The Knoxville Journal from Knoxville, Tennessee (2024)

TILS Kti XVII JO U1LNAL, OXVIT i TLIZSDAY, 1C2.7 IIATEIT110111(S 1 LITA PLANS RETURN TO FILMS' TEEPHOIIE OFFICIAL TO SPEAK HEI1E SE1117 OF 4.11 Laa I IS Su 'farad Liz Yeats, Now Co. plotaty Ratiovad. Choking and Whimens Stappod Almost law stalely. Trial Treatment Freal 1 al larcl sub-1 1 1 I I i I I i .4, 1 1 4 orde.4 A '41 1 4 4 1.7, tk" 0 4,,,,,, 4. State Regulation Of Utilities Is Subject.

Nathaniel T. Guernsey, New York 'City. vice-president of the American Telephone and Telegraph company, noef I lecture at the College Culver- 1 will be TRienengnZsuezoer in. On the Pubic et of 1 'State ties" according to announcement of denty B. Witham, secretary of the Jaw school.

Mr. Guernsey will lecture at the law building, 720 M. Main avenue. 2 o'clock Monday and Tuesday afternoon. 14ril 4 and 6.

and at 1C o'clock Wednesday morning. April 6 While the lectures are being given primarily for law students, and commerce student. wbo have been 'anted to they are open to lawyers. business and professional Imen who are interested in the sub- ject of public utilities. IMr.

Guernsey represents one of the largest public utilities In the world, and has gained national rrominence In his study of utlity Irroblems. lie practiced the profession of law in pee Moines. Iowa, from 1483 to 1912 when he became associate counsel for the American Telephone and Te-legraph company. 1 Ile continued In this capacity until 1914 when he became general counsel. He has been vice-president 1919.

ubf i I a 41- sub-- Thotight a vo 1 the I row, rocess I dmow of planntng I before i you an act 44 4R 4 111 one's Jimei, or on track il 116 A in zvo tlie pian COURT, courthouse. 1 LENTEN SERVICE, Riviera Thea- tilliillifin LLI ter, ere ROTARY CLUB, Farragut Hotel, "--b. For Cast Pipe, 12:15 p. nt. Hydrants And Valves.

OPENING MEETING. Southern alopuntain Yorkers. W. C. A the lowest bids sub- CITY COUNCIL, City Hall, 7:30 mitted for the past four years, the 5 m.

Based upon Is. in. city purchasing agent yesterday AMUsem*nTS awarded tor furnishing nrinEnAMoving Pictures: Gloria the waterworks with fire Swanson in The Love of Sanya. Continuous from 1 hydrants for the ensuing year to A. m.

until 11 tn. the Columbian Iron Works of Chat- STRANDMoving Pictures: Joan tanooga. Bid of this company was Crawford in The Understand- $44.42 f. a. b.

Knoxville as against ing Heart." Continuous from a price of $52.50 in 1926 and of I 10:20 a. tn. until 11 p. m. $57.95 in 1923-24 as accepted from QUEENMoving Pictures: Robert the Michigan Valve company and Frazier in "The Isle of Retri- the Columbian company respeo, bution." Continuous from 10 Lively.

a. tn. until 11 p. na. The purchasing agent yesterday LYRICStock Company--Perucht announced the prices at which the Players in "Applesauce." city awarded its contract to the Lain 8:15 p.

tn. United States Cast Iron Pipe and Foundry company for cast iron LiQuoli, cAere yr 1-or thirrcoutthreactyr4rnggicas. nolro tracts for the several types of pipe 36.000 feet 6-inch pipe, 3.000 feet 8-inch pipe. 2.400 feet 10-inch pipe, 1,200 feet 12-inch pipe. 11.944.

and 5432 feet More Than 100 Defendants zcinch pipe. $31 809 Wiley- Thomas stated Monday Before Williams. that contract for gate valves would not be let before today or Wednes-' Liquor cases were in the major- day and that this award would also result in large savings for i ity in Municipal court Monday city the an instance he cited aver aft ernoon wen Ju dge It. P. WII- city.

paid yfeals valves 25.6 o22154 6-inch Dams heard a heavy week-end doc- in pas 1 2 as ket. More than 100 defendants Ito a price of $15.47 submitted by faced the court during the M. H. Valve and Foundry 'company, of Anniston, Ala. Tb.

