1. game.StarterGui:SetCore("ChatMakeSystemMessage", {

  2. Text = "Creat By = Fauzan640!!";

  3. Font = Enum.Font.ArialBold; --Arial, Cartoon, ArialBold, etc

  4. Color =, 255, 0);

  5. FontSize = Enum.FontSize.Size8;

  6. })

  7. wait(2)

  8. --Phantom Forces script

  9. --EmperorNooget

  10. local World = game:GetService('Workspace');

  11. local Input = game:GetService('UserInputService');

  12. local Lighting = game:GetService("Lighting");

  13. local Players = game:GetService('Players');

  14. local Player = Players['LocalPlayer'];

  15. local Keys = {}

  16. local Misc = {

  17. CharFunctions = getmetatable(newproxy(true));

  18. GUIColors = {

  19. On = Color3.fromRGB(46, 105, 132);

  20. Off =, .38, .38);

  21. };

  22. ChamsColors = {

  23. {'White',, 1, 1)};

  24. {'Black',, 0, 0)};

  25. {'Red',, 0, 0)};

  26. {'Green',, 1, 0)};

  27. {'Blue',, 0, 1)};

  28. {'Purple',, 0, 0.65)};

  29. {'Yellow',, 1, 0)};

  30. {'Grey',, 0.8, 0.8)};

  31. }

  32. }

  33. local function GetFunc(t, i)

  34. for __, ___ in next, (t) do

  35. if string.lower(i):match(__:lower()) then

  36. return ___, __

  37. end

  38. end

  39. end

  40. local function GetColor(t, i)

  41. for __, ___ in next, (t) do

  42. if (___[1] == i) then

  43. return ___, __

  44. elseif (___[2] == i) then

  45. return ___, __

  46. end

  47. end

  48. end

  49. local Settings = {

  50. {'Menu', false, Enum.KeyCode.Delete};

  51. {'Team Chams [\'COLOR\']', true, 'Toggle'};

  52. {'Enemy Chams [\'COLOR\']', true, 'Toggle'};

  53. {'Chams Transparency', false, '0'};

  54. {'Fullbright', true, 'MAX'};

  55. -- {'ESP', true, 'N/A'};

  56. {'Aimbot [Not PF]', true, 'Toggle'};

  57. }

  58. ------------ [[ GUI SPAWN ]] ------------

  59. FormAssets = function()

  60. ------ ERROR MAGIC ------

  61. local __ERROR__ ='BindableEvent')

  62. __ERROR__['Event']:Connect(error)

  63. --------- CREATE FUNCTION ---------

  64. local create = function(class, parent)

  65. local instance =;

  66. return function(props)

  67. for property, value in next, (props) do

  68. if (property ~= 'Parent') and (typeof(value) ~= 'Instance') then

  69. local suc, err = pcall(function()

  70. instance[property] = value

  71. end)

