the antigen) is recovered after the chromatography as an active protein. The ability to produce monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) has revolutionized the field of immunochemistry (for review, see Nelson et al., 2000). When considering immunoaffinity chromatography, two features give mAbs an advantage over polyclonal antibodies derived from immune serum. First, the mAb is a reproducible reagent that can be prepared in large quantities. Second, a mAb is a homogeneous population that responds uniformly to an eluting reagent. Generally, the purified antibody is conjugated to some type of bead and the antigen-containing solution is applied to the bead (in batch or in a column). After washing away unbound or loosely bound material, the antigen is eluted from the bead. The elution step is usually the most difficult obstacle to overcome in developing an immunoaffinity chromatography procedure. Antigen–antibody interactions are generally a result of a combination of ionic, hydrophobic, and hydrogen bonds formed between amino acids in the specific antigenic determinant of the antigen (epitope) and the protein loops of the complementarity determining regions (CDRs), which are located in the variable regions of the heavy and light chain of the antibody molecule. The ideal way to gently elute the antigen is by competition with a peptide containing the epitope for the antibody. However, the epitope is not always known, and a peptide is not always available or is too expensive to synthesize in the quantities needed. In addition, sometimes the antibody reacts with a discontinuous epitope, and the epitope cannot be mimicked by a

Immunoaffinity Chromatography


synthetic peptide. In these cases, the antigen is usually eluted with very harsh conditions (high or low pH values, denaturants such as urea, or an ionic detergent.) that can inactivate the protein.

2. Polyol-Responsive Monoclonal Antibodies We have pioneered the use of a specific type of monoclonal antibody for use in immunoaffinity chromatography. These mAbs can be used for ‘‘gentle’’ immunoaffinity chromatography because the elution conditions require only a combination of a nonchaotropic salt and a low molecular weight polyhydroxylated compound (polyol), conditions that are regarded as nondenaturing to proteins. We have referred to this type of antibody as a ‘‘polyol-responsive’’ mAb (PR-mAb). Our laboratory studies proteins involved in transcription. Therefore, most of the PR-mAbs that we have isolated have been mAbs that react with proteins involved in transcription in either prokaryotic or eukaryotic systems. Eukaryotic transcription systems pose a significant challenge for the separation scientist because many of the factors are actually multisubunit proteins. For example, eukaryotic RNA polymerase II (RNAP II) contains 12 subunits (12 different gene products); however, for initiation from a promoter, RNAP II also requires transcription factors TFIIA, TFIIB, TFIID, TFIIE, TFIIF, and TFIIH (for review, see Woychik and Hampsey, 2002). With the exception of TFIIB, all of these transcription factors are comprised of two or more subunits. Large protein complexes are ideal subjects for the use of PR-mAb immunoaffinity chromatography. We have developed PR-mAbs for E. coli RNAP (Thompson et al., 1992) and eukaryotic RNAP II (Thompson et al., 1990), as well several eukaryotic transcription factors (Table 28.1). Perhaps the most notable use of PR-mAb technology was the use of our PR-mAb 8WG16 for use to purify large amounts of yeast RNAP II (Edwards et al., 1990) for use in crystallization of this protein complex (Cramer et al., 2000). Other laboratories have successfully isolated PRmAbs for purifying their protein of interest ( Jiang et al., 1995; Lynch et al., 1996; Nagy et al., 2002). It is also possible to screen already established collections of mAbs for the polyol-responsive property. Several reviews have been written concerning PR-mAbs (Burgess and Thompson, 2002; Thompson and Burgess, 1996, 2001; Thompson et al., 2006). In this report, we will update some of these methods. We will also describe our method for producing large quantities of PR-mAbs by a relatively inexpensive cell culture system, thus minimizing the need to prepare the mAbs in mouse ascites fluid. Finally, because polyol-responsiveness is a property of the antibody, an unrelated protein of interest can be tagged with the epitope for


Nancy E. Thompson et al.

Table 28.1 Polyol-responsive monoclonal antibodies that have been used to purify proteins involved with transcription PR-mAb





Heptapeptide repeat on the C-terminus of the largest subunit of RNAP II Far C-terminus of the b0 subunit of E. coli RNAP (1392–1404) b-flap region of the b subunit of E. coli RNAP


Edwards et al. (1990) and Thompson et al. (1990)


Thompson et al. (1992, 2003)







C-terminal half of the a subunit of E. coli RNAP N-terminus of human TBP (1–199) N-terminus of human TFIIB (61–68) N-terminus of RAP30 (1–118)

PEEKLLRAIFGEKAS Bergendahl et al. (2003), Probasco et al. (2007), and E. S. Stalder et al. (unpublished) Unknown Anthony et al. (2003) Unknown

Thompson et al. (2004)


Duellman et al. (2004) and Thompson and Burgess (1994) Thompson and Burgess (1999)


a PR-mAb by recombinant DNA methodologies, and the protein purified by this gentle polyol-elution method.

2.1. Properties of a PR-mAb 1. By screening a large number of mAbs (218 antigen-specific wells), we have estimated that PR-mAbs represent 5–10% of mAbs (Thompson et al., 1992).

Immunoaffinity Chromatography


2. Screening can be performed at the master-well stage in order to immediately identify PR-mAbs. 3. PR-mAbs are not limited to any subisotype of mouse IgG. PR-mAbs have also been identified in a collection of rat mAbs (R. R. Burgess, unpublished data). 4. Most PR-mAbs respond to a variety of different combinations of salt and polyol. Most commonly we use 0.75 M ammonium sulfate or 0.75 M NaCl combined with 30–40% propylene glycol. 5. PR-mAbs can be high-affinity antibodies. In fact, high affinity is preferred in order for the mAb to be effective in binding the antigen in a dilute solution. These mAbs become low-affinity antibodies under the elution conditions. 6. Most (but not all) PR-mAbs respond to a variety of combinations of salt and polyol. Salts that we have tested are ammonium sulfate, sodium chloride, sodium acetate, and potassium glutamate. Polyol that we have tested are propylene glycol, ethylene glycol, 2,3-butanediol, and in some cases, glycerol. 7. Because these salts and polyols are often used as protein stabilizers, the gentle elution results in antigens that retain biological properties and structural integrity, even for multisubunit complexes (Cramer et al., 2000; Thompson et al., 1990).

2.2. Source of mAbs We produce our mAbs by a typical hybridoma procedure (Harlow and Lane, 1988); that is by the fusion of antigen-stimulated plasma cells from a mouse spleen and a myeloma cell line. We find that a hyperimmunized mouse is preferred; only about 5–10% of mAbs are PR-mAbs, a large number of original hybridomas will make it more likely that a PR-mAb will be isolated. However, it is possible to use mAbs that are produced by other methods, such as by retroviral infection of plasma cells (Largaespada et al., 1996) or construction of antibody libraries by recombinant methods. Regardless of the source of antibodies, antigen-specific antibodies must be identified. We find that a standard enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) works well for this. We then screen the antibodies by a modified ELISA, which we have termed ‘‘ELISA-elution assay.’’ This procedure is based on a standard ELISA except that the specific antigen–antibody complex is treated with a combination of salt and polyol before the enzymeconjugated secondary antibody is added. The subsequent reaction with the substrate gives an estimation of the amount of antigen–antibody complex that is dissociated by the salt/polyol treatment. A general procedure for the ELISA-elution assay is as follows.


Nancy E. Thompson et al.

2.3. Identification of PR-mAbs by ELISA-elution assay 1. Coat a polystyrene microtiter plate with antigen. We typically use 30–100 ng of antigen contained in 50 ml of phosphate buffered saline (PBS, pH 7.4) per well. The antigen is allowed to incubate at room temperature for 1 h to allow sufficient time for the antigen to bind to the polystyrene. 2. Each well is then blocked with 200 ml of 1% nonfat dry milk in PBS (1% BLOTTO). We typically block overnight at 4 C, but 2 h at room temperature is sufficient. 3. The test antibody (50 ml) is then added to two adjacent wells, and incubated at room temperature for 1 h. If the antibody is contained in cell culture fluid, it usually can be used directly. However, very high affinity antibodies, or very high titer antibody preparations should be diluted so that nonsaturating levels are used. 4. The wells are washed five times with PBS containing 0.1% Tween 20 (PBST) to remove the unbound antibody. 5. To the control well, 100 ml of TE buffer (50 mM Tris–HCl, pH 7.9 and 0.1 mM EDTA) is added, and to the test well, 100 ml of TE buffer containing 0.75 M ammonium sulfate and 40% propylene glycol is added. The plate is incubated at room temperature for 20 min, with occasional (about every 5 min) tapping of the side of the plate to mix the contents. 6. The wells are washed five times with PBST. 7. A commercially available horseradish peroxidase-conjugated secondary antibody is diluted into 1% BLOTTO (generally 1:2000) and 50 ml is added to each well. The plate is incubated at room temperature for 1 h. 8. The wells are washed 10 times with PBST. 9. The appropriate substrate is added to the wells. We use 100 ml of 0.03% H2O2 and 0.4 mg/ml o-phenylenediamine (OPD) contained in 0.05 M citrate buffer (pH 5.0). 10. The plate is incubated 5–15 min at room temperature. The reactions are stopped in pairs (TE and TE þ salt/polyol for each mAb) with 50 ml of 1 M H2SO4 per well. 11. The absorbance is read on a microtiter plate reader; for OPD we use 490 nm. Treatment with the polyol and salt will reduce the absorbance of a PR-mAb in the test well by about 50% compared to the control well that received just TE buffer (Fig. 28.1A) If a plate reader is not available, the approximately 50% reduction is usually evident by visual inspection. 2.3.1. Comments 1. Screening for PR-mAbs can be performed at the master-well stage, immediately after the hybridomas are screened for specific antibody


Immunoaffinity Chromatography





0% PG

1.2 Absorbance value


TE buffer

mAb NT73



TE buffer

mAb 8RB13




mAb NT63


1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0

TE buffer

Absorbance value


1 20% PG

0.8 0.6 0.4

30% PG 40% PG

0.2 0






NaCl (M )

Figure 28.1 ELISA-elution assay to identify and characterize PR-mAbs. Each well of the microtiter plate was coated with 100 ng core RNAP. (A) ELISA-elution assay of previously identified PR-mAb. mAb NT63 is a control mAb that reacts with E. coli RNAP (Thompson et al., 1992). mAbs 8RB13 and NT73 are PR-mAbs (Bergendahl et al., 2003; Thompson et al., 1992). mAb NT63 did not elute from the antigen with 0.75 M NaCl and 40% propylene glycol (NaCl/PG), but mAbs 8RB13 and NT73 did elute with the salt/polyol combination. None of the mAbs eluted well with 0.75 M NaCl or 40% propylene glycol (PG) alone. (B) ELISA-elution assay using mAb 8RB13 and varying concentrations of both NaCl (0–1.0 M) and propylene glycol (0–40%).

production. The preliminary screening can be performed with 100 ml of cell culture fluid (50 ml for the buffer control and 50 ml for the buffer containing polyol and salt). In one study (Thompson et al., 1992), we screened over 200 hybridomas for PR-mAb from a single fusion at the master-well stage. 2. Binding of the antigen to the microtiter plate can result in distortion of the antigen structure. This can expose buried epitopes that are not


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accessible in the protein when it is in solution. This can result in a ‘‘falsepositive’’ because the mAb does not react with the target when it is in solution and is not a useful mAb for immunoaffinity chromatography. 3. When a few milliliters of cell culture fluid are available, it is possible to examine the response of a mAb to different concentrations of polyol and salt on a single plate (Fig. 28.1B).

2.4. Producing mAbs in continuous culture The practice of producing mouse mAbs in ascites fluid has been discouraged in many settings. Therefore, we have explored alternatives methods to produce the large amounts of mAbs that are needed for immunoaffinity chromatography. We describe here one method that we have found to be particularly useful for this scale of antibody production. This protocol uses a commercially available cell culture chamber called a CELLine Flask 350 (CL 350) manufactured by Integra Biosciences AG (Switzerland). In the United States, this product is distributed by Argos Technologies, Inc (Elgin, IL) and Bioraco International (Framingham, MA). We found this product to be easy to use, capable of producing 10–50 mg of antibody, and reusable several times for the same hybridoma. Standard cell culture aseptic techniques are required, along with a cell culture hood and a 37 C humidified CO2 incubator (5%). A schematic of this culture flask is shown in Fig. 28.2A. The general protocol is as follows: 1. Preparing the cell culture media: Two slightly different media are prepared for the two chambers of the CL 350 flask. Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle Medium (DMEM) containing glutamine and high glucose (Gibco/Invitrogen #11965), supplemented with 1 mM sodium pyruvate (Sigma), 100 units of penicillin/ml, and 100 mg/ml of streptomycin (Gibco/ Invitrogen) is used as the base for the two media. For the cell growth chamber, DMEM with the supplements indicated above is also supplemented with 15% heat-inactivated fetal bovine serum (Hyclone). The nutrient chamber uses DMEM with the supplements indicated above and 5% fetal bovine serum. We refer to the medium for the growth chamber as ‘‘complete medium’’ and the medium for the nutrient chamber as ‘‘nutrient medium.’’ 2. Preparing the inoculum for seeding the flask: Remove a vial containing the hybridoma from liquid N2 and thaw rapidly at 37 C. Plate the hybridoma in complete medium at about 2 104 cells/ml. We use 10-cm cell culture plates containing 20 ml of medium. 3. Seeding the flask: Prepare 8 106 to 20 106 viable cells in log growth phase in 5 ml of fresh complete medium. Place 25 ml of nutrient medium in the nutrient compartment (green cap) to wet the membrane between the nutrient chamber and the cell chamber before the cells are


Immunoaffinity Chromatography

A Port to nutrient chamber Green cap

White cap

Port to growth chamber Nutrient medium compartment Silicone membrane Support platform with air ports




F7 F8




Flow-through fractions from DE52 F2 F3

AS supernatant


Markers Cell supernatant


AS ppt (solubilized)

Semi-permeable membrane Growth chamber

160 110 80 60 HC

50 40 30

LC 20 15 10 3.5 1








9 10 11 12 13 14

Figure 28.2 mAb production in CELLine flasks. (A) Diagrammatic representation of the CL 350 flask (adapted from the manufacturer’s literature). (B) The hybridoma that produces the 8RB13 mAb was cultured in the flask for 3 weeks. The cell supernatants that were collected every 3 days were pooled (Lane 2) and purified using ammonium sulfate precipitation (Lanes 3 and 4) and chromatography on DE52 (Lanes 5–14) as described in the text. The fractions were run on a 4–12% NuPAGE gel (Invitrogen), using MES buffer; the gel was stained with GelCode (Pierce). The immunoglobulin heavy chain (HC) and light chain (LC) are indicated.

placed in the cell chamber. Suspend the cell preparation and aspirate into a 10-ml serological pipette. With the green cap loose, inoculate 5 ml suspension into cell compartment (white cap) by inserting the pipette


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firmly into the cell compartment port. Remove trapped air bubbles by pipetting the fluid up and down slowly to allow the bubbles to rise prior to returning only the fluid to the cell chamber. Replace and tighten the white cap. Add 350 ml of nutrient medium to the nutrient compartment and completely tighten the green cap. 4. Cell compartment harvest and culture maintenance: Every 3–7 days remove nutrient medium from nutrient medium compartment. With green cap loose, insert 10 ml pipette into the cell compartment and pipette fluid up and down to thoroughly mix the cells. Then remove entire cell compartment liquid volume to a centrifuge tube. Volume may be greater than 5 ml due to osmotic flux. Take a sample for a cell count and cell viability using a hemocytometer and trypan blue. Centrifuge the material removed from the cell compartment to pellet the cells. Remove and save the medium, which contains the mAbs; this can be frozen for purification at a later date. Suspend the cells with fresh complete medium. Depending upon the initial inoculation density, growth rate, and maintenance frequency the cells may need to be split back (usually 1:2–1:4) at this point. With the green cap loosened, return 5 ml of cells back to the cell compartment (white cap). Remove air bubbles and completely tighten white cap. Add 350 ml of nutrient medium to nutrient compartment and completely tighten green cap. 5. The Integra CL 350 flask is harvested every 3–7 days after the culture has been established. Harvest intervals depend on the growth rate of the hybridoma and the ability of the hybridoma to adapt to the flask environment. This trait seems to be cell line dependent. 2.4.1. Comments 1. For hybridomas that grow well in the CL 350 flask, approximately 0.5– 1 mg of mAb is present in each ml of harvested cell culture supernatant. The continuous culture can usually be maintained for about 1 month. 2. Liquid handling: Warm medium to 37 C in a water bath. This helps to prevent condensation on the flask and temperature shocking the cells. When adding or removing liquid from the cell compartment (white cap), always loosen the green cap of the nutrient medium compartment first to prevent air lock. Always tighten both white and green caps before placing the flask into the incubator. The use of 10 ml serological pipettes is recommended for all cell compartment manipulations. The medium in the nutrient medium chamber can be exchanged by aspirating the medium out and pouring fresh medium in. 3. The minimum cell concentration is 1.5 106 cells/ml for the inoculum (Step 2). We have not been successful in reducing the need for fetal bovine serum in the nutrient medium. Some of the new serum-free media on the market may be used as the nutrient medium.

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4. It is important to track cell numbers and health (Step 3). This helps to determine whether to split cells to reduce numbers once the total viable cell count is greater than 100 106 cells. If the cell viability is greatly reduced, the maintenance frequency needs to be increased. 5. Because the cells are split back every time the culture is harvested, the percentage of viable cells (Step 4) will decrease during the continuous culture due to death of the cells. It is not unusual to end up with only 30–40% viability at the end of the culture period. 6. Some hybridomas are unstable in this long-term, continuous culture and lose the ability to produce the mAb. Therefore, the antibody production should be monitored during the culturing. We do this by a standard ELISA. 7. Information on CELLine flasks can be obtained at:

2.5. Purification of the antibody It is usually advantageous to at least partially purify the antibody in order to maximize the binding of the antibody to the available reactive sites on the support during immobilization. Antibodies can be purified by many different methods. Some of the most common, low-cost methods are by sizeexclusion or ion-exchange chromatography. A common, but more costly method of purification is by affinity chromatography on a column containing either protein A or protein G, or a mixture of the two. Mouse mAbs that belong to the IgG class of immunoglobulins belong to one of four subclasses: IgG1, IgG2a, IgG2b, and IgG3. Mouse IgG2a, IgG2b, and IgG3 can be purified on a column containing protein A. Mouse mAbs of the IgG1 subclass do not bind to protein A very well. These mAbs bind better to protein G, but not as well as mAbs of the mouse IgG2a and IgG2b bind to either protein A or protein G. In our experience, the majority of the mAbs identified in a typical fusion are of the IgG1 subclass. We describe here a simple method for purifying mouse IgG mAbs on an inexpensive DEAE column (Whatman DE52). This method is particularly useful for IgG1 mAbs. In fact, every IgG1 mAb that we have tested can be purified to about 90% purity. In addition, many mouse IgG2a and IgG2b antibodies can be purified by this method. 1. Antibodies contained in either ascites fluid or concentrated cell supernatant from the CELLine Flask are precipitated by ammonium sulfate. A saturated solution of ammonium sulfate is added to the mAb until 45% saturation is reached. The slurry is allowed to stir for 20 min on ice. This precipitates the mAb but leaves most of the serum albumin in solution. 2. The precipitate is removed by centrifugation (about 6000g, 10 min). Antibody buffer (50 mM Tris–HCl, pH 6.9, 25 mM NaCl) is added to


3. 4. 5.



Nancy E. Thompson et al.

the pellet to obtain one-fourth (for the CELLine flask-prepared antibody) to one-half (for ascites fluid) of the volume of the original antibody preparation. The precipitate is allowed to solubilize for about 15 min, and clarified by centrifugation (6000g, 10 min). The supernatant from Step 3 is then dialyzed against 1 l of antibody buffer overnight at 4 C. The clarified supernatant is applied to a column of DE52 that has been prepared as discussed in ‘‘comments’’ below. The column is equilibrated in antibody buffer (pH 6.9), and at this pH most of the mAb flows through the column while most impurities bind. For 10 ml of the starting material, we use a 5-ml column of DE52. Fractions (about 1 ml) of material that does not bind to the column are collected, and samples of each fraction are subjected to SDS–PAGE. The SDS–PAGE in Fig. 28.2B shows the fractions from the purification of mAb 8RB13 (an IgG1 mAb) that was produced in a CL 350 flask. Fractions are pooled according to purity of the antibody product. The column is then eluted with 5 ml of antibody buffer containing 0.5 M NaCl. Save this eluate until the fractions are analyzed by PAGE.

2.5.1. Comments 1. The preparation of the DE52 is particularly important. Although the manufacturer states that precycling is not necessary, we have found that precycling greatly improves the performance of the chromatography. Ten grams of resin should be resuspended in 100 ml of water and washed several times with 100 ml of water, removing the fines (the small particles that do not settle easily) with each washing. The resin is then treated with 100 ml of 0.1 M HCl for 30 min. The acid is decanted and the resin washed at least three times with 100 ml of water for each wash. After the last wash is decanted, the resin is treated with 0.1 M NaOH for 30 min. The base is decanted, and the resin is washed at least three times with 100 ml of water for each wash. The resin is then washed three times with 100 ml of the antibody buffer and resuspended in the same buffer. The pH is checked with pH paper, and NaN3 is added to 0.02%. Resin is distributed to disposable tubes and stored in the refrigerator. 2. If the mAb is made in ascites fluid, the product is not as clean (approximately 80–90% pure), but the impurities do not seem to interfere with the performance of the immunoaffinity resin. 3. Under the conditions described above, most mouse mAbs will flow through the DE52. However, a few mAbs will bind under these conditions. Therefore, the high salt elution (Step 7) will elute the mAb. It will

Immunoaffinity Chromatography


be necessary to use a salt gradient to purify a mAb that binds to the DE52 column. 4. If the mAb is made in the CELLine flask, the DE52 step might not be necessary.