Regular fines of $7-50 were given same company also ubmitted low 56 persons charged with drunken- bids for 8, 10 and 72-inch valves. nese. A large number of defend- ante to charges of loitering- and disorderly conduct paid' $5 fines. itoKELEss II 1 II John Pollard was fined $50 for St possessing liquor after officers had al 1 rn on-A cllat testified that they found a half gallon of whiskey under his house. warrant charged him with stor- LLLU 1 HR mg whiskey, but the court amend- ad the charge to possessing when Manley Technical Solt was discovered that the search warrant was made out for the de- i Ab ou It.

fenciant'a brother. reactant's brother. Based upon the lowest bids mitted for the past four years, the city purchasing agent yesterda7! awarded contrae U. for furnishing the waterworks with The CONTRACTS LET For Cast Pipe, rants And sport the lowest bids the past tour years, the! ha 3 I agent yesterday! contrac. for tarnishing rworks with fire for the ensuing year to ibian Iron Works of Chat- Bid of this company was b.

Knoxville as against )f 952.50 in 1926 and of 1923-24 as accepted from igen Valve company and Wan company respec- chasing agent yesterday 1 the prices at which the vied its contract to. the Ates Cast Iron Pipe and company for cast iron xgo for the year gross this contract being -0. Knoxville. Con- ..7 the several types of pipe eet 6-inch pipe, 123.580; 8-inch pipe. 2.400 PIPe.

1,200 feet Pe. 11,944. and 5433 feet )e, 131,809. Thomas stated Monday for gate valves would before today or Wednes- that this award would in large savings for the instance he cited aver- inst of to 125.62 as gt years for 6-inch valves of 111.47 submitted by IL Valve and Foundry of Anniston, Ala. Ttp pany also submitted low 10 and 12-inch 0 LEss II III EA PlIACTIC II rells Technical So- ety About It.

I 15 e. Lea- 1 1 Six roam ago O. W. Do esqv, aprerrtnorsa. pummels man el 3enton Harbor.

ich tharovereti a new way to treat atfinui and to has utter aatoniatiment he never -had another attack afterwards. Hundreds -et hie friends and nal chhore atwead the Alagrums and the toccese ot this ersatzarra bac crsataad wancioriall ititereot. Sa many haw written foe hia plan that Mr. Damn has bar Lt prepared all ready tor madine and tell. sietily send St hire to sal who will sand him inert name and It works UT ascii tor Hay Fever.

Bronchitis Ca. tarrhaA Conditions of the MUCOSA Mora. brarm. As it le entirely tree and absolutely hams. lase.

contestung no narcotics or other otrools drum every asthmatic hasten to send lett at to O. W. Dom 1213 Lisa )3antors Harbor. Mich. Foe IPOCIV convenience rile can use the comport below.


Denton Harbor. Mich- Plosost send TruN rase Dion to overcome Asthma. Hsi von Stove chitin and Catarrhal Conditions ot the Mucous Membrano. I CIVITAIIS PLANNING CLEMI DRIVE I Here is th9 latest photo of Lite Grey Chaplin with her two children anappedot the Chaplin home in Beverly Hills, Calif. Chaplin says she la planning a return to the movies to adequately provide for herself and the children.

She has announced that she will sign a movie contract immediately. Workers For Beverly Hills Meet Today. Samson, The Strong TeKnoxville After Twelve Years Address City I Plans for a clean-up campaign to finish raising the 9150,000 for the Beverly Hills sanatorium be made at a meeting of the workers from the Civitan club this morning at 9 o'clock In the Farragut hotel. A large number of prospects have not been solicited and the leaders In the drive are anxious to continue solicitation until all have been reached. More than 930.000 has been raised thus far In the campaign.