  72. if not suc then __ERROR__:Fire('[Script->Asset]: ' .. err) end

  73. elseif (property == 'Parent') then

  74. parent = value

  75. end

  76. end

  77. if parent and (typeof(parent) == 'Instance') then

  78. instance['Parent'] = parent

  79. end

  80. return instance

  81. end

  82. end

  83. -------------------------------------

  84. -------------------------------------



  87. -------------(UNLIKELY)--------------

  88. -------------------------------------

  89. -------------------------------------

  90. local Main = create('ScreenGui'){

  91. Name = "Fauzan640 - Menu"

  92. }

  93. local Folder = create('Folder', Main){

  94. Name = 'Chams'

  95. }

  96. local Folder1 = create('Folder', Folder){

  97. Name = 'Team'

  98. }

  99. local Folder2 = create('Folder', Folder){

  100. Name = 'Enemy'

  101. }

  102. local Frame = create('Frame', Main){

  103. Name = "Main";

  104. BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 1);

  105. BackgroundTransparency = 1;

  106. Position =, 0, 0.5, 0);

  107. Size =, 250, 0, 190);

  108. Draggable = true;

  109. Active = true;

  110. AnchorPoint =, 0.5);

  111. Transparency = 1

  112. }

  113. local TextLabel = create('TextLabel', Frame){

  114. Name = "Title";

  115. BackgroundColor3 =, 0.411765, 0.517647);

  116. BorderSizePixel = 0;

  117. Size =, 0, 0, 35);

  118. Text = "Fauzan640";

  119. TextColor3 =, 0.843137, 0.843137);

  120. Font = Enum.Font.SciFi;

  121. FontSize = Enum.FontSize.Size28;

  122. TextWrapped = true

  123. }

  124. local ScrollingFrame = create('ScrollingFrame', Frame){

  125. Name = "Buttons";

  126. BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 1);

  127. BackgroundTransparency = 1;

  128. BorderSizePixel = 0;

  129. Position =, 0, 0, 40);

  130. CanvasSize =, 0, 0, 0);

  131. Size =, 0, 0, 260);

  132. AnchorPoint =, 0);

  133. Transparency = 1

  134. }

  135. local Frame1 = create('Frame'){

  136. BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 1);

  137. BackgroundTransparency = 1;

  138. BorderSizePixel = 0;

  139. Position =, 0, 0, 1);

  140. Selectable = true;

  141. Size =, 0, 0, 25);

  142. ClipsDescendants = true;

  143. Transparency = 1

  144. }

  145. local TextLabel1 = create('TextButton', Frame1){

  146. Name = "Text";

  147. BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 1);

  148. BorderColor3 =, 0.411765, 0.517647);

  149. Position =, 0, 0, 0);

  150. Size =, 0, 1, 0);

  151. Text = "Example";

  152. TextColor3 =, 0.411765, 0.517647);

  153. Font = Enum.Font.SciFi;

  154. FontSize = Enum.FontSize.Size14

  155. }

  156. local Frame2 = create('Frame', Frame1){

  157. Name = "Status";

  158. BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 0);

  159. BorderSizePixel = 0;

  160. Position =, 0, 0.5, 0);

  161. Size =, 7, 0, 7);

  162. Style = Enum.FrameStyle.DropShadow;

  163. AnchorPoint =, 0.5)

  164. }

  165. local TextButton = create('TextButton', Frame1){

  166. Name = "Key";

  167. BackgroundColor3 =, 0.411765, 0.517647);

  168. BackgroundTransparency = 0.5;

  169. BorderSizePixel = 0;

  170. Position =, 0, 0, 0);

  171. Size =, 0, 1, 0);

  172. Text = "[EXAMPLE]";

  173. TextColor3 =, 0.839216, 0.839216);

  174. Font = Enum.Font.SciFi;

  175. FontSize = Enum.FontSize.Size14;

  176. TextStrokeColor3 =, 0.380392, 0.380392);

  177. TextStrokeTransparency = 0;

  178. Transparency = 0.5

  179. }

  180. local UIListLayout = create('UIListLayout', ScrollingFrame){

  181. Padding =, 4);

  182. HorizontalAlignment = Enum.HorizontalAlignment.Center

  183. }

  184. local UIPadding = create('UIPadding', ScrollingFrame){}

  185. return create, Main, Frame1, Folder

  186. end

  187. local Create, Menu, Button, Chams = FormAssets()

  188. local TDB = false

  189. local EDB = false

  190. local Functions = {

  191. ['Menu'] = function()

  192. Menu['Enabled'] = not (Menu['Enabled']);

  193. end;

  194. ['Team Chams'] = function()

  195. if TDB then return end

  196. TDB = true

  197. Settings['TCO'] = not (Settings['TCO'])

  198. if Settings['TCO'] then

  199. Misc['CharFunctions']

  200. ['TCCH'] = function(char)

  201. local Target = Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(char)

  202. if (Target == Player) or (Target.TeamColor ~= Player.TeamColor) then return end

  203. local Folder = Chams['Team']:FindFirstChild(Target['Name'])

  204. or Create('Folder', Chams['Team']){Name = Target['Name']}

  205. for __, part in next, (char:GetChildren()) do

  206. if part:IsA('BasePart') then

  207. Create('BoxHandleAdornment', Folder)

  208. {

  209. Name = part.Name .. '_CHAM';

  210. Color3 = Settings['TCC'][2];

  211. AlwaysOnTop = true;

  212. Transparency = Settings['CT'];

  213. Visible = true;

  214. ZIndex = 10;

  215. Size = (part['Name'] == 'Head' and, 1.3, 1.25))

  216. or (, .5, .5) + part.Size)