2.6. Immobilization of PR-mAbs on a chromatography support Numerous resins and coupling chemistries are available through commercial suppliers. We have tested a number of these resins, but have not found that any of them work better than cross-linked agarose that has been derivatized with cyanogen bromide (CNBr). 1. The purified mAb is dialyzed against coupling buffer (100 mM sodium bicarbonate, 500 mM NaCl, pH 8.3). The antibody solution is removed from the dialysis tube and the volume adjusted to about 10 ml with coupling buffer for each gram of dried CNBr-activated Sepharose used. A sample (about 100 ml) is reserved for protein concentration analysis. 2. Dried CNBr-activated agarose is swelled in 0.1 mM HCl for about 20 min. Each gram of dried CNBr-activated resin makes 3.5 ml of swollen gel. The resin is then washed on a fritted glass filter, using about 100 ml of 0.1 mM HCl for a gram of resin. 3. The resin is quickly washed with about 20 ml of coupling buffer, and the resin is transferred to the antibody solution. This slurry is mixed endover-end on a laboratory rotator for 2 h at 23 C. 4. The resin is collected on the fritted glass filter, and the filtrate is saved for determining the amount of protein that did not couple. 5. The resin is transferred to about 10 ml of 1 M ethanolamine, pH 8.3 and mixed end-over-end to 2 h at 23 C, to allow the ethanolamine to react with any remaining reactive CNBr groups. 6. The resin is again collected on the fritted glass filter, and washed with the coupling buffer (about 50 ml) and then washed with 100 mM sodium acetate buffer (pH 4.0). 7. Repeat the two washings in Step 6 at least two to three times. 8. Store the conjugated Sepharose in 10 ml of coupling buffer containing 0.02% NaN3 at 4 C. 9. Perform a protein concentration analysis on the antibody solutions saved before and after conjugation (samples from steps 1 and 4). A coupling efficiency can be determined from these samples. 2.6.1. Comments 1. One gram of this resin yields 3.5 ml of swollen resin. For most purposes, we find making 0.5–2.0 g at a time to be convenient. We have found


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that coupling 2.5 mg of mAb to 1 ml of swelled resin works well. Therefore, 8.75 mg of mAb is needed to conjugate 3.5 ml (1 g) of resin. 2. The CNBr is activated by pH values over 8. Therefore, the transfer of the resin to the antibody solution described in Step 3 above should be performed as quickly as possible. 3. The blocking agent (Step 5) can vary with the use. For example, yeast produces an ethanolamine-binding protein that will be copurified with the target protein if ethanolamine is used for blocking. In this case 0.1 M glycine is a more appropriate blocking agent. 4. The resin is stored at 4 C in 0.02% NaN3. The resin is stable for about 6 months under these conditions. We have noticed that some antibody leaches off after about 6 months of storage. Storage of the resin in the above buffer but at 50 % glycerol allows storage at 20 C (where it does not freeze) and seems to allow for a longer half life.

2.7. Purification of proteins with PR-mAbs As an example, we describe here the method of purifying RNA polymerase from E. coli, using either mAb NT73 or 8RB13. We have presented a one-step immunoaffinity chromatography procedure that will yield RNAP that is about 90% pure. Some of the extra proteins that coelute are RNAP-binding proteins. This protocol assumes that the starting material is a bacterial pellet containing E. coli cells (2–3 g wet weight) from 1 l of late-log phase culture. The SDS–PAGE shown in Fig. 28.3 is a composite gel of this purification. 1. The pellet is allowed to partially thaw on ice and resuspended in 20 ml of TEN buffer (50 mM Tris–HCl, pH 7.9, 0.1 mM EDTA, and 100 mM NaCl). 2. Lysozyme is added to a concentration of 250 mg/ml and the cells are incubated on ice for 20 min. Alternatively, 1500 kU of rLysozyme (EMD/Novagen #71110) can be used. 3. The cells are sonicated on ice four times for 15 s each, with 15 s rests between each sonication burst. 4. The lysate is centrifuged at 15,000 rpm (27,000g) for 15 min. 5. The supernatant is applied to the immunoaffinity column (1–2 ml) at 23 C. A flow-through fraction is saved. 6. The column is washed with TE containing 100 mM NaCl (about 20 ml) and then with TE containing 500 ml NaCl (about 5 ml). The column is the reequilibrated in TE containing 100 mM NaCl (about 10 ml). 7. The column is eluted with TE containing 0.75 M NaCl and 40% propylene glycol (at room temperature). The fractions are placed on ice as they are collected. 8. The peak fractions are analyzed on a SDS–PAGE gel. The SDS–PAGE in Fig. 28.3 shows the fractions obtained from the one-step


Elution 4

Elution 3

0.5 M NaCl wash




Immunoaffinity Chromatography

kDa 260

b ′/b

160 110 80

s 70

60 50


40 30 20 15 10 3.5







Figure 28.3 SDS–PAGE (4–12%) of RNAP purified from E. coli by a one-step immunoaffinity chromatography procedure, using mAbNT73-Sepharose. The cell lysate was prepared as described in the text, and the soluble material (Lane 2) was applied to a NT73Sepharose column (2 ml). The flow-through material (Lane 3) was collected. After washing with TE buffer containing 100 mM NaCl, the column was washed briefly with TE containing 0.5 M NaCl (Lane 4). The column was re-equilibrated in TE containing 100 mM NaCl, and then the RNAP was eluted from the column with TE buffer containing 0.75 M NaCl and 40% propylene glycol, and 1-ml fractions collected (Lanes 5 and 6). RNAP subunits are indicated on the right side. Most of the extra bands are RNAPbinding proteins.

chromatography. The appropriate fractions (Lanes 5–6 in Fig. 28.3) are pooled and dialyzed against a suitable storage buffer. (For transcription proteins, we use 50 mM Tris–HCl, pH 7.9; 0.1 mM EDTA, 0.1 mM DTT, 50 mM NaCl, and 20–50% glycerol). 2.7.1. Comments 1. The lysate (Step 3) can be treated with Benzonase (EMD/Novagen #70746, Madison, WI) to help digest nucleic acids and decrease viscosity (see Chapter 18 in this volume).


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2. The 500 mM NaCl wash (Step 6) helps to remove nucleic acids and NusA, a RNA polymerase-binding protein. 3. For reasons that are unknown to us, the elution of the target protein (Step 8) is significantly more effective if performed at room temperature than at 4 C.

2.8. Purification of proteins using cross-reacting PR-mAbs It is often desirable to purify proteins or protein complexes from biological materials that have not been genetically manipulated. In this case, we have found that the use of PR-mAbs that react with an epitope that is highly conserved makes the immunoadsorbent more versatile. Two of our most successful PR-mAbs react with the same enzyme across many species. mAb 8WG16 reacts with the heptapeptide repeat on the C-terminus of the largest subunit of eukaryotic RNAP II (Table 28.1). This sequence, commonly referred to as the C-terminal domain (CTD) of RNAP II, is accessible on the surface of this large protein complex. The CTD is highly conserved on RNAP II from almost all species. mAb 8WG16 has been used to purify RNAP II from calf thymus (Thompson et al., 1990), yeast (Edwards et al., 1990), and human cells (Maldonado et al., 1996). In fact, this PR-mAb was used to purify the yeast RNAP II that was used in the first crystallization studies of RNAP II (Cramer et al., 2000). We have described a detailed procedure for using this PR-mAb to purify RNAP II (Thompson and Burgess, 1996). In most cases, the purification of RNAP II from crude material requires some bulk purification steps before the material is applied to the immunoaffinity resin. mAb 8RB13 is a highly cross-reactive PR-mAb that has proved to be very useful for purification of bacterial core RNAP (Bergendahl et al., 2003; Probasco et al., 2007). This PR-mAb reacts with the highly conserved ‘‘b-flap’’ region of the bacterial RNAP from most bacteria (E. S. Stalder, unpublished data). Because the b-flap is one of the major binding sites for the sigma subunit (Kuznedelov et al., 2002), core RNA polymerase (that lacks a sigma subunit) is purified on the 8RB13-agarose column. Lane 3 in Fig. 28.4 shows core RNAP purified from E. coli. Because of the crossreactivity of this mAb, core RNAP can also be purified from Bacillus subtilis (Lane 4). Also shown in Fig. 28.4 is RNAP purified from E. coli using mAb NT73 (Lane 2); this preparation is a mixture of the holoenzyme and the core enzyme, and these two forms of the enzyme can be separated from this fraction by ion-exchange chromatography (Thompson et al., 1992). The peptide band corresponding to the major sigma factor is missing from core RNAP purified from E. coli and B. subtilis.


Epitope-tagged GFP (NT73)

B. subtilis core RNAP (8RB13)

E. coli core RNAP (8RB13)

E. coli RNAP (NT73)



Immunoaffinity Chromatography

b /b ′


s 70

60 50 40




20 15 10 3.5






Figure 28.4 SDS–PAGE (4–12%) of RNAP and epitope-tagged GFP purified on PRmAbs. Lane 1 contains Novex Sharp Standard markers; Lane 2 contains E. coli RNAP purified on mAb NT73; Lane 3 contains E. coli core RNAP purified on mAb 8RB13; Lane 4 contains B. subtilis core RNAP purified on mAb 8RB13; Lane 5 contains epitope-tagged GFP purified on mAb NT73.

2.9. Use of epitopes of PR-mAbs as purification tags Although we believe that about 5–10% of the mAbs that are isolated from standard hybridoma techniques are potentially useful PR-mAbs, another approach is to epitope-tag a protein with the epitope for an established PRmAb. The concept of purification tags is described in Chapter 16 in this volume. Therefore, we will only briefly describe this topic, and only as it relates to PR-mAbs and their epitopes. The ability to tag a protein with an epitope and use the PR-mAb to purify the protein established that polyol-responsiveness is indeed a property of the antibody, and not a property of the environment in which the epitope is presented. The three PR-mAbs for which we have developed epitope-tagged systems are NT73, IIB8, and 8RB13 (Duellman et al., 2004;


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Thompson et al., 2003; E. S. Stalder, unpublished data). We have designated these epitope tags as ‘‘Softags’’ (Burgess and Thompson, 2002). All of these epitopes are listed in Table 28.1, and a patent has been issued on the use of these tags (Burgess et al., 2007). All of our PR-mAbs have been isolated using the full-length protein as the immunogen; therefore, for some of these mAbs, the epitope mapping has been a laborious process. We have not attempted to isolate a PR-mAb using a synthetic peptide as an immunogen, although this should be possible. IIB8, the PR-mAb that reacts with human TFIIB, was mapped using phage display followed by site-directed mutagenesis (Duellman et al., 2004). The two PR-mAbs that react with the largest subunits of E. coli RNA polymerase (mAbs NT73 and 8RB13) were roughly mapped using the ordered fragment ladder method (Burgess et al., 2000; Rao et al., 1996), followed by fine deletion analysis and oligonucleotide tagging of an unrelated protein for which we have an antibody (Thompson et al., 2003; E. S. Stalder, unpublished data). The tags are constructed by fusing an oligonucleotide containing the coding sequence for the epitope in-frame with the target protein. We have used the green fluorescent protein (GFP) as a target protein as proof-of-principle for the technique (Duellman et al., 2004; Thompson et al., 2003). The mAb NT73 epitope tag can be fused to either the N- or C-terminus of GFP, but for other target proteins, this might be dependent upon the accessibility of the termini. In the case of GFP, both of the termini are accessible in the crystal structure (Tsien, 1998). The epitope for mAb 8RB13 has been used as a tag in both the E. coli and mammalian cell culture systems (E. S. Stalder, unpublished). While we have used the epitope tags derived from E. coli RNAP for purification of epitope-tagged GFP produced in the E. coli expression system, the endogenous RNAP is still in the lysate and some RNAP is also purified. Lane 5 in Fig. 28.4 shows GFP tagged with the epitope for NT73 expressed in E. coli and purified with NT73-Sepharose. The RNAP can be removed from this material by bringing the lysate to 300 mM NaCl and adding 0.3% polyethyleneimine (PEI) (see Chapter 20 in this volume). The resulting heavy precipitate is removed by centrifugation, and the epitope-tagged GFP remains in solution. The supernatant is then applied to the immunoaffinity column.

3. Conclusions We have described the isolation, identification, and use of PR-mAbs for use in gentle immunoaffinity chromatography. Although the examples that we have presented here apply to our PR-mAbs and their use to purify

Immunoaffinity Chromatography


transcription factors, the methods outlined in this chapter can be applied to any PR-mAb or to a protein that has been genetically tagged with an epitope for a PR-mAb. The most expensive component of this procedure is the isolation of the PR-mAb. Because there are now many panels of mAbs for a given protein, and these existing mAbs can be screened for polyol-responsiveness by the ELISA-elution assay, it is possible that a PRmAb that reacts with a protein that you are interested in already exists.

DISCLOSURE N. Thompson and R. Burgess are required by the University of Wisconsin–Madison Conflict of Interest Committee to disclose that they have financial interests in the company NeoClone which markets many of the mAbs mentioned in this chapter.

REFERENCES Anthony, J. R., Green, H. A., and Donohue, T. J. (2003). Purification of Rhodobacter sphaeroides RNA polymerase and its sigma factors. Meth. Enzymol. 370, 54–65. Bergendahl, V., Thompson, N. E., Foley, K. M., Olson, B. M., and Burgess, R. R. (2003). A cross-reactive polyol-responsive monoclonal antibody useful for isolation of core RNA polymerase from many bacterial species. Protein Expr. Purif. 31, 155–160. Burgess, R. R., and Thompson, N. E. (2002). Advances in gentle immunoaffinity chromatography. Curr. Opin. Biotechnol. 13, 304–308. Burgess, R. R., Arthur, T. A., and Pietz, B. C. (2000). Mapping protein-protein interaction domains using ordered fragment ladder far-Western analysis of hexahistidine-tagged fusion proteins. Meth. Enzymol. 328, 141–157. Burgess, R. R., Thompson, N. E., and Duellman, S. J. (2007). Immunoaffinity chromatography using epitope tags to polyol-responsive monoclonal antibodies. US Patent No. 7,241,580. Cramer, P., Bushnell, D. A., Fu, J., Gnatt, A. L., Maier-Davis, B., Thompson, N. E., Burgess, R. R., Edwards, A. M., David, P. R., and Kornberg, R. D. (2000). Architecture of RNA polymerase II and implications for the transcription mechanism. Science 288, 640–649. Duellman, S. J., Thompson, N. E., and Burgess, R. R. (2004). An epitope tag derived from human transcription factor IIB that reacts with a polyol-responsive monoclonal antibody. Protein Expr. Purif. 35, 147–155. Edwards, A. M., Darst, S. A., Feaver, W. J., Thompson, N. E., Burgess, R. R., and Kornberg, R. D. (1990). Purification and lipid layer crystallization of yeast RNA polymerase II active in transcription initiation. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 87, 2122–2126. Harlow, E., and Lane, D. (1988). Antibodies: A Laboratory Manual. Cold Spring Harbor Press, Cold Spring Harbor, NY11724. Jiang, Y., Zhang, S. J., Wu, S. M., and Lee, M. Y. (1995). Immunoaffinity purification of DNA polymerase delta. Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 230, 297–304. Kuznedelov, K., Minakhin, L., Niedziela-Majka, A., Dove, S. L., Rogulja, D., Nickels, B. E., Hochschild, A., Heyduk, T., and Severinov, K. (2002). A role for the interaction of the RNA polymerase flap domain with the sigma subunit in promoter recognition. Science 295, 855–857.


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T W E N T Y- N I N E

One-Dimensional Gel Electrophoresis1 David E. Garfin Contents 1. 2. 3. 4.

Background Polyacrylamide Gels Principle of Method Procedure 4.1. Stock solutions 4.2. Catalyst 4.3. Electrode buffer 4.4. Casting gels 4.5. Sample preparation 4.6. Electrophoresis 4.7. Comments on method 4.8. Variations of method 5. Detection of Proteins in Gels 5.1. Dye staining with Coomassie Brilliant Blue R-250 5.2. Silver staining 5.3. Copper staining 6. Marker Proteins 7. Molecular Weight Determination 8. Preparative Electrophoresis References

498 500 501 502 502 503 503 503 505 505 506 507 508 509 509 510 510 511 511 513

Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS– PAGE) is an excellent method with which to identify and monitor proteins during purification and to assess the homogeneity of purified fractions. SDS–PAGE is routinely used for the estimation of protein subunit molecular weights and for determining the subunit compositions of purified proteins. SDS–PAGE can also be scaled up, for use in a preparative mode, to yield sufficient protein for further studies. In addition, two-dimensional analysis, combining isoelectric focusing with SDS–PAGE (Dunbar, 1987, this volume), is a very high resolution method for protein fractionation, enabling thousands of polypeptides to Chemical Division, Research Products Group, Bio-Rad Laboratories, Incorporated, Richmond, California Reprinted from Methods in Enzymology, Volume 182 (Academic Press, 1990)


Methods in Enzymology, Volume 463 ISSN 0076-6879, DOI: 10.1016/S0076-6879(09)63029-9

Copyright # 1990 by Academic Press All rights reserved.



David E. Garfin

be resolved in a single gel. When used in conjunction with blotting methods (Timmons and Dunbar, this volume), SDS–PAGE provides one of the most powerful means available for protein analysis. A great many electrophoretic systems have been developed and no attempt is made to summarize them here. In particular, the distinctions between the various ‘‘continuous’’ and ‘‘discontinuous’’ buffer systems are not discussed, nor are alternative support matrices considered. Gradient gels (gels whose pore sizes vary) are also omitted from discussion, since these can be prepared by relatively straightforward adaptation of any of a number of well-known methods for forming gradients. Rather, only the most common (and most reliable) analytical SDS–PAGE procedure (Laemmli, 1970) is described. Those wishing further information on the practical or theoretical aspects of electrophoretic processes can use (Allen et al., 1984; Andrews, 1986; Chrambach, 1985; Hames, 1981) to gain access to the large volume of literature in the field. Some problems may require adoption of alternative procedures (Allen et al., 1984; Andrews, 1986; Blackshear, this series; Bury, 1981; Chrambach, 1985; Hames, 1981; Neville, 1971; Neville and Glossmann, this series), but for most applications the SDS–PAGE method presented here will perform satisfactorily.

1. Background Although the detailed theory of gel electrophoresis is complicated and at present incomplete (Bier et al., 1983; Chrambach and Jovin, 1983; Jovin, 1973), the fundamental concepts are easily understood. Briefly, in an electrophoretic separation, charged particles are caused to migrate toward the electrode of opposite sign under the influence of an externally applied electric field. The movements of the particles are retarded by interactions with the surrounding gel matrix, which acts as a molecular sieve. The opposing interactions of the electrical force and molecular sieving result in differential migration rates for the constituent proteins of a sample. In general, fractionation by gel electrophoresis is based on the sizes, shapes, and net charges of the macromolecules. Systems designed to fractionate proteins in their native configurations cannot distinguish between the effects of size, shape, and charge on electrophoretic mobility. As a consequence, proteins with differing molecular weights can have the same mobility in these systems. Thus, while PAGE methods for native proteins are valuable for separating and categorizing protein mixtures, they should not be used to assess the purity of a preparation or the molecular weight of an unknown. SDS–PAGE overcomes the limitations of native PAGE by imposing uniform hydrodynamic and charge characteristics on all the proteins in a

One-Dimensional Gel Electrophoresis


sample mixture. During sample preparation, proteins are treated with hot SDS. The anionic detergent binds tightly to most proteins at about 1.4 mg of SDS/mg of protein, imparting a negative charge to the resultant complexes (Nielsen and Reynolds, this series). Interaction with SDS disrupts all noncovalent protein bonds, causing the macromolecules to unfold. Concomitant treatment with a disulfide-reducing agent, such as 2-mercaptoethanol or dithiothreitol, further denatures proteins, breaking them down to their constituent subunits. The electrophoretic mobilities of the resultant detergent–polypeptide complexes all assume the same functional relationship to their molecular weights. Migration of SDS derivatives is toward the anode at rates inversely proportional to the logarithms of their molecular weights (Neville, 1971; Neville and Glossmann, this series; Shapiro et al., 1967; Weber and Osborn, 1969). SDS polypeptides, thus, move through gels in a predictable manner, with low-molecularweight complexes migrating faster than larger ones. This means that the molecular weight of a protein can be estimated from its relative mobility in a calibrated SDS–PAGE gel and that a single band in such a gel is a criterion of purity. Most electrophoresis is done in vertical chambers in gel slabs formed between two glass plates (Andrews, 1986; Hames, 1981). The slab format provides uniformity, so that different samples can be directly compared in the same gel. Gel thicknesses are established by spacers placed between the glass plates and sample wells are formed in the gels during polymerization with plastic, comb-shaped inserts. Electrophoresis cells provide means for sealing the assemblies during gel formation and for maintaining contact with the electrode buffers during runs. The better cells provide means for heat dissipation, because uneven heat distribution in the gel slab can cause band distortions. Conventional gels are of the order of 16–20 cm long, 16 cm wide, and 0.5–3.0 mm in thickness and can accommodate about 25 samples. Thick gels have greater total protein capacity than thin ones, but are correspondingly less efficient at dissipating electrically generated heat and more difficult to stain and destain. Gel thicknesses of 0.75 or 1 mm are good compromise sizes, combining adequate protein loads and good staining speeds with minimal heat-related distortions. Typical runs take 4–5 h. Small-format cells (minicells) allow rapid analyses and are adequate for relatively uncomplicated samples. The design of these cells allows analyses to be completed two to three times faster than is possible with conventional cells. The gels are about 7 cm long 8 cm wide and are very easily manipulated. Each gel can hold up to about 15 samples and a typical run can be completed in less than 1 h (not counting setup and polymerization time). The resolution of complex samples may be better in conventional gels than with minicells, since the separation of protein bands is improved by increasing the lengths of SDS–PAGE gels.