1 Will Appear Before Shrine. Kiwanis And Civitan Clubs This Week; Has Had Checkered Career, Taking Part In Twelve Wars And Revolutions. MS POOE1 Awaiting Your Try-on 01907 EJELTIll.11 F02ED E5 11 tmLI Pa 47 Two New Parking Orders Are Issued By Gen. Spence pawl ri El Tr Says She Has Completely Recovered and Friends All Remark About How I Well She Looks Srtis Shn Hrts enmniptplv Rpenvered rind Cinderella ElToee A receipt for payment of 'house That railroads in other parts of rent proved the unaoing of Pollard. the country are finding the smoke- attorney produced a reeeipt less oil-electric locomktives practi.

made out to Poilard's bother in an cal and economical was pointed out effort to show that he was not the Monday by Fred Manley. chairman proprietor of the house, but the of the committee on smoke abate-owner of the house, on being ment of the Knoxville Technical brought into court, told the court society. that the name on the paper had "The Chicago and Northwestern been changed since he made it out. railway can do their twitching with Erwin iteddY, negro, charged noiseless, smokeless locomotives. with transporting, was fined 650 but on the other hand.

Knoxville and held to criminal court. Oili- must be covered with soot. Classes cers Sexton and DeVols, who ar- at the state university are stopped rested him, testified that the negro at times by obsolete switch engines was carrying the whiskey to sell it. that not only fin the air with soot A fine of 450 was placed against but make a noise equal A to born- John Moore, negro, on a charge big guns Mr Manley of fighting. when a negro woman said.

told the court that the defendant Mr. Manley called attention to an put a gash in her back that necessi- article in the Manufacturer's Rec. tated ten stitches. The woman re- Ord for March 24. which follows- fused to prosecute on a felonious ne erslld- 11 assault charge.

Ing an Company, roa way, New York, reports that following for possessing whiskey: Fines of $25 were assessed the the Chicago and Northwestern Rail- Walter Johnson, Mrs. John Odom. has just placed an order for a Maggie Morris Ellis Stokely, 1. L. third oil-electric locomotive for use Lackey and C.

M. Cordell at the Chicago terminal. The loco- Kenneth Seber drew a $5 fine for within motive which is of 60-ton size, will fighting when a woman testified be delivered thin two months. Of- ficials of the 'railway report that fist. Minnie nhnlitehse 0 or In st bh ue rhy head dwBeulah i tl 1 1 each of its two smokeless oil elecDeBush were fined $5 on trie locomotives already In use-hag cbagesoUr1Igbting.

()racers at- capable Of doing twice I rested them while they were en- the work of a coal-burning twitcher Ion the same job- The daily average gaged a rock finighttliree cost of operation is approximately were given fines of 15 each by the against $55 for a steam loco. court. Six cases grew out of a motive. This inciudes fuel lubripoker game, seven out of a dice eating oil, wages and engine-house game, and eleven out of "skin" expense. The oil-electric locomogame.

the is the joint product of the Ingersoll-Rand Company. which makes its internal combustion oil ER THE epnagineuftlhdeerGefo nietsraelhEaslec chassis COVIMIOV Nine railroad systems throughout the country now own and operate LP 1 ''-e4 CLOCK one or more locomotives of this smokeless type. 0 ER' THE- 4, COVITIII0t 2 LoCK "Samson." a man whose strengthformer In a California theater one has amazed thousands of people in night bend iron pipes like it was all parts of the country. has re- Right there he dream-turned to Knoxville for a visit after ed thar he was Samson. an absence of 12 years.

By using will power over body Ile was here 12 years ago, ap- and brain. "Samson" gradually de-peering under the auspicea of The veloped into the man he is today. Journal. At that time he pulled He has been somewhat of a roll-eight wagon loads of human freight lug stone. Aside from rambling from the old Journal building to around the world in general.

he Millerie tore, just as a matter of haa fought in 12 wars and revolopastime. tions, including four spent His real name is Albert "Tex" in the World war in Europe. Ritchie. Born in Texas in 187., be For many years. "Samson' was has for the past 35 years been giv- known as the Iron-Jawed-Boy of ing stunts for the en- Wonder.

Ile went about the countertainment of America's populace. try doing various stunts with his Members of three Knoxville civic teeth. 1 clubs will watch "Samson" go He has done everything In the through. series of exhibitions this dare-devil line. He has had a fling week.