  217. }['Adornee'] = part

  218. end

  219. end

  220. end

  221. elseif Misc['CharFunctions']['TCCH'] then

  222. Misc['CharFunctions']['TCCH'] = nil

  223. Chams['Team']:ClearAllChildren()

  224. end

  225. TDB = false

  226. end;

  227. ['Enemy Chams'] = function()

  228. if EDB then return end

  229. EDB = true

  230. Settings['ECO'] = not (Settings['ECO'])

  231. if Settings['ECO'] then

  232. Misc['CharFunctions']

  233. ['ECCH'] = function(char)

  234. local Target = Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(char)

  235. if (Target == Player) or (Target.TeamColor == Player.TeamColor) then return end

  236. local Folder = Chams['Enemy']:FindFirstChild(Target['Name'])

  237. or Create('Folder', Chams['Enemy']){Name = Target['Name']}

  238. for __, part in next, (char:GetChildren()) do

  239. if part:IsA('BasePart') then

  240. Create('BoxHandleAdornment', Folder)

  241. {

  242. Name = part.Name .. '_CHAM';

  243. Color3 = Settings['ECC'][2];

  244. AlwaysOnTop = true;

  245. Transparency = Settings['CT'];

  246. Visible = true;

  247. ZIndex = 10;

  248. Size = (part['Name'] == 'Head' and, 1.3, 1.25))

  249. or (, .5, .5) + part.Size)

  250. }['Adornee'] = part

  251. end

  252. end

  253. end

  254. elseif Misc['CharFunctions']['ECCH'] then

  255. Misc['CharFunctions']['ECCH'] = nil

  256. Chams['Enemy']:ClearAllChildren()

  257. end

  258. EDB = false

  259. end;

  260. ['Chams Transparency'] = function(t)

  261. if t then

  262. local Trans = Settings['CT']

  263. Settings['CT'] = (Trans < .8 and Trans + (1/10)) or 0

  264. end

  265. local TeamCham = Chams['Team']:GetChildren()

  266. local EnemyCham = Chams['Enemy']:GetChildren()

  267. for __, object in next, (TeamCham) do

  268. for __, bha in next, (object:GetChildren()) do

  269. bha.Transparency = Settings['CT']

  270. bha.Color3 = Settings['TCC'][2]

  271. end

  272. end

  273. for __, object in next, (EnemyCham) do

  274. for __, bha in next, (object:GetChildren()) do

  275. bha.Transparency = Settings['CT']

  276. bha.Color3 = Settings['ECC'][2]

  277. end

  278. end

  279. Menu['Main']['Buttons']['Frans']['Key'].Text = '[' .. tostring(Settings['CT']) .. ']'

  280. end;

  281. ['Fullbright'] = function(Toggle, TextBox)

  282. local Fullbright = Settings.Fullbright

  283. if Toggle then Fullbright.On = not (Fullbright.On); end

  284. local function Handle()

  285. local Setting = Fullbright.Options[Fullbright.Current]

  286. local Settings = Fullbright.OptionDefs[Setting]

  287. TextBox['Text'] = '[' .. Setting .. ']'

  288. Lighting.Ambient = Settings.InAmbience;

  289. Lighting.OutdoorAmbient = Settings.OutAmbience;

  290. Lighting.Brightness = Settings.Brightness;

  291. Lighting.FogStart = Settings.Fog;

  292. Lighting.FogEnd = Settings.Fog;

  293. end

  294. if (not Fullbright.On) then

  295. Fullbright.Current = 3

  296. end

  297. Handle()

  298. end;

  299. ['Aimbot'] = function(l)

  300. l:Destroy()

  301. local IgnorePlayersNamed = {NAME=true} -- Name = true or false

  302. --[[

  303. [J] - To go down the list.

  304. [U] - To go up the list.

  305. [H] - To toggle that item in the list.