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2. Polyacrylamide Gels Polyacrylamide gels are formed by copolymerization of acrylamide monomer, CH2¼CH–CO–NH2, and a cross-linking comonomer, N,N 0 methylenebisacrylamide, CH2¼CH–CO–NH–CH2–NH–CO–CH¼CH2, (bisacrylamide) (Allen et al., 1984; Andrews, 1986; Chrambach, 1985; Chrambach and Rodbard, 1971; Hames, 1981). The mechanism of gel formation is vinyl addition polymerization and is catalyzed by a free radicalgenerating system composed of ammonium persulfate (the initiator) and an accelerator, tetramethylethylenediamine (TEMED). TEMED causes the formation of free radicals from persulfate and these in turn catalyze polymerization. Oxygen, a radical scavenger, interferes with polymerization, so that proper degassing to remove dissolved oxygen from acrylamide solutions is crucial for reproducible gel formation. The sieving properties of a gel are established by the three-dimensional network of fibers and pores which is formed as the bifunctional bisacrylamide cross-links adjacent polyacrylamide chains (Rodbard and Chrambach, 1970). Within limits, as the acrylamide concentration of a gel increases, its effective pore size decreases. The effective pore size of a gel is operationally defined by its sieving properties; that is, by the resistance it imparts to the migration of protein molecules. By convention, a given gel is physically characterized by the pair of figures (%T, %C), where %T is the weight percentage of total monomer (acrylamide þ cross-linker, in g/100 ml), and %C is the proportion of cross-linker (as a percentage of total monomer) in the gel. The practical limits for %T lie between 3% and 30%. The factors governing pore size are complicated, but, in general, the pore size of a gel decreases as %T increases. For any given fixed %T, pore size is at a minimum at about 5% C, increasing at both higher and lower cross-linker concentrations (Allen et al., 1984; Andrews, 1986; Chrambach, 1985; Chrambach and Rodbard, 1971; Hames, 1981). The use of high-quality reagents is a prerequisite for reproducible, highresolution gels. This is particularly true of acrylamide, which constitutes the most abundant component in the gel–monomer mixture. Residual acrylic acid, linear polyacrylamide, and ionic impurities are the major contaminants of acrylamide preparations. Moreover, buffer components should be of reagent grade and only distilled or deionized water should be used for all phases of gel electrophoresis. In SDS–PAGE, the quality of the SDS is of prime importance. Differential protein-binding properties of impurities such as C10, C14, and C16 alkyl sulfates can cause single proteins to form multiple bands in gels (Margulies and Tiffany, 1984). Even with pure SDS, very basic proteins, very acidic proteins, various glycoproteins, and lipoproteins, because of their unusual compositions, migrate ‘‘anomalously’’ during electrophoresis (Allen et al., 1984; Andrews, 1986; Hames, 1981).

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3. Principle of Method The most popular electrophoretic method is the SDS–PAGE system developed by Laemmli (Allen et al., 1984; Andrews, 1986; Blackshear, this series; Hames, 1981; Laemmli, 1970). This is a discontinuous system consisting of two contiguous, but distinct gels: a resolving or separating (lower) gel and a stacking (upper) gel. The two gels are cast with different porosities, pH, and ionic strength. In addition, different mobile ions are used in the gel and electrode buffers. The buffer discontinuity acts to concentrate large volume samples in the stacking gel, resulting in better resolution than is possible using the same sample volumes in gels without stackers. Proteins, once concentrated in the stacking gel, are separated in the resolving gel. The Laemmli SDS–PAGE system is made up of four components. From the top of the cell downward, these are the electrode buffer, the sample, the stacking gel, and the resolving gel. Samples prepared in low-conductivity buffer (0.06 M Tris–Cl, pH 6.8) are loaded between the higher conductivity electrode (0.025 M Tris, 0.192 M glycine, pH 8.3) and stacking gel (0.125 M Tris–Cl, pH 6.8) buffers. When power is applied, a voltage drop develops across the sample solution which drives the proteins into the stacking gel. Glycinate ions from the electrode buffer follow the proteins into the stacking gel. A moving boundary region is rapidly formed with the highly mobile chloride ions in the front and the relatively slow glycinate ions in the rear (Allen et al., 1984; Andrews, 1986; Blackshear, this series; Bury, 1981; Hames, 1981; Wyckoff et al., 1977). A localized high-voltage gradient forms between the leading and trailing ion fronts, causing the SDS– protein complexes to form into a thin zone (stack) and migrate between the chloride and glycinate phases. Within broad limits, regardless of the height of the applied sample, all SDS–proteins condense into a very narrow region and enter the resolving gel as a well-defined, thin zone of high protein density. (The stacking phenomenon is strikingly demonstrated with prestained protein standards, which are mixtures of proteins derivatized with reactive dyes.) The large-pore stacking gel (4% T ) does not retard the migration of most proteins and serves mainly as an anticonvective medium. At the interface of the stacking and resolving gels, the proteins experience a sharp increase in retardation due to the restrictive pore size of the resolving gel. (Proteins too large to enter the resolving gel will stop at the interface.) Once in the resolving gel, proteins continue to be slowed by the sieving of the matrix. The glycinate ions overtake the proteins, which then move in a space of uniform pH (pH 9.5) formed by the Tris and glycine. Molecular sieving causes the SDS–polypeptide complexes to separate on the basis of their molecular weights.


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4. Procedure Equipment and reagents for SDS–PAGE can be obtained from a variety of suppliers. Electrophoresis cells vary in design, but their operation generally follows the steps outlined below. Since the many available cells differ in size, formulations are presented in conveniently sized units for simplicity. Required volumes can be prepared using multiples of these unit sizes. Except where noted, reagents for SDS–PAGE can be prepared as concentrated stock solutions.

4.1. Stock solutions 1. Acrylamide concentrate (30% T, 2.7% C): Dissolve 29.2 g of acrylamide and 0.8 g of bisacrylamide in 70 ml of deionized water. When the acrylamide is completely dissolved, add water to a final volume of 100 ml. Filter the solution under vacuum through a 0.45-mm membrane. Store stock acrylamide at 4 C in a dark bottle for no more than 1 month. Caution: Acrylamide monomer is a neurotoxin. Avoid breathing acrylamide dust, do not pipette acrylamide solutions by mouth, and wear gloves when handling acrylamide powder or solutions containing it. For disposal of unused acrylamide, add bisacrylamide (if none is present), induce polymerization, and discard the solidified gel. 2. 1.5 M Tris–Cl, pH 8.8, concentrated resolving gel buffer: Dissolve 18.2 g Tris base in 80 ml of water, adjust to pH 8.8 with HCl, and add water to a final volume of 100 ml. Store at 4 C. 3. 0.5 M Tris–Cl, pH 6.8, concentrated stacking gel buffer: Dissolve 6.1 g Tris base in 80 ml of water, adjust to pH 6.8 with HCl, and add water to a final volume of 100 ml. Store at 4 C. 4. 10% (w/v) sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS): Dissolve 10 g SDS in 60 ml of water and add water to a final volume of 100 ml. 5. Stock sample buffer (0.06 M Tris–Cl, pH 6.8, 2% SDS, 10% glycerol, 0.025% Bromphenol Blue): Water 0.5 M Tris–Cl, pH 6.8 10% SDS Glycerol 0.5% Bromphenol Blue (w/v water)

4.8 ml 1.2 ml 2.0 ml 1.0 ml 0.5 ml

Store at room temperature. SDS-reducing buffer is prepared by adding 50 ml of 2-mercaptoethanol to each 0.95 ml of stock sample buffer before use.

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4.2. Catalyst 1. 10% ammonium persulfate (APS): Dissolve 100 mg APS in 1 ml of water. Make the APS solution fresh daily. 2. TEMED (N,N,N0 ,N0 -tetramethylethylenediamine): Use TEMED undiluted from the bottle. Store cool, dry, and protected from light.

4.3. Electrode buffer Electrode buffer: 0.025 M Tris, 0.192 M glycine, 0.1% (w/v) SDS, pH 8.3 (0.3 g Tris base, 1.4 g glycine, 1 ml 10% SDS/100 ml electrode buffer). Do not adjust the pH of the electrode buffer; just mix the reagents together and confirm that the pH is near 8.3 ( 0.2). Electrode buffer can be made as a 5 concentrate consisting of 15 g Tris base, 72 g glycine, and 5 g SDS/l. 5 electrode buffer concentrate must be stored in glass containers. To use 5 concentrate, dilute it with four parts water.

4.4. Casting gels Thoroughly clean the glass plates, spacers, combs, and upper buffer reservoir of the gel apparatus with detergent and rinse them well. Wear gloves while assembling the equipment. The resolving gel is cast first, then overlaid with the stacking gel. 1. Assemble the casting apparatus and determine the gel volume from the manufacturer’s instructions or by calculation. A 1- to 2-cm stacking gel is used above the resolving gel. Determine the height to which the resolving gel is to be poured by inserting a well-forming comb between the glass plates and marking the outer plate 1–2 cm below the teeth of the comb. 2. Prepare the monomer solution for the appropriate resolving gel by combining all of the reagents in Table 29.1 except the ammonium persulfate (APS) and TEMED; a disposable, plastic beaker is a convenient mixing vessel. The two gel recipes given in Table 29.1 cover the molecular weight ranges usually encountered. Gels of any other acrylamide concentration desired (Andrews, 1986; Blackshear, this series; Hames, 1981), can be prepared by adjusting (only) the amounts of 30% monomer stock and water used in the recipes. Deaerate the solution under vacuum (e.g., in a bell jar or desiccator) for at least 15 min. 3. Gently mix the APS and TEMED (Table 29.1) into the deaerated monomer solution. Using a pipet and bulb, add the monomer solution between the gel plates up to the mark delimiting the resolving gel. Immediately overlay the monomer solution with water-saturated 2-butanol or tert-amyl alcohol to exclude air, which might inhibit


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Table 29.1 Formulations of SDS–PAGE resolving gelsa


b c d


7.5% T b

12% T c

Water 1.5 M Tris–Cl, pH 8.8 10% SDS Acrylamide/bis (30% T, 2.7% C) 10% ammonium persulfated TEMED

4.85 ml 2.5 ml 0.1 ml 2.5 ml 50 ml 5 ml

3.35 ml 2.5 ml 0.1 ml 4.0 ml 50 ml (0.05%) 5 ml (0.05%)

Any desired volume of monomer solution can be prepared by using multiples of the 10-ml recipes. Combine the first four items and deaerate the solution under vacuum for 15 min. Start polymerization by adding ammonium persulfate and TEMED. For SDS-treated proteins in the approximate molecular weight range between 40 and 250 K. For SDS-treated proteins in the approximate molecular weight range between 10 and 100 K. To make 10% ammonium persulfate (APS), dissolve 100 mg APS in 1 ml of water. Make the APS solution fresh daily.

polymerization, from the surface of the monomer mixture. Allow the gel to polymerize for 45 min to 1 h. Polymerization is evidenced by the appearance of a sharp interface beneath the overlay, which will start to become visible in about 15 min. Polymerization is essentially complete in about 90 min, but the stacking gel can be poured after about an hour (Bio-Rad Lab., Bull. No. 1156). Allow unused monomer to polymerize in the beaker and discard the gel. 4. Prepare 10 ml of stacking gel monomer solution (4% T, 2.7% C ), by combining Water 0.5 M Tris–Cl, pH 6.8 Acrylamide stock solution (30% T) 10% SDS

6.1 ml 2.5 ml 1.3 ml 0.1 ml

Deaerate the monomer solution under vacuum for at least 15 min. 5. Thoroughly rinse the top of the resolving gel with water and dry the area above it with filter paper. Place a well-forming comb between the gel plates and tilt it at a slight angle to provide a way for bubbles to escape. 6. Add 50 ml of 10% APS and 10 ml of TEMED to each 10 ml of degassed monomer solution and pour the stacking gel solution on top of the resolving gel. Align the comb in its proper position, being careful not to trap bubbles under the teeth. Visible polymerization of the stacking gel should occur in about 10 min. No overlay is required, because the comb excludes oxygen from the surfaces of the wells. Allow the gel to polymerize for 30–45 min. Allow unused monomer to polymerize in the beaker before disposing of it.

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In some situations, it may be necessary or convenient to let the gel stand overnight before it is used. When this is the case, it is best to pour the stacking gel on the day of the run to maintain the ion discontinuities at the interface between the two gels. For storage, the top of the resolving gel should be rinsed thoroughly and covered with resolving gel buffer (0.375 M Tris–Cl, 0.1% SDS, pH 8.8) to avoid dehydration and ion depletion. Also, the tops of the gel sandwiches should be covered with plastic wrap during storage.

4.5. Sample preparation The common biochemical buffers are usually tolerated in SDS–PAGE, so that pretreatment of samples is not generally required. Distorted band patterns, such as pinching or flaring of lanes, can be caused by excessive amounts of salt in the samples. These distortions can often be remedied by desalting the samples. 1. Prepare the volume of SDS-reducing buffer required for the number of samples to be run by adding 50 ml of 2-mercaptoethanol to each 0.95 ml of stock sample buffer (to a final concentration of 5% 2-mercaptoethanol). This step may be omitted, if reduction of disulfide bonds is not desired. 2. Dilute samples with at least 4 vol of complete SDS-reducing buffer (although as little as twofold dilution may be adequate for some samples). Sample volumes are of the order of 20–50 ml for conventional gels and 5–30 ml for minicells, depending on the widths of the wells and the thicknesses of the gels. Detection in gels requires on the order of 1 mg of protein per band for easy visibility when staining with Coomassie Blue R-250 or 0.1 mg of protein per band with silver staining (see below). 3. Heat the diluted samples at 95 C for 4 min by suspending the sample tubes in hot water. Do not store prepared samples.

4.6. Electrophoresis Assemble the electrophoresis cell, fill the upper and lower reservoirs with electrode buffer, and remove the comb from the stacking gel. Load the prepared samples into the wells in the stacking gel by layering them under electrode buffer using a microliter syringe or micropipet. The glycerol in the samples provides the necessary density for them to sink to the bottoms of the wells and the Bromphenol Blue tracking dye enables the samples to be seen during loading. Finally, attach leads to the unit and connect them to a power supply. The lower electrode is the anode and the upper one is the cathode, in SDS–PAGE. During an electrophoresis run, electrical energy is converted to heat which can cause band distortion and diffusion. In general, electrophoresis should be carried out at power settings at which the run proceeds as rapidly


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as the chamber’s ability to draw off heat will allow. In other words, the run should be as fast as possible without exceeding desired resolution and distortion limits. Many of the power supplies which are available allow control of any electrical quantity and the choice is almost a matter of preference. Constant current conditions, as a rule, result in shorter but hotter runs than does constant voltage (Allen et al., 1984). In the early stages of a run, the resistance of the gel increases as the chloride ions migrate out of it. Accordingly, voltage will rise or current will fall, depending on whether constant current or constant voltage operation is in use. Small-format minicells, with their thin glass plates, are better able to efficiently dissipate the heat generated by the initially high currents at the beginnings of runs than are standard-sized cells. Thus, the recommendation is that gels should be run under constant current conditions (16–24 mA/mm of gel thickness) in conventional apparatus and at constant voltage (20–30 V/cm of gel length) in minicells. The use of recirculated coolant, where possible, allows higher voltages and currents to be used for shortened run times. Electrophoresis should be started immediately after the samples are loaded and is generally continued until the Bromphenol Blue tracking dye has reached the bottom of the gel.

4.7. Comments on method The Laemmli SDS–PAGE system (Allen et al., 1984; Andrews, 1986; Blackshear, this series; Hames, 1981; Laemmli, 1970) is an adaptation of an earlier method devised by Ornstein (1964) and Davis (1964) for fractionation of native serum proteins. The different (discontinuous) buffers used in the stacking and resolving gels are required for the proper functioning of the Ornstein–Davis system (Ornstein, 1964; Jovin, 1973). However, inclusion of SDS modifies the rationale of the Ornstein–Davis technique in important ways, since the properties of the detergent dominate the system (Allen et al., 1984; Chrambach, 1985; Wyckoff et al., 1977). The necessary components of the Laemmli SDS–PAGE system are a Tris–Cl gel buffer, the Tris–glycine–SDS electrode buffer, and the SDSreducing sample buffer. As a consequence of SDS in the system, it is actually not necessary to cast the stacking gels at different pH or ionic strength than the resolving gels. Similar resolution is obtained whether the stacking gel is cast as above or in resolving gel buffer (0.375 M Tris–Cl, pH 8.8). This is because the mobilities of SDS–polypeptide complexes are insensitive to pH in this range (Allen et al., 1984). When many gels are being cast at one time for storage and later use, it is convenient to cast the stacking and resolving gels in the same buffer. Total SDS load, on the other hand, has considerable influence on resolution (Wyckoff et al., 1977). Inclusion of more than 200 mg of SDS

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in 30–50 ml samples in the minigel configuration can lead to broadening and spreading of protein bands. With dilute, large volume samples, it may prove advantageous to limit the total SDS in the system by dropping the final SDS concentration of the treated sample to about 0.5% and casting the gels without SDS. Because the mobility of SDS is greater than those of proteins, SDS from the electrode buffer quickly overtakes the proteins during electrophoresis. The gel is thus supplied and continuously replenished with SDS from the electrode buffer at a level sufficient to maintain the saturation of the proteins (Chrambach, 1985).

4.8. Variations of method The complete denaturation and dissociation of proteins with the Laemmli SDS–PAGE system (Allen et al., 1984; Andrews, 1986; Blackshear, this series; Hames, 1981; Laemmli, 1970) are not always desirable. For some analyses, it might be of interest to estimate the molecular weights of particular proteins in their intact, oligomeric forms. In other experiments, interest might center on the biological activities of proteins in their native, nondenatured states. Through selective use of the two denaturants, 2-mercaptoethanol and SDS, conditions can be adjusted as needed to separate proteins in the completely denatured, partially denatured, or native states. Covalent associations between protein units can be maintained by omitting 2-mercaptoethanol from the sample buffer. In the absence of the reducing agent, the intra- and interchain disulfide bonds of sample proteins remain intact. The electrophoretic mobilities of the resultant SDS–protein complexes are correspondingly altered relative to those obtained under dissociating conditions. During electrophoresis, the mobilities of oligomeric SDS–proteins are lower than those of their fully denatured SSDS-polypeptide components. Further, the electrophoretic behaviors of single-chain polypeptides can also be affected by reduction. The intrachain disulfide bridges of single-chain proteins can hold them in compact configurations that are more or less retained in the presence of SDS. Thus, some SDS-proteins migrate faster electrophoretically in the absence of 2-mercaptoethanol than when in the extended structures brought on by reduction. Proteins often show characteristic, individual responses to reduction, so that comparisons of SDS–PAGE gels run with and without 2-mercaptoethanol can be very informative (Marshall, 1984). To separate proteins without reduction, carry out the SDS–PAGE procedure described above, omitting 2-mercaptoethanol from the sample buffer. Note that oligomeric SDS–protein complexes migrate more slowly than their SDS-polypeptide subunits. It may, therefore, be necessary to use lower concentration (%T ) gels than with the fully denaturing method to get oligomers to move adequate distances into the matrices. In addition, nonreduced proteins may not be completed saturated with SDS and, hence,


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may not bind the detergent in a constant weight ratio. This makes molecular weight determinations of these molecules by SDS–PAGE less straightforward than analyses of fully denatured polypeptides, since it is necessary that both standards and unknown proteins be in similar configurations for valid comparisons. When both SDS and 2-mercaptoethanol are left out of the Laemmli procedure, what remains is the classical Ornstein–Davis PAGE system (Davis, 1964; Ornstein, 1964) for native proteins. This is a high-resolution native PAGE method designed for separation of the full spectrum of serum proteins. Because the system was meant to separate a wide variety of proteins, resolution may not be optimal for some restricted ranges of protein mobilities. Although there are a number of high-resolution native PAGE systems available to meet differing requirements (Allen et al., 1984; Andrews, 1986; Blackshear, this series; Chrambach, 1985; Hames, 1981), the Ornstein–Davis method should perform adequately for the fractionation of the majority of commonly encountered protein mixtures. Molecular weights are more difficult to determine by native PAGE than by SDS– PAGE, since a single native system cannot distinguish the effects of charge and conformation on protein electrophoretic mobilities (Allen et al., 1984; Andrews, 1986; Chrambach, 1985; Hames, 1981). The procedure described here is readily modified for native PAGE. Merely omit 2-mercaptoethanol from the sample buffer and replace the 10% SDS in the recipes for the gel, sample, and electrode buffers with equivalent volumes of water. Follow the procedure as otherwise presented, except for sample treatment. Samples should be diluted in nondenaturing buffer (0.06 M Tris–Cl, pH 6.8, 10% glycerol, 0.025% Bromphenol Blue) following the same guidelines as for denaturing gels, but they should not be heated.

5. Detection of Proteins in Gels Three of the simplest and most reliable methods for the detection of proteins in SDS–PAGE gels are presented. They should be adequate to cover the requirements of most situations. Coomassie Brilliant Blue R-250 is the most common protein stain and is recommended for routine work. Silver staining is the most sensitive method for staining proteins in gels and should be employed when electrophoresis is used to assess the purity of a preparation; for example, an antigen preparation. Copper staining is a recent development allowing rapid and sensitive staining. Discussions of other detection methods, including radiolabeling and means for quantitating proteins in gels, can be found by Dunbar (1987), Andrews (1986), Allen et al. (1984), Hames (1981), and Merril (this volume).

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After electrophoresis, remove the gel assembly and separate the glass plates. The gel will probably stick to one of the two plates. Remove the spacers and cut off and discard the stacking gel. Place the glass plate holding the gel into fixative or staining solution and float the gel off of the plate. All of the steps in gel staining are done at room temperature with gentle agitation (e.g., on an orbital shaker platform) in any convenient container, such as a glass casserole or a photography tray. Always wear gloves when staining gels, since fingerprints will stain. Permanent records of stained gels can be obtained by photographing them or by drying them on filter paper using commercially available drying apparatus.

5.1. Dye staining with Coomassie Brilliant Blue R-250 This is the standard method of protein detection (Allen et al., 1984; Andrews, 1986; Hames, 1981; Wilson, this series). Easy visibility requires on the order of 0.1–1 mg of protein per band. 1. Prepare the staining solution: 0.1% Coomassie Brilliant Blue R-250 (w/v) in 40% methanol (v/v), 10% acetic acid (v/v). Filter the staining solution after the dye has dissolved. The staining solution is reusable. Store it at room temperature. 2. Soak the gel in an excess of staining solution for 30 min. 3. Destain with a large excess of 40% methanol, 10% acetic acid. Change the destaining solution several times, until the background has been satisfactorily removed. The acid–alcohol solutions used in this procedure do not completely fix proteins in the gel. This can lead to losses of some low-molecularweight proteins during the staining and destaining of thin gels. Permanent fixation is obtainable by incubating the gel in 40% methanol (v/v), 10% trichloroacetic acid (w/v) for 1 h before it is immersed in the staining solution.