Wednesday he will appear at human flying, movie dare-devil at the Shrine Luncheon club, stunts. and has staged numerous Thursday at the Kiwanis luncheon, pulling stunts with various types and Friday at the Civiutn luncheon. of quadrupeds. He is now touring "Samson" lays no claims to being the country once more on his own the world's strongest man. but for hook.

diversion. "makes macaroni out of Accompa nrtn "Samson" is gas pipes. toothpicks out of planks. Susan Chalupka, who in private finger rings out of 8-inch railroad life is Mrs. She is his spikes.

talcum powder out of assistant in the eye-opening stunts cobblestones. swings 20 men on and is somewhat of a marvel her-his neck. and shakes the shimmy self. with II girls on his shoulders." Don't call the police if you see "Samson" told a Journal re- a gang of trucks hitched together porter last night that his checkered and being pulled down the streets career started with a dream. Lured I of Knoxville by a man whose fore.

to the West when he was 15 by i arms are as big as the ordinary the tales of ekcitement that swept 'man's biceps. It's just over the country- in those days.i returning to Knoxville for another this human giant watched a per- glimpse of the city. "Only a short time ago I was in such poor health I could go no longer so just had to give up my position. I feel better In every way than I have for years. was In no thy Poi every I could not go any longer.

To look at me today you would not take me to be the same person, and I ara not, and when my friends remark about how well I look, I say, yes Indeed, Two orders regulating parking of automobiles on Commerce avenue were Issued Monday by General Cary F. Spence. director of public safety. By one of the orders parking will be prohibited on the north side of Commerce from the alley that runs between State and Czntral to Central street. The other order permits parking on the north side of Commerce between the same alley and Central street.

but only at an angle of 35 degrees. The orders will become effective April 2. Text'of the orders follow: "1. No parking will be permitted at any time on the north side of Commerce avenue. Prom the alley between State and Central avenue to Central Avenue.

2. Parking will be permitted at all times on the south side of Commerce avenue from the alley between State and Central avenue to Central avenue, but only at an angle of 35 degrees. "3. In compliance with Section 4. paragraph 9, this.order Is published and filed as provided In sub-section 8 of this section and will not become effective until Saturday, April 2, 1927." COME NOW, Says s- (L.

IL) A er, MARKET UP 010 SQUARE. 1 I 1 OILS e- neret quicic. positive, relief in i AT LEAGUE tilEMBERS'OH10111AL OVINEAS BUY GUESTS OFOSOLI GENERAL BUIL01110 tA i ,111.4, CoorlYZAP001 500 SOX. At JO Drwpets Sorwpbect Causrentat 6416 imaAmm, mhIL gamstommot 1161 RODGERS' GARAGE HEADY 1 i Absolutely removes DANDRUFF relieves itching scalp and promotes hair growth. Sues For Divorce.

--Anna Mae Mettord filed suit for divorce from James Blair Mefford In the court of domestic relations yesterday, charging her husband with non-support and desertion. She asked for her maiden -name Anna Mae listings. Dobson Returns. Deputy Sherifl Charles Dobson, who has been on a three months' aivorre tram James cielloro In the court of domestic relations yesterday, charging her husband with non-support and desertion. She asked for her maiden name Dobson Returns.

-Deputy Sherifl Charles Dobson who has been on a thre months' Sues For Divorce. llein And Henley Structure Nears Completion. roveo SCAVA ANOTHER FIDDLERS' MEETING IS PLANNED Another fiddler's meet is bekg advertised by Frank Murphy. president of the Knox County Old Fiddler's association, at lk-hich the feature attraction will be a fiddling duel between Earl Johnson. of Georgia, challenger, and "Fiddlin" W.

A. Hill of Tennessee. The meet will be held April 7-9, with programs daily at 7:30 D. and a Saturday matinee at 2:30 o'clock. Johnson who is said to bold the championship Dt the south.

challenged the Tennessee fiddlers to compete with him, and Fiddlir. accepted. An orcnestra knoun as the "Dixie Entertainer" wilt accompany the Numerous prizes will be given for individual fiddlers and orchestras. Many well known masicizms and orchestras are expected to attend. Saturday night will be known as "ladies nista and beauty contest will enliven the occasion.

rho Scalso.Tooda Fourteen Story Structure Goes Under Hammer. Original owners of the building headed by A. 'P. Brown trustee, bought the 14-story struc- tare wtten offered at public sale at the courthouse yesterday morning. vacation in Florida, returned to his Mr.