  306. [RMB] - To aim at your target using the current settings. (THIS UPDATES IN LIVE TIME SO YOU DON'T HAVE TO STOP AIMING FOR IT TO TAKE EFFECT)

  307. --]]

  308. local services= setmetatable({

  309. World = game:GetService('Workspace');

  310. Players = game:GetService('Players');

  311. Input= game:GetService('UserInputService');

  312. Run = game:GetService('RunService');

  313. UI= game:GetService('StarterGui');

  314. },{

  315. __index= function(tab,index)

  316. local serv

  317. local ran,err= pcall(function() serv=game:service(index) end)

  318. if ran then

  319. tab[index]= serv

  320. return serv

  321. end

  322. end

  323. })

  324. local cre = Create

  325. local ResizeUI = function(ui,downscale,byclass)

  326. if not rawequal(ui['ClassName'],'ScrollingFrame') then return end

  327. local count = 0;

  328. for __, asset in next, (ui:GetChildren()) do

  329. if rawequal(asset['ClassName'],byclass) then

  330. count = count + 1

  331. end

  332. end

  333. ui['CanvasSize'] =,ui.CanvasSize.X.Offset,ui.CanvasSize.Y.Scale,downscale*count)

  334. end

  335. local wfc, ffc, ffoc, cast, ray = services.World.WaitForChild, services.World.FindFirstChild, services.World.FindFirstChildOfClass, services.World.FindPartOnRayWithIgnoreList,

  336. local wfcoc = function(p,class)

  337. local obj

  338. repeat services.Run.RenderStepped:wait()

  339. obj = p:FindFirstChildOfClass(class)

  340. until obj

  341. return obj

  342. end

  343. local Client = services.Players.LocalPlayer

  344. local ClientUI = wfc(Client,'PlayerGui')

  345. local ClientMouse = Client:GetMouse()

  346. local ClientModel = Client.Character or Client.CharacterAdded:wait()

  347. local ClientCamera = services.World.CurrentCamera

  348. local ClientHumanoid = wfcoc(ClientModel,'Humanoid')

  349. local ClientActiveUI;

  350. local status = {

  351. Enabled = false,

  352. TeamCheck = false,

  353. HeadsOnly = false,

  354. RayCheck = true,

  355. AutoAim = false,

  356. }

  357. local function toggle(button)

  358. local option, val = button['Text']:match('(.*):%s*(.*)')

  359. status[option] = not status[option]

  360. if status[option] then

  361. button.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0,255,0)

  362. else

  363. button.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255,0,0)

  364. end

  365. button.Text = option .. ': ' .. tostring(status[option])

  366. end

  367. local selection = {}

  368. local select_pos = 1

  369. local current_pos = 0

  370. local __ = function()

  371. if ffc(game.CoreGui, '___') then return end

  372. local GUI = cre('ScreenGui',game:GetService('CoreGui')){

  373. Name = '___';

  374. }

  375. local Frame = cre('ScrollingFrame',GUI){

  376. BackgroundTransparency = 1,

  377. BorderSizePixel = 0,

  378. Name = 'Options',

  379. Position =,0,.915,0),

  380. Size =,0,0,30),

  381. ZIndex = 10,

  382. ClipsDescendants = true,

  383. CanvasSize =,0,0,0),

  384. ScrollBarThickness = 0,

  385. ScrollingEnabled = false,

  386. }

  387. local UILL = cre('UIListLayout',Frame){

  388. Name = 'LayoutHandler',

  389. FillDirection = 'Vertical',

  390. HorizontalAlignment = 'Center',

  391. SortOrder = 'LayoutOrder',

  392. VerticalAlignment = 'Top'

  393. }

  394. local Template = cre('TextButton',nil){

  395. BackgroundTransparency = 1,

  396. BorderSizePixel = 0,

  397. Name = 'Template',

  398. Size =,0,0,30),

  399. Font = 'SciFi',

  400. Text = '',

  401. TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255,255,255),

  402. TextScaled = true,

  403. TextWrapped = true,

  404. }

  405. local TSC = cre('UISizeConstraint',Template){

  406. Name = 'TemplateSizeConstraint',

  407. MaxSize =,30),

  408. }

  409. Frame['ChildAdded']:connect(function()

  410. ResizeUI(Frame,30,'TextButton')

  411. end)

  412. local sel_pos = 0

  413. for option, val in next, status do

  414. local tp = Template:Clone()

  415. tp.Name = option

  416. tp.Text = option .. ': ' .. tostring(val)

  417. if status[option] then

  418. tp.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0,255,0)

  419. else

  420. tp.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255,0,0)