5.2. Silver staining This method, developed by Merril and coworkers, can be as much as 100 times more sensitive than dye staining (Allen et al., 1984; Merril et al., 1981, this series). Bands containing 10–100 ng of protein can be easily seen. The reagents are available in kit form from Bio-Rad Laboratories. Reaction times vary with the thicknesses of the gels. 1. Fix the proteins in the gel in about 400 ml of 40% methanol, 10% acetic acid (v/v) (or 40% methanol, 10% trichloroacetic acid) for 30 min to overnight. 2. Fix twice in 400 ml 10% ethanol, 5% acetic acid (v/v) for 15–30 min.


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3. Soak the gel for 3–10 min in 200 ml of fresh oxidizer solution (0.0034 M potassium dichromate, 0.0032 N nitric acid). 4. Wash the gel three or four times for 5–10 min in 400 ml water, until the yellow color has been washed out. 5. Soak the gel in 200 ml fresh silver reagent (0.012 M silver nitrate) for 15–30 min. 6. Wash the gel with 400 ml water for 1–2 min. 7. Wash the gel for about 1 min in developer (0.28 M sodium carbonate, 1.85% paraformaldehyde). 8. Replace the developer with fresh solution and incubate for 5 min. 9. Replace the developer a second time and allow development to continue until satisfactory staining has been obtained. 10. Stop development with 5% acetic acid (v/v). Vertical streaks and sample-independent bands in the 50–70-kDa region are sometimes seen in silver-stained gels. These artifacts have been attributed to reduction of contaminants inadvertently introduced into the samples (Ochs, 1983). They can be eliminated by adding excess iodoacetamide to sample solutions after treatment with SDS-reducing buffer (Go¨rg et al., 1987).

5.3. Copper staining Rapid, single-step staining of SDS–PAGE gels is achieved by incubating gels in copper chloride (Lee et al., 1987). The resultant, negatively stained image of the electrophoretogram is intermediate in sensitivity between Coomassie blue and silver staining. 1. Wash the gel briefly in water. 2. Soak the gel in 0.3 M CuCl2 for 5 min. 3. Wash the gel for 2–3 min in water. The method yields negatively stained gels showing clear protein bands on an opaque, blue–green background. The protein bands can be easily seen and photographed with the gel on a black surface. Proteins are not permanently fixed by this method and can be quantitatively eluted after chelating the copper (Lee et al., 1987). The electrophoretic pattern is lost when copper-stained gels are dried so they must be photographed, restained with Coomassie Blue, or stored in water.

6. Marker Proteins Mixtures of marker proteins are available for calibrating gels. PAGE standards are mixtures of proteins with precisely known molecular weights blended for uniform staining. They are obtainable in various molecular

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weight ranges. Concentrated stock solutions of the standards are diluted in sample buffer just prior to electrophoresis and treated in the same manner as the sample proteins. These proteins are suitable as reference markers for molecular weight determinations. Prestained SDS–PAGE standards have recently become available. The coupling of dye molecules to the marker proteins changes their molecular weights significantly and unpredictably and they should not be used for molecular weight determinations. However, prestained standards are very useful for following the course of an electrophoretic run and are valuable for assessing the efficiencies of protein transfers when gels are blotted.

7. Molecular Weight Determination Molecular weights of proteins are determined by comparison of their mobilities with those of several marker proteins of known molecular weight (Allen et al., 1984; Andrews, 1986; Blackshear, this series; Chrambach, 1985; Hames, 1981). After the gel has been run, but before it has been stained, mark the position of the Bromphenol Blue tracking dye to identify the leading edge of the electrophoretic ion front. This can be done by cutting notches in the edges of the gel or by inserting a needle soaked in India ink into the gel at the dye front. After staining, measure the migration distances of each protein (markers and unknowns) from the top of the resolving gel. Divide the migration distance of each protein by the distance traveled by the tracking dye. The normalized migration distances so obtained are called the relative mobilities of the proteins (relative to the dye front) and conventionally denoted as Rf. Construct a (semilogarithmic) plot of the logarithms of the molecular weights of the protein standards as functions of the Rf values. Note that the graphs are slightly sigmoid. As long as the extremities of a molecular weight range are avoided, unknown molecular weights can be estimated by linear regression analysis or interpolation from the curves of log Mr versus Rf. Keep in mind that the molecular weights obtained using SDS–PAGE are those of the polypeptide subunits and not those of native, oligomeric proteins.

8. Preparative Electrophoresis The most satisfactory way to recover proteins separated by SDS– PAGE for further study is to extract them from bands excised from the gels. Many attempts have been made to design continuous elution devices suitable for routine protein purification, in which bands emerging from the bottoms of electrophoresis gels are swept away to fraction collectors


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(Andrews, 1986; Chrambach, 1985; Chrambach and Nguyen, 1979). The scarcity of preparative gel devices is evidence of the disappointing lack of success in developing generally useful instruments. Preparative gel electrophoresis would ideally be capable of yielding high-milligram to gram quantities of individual proteins recovered cleanly with the resolution anticipated from the corresponding analytical gels. In general, though, band distortion and poor elution have limited the resolution attainable with most apparatus so that they have only worked well with relatively simple protein mixtures. The difficulties in scaling gel electrophoresis up to preparative levels has tended to result in devices which are rather cumbersome and which require much technical skill for best results. As a consequence, proteins are usually obtained by extraction from analytical type gels (Harrington, this volume). Gels to be run for the isolation of proteins (Andrews, 1986; Chrambach, 1985) can be cast using special preparative combs. These combs form wide sample wells spanning the widths of the gels and usually provide a separate, narrow reference well for marker proteins. The maximum amount of sample which can be loaded on a gel ultimately depends on how well the proteins of interest are separated from their neighbors in the sample mixture. Since bands become wider as the amount of material increases, as sample load is raised, the corresponding loss of resolution will eventually become unacceptable. Protein loads 10- to 50-fold greater per unit of cross-sectional area than are usually run in analytical gels are easily tolerated. Thus, with some large slab gels, proteins can be recovered in tens-of-milligram amounts. Copper staining (Lee et al., 1987) is advisable for the visualization of the bands in preparative SDS–PAGE, since this method does not employ fixative solvents. Desired bands are cut from the gel and destained by incubation in three changes (for 10 min each) of 0.25 M EDTA, 0.25 M Tris–Cl, pH 9. After destaining, gel slices are incubated in the appropriate elution buffer. Proteins are often extracted from macerated gel slices by simple diffusion into appropriate buffers or by solubilization of the gel (Andrews, 1986; Harrington, this volume). In the latter method, cross-linkers other than bisacrylamide are copolymerized into the gels (Allen et al., 1984; Andrews, 1986). For example, gels cross-linked with N,N 0 -bisacrylylcystamine (BAC) are dissolvable in 2-mercaptoethanol or dithiothreitol, while both N,N 0 -dihydroxyethylenebisacrylamide (DHEBA) and N,N 0 -diallyltartardiamide (DATD) result in gels which can be solubilized with periodic acid. Once gels have been dissolved, proteins must be separated from the large excess of gel material by gel filtration or ion-exchange chromatography. Electrophoretic elution is an efficient method for recovering proteins from gel slices (Andrews, 1986; Chrambach, 1985; Dunbar, 1987). In the simplest versions of this method, proteins are electrophoresed out of gel pieces into dialysis sacks in the types of apparatus used for running

One-Dimensional Gel Electrophoresis


cylindrical gel rods. Devices are available for the rapid recovery of proteins in small volumes with yields of greater than 70% in most cases. Elution takes about 3 h at 10 mA/tube in 0.025 M Tris, 0.192 M glycine, 0.1% SDS, pH 8.3 (standard SDS–PAGE electrode buffer). SDS can be removed from the eluted samples by dialysis or ion-exchange chromatography (Furth, 1980).

REFERENCES Allen, R. C., Saravis, C. A., and Maurer, H. R. (1984). Gel Electrophoresis and Isoelectric Focusing of Proteins: Selected Techniques. de Gruyter, Berlin. Andrews, A. T. (1986). Electrophoresis: Theory, Techniques, and Biochemical and Clinical Applications. 2nd edn. Oxford University Press, New York. Bier, M., Palusinski, O. A., Mosher, R. A., and Saville, D. A. (1983). Science 219, 1281. Blackshear, P. J. (this series). Vol. 104, p. 237. Bury, A. F. (1981). J. Chromatogr. 213, 491. Chrambach, A. (1985). The Practice of Quantitative Gel Electrophoresis. Weinheim, VCH. Chrambach, A., and Jovin, T. M. (1983). Electrophoresis 4, 190. Chrambach, A., and Nguyen, N. Y. (1979). In ‘‘Electrokinetic Separation Methods’’, (P. G. Righetti, C. J. Van Oss, and J. W. Vanderhoff, eds.), p. 337. Elsevier, Amsterdam. Chrambach, A., and Rodbard, D. (1971). Science 172, 440. Davis, B. J. (1964). Ann. NY Acad. Sci. 121, 404. Dunbar, B. S. (1987). Two-Dimensional Electrophoresis and Immunological Techniques. Plenum, New York. Dunbar, B. S., Kimura, H., and Timmons, T. M. (this volume). Chapter 34. Furth, A. J. (1980). Anal. Biochem. 109, 207. Go¨rg, A., Postel, W., Weser, J., Gu¨nther, S., Strahler, J. R., Hanash, S. M., and Somerlot, L. (1987). Electrophoresis 8, 122. Hames, B. D. (1981). In ‘‘Gel Electrophoresis of Proteins: A Practical Approach’’, (B. D. Hames and D. Rickwood, eds.), p. 1. IRL Press, Oxford. Harrington, M. (this volume). Chapter 37. Jovin, T. M. (1973). Biochemistry 12, 871, 879, 890. Laemmli, U. K. (1970). Nature (London) 227, 680. Lee, C., Levin, A., and Branton, D. (1987). Anal. Biochem. 166, 308. Margulies, M. M., and Tiffany, H. L. (1984). Anal. Biochem. 136, 309. Marshall, T. (1984). Clin. Chem. 30, 475. Merril, C. R. (this volume). Chapter 36. Merril, C. R., Goldman, D., Sedman, S. A., and Ebert, M. H. (1981). Science 211, 1437. Merril, C. R., Goldman, D., and Van Keuren, M. L. (this series). Vol. 104, p. 441. Neville, D. M. Jr. (1971). J. Biol. Chem. 246, 6328. Neville, D. M., and Glossmann, H. (this series). Vol. 32, p. 92. Nielsen, T. B., and Reynolds, J. A. (this series). Vol. 48, p. 3. Ochs, D. (1983). Anal. Biochem. 135, 470. Ornstein, L. (1964). Ann. NY Acad. Sci. 121, 321. Rodbard, D., and Chrambach, A. (1970). Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 65, 970. Shapiro, A. L., Vinuela, E., and Maizel, J. V. Jr. (1967). Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 28, 815. Timmons, T. M., and Dunbar, B. S. (this volume). Chapter 51. Weber, K., and Osborn, M. (1969). J. Biol. Chem. 244, 4406. Wilson, C. M. (this series). Vol. 91, p. 236. Wyckoff, M., Rodbard, D., and Chrambach, A. (1977). Anal. Biochem. 78, 459.



Isoelectric Focusing and Two-Dimensional Gel Electrophoresis David B. Friedman,* Sjouke Hoving,† and Reiner Westermeier‡ Contents 516 517 518 521 523 524 527 527 527 528 528 530 531 534 535 536 538

1. Introduction 1.1. Isoelectric focusing—Basic principle 1.2. Types of pH gradients for isoelectric focusing 1.3. SDS polyacrylamide electrophoresis 1.4. Enhancement of resolution for alkaline pH gradients 1.5. Difference gel electrophoresis 2. Materials 2.1. Equipment 2.2. Solutions and reagents 3. Methods 3.1. Protein sample preparation 3.2. Sample cleanup and precipitation 3.3. Isoelectric focusing using acidic range IPG gels 3.4. Isoelectric focusing using alkaline range IPG gels 3.5. Equilibration of IPG gels 3.6. SDS–PAGE: The second dimension References

Abstract By far the highest resolution of all separation techniques for intact proteins in a single analytical run continues to be by the combination of isoelectric focusing (IEF) and SDS–PAGE, originally introduced by O’Farrell [(1975). J. Biol. Chem. 250, 4007–4021]. This analytical platform has seen a number of significant advances and applications over the past 25 years, including reproducibility using immobilized pH gradient (IPG) strips [Bjellqvist et al. (1982). J. Biochem. Biophys. Methods 6, 317–339.], resolution in alkaline IEF using hydroxyethyldisulfide (HED) [Olsson et al. (2002). Proteomics 2, 1630–1632], and quantification for differential expression proteomics on intact proteins on a global scale * { {

Proteomics Laboratory, Mass Spectrometry Research Center, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee, USA Novartis Institutes of BioMedical Research, Basel, Switzerland Gelcompany GmbH, Paul-Ehrlich-Strasse, Tu¨bingen, Germany

Methods in Enzymology, Volume 463 ISSN 0076-6879, DOI: 10.1016/S0076-6879(09)63030-5


2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.



David B. Friedman et al.

[DIGE; Unlu et al. (1997). Electrophoresis 18, 2071–2077]. These major improvements will be highlighted in this chapter alongside the principle and theory of 2D gel electrophoresis, as well as detailed methods for general 2D gel electrophoresis best use protocols.

1. Introduction For complex mixtures such as whole cell lysates or enriched subcellular fractions, two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2D gel) can typically resolve hundreds-to-thousands of individual protein species using two orthogonal separations1 (Fig. 30.1). The first separation is typically based on charge using denaturing IEF, and the second separation by apparent molecular mass using denaturing sodium dodecyl sulfate–polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS–PAGE).2 2D gel experiments are particularly powerful for visualizing protein isoforms that result from charged posttranslational modification, such as phosphorylation and sulfation (which add charge), or acetylation (which neutralize charge), among others. They are also useful in detecting splice variants and proteolytic cleavages that result in protein species with altered molecular weight (MW) and isoelectric point (pI). More recently, 2D gels have been used extensively in differential expression proteomics experiments, especially since the commercialization of the difference gel electrophoresis (DIGE) technology in early 2000 (Friedman and Lilley, 2009; Lilley and Friedman, 2004; Unlu et al., 1997). In modern 2D gel-based proteomics experiments, intact protein resolution by 2D gel electrophoresis is commonly coupled with protein (‘‘spot’’) excision, in-gel digestion and mass spectrometry to provide for protein identification using sophisticated database searching algorithms. As with all high-end proteomics technologies, this method also requires many 1


Despite this resolution, proteins of extreme MW and pI (10 > kDa < 200; 3 > pI < 11), very hydrophobic proteins (e.g., integral membrane proteins with multiple trans-membrane domains), and low-abundance proteins are typically difficult to resolve or detect on 2D gels. It is in these cases where complementary data can be obtained from an orthogonal technology, such as liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry (LC–MS/MS), that is capable of detecting many of these proteins. The added sensitivity of the LC–MS/MS approach arises from the fact that proteins are detected based on surrogate peptides from an en masse proteolytic digest that are resolved by liquid chromatography. But, for this very reason, the LC–MS/ MS technique is greatly challenged to identify the multiple protein isoforms that arise from charged or bulky post-translational modifications that are readily detectable and quantifiable on a 2D gel (especially in a nontargeted, discovery experiment). Furthermore, the quantification of intact protein expression using the 2D gel platform can now be done using the fluorescent multiplexing technology of DIGE, whereby the requisite number of individual biological replicates from multiple experimental conditions can be easily analyzed to provide for statistically powered discovery proteomics. Although denaturing IEF is most commonly used for the highest resolution first-dimensional separations (first described by O’Farrell, 1975), other techniques such as blue native PAGE (Schagger and von Jagow, 1991) for analysis of protein complexes, and acidic PAGE in presence of a cationic detergent (Hartinger et al., 1996) for separating hydrophobic membrane proteins, are often utilized for more specific investigations. However, SDS–PAGE is almost always being used for the second-dimensional separation.

Isoelectric Focusing and Two-Dimensional Gel Electrophoresis


Figure 30.1 High resolution 2D gel (24 cm pH 4–7). 400 mg cellular proteins from a HeLa cell extract were separated in two orthogonal dimensions, the first based on charge by isoelectric focusing, and the second based on apparent molecular mass by sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The gel was stained with the fluorescent dye Sypro Ruby. Typically hundreds-to-thousands of individual protein species, including posttranslationally modified isoforms and proteolytic products, can be resolved and quantified.

technically challenging manual steps in addition to specialized instrumentation. Often the success of a 2D electrophoresis experiment is dependent on the skill of the operator. By introducing stringent analysis conditions and developing the first multiple gel systems, Anderson and Anderson (1978a,b) made the technique markedly more reliable and reproducible.

1.1. Isoelectric focusing—Basic principle Isoelectric focusing (IEF) is an electrophoretic separation method which separates amphoteric molecules such as proteins and peptides according to their charge as defined by the pKa values of proton-accepting sites within a molecule. For proteins and peptides, these sites can be found in the free amines and carboxylic acids located at the N- and C-termini as well as on the side chains of arginine, lysine, histidine, aspartic acid, and glutamic acid residues. The isoelectric point is a specific physicochemical parameter of an amphoteric molecule defined as the pH that a molecule is in a net neutral charge state. IEF can provide very high resolving power, including the separation of protein posttranslational modifications that alter charge (e.g., phosphorylation, acetylation/deactylation). Although the method is applied for several types of amphoteric compounds, this chapter will describe the methodology for protein separations. The sample has to be prepared and conditioned with a high chaotrope concentration, a zwitterionic detergent, a reducing thiol, and carrier


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ampholytes to avoid the formation of aggregates and complexes between proteins. Removal of nonprotein-based ions from the sample is also essential for high-resolution IEF, since resistance must be kept high to enable a high electric field (8000–10,000 V) while keeping the current at a minimum. Protein precipitation methods are often used to reduce such contaminants (see Section 3.2). Ideally, the only ions in a sample for IEF will be the proteins themselves. The sample is then applied to the IEF gel, which contains the same additives as the sample, and separated in the electric field. After the proteins have reached their isoelectric points, the gels are incubated in SDS buffer and applied on SDS–PAGE slab gels for the separation according to apparent molecular mass (influenced primarily by molecular weight but also by hydrophobicity and to a lesser extent by protein shape). Modern IEF methods for 2D gel electrophoresis use a thin polyacrylamide gel as a molecular sieve that contains an immobilized pH gradient (IPG). The gels have a low concentration of acrylamide (usually 4–5% total acrylamide), because the matrix should not be restrictive to high-molecularweight proteins. Proteins are introduced into this medium and then an electric field is applied. Proteins that are located in a position in the pH gradient that is lower (more acidic) than their pI will be positively charged and migrate toward the cathode in an electric field. Conversely, proteins located in a position more basic than their pI will migrate toward the anode. Since the pI is defined as the pH at which a protein is net neutral, the electric field has no effect on proteins when they are at the point in the pH gradient which is equal to the pI. Thus, the proteins stop migrating and are ‘‘focused’’ at the pH equal to their pI. The method has an in-built focusing effect: when a protein diffuses away from its pI, it will gain a charge and the electric field, therefore, forces it to migrate back to the isoelectric point. In the end of an IEF run, the proteins become highly concentrated at their isoelectric points, resulting in a high sensitivity for detection. Even small charge differences can be differentiated, and the resolution can be increased by using longer separation distances and by employing narrow gradient intervals (Hoving et al., 2000). If desired, the isoelectric points of the proteins can be estimated with a calibration curve using marker proteins.

1.2. Types of pH gradients for isoelectric focusing 1.2.1. Carrier ampholytes The concept of separating proteins in a pH gradient built by a mixture of amphoteric buffers in free solution had been developed by Vesterberg and Svensson (1966) before it had been converted into a real method by Vesterberg a few years later (Vesterberg, 1972). Because naturally occurring amino acids and peptides have very low buffering power at their own isoelectric points, the buffers needed to be chemically synthesized.

Isoelectric Focusing and Two-Dimensional Gel Electrophoresis


The first reagents on the market for this purpose, AmpholinesÒ , were mixtures of aliphatic oligo-amino/oligo-carbonic acids, of 600–700 different homologues exhibiting a spectrum of isoelectric points between pH 3 and 10. These compounds have high buffering capacities at their isoelectric points and form a pH gradient under the influence of the electric field. Optimally, they have molecular weights below 1 kDa, and do not bind to proteins, because they are highly hydrophilic. Mixtures with narrow intervals are available for higher resolution using defined isoelectric point ranges. More recently came the development of carrier ampholytes, which are synthesized from different reagents than the AmpholinesÒ and are available from a variety of commercial vendors. Although the function of forming a pH gradient under the influence of the electric field is the same for all of these products, the profiles of the pH gradients, the distribution of buffering power, and the number of homologues are different (Righetti et al., 2007), which leads to differences in the focusing pattern. Carrier ampholytes-based IEF is mostly performed in polyacrylamide gels, and the original 2D gel electrophoresis procedure by O’Farrell (1975) accomplishes IEF in carrier ampholyte gradients in thin gel rods (‘‘tube gels’’ for the first dimension). However, these long and soft gels are not easy to handle, and the pH gradients become unstable with increased running time, resulting in cathodal drift. Although some laboratories still use the carrier ampholyte technique, and this method has mostly been supplanted by the introduction of IPG strips, which are described next. 1.2.2. Immobilized pH gradients A major improvement in 2D gel electrophoresis methodology came from the introduction of an IPG within a polyacrylamide matrix for IEF (Bjellqvist et al., 1982). This major technological development overcame several shortcomings of the carrier ampholytes system such as gradient drift (especially in the cathodal region), mechanical instability, and technical variation between runs and between laboratories. The IPG strip technology has greatly facilitated the methodology and highly increased the reproducibility within a laboratory and across different working groups (Gorg et al., 2000, 2004), and is now considered to be the method of choice for IEF and is commercially available through several vendors. For modern IPG strip technology, the pH gradient is formed by acidic and alkaline buffering groups which are copolymerized with the polyacrylamide matrix during preparing the gel. Less than 10 different acrylamide derivatives with acidic and basic pKa values are sufficient to create any desired pH gradient. Two monomer solutions containing precalculated mixtures of acrylamide derivatives are prepared: to the solution for the acidic end of the gradient, a portion of glycerol is added to stabilize the gradient during pouring. These pH gradient gels are cast on a covalently bound film backing. After the gel has formed, polymerization catalysts and


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nonreacted compounds are washed out from the matrix with distilled water to produce the very low electrical conductivity necessary for IEF (Westermeier, 2005). The IPG gels are then dried for long-term storage, and can be rehydrated as necessary shortly before use. The major benefit of IPGs is the absence of the cathodal drift: the gradient is fixed to the matrix. The major application of IPGs is IEF under denaturing conditions, serving as the first dimension of high-resolution two-dimensional electrophoresis. Carrier ampholytes are still used, and for improved conductivity and protein solubility they are added to the sample as well as to the rehydration solution of the gels with IPGs. Precast IPG strips are now commercially available from a number of vendors with a wide variety of strip lengths and pH gradients to enable the optimal separation and display of selected protein groups within a protein lysate. In particular, pH gradients are available from a very wide range (e.g., pH 3–11), to medium ranges (e.g., pH 4–7, pH 7–11), to narrow ranges (e.g., pH 4–5, pH 5.5–6.5). Strip lengths also vary from as short as 7 cm to as long as 24 cm. Strips typically are 3 mm in width, with an average thickness (after reswelling) of approximately 0.5 mm (Fig. 30.2). Care should be taken in selection of the optimal pH range and strip length for the desired experimental goals (Hoving et al., 2000). For example, 7-cm pH 3–11 IPG strips may seem best to provide the greatest range in a small gel format, but they provide overall the lowest resolution and sensitivity for proteome-wide, discovery-based experiments.