Browns the only bidder, pair; post as sheriff of criminal court. 125,000 o'er and above mortgage, Tom Kirby, who relieved Mr. returned to his duties at tha indebtedness, and with the I county. jail. edse that $14,000 back taxes must I Suit Joseph Cheatgham Brin ii be paid and probably $12,000 'which I brought suit be paid and probably $12,000 'which I Joseph Cheatham brought suit Misses Bonham And Wilson Give Impersonations.

Members of the League were the guests of Osso 11 Circle Monday afternoon and presented the club program. Mrs. AA. Yeager, president of the Art League, presided. A short history ofthe Art League was given by Mrs.

Yeager, who stated that the organization was founded 25 years -ago as the Nicholson Art League. About. SI years ago the name wu changed 1 New building at the corner of West Main and Henley street, now under construction for Rodgers an4 Company, automobile dealers will be ready for occupancy about May 1, Cowan Rodgers stated Monday. Work on the building is being rushed. and with a continuance of good weather, the company will be able to move in within another month, it was said.

A. R. McMurray is the contractor for the build MRS. STELLA StRUITE LLA striurrE NOON-DAY MEETINGS MEETINGS was paid to G. L.

Miller and coM- I against W. J. Donaldson In 'circuit pany, but which was never paid court, ticking $25,000 as damages for injuries he recelved In Novemover to the bondhlolders. Total ber, 1925, when run over by Donald- cost of the building will be about a $687,000, if all indebtedness and car after being knocked down lby another automobile. Cheatham claims re paid.

Holders of a third rep.lhad taken a non-suit as to Donald- resenting $25,000 In notes and more es Fee Divorce. son at the January term of court. than $26,000 advanced the Gener a Jans! Murphy filed suit for dIbulldirg corporation, was repre- seated by Mr. Brown. First mort- vorce from John William Murphy In gage obligations of $474.000 were the court of domestic relations, held by the G.

L. Miller PlICI corn charging that he had abandoned ber pally, eastern financiers, who went at her sister's borne near Blow's In the hands of receivers. A sec- terrY- She asked for her maiden Lu Lilt! 111041U3 VA. I Amb Johniton. 1, if 1--- I '-fb 4 if 4 't 1 fr 4..

i am in the best of health, and lie Herb Extract, formerly called Herb Juice, credit for, putting me there. As tar as health Is concerne as am now able to work every. ay, and never have a pain or the. Through its natural ow the bowels Herb Extract, formerly Zt alled Herb Juice, has relieved ms nf constipation, and cleansed my system of the poison that had I now eat just what I Vain and never stiffer from gas or Ind'. Sestion.

I know, beyond a doubt, that this remedy restored my healtls and friends that have recommenAed It to have also told me that 'it has given them unexpected relief and is indeed a wonderful medl eine." For sale by the 5 Big Busy reoii omy Drug stores and wherever flied. Wines are sold. "Everyone in the neighborhood knows me, aa I have 'lived at my preeent address, 1036 Springfield for 48 years and when I telli them about Herb Extract formerly1 called Herb Juice, they say: 'Why It must be wonderful medicine to do what it has in your case, and telleve me it is. Why, before I used this medicine I was in a terrible condition. I was told that due to being constipated, my system was full of poison, not only from the food that soured in the stomach but also a bad case of pyorrhea.

I had my teeth taken out, but suppose had put it oft too long as it gave me no relief to speak of. I suffered continually with pains in My stom-' Sch, also around my heart from the gas that formed, always felt tired and worn out, and was finally forced to give up mywork as I simply You Pay PLANNED TUESDAY Four noon-day meetings in the industrial plants of the city will be conducted Tuesday under eyepieces of Central Y. M. C. R.

T. Hudson. general secretary announced yesterday. The meetings and speakers are as follows: D. M.

Rose company. Rev. FL S. Story; Knoxville Lumber and Manufacturing companv. Rev.

C. H. Lang; Standard Knitting Mills. Rev. I.

H. Watkins'. and en-'lessee Table company. Rev. M.

IL Carter. ond wtortgatce -of is bpi, name 4 any hv A 0 Wilg011 and E. C. Schmid. I.

Mill-. Jamie Haymtu returned to ona mortgage Ot 8 1 8 urau i by A. G. Wilson and E. C.