  421. end

  422. sel_pos = sel_pos + 1

  423. selection[sel_pos] = tp

  424. tp.Parent = Frame

  425. end

  426. Frame.CanvasPosition =, current_pos)

  427. return Frame

  428. end

  429. Client['CharacterAdded']:connect(function(c)

  430. ClientModel = c

  431. ClientHumanoid = wfcoc(ClientModel,'Humanoid')

  432. ClientActiveUI.Parent.Parent = nil

  433. ClientActiveUI = coroutine.wrap(__)()

  434. end)

  435. ClientActiveUI = coroutine.wrap(__)()

  436. local right_down, keylogs, inputlogs = nil, {}, {}

  437. services.Input.InputBegan:connect(function(input, procc)

  438. keylogs[input.KeyCode],inputlogs[input.UserInputType] = true, true;

  439. if not ClientActiveUI then return end

  440. if keylogs[Enum.KeyCode.U] and current_pos >= 30 then

  441. select_pos = select_pos - 1

  442. current_pos = current_pos - 30

  443. ClientActiveUI.CanvasPosition =,current_pos)

  444. elseif keylogs[Enum.KeyCode.J] and current_pos < ClientActiveUI.CanvasSize.Y.Offset - 30 then

  445. select_pos = select_pos + 1

  446. current_pos = current_pos + 30

  447. ClientActiveUI.CanvasPosition =,current_pos)

  448. elseif keylogs[Enum.KeyCode.H] then

  449. if selection[select_pos] then

  450. toggle(selection[select_pos])

  451. end

  452. end

  453. end)

  454. services.Input.InputEnded:connect(function(input, procc)

  455. keylogs[input.KeyCode],inputlogs[input.UserInputType] = false, false;

  456. end)

  457. local function GetPlayerFromCharacter(mod)

  458. if not mod:IsA('Model') then return end

  459. for __, client in next, services.Players:GetPlayers() do

  460. if rawequal(string.lower(client['Name']):sub(1,#mod['Name']),mod['Name']:lower()) then

  461. return client, client['Name']

  462. end

  463. end

  464. return nil, 'N/A'

  465. end

  466. local function Search()

  467. local t = {}

  468. for __, child in next, services.World:GetChildren() do

  469. local UserFromCharacter = GetPlayerFromCharacter(child)

  470. if UserFromCharacter then

  471. if child:IsA('Model') and not rawequal(UserFromCharacter,Client) then

  472. local h = ffoc(child,'Humanoid')

  473. if h and h.Health > 0 then

  474. table.insert(t, {child,UserFromCharacter})

  475. end

  476. end

  477. end

  478. end

  479. return t

  480. end

  481. local function cast_ray(p0,p1,blacklist)

  482. local Part

  483. local __=0

  484. repeat

  485. __=__+1

  486. local cond=(p1-p0).magnitude < 999

  487. Part,p0=cast(workspace,ray(p0,cond and p1-p0 or (p1-p0).unit*999),blacklist)

  488. if Part then

  489. if Part.CanCollide==false or Part.Transparency==1 then

  490. blacklist[#blacklist+1]=Part

  491. Part=nil

  492. end

  493. elseif cond or __ > 15 then

  494. break

  495. end

  496. until Part

  497. return Part,p0

  498. end

  499. services.Run.RenderStepped:connect(function()

  500. local Storage = {}

  501. if status['Enabled'] and (inputlogs[Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton2] or status['AutoAim']) then

  502. Storage = Search()

  503. local dot, face = -1

  504. for __, info in next, (Storage) do

  505. local h = ffc(info[1],'Humanoid')

  506. local skip;

  507. if not inputlogs[Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton2] and not status['AutoAim'] then return end

  508. if not info[1] or not info[2] or IgnorePlayersNamed[info[2]['Name']] or ffoc(info[1],'ForceField') then skip = true end

  509. if not ffc(info[1],'HumanoidRootPart') then skip = true end

  510. if h and h['Health'] > 0 then

  511. if status['TeamCheck'] then

  512. if Client['TeamColor'] == info[2]['TeamColor'] then

  513. skip = true

  514. end

  515. end

  516. if not skip then

  517. local cc = ClientCamera.CFrame

  518. local pos = status['HeadsOnly'] and info[1]['Head'].CFrame.p or info[1]['HumanoidRootPart'].Position

  519. local HitPart=cast_ray(cc.p,pos,{ClientCamera,ClientModel})