Figure 30.2 Immobilized pH gradient (IPG) strip, shown in the manual process of preparing for rehydration loading. Sample is first dispensed into a reswelling try, and then the IPG strip is carefully overlayed on the protein sample solution (face-down, with plastic backing up) using a forceps to hold one end of the IPG (the plastic backing exceeds the length of the IPG gel). The strips are then overlaid with 2–3 mL paraffin oil to prevent urea crystallization during rehydration. IPG strips are provided from commercial vendors with barcodes to aide sample-tracking.


Isoelectric Focusing and Two-Dimensional Gel Electrophoresis


Dry IPG strip

Sample mixed with rehydration solution


Platinum electrode contacts

B Filter paper pad soaked with water


Filter paper pad soaked with water


IPG strip pre-rehydrated with sample/rehydration solution

C Sample

− Pre-rehydrated IPG strip



Paper bridge soaked with sample

− Pre-rehydrated IPG strip

Figure 30.3 Different configurations for sample loading into immobilized pH gradient (IPG) strips for isoelectric focusing. (A) The IPG gel is placed face-down for sample loading via active rehydration loading, after which isoelectric focusing is also possible. (B) The sample is rehydrated into the IPG gel, which is then placed “sunny-side up” for isoelectric focusing. (C) The sample is introduced into a previously rehydrated IPG gel via cup loading at the anode. This configuration is especially beneficial for isoelectric focusing over alkaline pH gradients. (D) Modification of cup loading, where the sample is introduced at the anode via a paper-bridge. Reproduced with permission, Westermeier, Naven and Heopker (2008), Proteomics in Practice, 2nd edition, Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA.

The IPG strips offer several modes of sample application. Rehydration loading and cup loading are the two major methods used, with modification for active rehydration and paper-bridge loading (Fig. 30.3). All of these methods are described in greater detail in Sections 3.3 and 3.4. The choice of the sample application method depends on the type of pH gradient and the sample. Because the IPG strips have a flat surface, they can also be applied on horizontal flatbed SDS gels if desired.

1.3. SDS polyacrylamide electrophoresis SDS–PAGE, described by Laemmli (1970), has long been the method of choice for resolving intact proteins for a variety of biochemical analyses. Mainly because SDS is the best solubilizing detergent also for very


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hydrophobic proteins, all proteins, also very basic ones, migrate into the same direction, and a separation according to the apparent molecular mass (commonly referred to as molecular weight) is obtained. 1.3.1. Separation principle When SDS is added to a protein solution in excess, the proteins form anionic micelles with a constant negative net charge per mass unit. Tertiary and secondary structures are disrupted and the polypeptides become unfolded. To achieve a complete unfolding, the disulfide bonds between cysteines have to be cleaved with a reducing agent like 2-mercaptoethanol or dithiothreitol. According to Ibel et al. (1990), these complexes look like necklaces with partly covered and partly open polypeptide surfaces. During electrophoresis all SDS–protein micelles migrate toward the anode, and their electrophoretic mobilities are dependent on mostly molecular weight but can also be influenced by protein hydrophobicity. When the migration distances of proteins are plotted against the logarithm of the apparent molecular mass, a sigmoidal curve results with a wide linear range. With the help of comigrated molecular weight standard proteins, the molecular weights of the polypeptides can be approximated. 1.3.2. Gel types In principle, SDS–PAGE can be run in various basic buffer systems; however, the discontinuous buffer system according to Laemmli (1970) is the most commonly used system, employing Tris–chloride pH 8.8 in the gel and SDS–Tris–glycine in the running buffer. For one-dimensional separations, a stacking gel with pH 6.8 and lower gel concentration is applied to provide a slow sample entry without protein aggregation, and to provide a band sharpening effect at the start of the separation. However, a stacking gel typically is not included for 2D gel electrophoresis, since the proteins are preseparated and effectively stacked in the 3 mm width of the IPG strip (see Section 3.6). The standard matrix is a homogeneous gel layer with 12.5% T (total acrylamide) and 2.6% C (bis-acrylamide for cross-linking) in the resolving gel. But some applications require optimal resolution for a certain size range, such that lower %T is required for high-molecular-weight proteins, and a higher %T provides a better resolution for low-molecular-weight proteins, so the concentration must be increased. Gradient SDS–PAGE gels can provide a greater dynamic range of resolution, but are more challenging to pour consistently and reproducibly, which is vital for quantitative proteomic studies using 2D gels. Porosity gradient gels exhibit a wider linear range of the molecular weights and improve the resolution for difficult proteins, like glycoproteins. SDS electrophoresis can be run in vertical setups in cassettes between glass plates or on horizontal flatbed systems. The gel thicknesses vary

Isoelectric Focusing and Two-Dimensional Gel Electrophoresis


between 1.5 mm and 0.5 mm. Thicker gels have a better mechanical stability, but are more difficult to stain and provide additional sample loss and background noise for subsequent mass spectrometry. Thinner gels can be cooled more efficiently, thus they can be run faster to obtain sharper resolution. Of the improvements made to the 2D gel process over the past few decades, the second-dimension SDS–PAGE separations have remained largely unchanged. Vertical electrophoresis systems are more commonly used, and equipment to run individual or 12 or more gels simultaneously is available. Horizontal flatbed configurations have also been available historically and are now beginning to see a resurgence due to the low consumption of reagents (e.g., SDS running buffer), sample manipulation, as well as the potential for increased resolution afforded by short run times. Some improvements include using flexible plastic backing (including low-fluorescent media for DIGE and other fluorescence-based techniques), specialized equipment for multicasting reproducible acrylamide gradients, and different acrylamide formulations for increased shelf life and gel durability.

1.4. Enhancement of resolution for alkaline pH gradients High-resolution IEF for alkaline pH ranges has always been more challenging than for acidic pH gradients, both due to issues of cathodic drift and also due to the loss of reductant to keep some proteins soluble (DTT is a weak acid that becomes charged at pH > 8 and, therefore, leaves the alkaline region of the gradient). The first issue of cathodic drift was addressed by the introduction of nonequilibrium pH gradient electrophoresis (NEpHGE; O’Farrell et al., 1977). But the problem of reductant loss at pH > 8 still remained, and leads to nonspecific reactions with urea, backfolding and aggregation of polypeptides because the cysteines are no longer protected. This results in protein spot artifacts and horizontal streaking of proteins on the basic range of 2D gels. The replacement of thiol reagents by phosphines like TBP or TCEP can partly prevent these effects, but these reagents cause additional artifacts due to their instability in the electric field. Prealkylation of proteins prior to IEF with iodoacetamide, vinylpyridine, or monomeric acrylamide also leads to additional artifacts due to incomplete alkylation of polypeptides and modifications of isoelectric points. The introduction of the use of hydroxyethyldisulphide (HED) in excess, commercialized under the trade name DeStreak (GE Healthcare), provided a way to keep the sulfhydryls reduced (by mass action) at alkaline pH and dramatically increased the resolution of alkaline IEF using IPG strips (Olsson et al., 2002). This is espeically found in conjunction with using cup loading or paper-bridge loading at the anode for sample entry, whereby the alkaline proteins all enter the IPG strip with the same acidic charge and


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Protein-S− + H













+ H








Figure 30.4 Oxidation of protein thiol groups using hydroxyethyl disulfide (HED) according to Olsson et al. (2002). The resulting mixed disulfides are stable and prevent the reformation of disulfide bond during isoelectric focusing over alkaline pH ranges, whereas the standard reductant DTT becomes charged and migrates away from this region of the gradient, resulting in streaking and artifacts.

then have to migrate toward the cathode to reach their isoelectric points (rather having them migrating in both directions). When the proteins enter the IPG strip, the sulfhydryl groups on cysteine side chains become immediately oxidized to highly stable mixed disulfides. This is an equilibrium reaction with high specificity, preventing any unwanted side reactions (Fig. 30.4). Small amounts of DTT can be tolerated for the sample preparation when using DeStreak, so that proteins can stay reduced prior to focusing. However, care must be taken because excessive DTT will reduce HED to produce 2-mercaptoethanol, which results in even more horizontal streaking.3

1.5. Difference gel electrophoresis Even with the increased reproducibility of IPG strips and stringent sample preparation and running conditions, gel–gel variations can occur. The success of a differential expression proteomics experiment relies on repetitive measurements across individually-procured (biological) replicates, and technical replicates (repetitive measurements on the same biological sample) are also necessary to control for analytical variation, such as sample procurement, handling, and gel–gel variation. These challenges can be addressed by applying the DIGE technique (Friedman and Lilley, 2009; Lilley and Friedman, 2004; Unlu et al., 1997). 1.5.1. Staining and detection A major advancement made recently for 2D gel electrophoresis has been in the development and application of fluorescent dyes used for the detection and quantification of the intact protein species that are resolved in the gels. 3

When using DeStreak for IEF in alkaline pH gradients (pH 7–11, 3–11), 100 mL sample may contain up to 20 mM reducing agent. DeStreak can also be used for other pH ranges, with different tolerances for reductants (adapted from the DeStreak rehydration solution manual, GE Healthcare).

Isoelectric Focusing and Two-Dimensional Gel Electrophoresis


Fluorescent dyes typically provide detection sensitivity at least as sensitive as silver stain (ca. 1 ng) if not greater, and significantly increase the linear dynamic range of abundance changes to 3–4 orders of magnitude (silver and coomassie-blue stains are typically provide less than 1 order of magnitude dynamic range). 1.5.2. DIGE and quantitative analytical algorithms The implementation of the DIGE method in 1997 (Unlu et al., 1997) leverages the sensitivity and dynamic range of fluorescence labeling with multiplexing samples into the same gel to remove analytical (gel–gel) variation for the coresolved samples. It also utilizes a mixed-sample internal standard present throughout a series of DIGE gels to enable registration of migration patterns and, therefore, normalization of abundance ratios to provide multivariable experiments with exceptional statistical power (Karp and Lilley, 2005). Briefly, the approach involves prelabeling several samples with spectrally distinct fluorescent dyes (Cy2, Cy3, and Cy5), followed by sample multiplexing and coresolution on the same 2D gel. In this way gel–gel variations are eliminated, and the mutually exclusive fluorescent images can be individually recorded and used for direct quantification of protein abundance changes for each resolved feature (Fig. 30.5). Two different labeling concepts are used: ‘‘minimal’’ labeling the e-amino group of the lysine of about 5% of the total proteins and ‘‘saturation’’ labeling of all available cysteines of a protein mixture. The DIGE approach is most beneficial and statistically powered when a Cy2-labeled internal standard is coresolved on a series of gels that each contains individual samples labeled with Cy3 or Cy5. Importantly, this Cy2-labeled internal standard is comprised of an equal mixture of all samples in the experiment, and is present on every gel of a multigel experiment. Because the individual samples (labeled with Cy3 or Cy5) are multiplexed with an equal aliquot of the same Cy2-standard mixture, each resolved feature can be directly related to the cognate feature in the Cy2-standard mixture within that gel. Intragel Cy3:Cy2 and Cy5:Cy2 ratios are then calculated without interference from gel–gel variation, and these ratios can then be normalized to all other measurements for that feature from the other samples across the experiment with extremely low technical (analytical) noise and high statistical power (Karp and Lilley, 2005). The DIGE approach is also directly amenable to multivariate statistical analyses such as principle component analysis and hierarchical clustering. These additional statistical tools can be extremely beneficial in visualizing the variation within a set of experimental samples. Importantly, they can help determine if the major source of variation is describing the biology or indicating unanticipated variation between samples (or introduced during sample preparation), as well as pinpoint subsets of proteins that respond


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Figure 30.5 Fluorescence image of a multiplexed DIGE gel, 24 cm pH 4–7 (12% second dimension) in false-color representation. Samples had been labeled prior to separation with Cy2 (blue; labeling 100 mg human AGS cells), Cy3 (green; labeling 100 mg human AGS cells infected with H. pylori strain 26695), and Cy5 (red; labeling 100 mg human AGS cells infected with H. pylori strain 26695 deleted for the cag pathogenicity island). Individual Cydye signals were acquired using mutually exclusive excitation and emission spectra at 100 mm resolution, and recorded at 16-bit depth using a grayscale intensity from 1 to 100,000. Using Cy2 to label a mixed-sample internal standard enables a statistically powered differential expression experiment by registering independent-replicate samples (separately labeled with Cy3 and Cy5) from multiple experimental conditions across several matched DIGE gels.

collectively to an experimental stimulus or classification (e.g., see Franco et al., 2009; Friedman et al., 2006, 2007; Hatakeyama et al., 2006; Suehara et al., 2006; and reviewed in Friedman and Lilley, 2009; Lilley and Friedman, 2004). 1.5.3. Software analytical tools To facilitate the quantitative analysis of 2D gel experiments (whether they be DIGE or otherwise), several software programs are now available. These programs differ mostly in the algorithms used to detect protein features (boundaries) and gel–gel alignment/registration (e.g., vector-based image warping). In general, they all provide powerful analytical tools coupled with univariate (Student’s t-test, ANOVA) and multivariate statistical analyses (e.g., principle components analysis and hierarchical clustering) that can be extremely beneficial in evaluating abundance changes of individual protein features as well as global expression patterns that can help discern changes that describe the biological phenotype from those that arise from unanticipated variation in the experiment.

Isoelectric Focusing and Two-Dimensional Gel Electrophoresis


2. Materials 2.1. Equipment 1. Electrophoresis system for IEF. Several formats are available from a number of commercial vendors. Most can focus up to 12 IPG strips simultaneously. 2. Programmable Power Supply capable of producing at least 3500 V but preferably 8,000–10,000 V. 3. Multigel system for second-dimension SDS–PAGE. Several formats are available for running 2, 4, 6, 12 or more gels in a single run. 4. Thermostatic circulator (necessary for most second-dimension systems; check specific vendors). 5. Immobiline DryStrip Reswelling Tray (GE Healthcare). 6. Sample-loading cups (required for IEF in gradients that include pH > 8). 7. Rotary shaker. 8. Image capture devices (e.g. densitometry, flatbed scanners, fluorescent imager (must be compatible with Cy dyes for best results with DIGE)).

2.2. Solutions and reagents Most reagents and ready-made solutions are available from a variety of suppliers. All solutions are prepared fresh before use, except where indicated. All solutions should be prepared using water that has a resistivity of 18.2 mO-cm; this is referred to as ‘‘water’’ throughout the text. 1. IPG strips and accompanying ampholines and/or IPG buffers are commercially available from a number of vendors in a large variety of pH ranges. This includes wide range (pH 3–11, both as a linear and a nonlinear gradient), medium range (e.g., pH 4–7, pH 7–11), and narrow range (e.g., pH 5–6, pH 5.5–6.7). Strips are also available in a variety of lengths, ranging from low-resolution 7 cm to high-resolution 24 cm. 2. Sample buffer according to Rabilloud (1998): 7 M urea, 2 M thiourea, 4% (w/v) CHAPS, 1% (w/v) DTT, 2% (v/v) Pharmalytes 3–10, and cocktail of protease inhibitors (Complete, Roche, 1 tablet/50 mL solution). For samples containing more hydrophobic proteins, the following ASB14 lysis buffer may be beneficial: 7 M urea, 2 M thiourea, 2% amidosulfobetaine-14, and 50 mM Tris–HCl pH 8.0. Sample buffer is stored at 80 C in small aliquots and should be thawed only once. For DIGE experiments, use the Rabilloud buffer without DTT and


3. 4.


6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

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without Pharmalytes or IPG buffers; other specifics to this technique can be found in other detailed methods chapters (Friedman and Lilley, 2009). Hydroxyethyldisulphide (DeStreak, GE Healthcare) is supplied either as a liquid reagent or as a complete sample buffer formulation, for IEF in alkaline pH ranges. Cell lysis buffer. The above sample buffers with 7 M urea, 2 M thiourea and 4% CHAPS may be used for protein solubilization. Alternatively, TNE buffer (50 mM Tris–HCl pH 7.6, 150 mM NaCl, 2 mM EDTA pH 8.0, 2 mM DTT, 1% (v/v) NP-40), and RIPA buffer (50 mM Tris– HCl pH 8.0, 150 mM NaCl, 1% NP-40, 0.5% deoxycholic acid, 0.1% SDS), can also be used if followed by a precipitation/cleanup step (see Section 3.2). Ready-made solutions for SDS–PAGE: 30% acrylamide:bis-acrylamide (37.5:1), N,N,N,N0 -tetramethylethylenediamine (TEMED), and ammonium persulfate, available from several suppliers (e.g., National Diagnostics, Bio-Rad, GE Healthcare). 4 separating gel buffer: 1.5 M Tris–HCl pH 8.8. Water-saturated butanol.4 10 SDS–PAGE running buffer (1 L): 30.25 g Tris–base, 144.13 g glycine, and 10 g SDS (0.1%). Equilibration solution: 50 mM Tris–HCl pH 8.8, 6 M urea, 30% (v/v) glycerol, 2% (w/v) SDS, and 0.01% (w/v) bromophenol blue. Dithiothreitol (store desiccated). Iodoacetamide (store desiccated, keep in the dark).

3. Methods 3.1. Protein sample preparation Robust sample preparation is vital for any successful analytical measurement. Buffers and materials used should be of the highest quality, and care should be taken during sample procurement to increase reproducibility and to minimize unanticipated variation that might be measured in the analysis. Small molecule protease and phosphatase inhibitors such as aprotinin, leupeptin, pepstatinA, antipain, AEBSF, sodium orthovanadate, okadaic acid, and microcystin, among others (or commercial kits that utilize these 4

Mix equal parts butanol and water and shake vigorously. Let the two phases separate overnight, and use the butanol phase for overlay. Butanol that is not completely water saturated can extract water from the top of the gel. A more recent modification is to use a 0.1% SDS solution in a conventional spray bottle, used to carefully spray a fine mist over the top of the gels to thoroughly cover the top of the gel (the gel/overlay interface will not be as obvious).

Isoelectric Focusing and Two-Dimensional Gel Electrophoresis


small molecule inhibitors), should be used. In particular, do not use inhibitors (e.g., soybean trypsin inhibitor) that will resolve on the 2D gel.5 1. Essentially any protein extraction buffer can be used, provided that samples are subsequently precipitated to remove nonprotein-based ionic components (that can severely interfere with IEF, see Section 3.2). Samples are then resuspended with a 2D gel-compatible buffer, and in many cases protein extracts can be made directly in this buffer and analyzed without precipitation. The following buffers contain sufficient chaotropic activity without providing additional ionic composition to the sample: A. Standard 2D gel electrophoresis lysis buffer (Rabilloud, 1998): 7 M urea, 2 M thiourea, 4% CHAPS, 2 mg/mL DTT, and 50 mM Tris–HCl pH 8.0. B. Modification for membrane-associated proteins: 7 M urea, 2 M thiourea, 2% amidosulfobetaine-14, and 50 mM Tris–HCl pH 8.0. Buffer systems containing other salts and detergents, especially sodium dodecylsulfate, may be more efficient at protein extraction, but must be precipitated prior to IEF. For example: C. TNE: 50 mM Tris–HCl pH 7.6, 150 mM NaCl, 2 mM EDTA pH 8.0, 2 mM DTT, and 1% (v/v) NP-40. D. RIPA buffer: 50 mM Tris–HCl pH 8.0, 150 mM NaCl, 1% NP-40, 0.5% deoxycholic acid, and 0.1% SDS. 2. It is critical to resuspend the cells rapidly to prevent proteolytic activity. Extracts should be centrifuged for 10 min at 15,000 or 100,000g to remove insoluble proteins and phospholipids that can interfere with IEF. 3. Sonication can, in some cases, improve sample quality by disrupting nucleic acids which are subsequently removed by sample cleanup along with phospholipids. Both of these nonprotein-based ionic components can interfere with IEF (see Section 3.2). Short bursts with a tip sonicator, on ice, are suggested. 4. At all steps, it is important to keep the system chilled, especially in the presence of urea-containing samples that should never be heated. Excessive heating of urea (above 37 C) can accelerate the formation of isocyanate (a natural breakdown product of urea), which will in turn carbamylate free amines. When this occurs on proteins (either at the amino-terminal residue or on the epsilon-amine group of lysine residues), it prevents these sites from becoming protonated, causing an acidic shift in the isoelectric point. The end result of heavy sample carbamylation in 2D gel electrophoresis is 5

An excellent practical 2D electrophoresis handbook with many tips and tricks with respect to basic methodology can be downloaded for free at the following site: upp01077.nsf/Content/2d_electrophoresis2delectrophoresis_handbook


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beautiful charge trains of proteins that appear to be post-translationally modified, but are completely artifactual. 5. Measure protein concentration using a variety of standard methods. Take care to use a method that is compatible with the buffer that the proteins are extracted in. For example, CHAPS and thiourea (although perfectly suitable for extraction) will interfere with either the Bradford or BCA assays, making the data inaccurate and unreliable. In these cases, aliquots should be precipitated prior to quantification in a suitable buffer, or the use of a detergent compatible assay should be utilized. 6. For cell culture experiments, protein concentration can be estimated from the cell number. For example, for protein samples prepared from the 697 pre-B lymphoma cell line (available from the German Collection of Microorganisms and Cell Cultures, Deutsche Sammlung von Mikroorganismen und Zellkulturen GmbH, DSMZ No: ACC 42), 107 cells correspond to approximately 1 mg of extracted proteins. It is essential to wash the cells thoroughly (at least twice in PBS) in order to remove components of the growth medium (especially serum proteins) before collecting the cells. For the final cell pellet, all PBS is carefully removed with a fine pipette tip. Cell pellets (usually 108 cells per tube) are stored at 80 C.6 7. The extract can now be applied to the dehydrated IPG strips, either by in-gel rehydration or by cup loading. Appropriate ampholytes or IPG buffers should be added prior to sample application, at 0.5% (v/v) for most applications (but up to 2% can be tolerated if necessary). If bromophenol blue was not present in the sample buffer, add a small amount (either as a few grains of dry solid or a few microliters of a solution in water) to use as a tracking dye during IEF as well as a visual aid during cup loading. Alternatively, samples can be stored at 80 C indefinitely.