Schmid. I Mrs. Jamie Hayn-ls returned to No more, no less but Quaker Oats has the savor rotR-1 savor to the Knoxville Art League. "The Idea of the organization at the beginning was to establish an art gallery lu Knoxville," declared Mrs. We have not succeeded In accomplishing that, although 'we are still trying.

but an Art League which has held together. for 25 years has done something." Mrs. Yeager Introduced Misses Sarah Wilson and Evelyn Bonham, two talented members of the Art League. Miss Wilson Impersonated some Grecian poses representing the emotions. Sh2 was accompanied on the piano by Mrs.

Leon Jourolman. Miss Bonham gave a very amusing Impersonation of a young woman In an art gallery. Regular business session of Os-toll Circle was held at 2:30 with Mrs. Alva Roy Scott presiding. The circle went en record as favoring 1 a memorial for Bob Taylor.

Regular departmetnal meetings were held during the morning hours, Including the Bible and Handcrafts classes at 10 o'clock; Yarliamentary Law Department at 11 a. with Joe Jennings. of the Research Department of the city schools as the speaker; and the Psychology class at 1:30 p. whoa Mrs. S.

M. Arnell discussed Dr. Morgono Prince's book. "Ile Ilas flo Gas'llow! MINIENIMIONNONIMININI 4 titi 1 J4. sTh 7 her duties at the office of the coon- No change in the management of thc pmperty is contemplated.

the ty court clerk. after an automobile sale being held primarily for the trip last week to Cleveland Ohio purpose of reorganization. Notary Public. 4 E. It Lutz auslified as a notary DIED.

public In county court. Davis Qualifies. i CASEMrs. Sarah A. Case.

S3. i. Davis qUaLited as admindied et the home of her daughter. Istrator of the estate of W. H.

Mrs. C. L. Edgemort, Monday after- Davis in county court noon at 1 o'clock. Funeral an- noulicement will apoear later.

SI3EAKS -Surviving her are forr daughters Mrs. W. M. Thomas. Williamsburg.

TO BUSINESS GIRLS I Mel. Herry Krorlf. New-oort Tenn, Mrs. R. S.

Stroud. Mtn. Lecture on The Responsibilielesi Texas. and Mrs. C.

L. Edge land Opportunities of the Easiness rnon 1 Itma, ILI re exam. NILIU A11-5 t. L.A. uluu, iGirl In 1-ler by exam.

5 LIU A11-5 t. L.A. K-KA67-- uluu 21G1r1 In Ifer by HILL TO SPEAK AT I ROTARY 4ESSION Dr. J. LC Hill, of Nashville.

will address Knoxville Rotary club et the luncheontoday at noon In the Farraaut hotel on "Education in Rotary." Dr. Hill connected with the Presbyterian Publishing hone of Nahills. Dr. Lee Miller will serre as. Orals a woman of bee asso bad te be arreflat M.

ears anything ate wants! A Stuart sheraeinag distress vanishes. Chew a Stuart tablet after the heart-scot 11111011 Too. goo- eau lorvi St mcNrestino- La sod Ends sear raises. s. floret fee steenty-five team Full Box 1-11Ea teere aro neat has Stases tablets.

spa Sle Or. I has Pee It Toe were the F. A. Stant OeT4- Marshal. J.Ikh.

Get a meta i for et pocketad keel i rote eateryherd avvoitervhosat a a tad bkasacti ko ARTS, 7 201 111102 i Community-- chTtirma-nof the day. Club singing Knoxville: 26 rrandchildren and 11: will complete the program. great grandchildren. Community-- Mrs- I of the day- Club tinting: of complete the Program- in.Ktoarbt -wring and le Hamer. the history de- Ital.

Cll. partrnent Of the University of Ten- vs et 11 of the THIN WITHOUT STARVING WHITE LILY FLOUR is as successful its results with biscuit, pastry and rolls as it is with -cakeand scores of other bakings as well. In fact, WHITE LILY FLOUR, made of selected wheat and milled in its special way, is the best flour made for all making pur- poses. DYSPEPSIA TABLETS mary featured the program Itounts, 83. widow of late Sam- 1 weekly meeting of the Y.