  520. if not (status['RayCheck'] and HitPart) or info[1]:IsAncestorOf(HitPart) then

  521. local m = (pos-cc.p).unit:Dot(cc.lookVector)

  522. if rawequal(m,m) and m > dot then

  523. dot, face= m, pos

  524. end

  525. end

  526. end

  527. end

  528. end

  529. if face then

  530. ClientCamera.CFrame =,face) *,0,0.5)

  531. end

  532. end

  533. end)

  534. end

  535. }

  536. Settings = (function()

  537. local NewSettings = {

  538. --- Chams ---

  539. CT = 0; -- Transparency

  540. TCO = false; -- Team Chams On

  541. ECO = false; -- Enemy Chams On

  542. TCC = GetColor(Misc.ChamsColors, 'Grey'); -- Current Team Chams Color

  543. ECC = GetColor(Misc.ChamsColors, 'Red'); -- Current Enemy Chams Color

  544. --- Fullbright ---

  545. Fullbright = {

  546. On = false;

  547. Current = 1;

  548. Options = {'Max','Half','Default'};

  549. OptionDefs = {

  550. Max = {

  551. Fog = 1000000;

  552. Brightness = 10;

  553. InAmbience =, 1, 1);

  554. OutAmbience =, 1, 1);

  555. };

  556. Half = {

  557. Fog = 250;

  558. Brightness = 1.5;

  559. InAmbience =, 0.6, 0.6);

  560. OutAmbience =, 0.6, 0.6);

  561. };

  562. Default = {

  563. Fog = Lighting.FogEnd;

  564. Brightness = Lighting.Brightness;

  565. InAmbience = Lighting.Ambient;

  566. OutAmbience = Lighting.OutdoorAmbient;

  567. }

  568. }

  569. }

  570. }

  571. for __, option in next, (Settings) do

  572. local NewOption = Button:Clone()

  573. if option[1] == 'Menu' or option[1] == 'Chams Transparency' then

  574. NewOption['Status']['Style'] = 'Custom';

  575. NewOption['Key']['TextStrokeColor3'] = Misc.GUIColors.On

  576. end

  577. NewOption['Text'].Text = option[1]:match('COLOR') and (

  578. (option[1]:match('Team') and option[1]:gsub('COLOR', NewSettings.TCC[1])) or

  579. (option[1]:match('Enemy') and option[1]:gsub('COLOR', NewSettings.ECC[1]))

  580. ) or option[1]

  581. NewOption['Key'].Text = '['.. ((typeof(option[3]) == 'EnumItem' and option[3].Name) or option[3]) .. ']'

  582. NewOption.Parent = Menu['Main']['Buttons']

  583. if option[1] == 'Chams Transparency' then

  584. NewOption['Name'] = 'Frans'

  585. end

  586. local Func, Name = GetFunc(Functions, option[1])

  587. if Func then

  588. NewOption['Text']['MouseButton1Down']:connect(function()

  589. if not option[2] then return end

  590. if NewOption.Status.Style.Name == 'DropShadow' then

  591. NewOption.Status.Style = 'Custom'

  592. elseif NewOption.Status.Style.Name == 'Custom' then

  593. NewOption.Status.Style = 'DropShadow'

  594. end

  595. if option[1]:match('Aimbot') then

  596. Func(NewOption)

  597. elseif option[1]:match('Fullbright') then

  598. Func(true, NewOption['Key'])

  599. else

  600. Func()

  601. end

  602. end)

  603. if option[3] == 'Toggle' then

  604. if Name:match('Team') then

  605. NewOption['Key']['MouseButton1Down']:connect(function()

  606. local Tab, Pos = GetColor(Misc.ChamsColors, NewSettings.TCC[2])

  607. if (Pos + 1) < #Misc.ChamsColors then

  608. NewOption['Text'].Text = NewOption['Text'].Text:gsub(NewSettings.TCC[1], Misc.ChamsColors[Pos + 1][1])

  609. NewSettings.TCC = Misc.ChamsColors[Pos + 1]

  610. else

  611. NewOption['Text'].Text = NewOption['Text'].Text:gsub(NewSettings.TCC[1], Misc.ChamsColors[1][1])

  612. NewSettings.TCC = Misc.ChamsColors[1]

  613. end

  614. GetFunc(Functions, 'Chams Transparency')()

  615. end)