3.2. Sample cleanup and precipitation As already mentioned, the presence of nonprotein-based ions (e.g., salts, phospholipids) can sometimes interfere with IEF by reducing the resistance in the IPG strip such that it becomes difficult to attain the high voltages necessary for high-resolution focusing without overheating the strips. Since most commercial IEF units focus multiple strips together in a parallel circuit, one strip of significantly different resistance can adversely affect the resolution of the other strips. Often a cleanup or precipitation step can remove these interfering ions, or at least normalize all samples to be of similar resistance. Precipitation not 6

For protein extraction from cell pellets using 2D gel sample buffer, it is useful for the solution to contain 2% (v/v) Pharmalytes 3–10 to prevent aggregation of DNA. Cells (e.g., 108 cells) are best disrupted by rapid addition of 1 mL sample buffer (Rabilloud, 1998) to the cell pellet. Nucleases (DNase, RNase, and Benzonase) are commonly added as well, but their efficacy is questionable in this highly denaturing buffer.

Isoelectric Focusing and Two-Dimensional Gel Electrophoresis


only removes several contaminants at the same time, but also disrupts complexes efficiently and prevents protease activities irreversibly. The most effective methods for precipitation are using methanol and chloroform according to Wessel and Flugge (1984) or TCA, deoxycholate, and acetone according to Arnold and Ulbrich-Hofmann (1999). Before IEF, the proteins must be redissolved in solubilization solution (see Section 3.1). In addition, several protein precipitation kits for 2D gel analysis are available from a number of commercial vendors. An adaption of the method of Wessel and Flugge (1984) is described as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Bring up predetermined amount of protein extract to 100 mL with water. Add 300 mL (3-volumes) water. Add 400 mL (4-volumes) methanol. Add 100 mL (1-volume) chloroform. Vortex vigorously and centrifuge; the protein precipitate should appear at the interface. Remove the water/MeOH mix on top of the interface, being careful not to disturb the interface. Often the precipitated proteins do not make a visibly white interface, and care should be taken not to disturb the interface. Add another 400 mL methanol to wash the precipitate. Vortex vigorously and centrifuge; the protein precipitate should now pellet to the bottom of the tube. Remove the supernatant and briefly dry the pellets in a vacuum centrifuge. Resuspend the pellets in a suitable amount of 2D gel-compatible buffer (see Section 3.1).

When using precipitation as a cleanup step, it is recommended to have a starting protein concentration in the range of 1–10 mg/mL. When protein samples are too diluted, it will be difficult to quantitatively recover proteins following precipitation cleanup. Freeze/thawing should also be kept to a minimum; freezing samples in 1 mL aliquots or less will usually suffice. For DIGE experiments, this precipitation step greatly facilitates the requirement for sample labeling to be performed in 2D electrophoresis sample buffer that is devoid of free amines and pH balanced.

3.3. Isoelectric focusing using acidic range IPG gels Most commercial IEF units can accommodate up to 12 individual IPG strips per run. It is important to keep any IPG strips that are resolved in the same run to be as equally matched as possible, because in most configurations the individual IPG strips form a parallel circuit between the anode and cathode electrodes. Any IPG strip that is significantly different from the others in composition (especially with respect to ionic content) can adversely affect the resolution of all of the strips, sometimes dramatically. It is, therefore, strongly recommended to also cofocus only IPG strips of the same pH


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gradient and strip length, using samples derived from the same experiment (e.g., sample types and composition should be a similar as possible).7 The following method is presented for 24 cm IPG strips pH 4–7: 1. IPG strips are rehydrated in the 2D gel sample buffer (see Section 3.1) with total protein amounts as high as 0.5–2 mg protein, diluted or resuspended in a final volume of 450 mL solution per 24 cm strip in a reswelling tray. The strips are overlaid with 2–3 mL paraffin oil to prevent urea crystallization.8 2. Rehydration of the strips in the presence of sample should take at least 12 h, but overnight rehydration is recommended, at room temperature. Some proteins, especially high-molecular-weight proteins, need more time to enter into the strip during the rehydration step. 3. After complete rehydration, the strips are moved to a flatbed electrophoresis system of which the temperature of the cooling block is held constant at 20 C. 4. Humid paper wicks are applied on the ends of the rehydrated IPG strips, and electrodes are positioned in place and the strips are covered with paraffin oil.9 5. See Table 30.1 for typical focusing program.10 Rehydration loading is the easiest method for sample introduction for 2D gel electrophoresis, where protein samples in sample buffer are introduced passively while the IPG strip takes up the sample solution, and the 7




When using the DIGE technique where different combination of samples are multiplexed and coresolved using a series of gels, the potential of the different strips containing different sample amounts is minimized by properly randomizing the loading of the samples such that each IPG strip contains the same variety of samples. For example, in a 3-dye experiment of control versus treated samples using four biological replicates (using Cy3 and Cy5 to randomly label each of the eight individual samples and Cy2 for the mixed-sample internal standard), each of the four gels would contain one control and one treated sample along with an aliquot of the Cy2-labeled mixed-sample internal standard. It is very important to make sure that the rehydration solution is evenly distributed across the entire strip length. The sample is first distributed along the length of a rehydration well and then the dehydrated IPG strip is carefully overlayed (with the plastic backing facing up) to ensure that the sample is evenly distributed beneath the overlayed strip. The IPG strips are covered with paraffin oil to avoid crystallization of the highly concentrated urea (ca. 10 M urea is saturation at room temperature). Placing humid paper wicks (filter paper wetted with water, but not oversaturated) between the electrodes and both ends of the IPG strips will provide a sink for excess ions as well as proteins with isoelectric points outside the pH range of the IPG strip. In extreme cases, it is possible to exchange the paper wicks during the IEF run. The paraffin oil prevents drying out of the strip and crystallization of the urea/thiourea present, and also serves to prevent carbon dioxide to enter the system. Carbon dioxide from the air can dissolve into the IPG gel, acting as a buffer with pK 6.3 and thus changing the pH gradient. IEF is mostly performed in a horizontal flatbed type of equipment. The focusing effect requires high field strength; therefore, a power supply with high voltage is required. IEF must be performed at an exactly controlled temperature, because the pK values of the proteins as well as the buffers are highly temperature dependent. Thus a reliable cooling system is necessary for this method to be reproducible. It is important to start with a low voltage to avoid aggregation of proteins. It is very useful to apply a voltage/time gradient on the strips in order to minimize differences in conductivities coming from varying salt loads between the IPG strips. The best results are obtained with high-end voltages of 8,000–10,000 V, with the overall amount of total volt-hours being ultimately important for high-resolution focusing. Optimal gradients and total Vh vary with strip length, pH range, and commercial formulations.


Isoelectric Focusing and Two-Dimensional Gel Electrophoresis

Table 30.1 Recommended isoelectric focusing programs using IPG gelsa Voltage program for 24 cm IPG 4–7 Mode

Voltage (V)

Time (h)

Step and hold 500 1 Gradient 1000 1 Gradient 10,000 3 Step and hold 10,000 5 Total 10 Voltage program for 24 cm IPG 3–11NL or IPG 3–10NL Step and hold 150 2 Step and hold 300 2 Step and hold 500 2 Gradient 1000 4.5 Gradient 10,000 4.5 Step and hold 10,000 1.5 Total 16.5 Voltage program for 24 cm IPG 7–11NL Step and hold 150 2 Step and hold 300 2 Step and hold 500 2 Gradient 1000 3.5 Gradient 10,000 3.5 Step and hold 10,000 5 Total 18.0 a


65.0 kV h

45.0 kV h

73.8 kV h

For best results, IEF should start at low voltage, and voltages should then slowly ramp up to their maximum as indicated above. In some circumstances, it may be beneficial to add additional lowvoltage steps to the 4–7 program. Ultimately, it is the final kV h that becomes the most important factor for high-resolution IEF.

proteins are evenly distributed across the entire pH gradient. In some commercial IEF units, the IPG strip rehydration and focusing can be performed in the same apparatus, eliminating extra manual steps. This configuration also allows for the process of a so-called active rehydration, whereby applying a low voltage (30–50 V) across the strip during rehydration loading can, in some cases, improve the sample application, because this drives salt ions toward the electrodes, removes proteases from the proteins, and helps large molecules from entering the gel. However, this configuration of the IPG strip rehydration (‘‘facedown’’) during IEF can also produce lower resolution in some cases due to the extra mechanical stress of the IEF gel being sandwiched between the focusing tray and the plastic gel backing, especially in the case of very abundant proteins. In these cases, using an apparatus that performs the focusing with the plastic backing directly in


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contact with the focusing tray (the gel is ‘‘sunny-side up’’) can be advantageous for more difficult samples (Fig. 30.3). 6. Optional: active rehydration (available with some instrument configurations). Sample rehydration occurs with the IPG strip face down and in contact with the electrodes, which supply a low (typically 30–50 V) electric field across the strip during rehydration. In some cases, active rehydration can be found to facilitate the entry of high-molecularweight proteins into the IPG strip. IEF units with this configuration typically commence with the focusing with the IPG strips in the facedown orientation and do not require user intervention at this point.

3.4. Isoelectric focusing using alkaline range IPG gels The great advantage of rehydration loading is the reduction of handling steps. However, it can also have some disadvantages especially in alkaline pH ranges where proteins can aggregate on the strip surface and cause horizontal streaks in the second-dimension gel. The conditions for running alkaline IPG strips have to be changed compared to the acidic range. During IEF at alkaline pH, water transport and migration of the reducing agent DTT take place. To minimize these effects, protein samples are always applied by cup loading at the anodic side and not by in-gel rehydration (Fig. 30.3). The maximum protein load on alkaline gels is lower than on the acidic gels. It is strongly suggested not to load more than 0.5 mg protein per cup to prevent streaking. The following method is presented for 24 cm IPG strips pH 3–11 and 7–11: 1. Ensure that the final sample volume will not exceed the volume of the cup (typcially between 100 and 120 mL, check manufacturer).11 2. The IPG strip is rehydrated (without protein sample) with the rehydration buffer containing HED (DeStreak; Olsson et al., 2002) in the reswelling cassette. IPG buffers can be added at this stage to 0.5% final concentration for flatbed IEF and vertical SDS–PAGE. Since no proteins are present during rehydration, the time can be as short as 6 h (to enable rehydration and focusing to be done on the same day), but rehydration for >12 h is generally recommended. 3. After complete rehydration, the IPG strips are placed on a flatbed electrophoresis system of which the temperature of the cooling block is held constant at 20 C. 4. Humid paper wicks are applied on the ends of the rehydrated IPG strips, and electrodes are positioned in place. Application cups are then 11

The protein concentration in the sample cup should not be too high (200 ng of NFkB. Membranes were incubated in SuperSignal West Pico Substrate for 5 min and exposed to X-ray film for 30 s.

5.7.2. Results and discussion Protein bands on membranes treated with 1:1000, 1:5000 or 1:20,000 dilution of a 10 mg/ml stock of secondary antibody were not significantly different; however, 1:50,000 dilution (0.2 ng/ml) of secondary specifically enhanced the appearance of ghost bands. This effect was more evident in lanes that contained >200 ng NFkB (Fig. 33.6). Also, 64 h after completing the experiment, when signal intensity had slightly reduced, ghost bands became more evident in all lanes having >200 ng NFkB, irrespective of secondary antibody dilution (data not shown). A short substrate incubation of 30 s resulted in ghost bands in lanes containing >200 ng of protein. Generally, longer substrate incubation prolongs signal duration. Using either the West Pico or West Dura substrate enabled detection down to 10 ng of proteins, even after 64 h of completing the Western blot. West Dura is a more sensitive and longer lasting substrate than West Pico. Although West Dura produced a significantly stronger signal when detecting 5 ng of proteins, lanes with greater than 100 ng resulted in rapid signal loss, which emphasizes the importance of using an


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1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4




Ghost bands



1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

Protein of interest




10% A431 lysates

Figure 33.7 Low concentration of nonfat milk enhances the detection of low-abundance proteins, but antibodies cross-reacting with milk proteins result in ghost bands. Panel A: Lanes 1–4 are lysate samples from different cell harvest times (0, 8, 20, and 30 h) after treatment with 50 mM cisplatin. Different concentrations of nonfat milk were used for blocking and antibody incubation. The low concentration of milk (0.5%) enhanced detection of p53. Panel B: Membrane was incubated with 5% nonfat milk blocking buffer for 48 h. The primary antibody bound to the blocked regions, producing ghost bands.

appropriate amount of target protein with highly sensitive detection systems. Incubating the blot with a nonfat milk solution is commonly used to minimize background signal. Varying the concentration of milk in the blocking solution did not result in ghost bands. Surprisingly, using 0.5% nonfat milk in the blocking solution enhanced detection of low-abundance proteins (Fig. 33.7, panel A); however, antibody cross-reacting with the blocking protein did result in ghost bands. If the primary or secondary antibody binds to milk proteins, these blocked sites chemiluminescence, producing a dark background with white lanes where sample proteins populate the membrane surface (Fig. 33.7, panel B). Rapid signal loss may result from enhanced catalysis of substrate by a high density of enzyme-conjugated secondary antibody binding to a high amount of target protein, causing rapid substrate depletion in these regions.

Performing and Optimizing Western Blots


A high amount of transferred protein binds high amounts of HRPconjugated secondary antibody. Excessive product (i.e., signal) produced in these concentrated areas of immune complexes can result in a rapid substrate depletion, resulting in ghost bands. In conclusion, excess loading of gels, high concentrations of secondary antibody, suboptimal substrate incubation times, and antibodies cross-reacting with blocked areas can cause ghost bands. Optimizing Western blot parameters is especially critical to prevent ghost bands when using highly sensitive detection systems.

6. Blotting and Optimization Protocols using Chemiluminescent Substrates 6.1. Western blotting protocol using chemiluminescent substrates 1. Separate the proteins in the sample by gel electrophoresis. 2. Prepare the transfer buffer: Use Tris–glycine transfer buffer dissolved in 400 ml of ultrapure water plus 100 ml methanol. Use and store the transfer buffer at 4 C. Note: Transfer buffer: 25 mM Tris, 192 mM glycine, pH 8.0, 20% methanol. 3. Construct a gel ‘‘sandwich’’ (Fig. 33.8) for wet transfer. For semidry transfer, prepare the sandwich in the same order between the anode and cathode. Note: Soak the pads and filters in transfer buffer before sandwich assembly. 4. Transfer proteins from the gel to a membrane. For wet transfer using a mini-transfer apparatus designed for an 8 10 cm gel, transfer at 40 V for 90 min keeping the buffer temperature at 4 C. For semidry transfer use 15 V for 90 min. Note: Determine transfer success by staining the gel or reversibly staining the membrane. 5. Remove the membrane and block nonspecific binding sites with a blocking buffer for 20–60 min at room temperature (RT) with shaking. 6. Incubate the blot with the primary antibody solution (see Table 33.3) containing 10% blocking solution with rocking for 1 h. If desired, incubate the blot overnight at 2–8 C. 7. Wash the membrane three times for 5 min each with Tris-buffered saline (TBS), phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) or other physiological wash buffer containing 0.05% Tween-20 detergent. If using an enzyme-conjugated primary antibody, proceed to step 10. 8. Incubate the blot with the enzyme conjugate (see Table 33.3) containing 10% blocking solution for 1 h with rocking at room temperature. 9. Wash the membrane five times for 5 min each in wash buffer to remove any nonbound conjugate. It is crucial to thoroughly wash the membrane after incubation with the enzyme conjugate.


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Gel Transfer membrane Filter paper Pads Support grid Gel/membrane/filter sandwich

Buffer tank

Anode (+) Cathode (−)


Direction of transfer

Figure 33.8 Electrophoretic transfer unit and blot setup.

Table 33.3 Primary and secondary antibody concentrations to use with Thermo Scientific Chemiluminescent Substrates




West Picoa

West Duraa

West Femtoa

Primary antibody concentration (mg/ml) Secondary antibody concentration (ng/ml)









Part of the Thermo Scientific SuperSignal Product Family.

10. Prepare the substrate. Use a sufficient volume to ensure that the blot is completely wetted with substrate and the blot does not become dry (0.1 ml/cm2). 11. Incubate the blot with substrate for 1 min when using ECL or 5 min when using SuperSignal Substrates.

Performing and Optimizing Western Blots


12. Remove the blot from the substrate and place it in a plastic membrane protector. A plastic sheet protector works well, although plastic wrap also may be used. Remove all air bubbles between the blot and the surface of the membrane protector. 13. Image the blot using film or a cooled CCD camera.

6.2. Western blot stripping protocol One of the many advantages of using a chemiluminescent substrate is that it allows the removal of all detection reagents (Kaufmann et al., 1987). These stripping methods are ineffective for precipitating substrates and produce variable results with fluorescent dyes. 1. Prepare the stripping buffer. Use one of the following suggested stripping buffers: (a) Restore Western Blot Stripping Buffer (Thermo Fisher Scientific) (b) 0.1 M glycine–HCl (pH 2.5–3.0) (c) 50 mM Tris–HCl (pH 7), 2% sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), 50 mM dithiothreitol (DTT). Note: Prepare this buffer immediately before use. 2. Place the blot to be stripped in stripping buffer. Use a sufficient volume to ensure that the blot is completely wetted (approximately 20 ml for an 8 10 cm blot). Note: Some denaturation and loss of target protein may occur. 3. Incubate for 5–15 min at room temperature. Optimization of both incubation time and temperature is essential for best results. Some interactions require at least 15 min and may require incubation at 37 C. If using buffer C, incubate for 30 min at 70 C. 4. Remove the blot from the stripping buffer and wash using wash buffer (PBS/TBS or other physiological buffer containing 0.05% Tween-20 detergent). 5. To test for complete removal of the enzyme conjugate and primary antibody, perform the tests listed below. If signal is detected in either case, repeat steps 2–4, stripping for an additional 5–15 min or increasing the temperature to 37 C. Optimize stripping time and temperature to ensure complete removal of antibodies while preventing damage to the antigen. To test for complete removal of the enzyme conjugate, incubate the membrane with substrate and image the blot. If no signal is detected after a 5-min film exposure, the enzyme conjugate has been successfully removed. To test for complete removal of the primary antibody, incubate the membrane with enzyme conjugate then wash with wash buffer. Incubate with substrate and image the blot. If no signal is detected after a 5-min film exposure, the primary antibody has been successfully removed.


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After determining that the membrane is properly stripped, commence the second probing experiment. Typically, a blot can be stripped and reprobed several times but may require longer exposure times or a more sensitive substrate. Subsequent reprobing may result in decreased signal if the antigen is labile. Analysis of the individual system is required. Note: Reblocking a membrane is generally not necessary after stripping, but may be required in some systems.

6.3. Optimizing antigen concentration 1. Prepare different concentrations of the protein sample in SDS–PAGE sample buffer. Test a wide range of sample concentration, keeping in mind the detection limit of the substrate being used. 2. Apply an equal volume of each concentration on the gel and separate by electrophoresis. Transfer the samples to a membrane. Note: For a rough indication of optimal concentration, perform a dot blot. Dot antigen dilutions onto dry membrane strips, using the smallest possible volume. Allow the membranes to dry 10–15 min or until no visible moisture remains and proceed with step 3. 3. Block the membrane with a standard blocking reagent and probe with primary antibody followed by enzyme conjugate. If optimized dilutions have not yet been determined, use a mid-range value according to the sensitivity of the substrate. 4. Wash membrane and add the substrate. Image the blot as desired.

6.4. Optimizing membrane blocking 1. Separate the protein sample by electrophoresis and transfer to a membrane or dot protein samples onto the membrane as described previously. 2. Cut strips from the membrane according to the number of conditions being tested. The following combinations should be tested with each blocker: Blocker þ primary antibody þ enzyme conjugate þ substrate Blocker þ enzyme conjugate þ substrate Blocker þ substrate 3. Add the strips to various blocking solutions, ensuring the strip is completely immersed in the solution. Incubate each strip for 1 h at room temperature with shaking. 4. Add primary antibody and/or enzyme conjugate solutions containing 10% blocking agent to appropriate groups. If optimized dilutions have not yet been determined, use a mid-range value according to the sensitivity of the substrate. 5. Wash membrane and add the substrate. Image the blot as desired.

Performing and Optimizing Western Blots


Note: To check for endogenous peroxidase activity in the blocker or in the sample, incubate blocked membranes with substrate. If signal is detected, use a different blocking buffer or use a peroxidase suppressor after the blocking step. Large blocking buffer volumes minimize nonspecific signal.

6.5. Optimizing the primary antibody concentration 1. Separate the protein sample by electrophoresis and transfer to the membrane. Alternatively, dot the protein sample onto the membrane as described in Section 6.3. Block the membrane using an appropriate blocking reagent. Cut strips from the membrane according to the number of primary antibody conditions being tested. 2. Prepare dilutions of primary antibody in wash buffer containing 1/10 volume of blocking agent and apply to the membrane strips. Incubate for 1 h at room temperature. 3. Wash the strips and incubate with enzyme conjugate for 1 h at room temperature. Wash again and develop signal using an appropriate substrate. Detect signal using film or a CCD camera. Note: To check for nonspecific binding of primary antibody to blocker, incubate membrane in primary antibody working solution followed by enzyme conjugate working solution. If signal is observed, correct the problem by using a different blocking buffer or use less primary antibody.