W. C. A. Del Konntz. died at her home.

at (business girls clubs Monday night. Eucebia. Tern, Monday afternoon! Miss Mary Barabas gave several at o'clock. Sbe is survived by numbers as a feature of the musical two William M. and An-Iprogram Special guest right pro.

drew I. also twn slopre.lgram bad helm arranged in charge Mrs. Martha Davis and Miss Ellen of Miss It lth Roberts. MIES Nadine Mcireer. Angus is resident of the Tri-Y bus- iness and professional girlil Chin Ftmeral will be conduct- ed this afternoon at 2 o'clock at had charge of tit 'meeting.

Still Is Found Close To Church rrIIIE difference in breakfast oats is in their favor. The. prke mostly is the Larne. Unriorts demand the Quaker brarld because of its toasty, wonderful flavor. Foe flavor is the important poicit in food.

Some SO years were spent perfect. that famous Quaker flavor. Once you taste it, you are spoiled for or. ditary oats. Quaker milling.

too, retains mttla of tie "hulk' of oats. And that makes laxatives less often needed. Protein. carbohydrat'A and vitamines and Murk are thus combined to make Quaker Oats an excellently balanced ration. 1 i 1, a Ifillions of people have learned the way.

You can see the results in every circle. Countless people all about you have attained a normal weight. Marmola Prescription Tablets embody the modern method. They combat title gland cause. No abnormal exercise or diet is required.

People have used them for 19 years. They have told the results to others, until the demand for Marmola has grown to very large pro-, portions. All drnggists supply Marmola at $1 a box. Farb box contAins an explanalion of why the results occur. You will always be glad if you learn at once what Marmola means to sour good health and good louLi, I 1-M12cm Orza IleC; Knoxvilk, Tel RECTAL DOEAsts I 4 Am 411166041 clivsraipzo tir 0, A py DgALzU.Dct13 4 MINN ''DISfOLVElfrmollEALING' 5 Y5TEM CF TREATMENT a PK sPO crroge ilk Inaba.

Ga WOWS AJOAlbila MS 1NQ labf AM. ovary otrftibiowe mow EENVF LUJAN Er2. et Lir. 323 Vit CIPICS Iv It par.110M. Wine" AttirremilootamdP.

Apo EEN ALEXANDE 323 CUM011 AlOnt Killareityr TI NW ixsuzi 3 4 lMembers of Walnut Grove Methodist church. in Campbell county. 115 miles East of La Follette. sniffed in the air one morning and filed a complaint with the deputy prohibition administrator. that a still was being operated In their vicinity.

Prohibition Agent John M. Irwin investigated the case and liesterdav reported the capture of a large stilt set up complete for operation with1 in 300 yards of the house of- worship': The illicit outfit was found on the farm of Rube Cannon, who was held on a charge of manufacturing liquor and possessing a stilt Eucebla church. Moult county, I with Rev. E. 'W.

Hall officiating. 'GRAND JURY WILL Purial will be in a cemetery seer 1 that rtlaeo. Nephews of Mrs- I SOON FINISH WORK Fountz will serve as pallbearers. I Knox county grand jury Is ex- Ipectcd to ilnish its work this we CATEInfant of Mr and Mrs. -it was stated yertertay.

The jurors 11. It Cate. 951 Telmer avenue. died re-convened after a week's recess. at a Knoxville hospital at 4 o'clock! Investigations were, being made Monday afternoon.

Funeral will be 4 yesterday Into the violation at Roberts chapel at 3:30 o'clock la -the kur Klux Klan law by Earl afternoon Rev George Cres- I PowrIl. John Bowman, Thick well 'will ofrciate Burial will be and J. Tipton. These men, 1 at Kodak. Mrs.

Cate was Miss whewere bound over to the grand Margaret Murphy before her mar- Inn', were summoned to appear beriage. fore that hods' during, the dar. Get Quick Quaker (cooks in 214 to 5 vainutes) or Quaker Oats today at grocer. See how much finer to1 breakfastisidt be than today' I Oats I 1 Tennessee.

The Knoxville Journal from Knoxville, Tennessee (2024)
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Author: Kareem Mueller DO

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Author information

Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

Address: Apt. 156 12935 Runolfsdottir Mission, Greenfort, MN 74384-6749

Phone: +16704982844747

Job: Corporate Administration Planner

Hobby: Mountain biking, Jewelry making, Stone skipping, Lacemaking, Knife making, Scrapbooking, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.