  616. elseif Name:match('Enemy') then

  617. NewOption['Key']['MouseButton1Down']:connect(function()

  618. local Tab, Pos = GetColor(Misc.ChamsColors, NewSettings.ECC[2])

  619. if (Pos + 1) < #Misc.ChamsColors then

  620. NewOption['Text'].Text = NewOption['Text'].Text:gsub(NewSettings.ECC[1], Misc.ChamsColors[Pos + 1][1])

  621. NewSettings.ECC = Misc.ChamsColors[Pos + 1]

  622. else

  623. NewOption['Text'].Text = NewOption['Text'].Text:gsub(NewSettings.ECC[1], Misc.ChamsColors[1][1])

  624. NewSettings.ECC = Misc.ChamsColors[1]

  625. end

  626. GetFunc(Functions, 'Chams Transparency')()

  627. end)

  628. end

  629. elseif option[1] == 'Chams Transparency' then

  630. NewOption['Key']['MouseButton1Down']:connect(function()

  631. GetFunc(Functions, 'Chams Transparency')(true)

  632. end)

  633. elseif option[1] == 'Fullbright' then

  634. NewOption['Key']['MouseButton1Down']:connect(function()

  635. local Fullbright = Settings.Fullbright

  636. if not Fullbright.On then return end

  637. if Fullbright.Current < #Fullbright.Options then

  638. Fullbright.Current = Fullbright.Current + 1

  639. else

  640. Fullbright.Current = 1

  641. end

  642. GetFunc(Functions, 'Fullbright')(false, NewOption['Key'])

  643. end)

  644. end

  645. end

  646. end

  647. return NewSettings

  648. end)()

  649. setmetatable(Misc['CharFunctions'], {

  650. __newindex = function(s, i, v)

  651. rawset(Misc['CharFunctions'], i, v)

  652. for __, player in next, (Players:GetPlayers()) do

  653. if player.Character then

  654. v(player.Character)

  655. end

  656. end

  657. end

  658. })

  659. local CharFix = function(char)

  660. local Target = Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(char)

  661. local Team = Chams['Team']:FindFirstChild(Target['Name'])

  662. local Enemy = Chams['Enemy']:FindFirstChild(Target['Name'])

  663. if Team then

  664. for __, handle in next, (Team:GetChildren()) do

  665. if handle['Adornee'] and not handle['Adornee']:IsDescendantOf(game) then

  666. handle['Parent'] = nil

  667. end

  668. end

  669. end

  670. if Enemy then

  671. for __, handle in next, (Enemy:GetChildren()) do

  672. if handle['Adornee'] and not handle['Adornee']:IsDescendantOf(game) then

  673. handle['Parent'] = nil

  674. end

  675. end

  676. end

  677. end

  678. local CharAbuse = function(char) wait()

  679. for __, func in next, (Misc['CharFunctions']) do

  680. coroutine.wrap(func)(char)

  681. end

  682. char['Changed']:connect(function(prop)

  683. if (prop == 'Parent') then

  684. CharFix(char)

  685. end

  686. end)

  687. end

  688. for __, player in next, (Players:GetPlayers()) do

  689. player['CharacterAdded']:connect(CharAbuse)

  690. end

  691. Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(Client)

  692. Client['CharacterAdded']:connect(CharAbuse)

  693. end)

  694. Players.PlayerRemoving:connect(function(Client)

  695. local Team = Chams['Team']:FindFirstChild(Client['Name'])

  696. local Enemy = Chams['Enemy']:FindFirstChild(Client['Name'])

  697. if Team then Team['Parent'] = nil end

  698. if Enemy then Enemy['Parent'] = nil end

  699. end)

  700. Input['InputBegan']:connect(function(input, og)

  701. if og then return end

  702. if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.Keyboard then

  703. if input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.Delete then

  704. Functions['Menu']()

  705. end

  706. end

  707. end)

  708. Menu.Parent = game.CoreGui

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Author: Dong Thiel

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Views: 5888

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Reviews: 82% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Dong Thiel

Birthday: 2001-07-14

Address: 2865 Kasha Unions, West Corrinne, AK 05708-1071

Phone: +3512198379449

Job: Design Planner

Hobby: Graffiti, Foreign language learning, Gambling, Metalworking, Rowing, Sculling, Sewing

Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.