6.6. Optimizing membrane washing 1. Use a wash buffer such as PBS or TBS or other physiological buffer containing 0.05% Tween-20. 2. Wash the membrane by agitating at least three times for 5 min each after primary antibody incubation, and at least five times for 5 min each after incubating with enzyme conjugate. 3. If nonspecific background appears upon final detection, use larger volumes of wash buffer or increase the number and time of each wash. If no improvement occurs, the problem lies with another variable.

6.7. Optimizing enzyme conjugate concentration When determining the optimal concentration for a new Western blotting system, a simple experiment often saves much frustration with signal variability. 1. Apply the same amount of target in three (or more) wells of the gel. 2. Separate the protein sample by electrophoresis and transfer to the membrane. Block the nonspecific binding sites and probe with primary antibody.


Alice Alegria-Schaffer et al.

3. After washing, cut the blot into strips containing the target. 4. Probe each strip with a different enzyme conjugate concentration. For example, for SuperSignal West Pico Substrate use 1:40,000, 1:60,000, and 1:80,000 dilutions (from a 1-mg/ml stock). Incubate strips for 1 h at room temperature with rocking. 5. Wash the strips and add the substrate. After substrate incubation, image the strips. 6. Wait 1–2 h and image the strips a second time. 7. Evaluate the results. Use the dilution that produces the strongest signal.

6.8. Optimizing the detection method 1. Separate the protein sample by electrophoresis and transfer to membrane or dot the protein sample onto the membrane as described in Section 6.3. 2. Block nonspecific binding sites and probe with primary antibody and enzyme conjugate containing 1/10 volume of blocking agent. 3. If antibody concentrations have not been optimized, choose a mid-range value. Wash the membrane after each incubation. 4. Cut strips from the membrane according to the number of substrate exposure conditions being tested. Prepare working solution of substrate to be tested. 5. Incubate the membrane strips with the substrate for a time period consistent with the manufacturer’s instructions. 6. Remove the strips from the substrate using forceps, and gently tap edge onto a paper towel to remove excess substrate. 7. Place the strips in a plastic cover and image blot for varying lengths of time. Select a time with clear signal and low background. Note: A CCD camera might require slightly longer exposure times than film.

REFERENCES Antharavally, B. S., Carter, B., Bell, P. A., and Mallia, K. A. (2004). A high-affinity reversible protein stain for Western blots. Anal. Biochem. 329(2), 276–280. Bergendahl, V., Glaser, B. T., and Burgess, R. R. (2003). A fast western blot procedure improved for quantitative analysis by direct fluorescence labeling of primary antibodies. J. Immunol. Methods 277, 117–125. Burgess, R. R., Arthur, T. M., and Pietz, B. C. (2000). Mapping protein–protein interaction domains using ordered fragment ladder far-Western analysis of hexahistidine-tagged fusion proteins. Methods Enzymol. 328, 141–157. Choudhary, S., Lu, M., Cui, R, and Brasier, A. R. (2007). Involvement of a novel Rac/ RhoA guanosine triphosphatase-nuclear factor-kappaB inducing kinase signaling pathway mediating angiotensin II-induced RelA transactivation. Mol. Endocrinol. 21(9), 2203–2217.

Performing and Optimizing Western Blots


Desai, S., Dworecki, B., and Cichon, E. (2001). Direct immunodetection of antigens within the precast polyacrylamide gel. Anal. Biochem. 297, 94–98. Kaufmann, S. H., Ewing, C. M., and Shaper, J. H. (1987). The erasable Western blot. Anal. Biochem. 161, 89–95. Kwok, T. T., Mok, C. H., and Menton-Brennan, L. (1994). Up-regulation of a mutant form of p53 by doxorubicin in human squamous carcinoma cells. Cancer Res. 54, 2834–2836. Mathrubutham, M., and Vattem, K. (2005). Methods and considerations for quantitative Western blotting using SuperSignalÒ Chemiluminescent Substrates. In ‘‘Thermo Fisher Scientific Application Note # 12’’. Mattson, D. L., and Bellehumeur, T. G. (1996). Comparison of three chemiluminescent horseradish peroxidase substrates for immunoblotting. Anal. Biochem. 240, 306–308. Patonay, G., and Antoine, M. D. (1991). Near-infrared fluorogenic labels: New approach to an old problem. Anal. Chem. 63, 321A–327A. Ramlau, J. (1987). Use of secondary antibodies for visualization of bound primary reagents in blotting procedures. Electrophoresis 8, 398–402. Sasse, J., and Gallagher, S. R. (2008). Detection of proteins on blot transfer membranes. Curr. Protoc. Immunol. Chapter 8, Unit 8.10B. Sato, M., Nishi, N., Shoji, H., Kumagai, M., Imaizumi, T., Hata, Y., Hirashima, M., Suzuki, S., and Nakamura, T. (2002). Quantification of Galectin-7 and its localization in adult mouse tissue. J. Biochem. 131, 255–260. Sowell, J., Strekowski, L., and Patonay, G. (2002). DNA and protein applications of nearinfrared dyes. J. Biomed. Opt. 7, 571–575. Spinola, S. M., and Cannon, J. G. (1985). Different blocking agents cause variation in the immunologic detection of proteins transferred to nitrocellulose membranes. J. Immunol. Meth. 81, 161. Sun, L., and Carpenter, G. (1998). Epidermal growth factor activation of NF-kappaB is mediated through IkappaBalpha degradation and intracellular free calcium. Oncogene 23, 2095–2102. Tipsmark, C. K., Strom, C. N., Bailey, S. T., and Borski, R. J. (2008). Leptin stimulates pituitary prolactin release through an extracellular signal-regulated kinase-dependent pathway. J. Endocrinol. 196(2), 275–281. Towbin, H., Staehelin, T., and Gordon, J. (1979). Electrophoretic transfer of proteins from polyacrylamide gels to nitrocellulose sheets: Procedure and some applications. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 76, 4350–4354. Vattem, K., and Mathrubutham, M. (2005). Factors that cause the appearance of ghost bands when using chemiluminescent detection systems in a Western blot. In ‘‘Thermo Fisher Scientific Application Note # 11’’. Walker, G. R., Feather, K. D., Davis, P. D., and Hines, K. K. (1995). SuperSignalTM CL-HRP: A new enhanced chemiluminescent substrate for the development of the horseradish peroxide label in Western blotting applications. J. NIH Res. 7, 76. Xing, C., and Imagawa, W. (1999). Altered MAP kinase (ERK1, 2) regulation in primary cultures of mammary tumor cells: Elevated basal activity and sustained response to EGF. Carcinogenesis 20, 1201–1208.


T H I R T Y- F O U R

Detergents: An Overview Dirk Linke Contents 1. Introduction 2. Detergent Structure 3. Properties of Detergents in Solution 3.1. Phase diagrams and critical micellization concentration 3.2. Effects of temperature: Detergent solubility, krafft point, cloud point, and phase separation 4. Exploiting the Physicochemical Parameters of Detergents for Membrane Protein Purification 5. Detergent Removal and Detergent Exchange 6. Choosing the Right Detergent 6.1. Optical spectroscopy 6.2. Mass spectrometry and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) measurements 6.3. Protein crystallization 7. Conclusions Acknowledgments References

604 604 605 609 611 612 613 613 614 615 615 615 616 616

Abstract Detergents are used in molecular biology laboratories every day. They are present in cell lysis buffers (e.g., in kits for plasmid isolation), in electrophoresis and blotting buffers, and, most importantly, they are used for cleaning laboratory glassware and the hands of the laboratory staff. For these routine applications, a detailed knowledge of detergent properties is not necessary—they just work. When it comes to the isolation and purification of membrane proteins, one cannot rely on routine protocols. Many membrane proteins are only stable in a small number of different detergent buffer systems, and worst of all, different membrane proteins prefer very different detergents. Unfortunately, detergent properties are considered the domain of colloid science or physical chemistry, and thus, while the available amount of physico-chemical data on detergents is astounding, this data is rarely compiled in a way that is useful to biochemists. The aim of

Department I, Protein Evolution, Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology, Tu¨bingen, Germany Methods in Enzymology, Volume 463 ISSN 0076-6879, DOI: 10.1016/S0076-6879(09)63034-2


2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.



Dirk Linke

this chapter is to provide an overview of the physical and chemical properties of detergents commonly used in membrane protein science and to explain how these properties can be exploited for protein purification.

1. Introduction What is a detergent? The term detergent is used in many different contexts. A household detergent is a complex mixture of surfactants (to dissolve grease), abrasives (to scour), chelating agents (to counter the effect of ions that contribute to water hardness), oxidants (for bleaching), enzymes (to degrade fats, proteins, or complex carbohydrates), colors, perfumes, optical brighteners, buffer substances (to stabilize the pH), and a number of other stabilizing ingredients, for example, to modify the foaming properties or to inhibit bacterial or fungal growth. The term is sometimes also used to distinguish soap from other cleaning agents (detergents). In molecular biology laboratories, the term detergent is typically used as a synonym for surfactant. Surfactants (‘‘surface acting agents’’) are wetting agents that lower the surface tension of a liquid, and the interfacial tension between two liquids. The chemical and physical basis of these properties is discussed in detail in this chapter. Obviously, surfactant is the more precise term, but in scientific literature, it is only used in the context of physical chemistry and colloid science; in biochemistry, the term detergent is widespread, and the author of this chapter is not going to try and change this—from here on, detergent is used as a synonym for surfactant. Historically, the first detergents used were saponins and soap (or rather, the fatty acid salts therein). Soap is made from vegetable oils or animal fats which are hydrolyzed by lye to yield fatty acid salts and glycerol; this process was already used in ancient Babylon and Egypt, and was brought to perfection by chemists during the early middle ages in the Middle East. Saponins are natural detergents that can be extracted from plants, for example from Soapwort (Saponaria officinalis) or Soapnut (Sapindus). While soaps are not used in membrane protein science, the saponin Digitonin from Purple Foxglove (Digitalis purpurea) is. The first synthetic detergents were developed and used during World War I in Germany, when soap was scarce. Synthetic detergents have replaced soap in many household applications since then. Most detergents used in laboratory applications today were originally developed as constituents of laundry or industry detergents.

2. Detergent Structure Detergents (or surfactants) are organic compounds of very diverse structure. Generally speaking, detergent molecules consist of two parts: an extended, hydrophobic hydrocarbon moiety, and a polar or charged


Detergents: An Overview

headgroup. In the simplest case, the hydrocarbon part of a detergent is an unbranched, saturated alkane; hydrophobicity is then increased with increasing chain length. Alternatively, unsaturated or branched-chain alkanes, aromatic hydrocarbons or steroid moieties are found in the lipophilic group of detergents, sometimes in combination. The hydrophilic headgroup is even more variable. The most simple classification of detergents is based on the four basic types of headgroups, namely nonionic, anionic, cationic, or zwitterionic detergents; representative members of the four classes are shown in Table 34.1. Various other classification systems have been introduced to grasp the complexity of detergent structures and properties. One of the standard classifications is based on hydrophile–lipophile balance number (HLB). It describes the balance between type and size of the hydrophilic and lipophilic parts of a detergent molecule and determines the water solubility of a detergent (Neugebauer, 1990). HLB values of surface-active substances range from 0 to 40, but detergents typically have an HLB of 12–15. Nonionic detergents with a lower HLB (16) are used as stabilizers. Note that HLB is a numerically calculated number based on the detergent’s molecular structure; it is not a measured parameter. The HLB is a useful tool to classify nonionic detergents, but it does not help to compare ionic with nonionic detergents. Sodium dodecylsufate (SDS), for example, has a calculated HLB of 40 and is a good laboratory detergent, while any nonionic substance with this high HLB would not be a useful detergent.

3. Properties of Detergents in Solution Detergents in aqueous solutions can form spherical aggregates of a defined size, called micelles. In these micelles, the hydrophobic tails of the detergent molecules form the core of the sphere, while the hydrophilic headgroups occupy the interface to the aqueous solution. The number of detergent molecules in a micelle is called the aggregation number. The overall shape of a detergent molecule determines its propensity to form micelles; this is expressed as the packing parameter P, defined as P¼

v al

where v is the volume of the detergent chain, a is the cross-sectional area of the headgroup, and l is the length of the hydrophobic chain. If P is small (1/2),

Table 34.1 Common laboratory detergents and their properties




Gluconamidopropyl moieties (2) Gluconamidopropyl moieties (2) Complex polysaccharide

Cholesterol derivative Cholesterol derivative Cholesterol derivative

Brij-35 (C12E23)

Linear PEG (23)


Linear PEG (8)


Linear PEG (4)


Linear PEG (6)


Linear PEG (4)


Linear PEG

Linear hydrocarbon alcohol (C12) Linear hydrocarbon alcohol (C12) Linear hydrocarbon alcohol (C10) Linear hydrocarbon alcohol (C10) Linear hydrocarbon alcohol (C8) Linear hydrocarbon alcohol (C8)

Triton X-100

Linear PEG

Nonionic detergents Big CHAP Deoxy-Big CHAP Digitonin

p-(2,2,4,4Tetramethylbutyl) phenol

MW (Da)

Micellar weight (kDa)

Cloud point ( C) in lowsalt buffersa

PubChem substance IDsb




SID: 26758300





SID: 26758553



SID: 168187






SID: 24898176






SID: 24898996






SID: 3729667




SID: 24874132





SID: 24900138


330 (average) –




630 (average) 80


Mixture of molecules with different headgroup lengths (E ¼ 2–9) SID: 7889640 Mixture of molecules with different headgroup lengths (average 9.6), strong UV absorption

CMC (mM) (at 25 C)

Aggregation number



Natural compound with high lot-to-lot variability

Triton X-114

Linear PEG

p-(2,2,4, 4-Tetramethylbutyl) phenol


540 (average) –



Linear PEG

p-(2,2,4, 4-Tetramethylbutyl) phenol



600 60–90 (average)




Linear fatty acid (C12)


1230 – (average)




Linear fatty acid, unsaturated (C18:1)



1310 76 (average)



b-Glycosidic maltose





1, then the protein is binding to the column and a different stationary phase should be used. Conversely, if Kav < 0, the column is ‘‘channeling’’ and must be repoured and recalibrated or replaced. While the estimation of molecular weights using gel filtration often is inaccurate, the combination of size-exclusion chromatography coupled with light scattering is extremely powerful and widely used (below). In this case, gel filtration is used to fractionate the sample by size (Folta-Stogniew, 2000).

3.4. Electrophoresis 3.4.1. Overview The most widely used method of evaluating the size of a protein molecule is electrophoresis. The method is simple, inexpensive, rapid, and for a very wide range of proteins, is sufficiently accurate for many needs. For these

Size, Molecular Weight, and Subunits


reasons, it is the method of choice for most protein systems, and almost always included in characterization studies. SDS gel electrophoresis is the most widely used method for determining apparent molecular weights of denatured proteins (Garfin, 2009), but electrophoretic methods for obtaining size, shape, and molecular weight information are not limited to this approach. Despite its popularity, it is not necessary to include SDS in the gel formation; native gel electrophoresis of protein samples may be carried out under almost any buffer condition required. In addition, the sensitivity of current staining procedures allows these approaches to be applied to very small amounts of protein (Garfin, 2009). 3.4.2. Method The basic procedures are identical to those described earlier (Rhodes and Laue, 2009; Garfin, 2009) for electrophoresis of denatured proteins, except that the buffer composition is determined by the needs of the investigator. There are some restrictions; as with gels under denaturing conditions, the buffer in which the gel is cast cannot contain reducing agents. In addition, because the conditions to which the protein is exposed may affect charge, association, or shape, the composition of the buffer in the gel must be controlled carefully. One must, therefore, be especially cautious about relative proportions of catalyst, so that excess oxidant is not left in the gel. Precast gels are inexpensive and generally have good quality control, but the probability is low that the buffer in the precast gel will be precisely the condition that is needed. It is often easiest to prerun gels to remove any possible by-products of polymerization. Alternatively, if the geometry of the gel apparatus allows the slab to be exposed (e.g., a horizontal slab or a vertical slab in which one of two glass plates can be removed and later replaced), the gel can be dialyzed against the buffer of choice prior to running. Because slabs are generally quite thin, dialysis for several hours is generally sufficient. This dialysis procedure can also be used to introduce reducing reagents postpolymerization, or to use a set of gels cast together (and thus, presumably, uniform in porosity) with a variety of buffer conditions. The basis of electrophoretic protein size analysis is based on a simple principle: that a charged particle in an electric field is forced through the surrounding medium by a force proportional to the charge on the particle and the strength of the field, and is subject to a frictional force proportional to the velocity, the radius of the particle, and the viscosity of the medium. As with SDS gel electrophoresis, the investigator may control the frictional coefficient by controlling the porosity of the gel matrix. In addition, under nondenaturing conditions, the mobility can be significantly affected by alterations of the intrinsic charge on the protein due to changes of pH at which the electrophoresis is carried out. This distinction is important. In SDS gel electrophoresis, the charge is dominated by the negatively charged


David G. Rhodes et al.

SDS associated with the protein so the sample is applied to the cathode end of the gel and the sample always moves toward the anode. In nondenaturing electrophoresis, the direction of migration will depend on the buffer pH relative to the isoelectric point (pI) of the protein. If the pI of the protein is unknown (and quantities are too limited to allow experimental determination with isoelectric focusing), a horizontal electrophoresis apparatus may be used, and the starting wells placed in the center of the gel. Otherwise, a ‘‘best guess’’ might be made by using the pI of related proteins. The mobility will also be affected by the chosen buffer condition. Beyond association of the protein or conformational changes associated with changing buffer conditions, the relative mobilities of various proteins at a given pH will usually be fairly constant. The absolute mobility, however, will be strongly affected by the concentrations of counterions. The analysis of native gel electrophoresis mobility data is analogous to that of SDS gels. The only significant difference is that, in the native system, one cannot assume that the proteins have equal charge density and are all in the shape of long rods. As is necessary in gel-exclusion chromatography, one must compare the mobility of the sample to that of a set of standards (Rodbard and Chrambach, 1971). Ferguson analysis can also be used to identify the feature(s) (size and/or charge) that distinguish two components and to extrapolate to the mobility expected in the absence of sieving effects (Andrews, 1986). The slope of the Ferguson plot (log of the relative mobility, Rf, vs. gel concentration) is proportional to rs, the Stokes radius. Interpolative estimation of an unknown rs is more reliable using this relation than using, for example, the slope of the Ferguson plot with molecular weights of the standards. The analysis simply involves running the unknown and several standards in a set (at least five) of gels of different total gel concentrations, and plotting log Rf versus the gel concentration for all standards and for the unknown. The slopes for the standards are then plotted as a function of the (known) rs, and the rs of the unknown is derived from this plot and the measured slope. The range of gel concentrations used will depend on the size of the protein under study, but at some upper limit of concentration, the protein will be excluded from the gel. A more closely spaced group of gel concentrations covering a lower range should then be used. 3.4.3. Problems and pitfalls Although electrophoresis under nondenaturing conditions can provide useful information about the physical characteristics of the protein under a number of different conditions, it is important to be aware that this is a zonal method, and that concentration effects (or dilution effects) can be significant. It is not generally advisable, for example, to use this approach to study association behavior quantitatively.

Size, Molecular Weight, and Subunits


As with gel-exclusion chromatography, this is not a primary technique; it depends on selection of appropriate standards. These are generally globular, unmodified, soluble proteins, so that highly asymmetric proteins or proteins with unusual nonprotein modifications may yield erroneous results. The Ferguson analysis helps to account for differences in mobility due to charge differences, but exaggerated charge densities may yield anomalous results. Because the buffer conditions in native gel electrophoresis are selected by the individual investigator, and thus may vary widely, one must be aware of the solution components responsible for carrying current. High ionic strength buffers may result in unacceptably slow protein mobilities, and proteins in low ionic strength buffers may run properly at surprisingly low currents. Because of this variability and because protein integrity is more important, one must be particularly aware of power dissipation and cautious about efficient removal of heat generated in the gel.

3.5. Viscosity Among the variables upon which the viscosity of a solution depends (T, P, etc.) are the amount and nature of any solute that is present. The response of a particle in a fluid under shear will depend on the frictional coefficient of the particle, which represents the mechanical interaction of the particle with the moving solution (Yang, 1961). The response of the particle will also depend on the mass of the particle, which determines the energy required to attain a given movement ( Johnson et al., 1977). Because the intrinsic viscosity of a protein depends very strongly on the asymmetry of the molecule, viscosity measurements are sensitive indicators of protein shape. In addition, it is possible to combine viscosity data with sedimentation data to calculate the molecular weight of a protein. Apparatus for rheological measurements vary widely; their use is generally quite simple, but must be performed under rigorously controlled conditions.

3.6. Field-flow fractionation Field-flow fractionation (FFF) is a method based on subjecting particles to a force field orthogonal to the direction of laminar flow in a narrow channel (100–500 mm) (Liu et al., 2006). Because the laminar flow in the channel is parabolic, with the fastest flow in the center and slowest at the edge, molecules that are most strongly affected by the force imposed on them will be closer to the edge of the channel and will move more slowly, while molecules that do not move from the center will move faster. The force imposed on the molecules could be centrifugal, electrophoretic, magnetic, or even mechanical flow. The cross-flow approach is the most commonly used method, and is referred to as flow-FFF (fFFF). In this method, a


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semipermeable membrane allows solvent, but not protein, to flow out the bottom of the channel, thus creating a concentration gradient with higher concentration at the bottom of the channel than at the center or top. Diffusion works against this concentration gradient and allows the more rapidly diffusing small molecules to reach the center of the channel where flow is faster. The larger molecules cannot diffuse as rapidly and move slowly at the edge of the channel. To its benefit, this method is nondestructive and can be used with any buffer system. By appropriate adjustment of the flow rates, this method is capable of resolving a very wide range of molecular sizes. Current instrumentation utilizes many HPLC components and highly automated systems make the process accessible; a typical experiment runs in approximately 30 min. Nevertheless, the method is technically challenging and will require time and effort for method development. Finally, the method is very good for resolving molecules of different sizes (e.g., monomer, dimer, etc.), but the resulting size distribution is relative and not easily converted to an absolute size. Consequently, FFF often is used as a fractionation method for light scattering to provide absolute molecular weights (Liu et al., 2006).

3.7. Mass spectrometry Mass spectrometry measures an intrinsic property of the protein, its mass, by measuring the mass-to-charge ratio (m/z) of ions generated from the protein sample. This property is temperature, density, and concentration independent. Advances in electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESIMS) have added significant capabilities to the biochemist’s toolbox (Faull et al., 2008). ESI-MS and other MS methods can be combined with liquid chromatographic (LC) methods (i.e., capillary electrophoresis, size-exclusion chromatography, normal and reverse phase LC) to aid in identifying chromatographic peaks and to provide additional information with relatively little sample (1–5 mg). The protein molecular mass obtained by MS analysis can be used not only for protein identification; but also for determining purity (Baldwin et al., 2001) and for analysis of covalent modifications and degradation products, both qualitatively and quantitatively. The ESI time-of-flight (TOF) methods are sufficiently gentle that there is little if any degradation of the protein during analysis. Typical data are obtained as a family of peaks as a function of m/z that represent individual ionization states of the protein. For instance, a 30-kDa protein can acquire upwards of 40 Hþ ions, and is observed as a peak in the mass spectrum at (30,000m/ 40z ¼ 750 m/z) and is labeled as [M þ 40H]40þ. The charge states form a Gaussian-like distribution with many charge states ([M þ 39H]39þ, [M þ 38H]38þ, [M þ 37H]37þ, etc. Deconvolution software (such as that publicly available at is used to determine the molecular weight of the parent molecule, and minor peaks reveal the

Size, Molecular Weight, and Subunits


presence of contaminants or degradation products. The protein molecular mass obtained is highly accurate (0.01%) and can be used for modified (e.g., glycosylated, alkylated, or PEGylated) proteins. It is important to note, however, that any heterogeneity in the modification, such as variable glycosylation or variable lengths of PEG, will be reflected in the mass spectrum. This is useful in assessing purity (Baldwin et al., 2001) but can complicate the calculation of the molecular mass. This method has a significant advantage over many other methods in that the sample need not be highly purified. While purity will simplify the analysis, the method is capable of identifying multiple components in a single experiment. On the other hand, if the difficulty in purification arises from affinity of the contaminant for the primary analyte, an analyte-contaminant peak may also be observed, since noncovalent interactions can be preserved in ESI-MS. By diluting the sample, it may be possible to dissociate these noncovalent adducts and the contaminant can be observed separately. Selection of a suitable buffer requires care, since the buffer must be volatile; traditional buffers like Tris and phosphate are not suitable. Typical buffers include formic acid, trifluoroacetic acid (TFA), acetic acid, ammonium formate, ammonium acetate, ammonium bicarbonate, and heptafluorobutyric acid. Not all of these buffers are suitable for all situations. TFA has been known to suppress ion formation, so only low concentrations (0.1% or less) are acceptable. These are not common buffer systems and changing buffers can affect the protein, so it is important to execute proper controls to assure that results are being interpreted correctly. Because the analyte protein is delivered to the ESI-MS instrument in a buffer, it is relatively straightforward to combine a chromatographic separation with the mass measurement. The complementarity of a mass measurement and a size measurement that one would obtain with SEC chromatography is particularly valuable in analyzing associating proteins. Although the MS can be used as a primary detector, it is most common to place the MS in combination with a conventional detector such as a UV absorbance system. With this arrangement, an elution profile from the SEC–HPLC can be interpreted by mass-based identification of peaks. For example, a SEC peak skewed to the leading edge may result from an impurity or from association to multimer. An impurity could present as a distinct mass peak, whereas an association might result in peaks with mass values at integral multiples of the mass of the parent peak. 3.7.1. Method The specific ESI-MS techniques will vary with the individual instrumentation, but some general guidelines are provided here. As mentioned above, samples must be in a volatile buffer if a direct presentation to the mass spectrometer is going to be used. Phosphate- and TRIS-related buffers cause ion suppression and mass shifts due to noncovalent adduct formation


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between sodium, potassium, counter ions, and the protein. These salts can be dialyzed against a volatile buffer or removed chromatographically. If the sample is analyzed by LC/MS, the small buffer constituents will be fractionated from the larger protein and dialysis is not necessary. In cases where a protein is added to the column in a salt-based buffer, a diverter valve is used to divert the salt peak to waste before the salts arrive at the ESI source. Samples available as a lyophilized powder can be dissolved in a mixture of methanol or acetonitrile and water with formic or acetic acid, usually at a ratio of 1:1 aqueous:organic, with the acid present at 5% or less (typically 0.1%). Higher organic concentrations can be used without difficulty for hydrophobic proteins. In addition to using the volatile buffers suggested above, it is important to assure that the protein is fully equilibrated to this condition and that any titration of the buffer is with suitable acid or base (ammonia, acetic, formic, or trifluoroacetic). Moreover, for some of these buffers, the concentration limits are relatively low. Flow rates will be determined by the specific instrument limits, but in some cases, a splitter will be required so that only a small portion of the column flow enters the MS. Most LC/MS instruments are capable of operating without a splitter at flow rates as high as 1 ml/min. ESI sources are also available with very small ( 25 micrometer inner diameter) capillaries, called nano-ESI. These ESI sources operate at much lower flow rates ( 10–100 nl/min) and are frequently coupled to capillary LC columns for Capillary LC/nano-ESI-MS. Although the sensitivity is improved, these systems can become clogged without scrupulous handling of solvents and samples to avoid dust. The speed of a protein mass spectral analysis is very rapid when analyzing a single sample (150 kDa) can be difficult to ionize by ESI. ESI is also matrix sensitive; solutions with high salt concentrations


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can result in reduced signals. In such cases, alternative ionization modes can be used. MALDI is useful in these instances, as this mode can handle very large (>1 MDa) proteins and has a higher tolerance for salts. Chromatographic separation followed by lyophilization of the individual chromatographic peaks allows for LC/MALDI analysis. MALDI also tends to form ions with a single charge state, so that protein ions are largely observed as their [M þ 1H]þ peaks. This can simplify spectral interpretation, as dimer peaks will show up at twice the m/z, avoiding the doubly charged dimer issue altogether. Mass spectrometry is limited due to the fact that proteins are generally not isotopically pure. The presence of 13C, 15N, 34S, and other isotopes occurring in proteins causes broadening of mass spectral peaks in TOF as the mass of the protein increases. This broadening can eventually make m/z envelope of a protein ion so broad that the molecular weight becomes indeterminant. In this instance, peaks due to adduct formation, ligand binding, and di- or multimer formation may become indistinct. Although this issue is generally less significant below about 6–7 MDa, it does provide an upper bound to the method. This can be circumvented in some studies by producing the protein using amino acids or other starting blocks that are isotopically depleted, these have a lower than natural abundance amount of 13C, 15N, 34S or similar isotopes. It should also be noted that the power of mass spectrometry-based methods comes at a significant cost. As of this writing, TOF instruments range in cost from $250,000 to over $500,000 and FTMS instruments can cost $2 million.

4. Scattering Methods Light scattering methods are generally used to obtain molecular weights and radii of gyration, but specific scattering methods can provide diffusion coefficients, molecular weight, and thermodynamic parameters (Chu, 1974; Cottingham, 2005; Timasheff and Townend, 1970). Instrumentation for key light scattering methods has been developed which integrates with HPLC and FFF instrumentation and incorporates nearly all of the data analysis functions. This ease of use and accessibility has resulted in an resurgence in the application of these powerful methodologies to protein characterization (Harding et al., 1991). The basis of light scattering is the interaction of the oscillating electromagnetic field of the incident light with the electrons in the protein to induce oscillating dipoles. These oscillating dipoles radiate light, and the intensity and directionality of the light depends on many factors, including the size and structure of the molecule.


Size, Molecular Weight, and Subunits

The Zimm relationship forms the basis of what is now referred to as ‘‘static’’ light scattering: Kc2 1 ¼ þ 2A2 c2 ; RðyÞ Mw PðyÞ


where R(y) is the scattering angle- and concentration-dependent Rayleigh ratio, which is proportional to the intensity of light scattered by the solution in excess of that scattered by pure solvent, c2 is the protein concentration, Mw is the weight-average molecular weight of the protein and any other material in the sample, A2 is the second virial coefficient, K is a constant (4p2(dn/dc2)2n0/N0l4), dn/dc2 is the refractive increment of the solute, N0 is Avogadro’s number, n0 is the refractive index of the solvent, l is the wavelength of the incident light, and P(y) is a parameter related to the angular dependence of the scattered light intensity. P(y) can be approximated by: PðyÞ ¼ 1

16p2 n0 2 2 2 y r sin þ . . . ; 2 3l2 g


where r g is the RMS radius of gyration of the molecule. By plotting Kc2/R(y) as a function of sin2(y/2) þ Kc2 for several values of y, one can calculate r g . This is an approximation obtained at c2, but is acceptable for many applications and is the data used in many instruments incorporated in HPLC instrumentation. By making measurements at several values of c2, one can extrapolate to c2 ¼ 0 and to y ¼ 0, and the intersection of these lines at the ordinate (Kc2/R(y)) yields Mw. The basis for ‘‘dynamic’’ light scattering (also known as photon correlation spectroscopy or quasielastic light scattering) is the time-dependent constructive or destructive interference between scattering centers (proteins) in motion in the solution. The normalized autocorrelation function for the intensity variation with time, g(t) can be shown to be gðtÞ ¼ expðGtÞ;


where G is [(4pn0/l) sin(y/2)]2D. The diffusion coefficient can be related to size and molecular weight by Eqs. (39.5) and (39.7). Data from dynamic light scattering measurements can be presented as distributions in rg, from which the presence of multiple scattering species can be determined. With laser illumination and a set of fixed angle detectors, one can simultaneously measure dynamic and static light scattering. From the static light scattering, one can estimate radius of gyration and molecular weight and from the dynamic light scattering, diffusion coefficient, hydrodynamic radius, size distribution, and molecular weight. It is important to be aware of


David G. Rhodes et al.

assumptions involved in calculations performed by user-friendly systems; most calculations, for example, assume that all particles are spherical. As with MS measurements, the power of these light scattering methods is greatly enhanced when the measurements are coupled with a chromatographic separation method. The ability to characterize a protein by orthogonal methods such as SEC or FFF and light scattering provides a ready comparison through which the validity of any assumptions can be tested. The power, reproducibility and ease of use has made SEC–multiple-angle light scattering (SEC-MALS), the principle method for characterizing protein aggregates in the pharmaceutical industry (Wen et al., 1996). When light scattering methods are not coupled with chromatographic separation, which inherently provides very efficient filtration, it is important to maintain scrupulously conditions to avoid the presence of ‘‘dust’’ particles in the solution. The presence of very small amounts of large particles can easily dominate the scattering signal and compromise the results. On the other hand, this dependence points out the power of this methodology in detecting large assemblies or aggregates of proteins.

4.1. Electron microscopy Electron microscopy has always been an appealing approach to determining molecular size and shape for large protein molecules or associated complexes of subunits because it is a direct imaging method. Initial work in this area was used to identify the shape of very large complexes like the hemocyanin aggregates (van Bruggen and Wiebenga, 1962), but studies advanced to imaging of crystalline arrays of membrane proteins (Sletyr et al., 1988) and more recently to cryo-EM analysis of protein structures (Topf and Sali, 2005, Topf et al., 2008). This method provides very detailed information about the native size and shape of the molecule and is particularly valuable for analysis of membrane-associated proteins that are incompatible with many other analysis methods. The resolution of electron microscopy is inherently limited, but with cryopreparation and signal averaging from large numbers of images, high-resolution electron density maps can be constructed. These maps can then be combined with structure filling algorithms to obtain detailed structure maps of the protein molecule. The modeling requires knowledge of the protein sequence, so this is not a method by which one would experimentally determine the molecular weight of the protein, but this is an elegant approach to determining the size and shape of the molecule to very good resolution. Although the cryo-EM method is not a common laboratory method for protein size determination, this approach has made great advances in areas of protein science which previously were very difficult to study.

Size, Molecular Weight, and Subunits


5. Presence of Subunits To determine whether subunits are present generally involves characterization of one or more properties of the system under conditions which favor association and under conditions which are likely to favor dissociation. Thus, the investigator should have prior knowledge of the conditions under which association and dissociation should be expected, or will need to investigate a variety of conditions which have been shown in other cases to result in dissociation. The investigation to identify these conditions may require significant effort, but if properly planned, will also yield additional information about the nature of the system. Before initiating an extensive search for associating or dissociating conditions, it is worthwhile using extreme conditions as a preliminary evaluation. One normally carries out one fractionation procedure under some (often physiological) buffer condition and a second under strongly denaturing conditions. One very simple, rapid, and low-cost approach for searching for subunits is to carry out electrophoresis under nondenaturing conditions, using the buffer in which the protein was isolated, followed by a second dimension under dissociating or denaturing conditions. The nature of the denaturing conditions may vary depending on the type of subunit and the association one expects to find. For example, one could run the second electrophoresis at extremes of pH, in the presence of urea or SDS, or in the presence or absence of other buffered components like calcium. Changes in mobility due to changes of buffer condition should be accounted for and understood by analyzing the second dimension. That is, analysis should be based on the apparent size of the molecule(s) under associating and possibly dissociating buffer conditions. If one is investigating the possibility that disulfide-linked subunits are present, SDS gel electrophoresis in the absence of reducing agents may be carried out as the first dimension, and SDS gel electrophoresis in the presence of reducing agents may be carried out in the second dimension. Because in-gel alkylation of disulfides is difficult, it is recommended that mercaptoacetate be included in the second gel running buffer to avoid reoxidation. Differences in the apparent molecular weight or the appearance of multiple components in the second dimension will indicate that disulfide-linked subunits were present. Differences in apparent molecular weight deduced from nondenaturing electrophoresis compared with the apparent molecular weight based on electrophoresis under completely denaturing conditions (SDS–PAGE) could indicate the presence of subunits, but one must consider the possibility that the electrophoretic behavior of the molecule is due to extremes of asymmetry or intrinsic charge. In the case of subunits which are in equilibrium between associated and dissociated states, the definitive approach to determining the presence of


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subunits requires experimental determination of the apparent size of the molecule under conditions where the equilibrium is shifted to either associating or dissociating conditions. Because the dissociation implies that the samples being studied will be very dilute, very sensitive methods must be used. Sedimentation equilibrium is very useful for determining the molecular weight of a native protein, and is therefore useful in determining the stoichiometry of the subunits in the final assembly. This is done by comparison of the native molecular weight with that obtained in separate experiments under denaturing conditions, such as by denaturing gel electrophoresis. If the protein is composed of subunits of a single molecular weight, division of the native molecular weight by the denatured molecular weight will provide the subunit stoichiometry. Likewise, for proteins that contain more than one chain, comparison of the native molecular weight to the sum of the monomer molecular weights often will allow the stoichiometry of the different subunits in the native complex to be determined. In cases where there is a wide discrepancy between the subunit molecular weights or when the native structure contains a large number of monomers, these estimate are imprecise. While the subject requires too much detail to be presented in full here, it is important to note that equilibrium sedimentation provides one of the most powerful means of determining association constants of mass actiondriven macromolecular associations ( Johnson et al., 1981). The method of experimentation is essentially as outlined above, except that experiments are done at concentrations that encompass the range where significant mass changes occur due to association. The association constant may be estimated using graphical means, or more accurately using nonlinear least-squares analyses ( Johnson et al., 1981). Velocity centrifugation can also be a simple screen for multiple components in a solution. The integral sedimentation coefficient distribution, G(s), (Demeler et al. 1997) is based on an extrapolation of the sedimentation boundaries to eliminate the effect of diffusion during sedimentation. The method is model independent and is a useful diagnostic for heterogeneous distributions in a sample, association behavior, and any nonideality. Similar and related methods have also been developed (Schuck, 2000; Stafford, 1992) from which one may easily compare the apparent sizes of monomers, multimers, or multiple species of dissociated subunits. Gel-permeation chromatography can also be useful in determining the stoichiometry of the subunits in the final assembly. Again, this is done by comparison of the native molecular weight determined by gel filtration with that obtained under denaturing conditions, such as by SDS gel electrophoresis. One can test for association and, in principle, determine stoichiometry using the ratio of the native molecular weight and the denatured molecular weight.

Size, Molecular Weight, and Subunits


Gel chromatography is also useful for diagnosing interacting protein systems. If, for example, the protein of interest is a multisubunit molecule undergoing rapidly equilibrating assembly–disassembly, the peak shape is skewed, with the leading edge being hypersharp and the trailing edge being diffuse. Likewise, increase of Kav with protein loading concentration usually indicates that such an interaction is occurring, and that more detailed analyses will be required (Ackers, 1970).

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Identification and Quantification of Protein Posttranslational Modifications Adam R. Farley* and Andrew J. Link† Contents 726 731 731 737 738 740 741 744 747 750 756 758 758

1. Introduction 2. Enrichment Techniques for Identifying PTMs 2.1. Phosphorylation 2.2. Glycosylation 2.3. Ubiquitination and sumoylation 3. Nitrosative Protein Modifications 4. Methylation and Acetylation 5. Mass Spectrometry Analysis 6. CID versus ECD versus ETD 7. Quantifying PTMs 8. Future Directions Acknowledgments References

Abstract Posttranslational modifications (PTMs) of proteins perform crucial roles in regulating the biology of the cell. PTMs are enzymatic, covalent chemical modifications of proteins that typically occur after the translation of mRNAs. These modifications are relevant because they can potentially change a protein’s physical or chemical properties, activity, localization, or stability. Some PTMs can be added and removed dynamically as a mechanism for reversibly controlling protein function and cell signaling. Extensive investigations have aimed to identify PTMs and characterize their biological functions. This chapter will discuss the existing and emerging techniques in the field of mass spectrometry and proteomics that are available to identify and quantify PTMs. We will

* {

Department of Biochemistry, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Nashville, Tennessee, USA Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Nashville, Tennessee, USA

Methods in Enzymology, Volume 463 ISSN 0076-6879, DOI: 10.1016/S0076-6879(09)63040-8


2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.



Adam R. Farley and Andrew J. Link

focus on the most frequently studied modifications. In addition, we will include an overview of the available tools and technologies in tandem mass spectrometry instrumentation that affect the ability to identify specific PTMs.

1. Introduction Protein posttranslational modifications (PTMs) perform essential roles in the biological regulation of a cell. PTMs are enzymatic, covalent chemical modifications of proteins that typically occur after translation from mRNAs. Chemical modifications of proteins are extremely important because they potentially change a protein’s physical or chemical properties, conformation, activity, cellular location, or stability. In fact, most proteins are altered by the addition or removal of a chemical moiety on either an amino acid or the protein’s N- or C-terminus. Some PTMs can be added and removed dynamically as a mechanism for reversibly controlling protein function. Over 400 specific protein modifications have been identified, and more are likely to be identified (Creasy and Cottrell, 2004). The most commonly identified PTMs to date include phosphorylation, sumoylation, ubiquitination, nitrosylation, methylation, acetylation, sulfation, glycosylation, and acylation (Table 40.1). Vast amounts of scientific effort have gone toward identifying PTMs and elucidating their biological functions. Perhaps the best studied cases involve eukaryotic histones and the myriad of PTMs that are associated with transcriptional regulation (Berger, 2007; Fuchs et al., 2009; Issad and Kuo, 2008; Olsson et al., 2007; Reid et al., 2009). Histones associate with chromosomal DNA to form nucleosomes that bundle together to form chromatin fibers. The histone code hypothesizes that chromatin–DNA interactions are regulated by combinations of histone PTMs ( Jenuwein and Allis, 2001; Strahl and Allis, 2000). The acetylation of lysine was first discovered in histones and is correlated with actively transcribed genes (Roth et al., 2001). Combinations of methylation, acetylation, ADPribosylation, ubiquitination, and phosphorylation of histone tails function to regulate specific gene expression programs (Godde and Ura, 2008). One of the most ubiquitous PTMs, phosphorylation, is the focus of many biochemical investigations. It has been estimated that 30% of the human proteome is phosphorylated (Cohen, 2001; Hubbard and Cohen, 1993). For example, tyrosine kinases and phosphatases transduce signals from ligand-bound receptors on the cell surface to downstream targets in the insulin/IGF-1 signaling pathway (Taniguchi et al., 2006). Classic approaches to detecting PTMs on proteins involved Edman degradation and thin-layer chromatography (TLC). However, these methods are hampered by the requirement of significant amounts of starting


Protein Posttranslational Modifications

Table 40.1 Common PTMs encountered in mass spectrometry


Nominal mass shift (Da) Stability

Phosphorylation pSer, pThr þ 80

Very labile

Proposed biological function

Cellular signaling processes, enzyme activity, intermolecular interactions


þ 80

Moderately labile

Glycosylation O-linked

203, >800



Moderately labile Regulatory elements, O-GlcNAc Moderately labile Protein secretion, signaling

Proteinaceous Ubiquitination >1000 Sumoylation >1000 Nitrosative Nitration, nTyr þ 45 Nitrosylation, þ 29 nSer, nCys Methylation þ 14 Acetylation

þ 42

Sulfation, sTyr þ 80

Stable Stable

Protein degradation signal Protein stability

Stable Stable

Oxidative damage Cell signaling


Gene expression


Histone regulation, protein stability Intermolecular interactions

Very labile




Intermolecular interactions, sample handling artifact

Acylation Farnesyl

þ 204


Myristoyl Palmitoyl

þ 210 þ 238

Membrane tethering, intermolecular interactions, cell localization signals

Stable Moderately labile

Disulfide bond 2 Alkylation, aCys

þ 57

Moderately labile Protein structure and stability Stable Sample handling

Oxidation, oMet

þ 16


Sample handling

The associated mass shifts, predicted MS stability, and proposed biological functions are included.


Adam R. Farley and Andrew J. Link

material and an inability to identify rare or substoichiometric PTMs. Because most PTMs result in a concomitant change in the mass of the modified protein, methods that can detect changes in molecular mass, namely mass spectrometry-based proteomics, are now routinely utilized to identify PTMs. Some PTMs, such as phosphorylation or methylation, increase the mass of a protein, while other PTMs, like signal peptide cleavage or disulfide bond formation, decrease the mass. Depending on the mass spectrometry instrument used, the proteomic approaches described in this chapter have the advantage of high sensitivity and can determine molecular masses to an accuracy of less than 1 part per million (

Guide to Protein Purification-Methods in Enzymology - PDFCOFFEE.COM (2025)
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